
《Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus》歌词

所属专辑: 老友记 歌手: 英语广播 时长: 24:20
Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus

[00:00:02] I can't believe my little brother's married! 天啊,不敢相信我小弟结婚了

[00:00:08] Why didn't you tell me you were eloping? 你们决定私订终身 怎么没跟我说?

[00:00:11] Well,we were at court, eating lunch 一切都发生得很自然 我们在法院吃中饭

[00:00:14] Why were you at the courthouse? 等等,你们干嘛去法院?

[00:00:16] We were having lunch. 吃中饭啊

[00:00:19] We were like... 那时的感觉就像是…

[00:00:21] ...we're here,we're having lunch. Let's get married! Right? 既然都来法院吃中饭了 不如就顺便结婚吧

[00:00:25] A year ago,I didn't know I had a brother. Now I have a sister! 一年前我还不知道自己有弟弟 现在又多了个妹妹

[00:00:33] Oh,it's so great. 真是太棒了

[00:00:37] Okay. 好了

[00:00:39] Okay. 够了

[00:00:41] Stop it! Don't! 别再亲了

[00:00:45] I'll get you a gift now. 我得送你们新婚礼物才行

[00:00:47] Is there anything you need? 你们有需要什么吗?

[00:00:52] We've been trying to get pregnant since we got engaged,to get a jump on things. 我们订婚后就一直想怀孕 心想越早生越好

[00:00:58] No one's getting any younger. 总是年轻不再了嘛

[00:01:02] Because the thing is,we're not able to,you know,conceive. 不过重点是我们没办法… 成功做人

[00:01:06] We've seen a bunch of doctors. 我们试过所有方法 看了一堆医生

[00:01:09] They say that our only chance to have a baby... 对,他们说我们若想生小孩

[00:01:12] ...is that if they take my sperm, her egg,put it together in a dish... 唯有把我的精子和她的卵子 放进培养皿里头

[00:01:18] ...and put it into another girl. 再放进另一个女孩的子宫里

[00:01:20] We were wondering if you could be that girl. 不知道你愿不愿意 让我们把受精卵放进去?

[00:01:28] That's a really nice gift. 这真是个很棒的礼物

[00:01:32] I was thinking of a gravy boat. 我还以为 你们会想要个是酱料皿呢

[00:01:36] We know it's a lot to ask. 我们知道这个要求很过份

[00:01:39] We don't have anyone else to go to. We could pay someone... 但我们求助无门 本想找别人做代理孕母

[00:01:42] ...but we don't have that kind of money. 但我们没那笔钱

[00:01:44] Plus,you know,you're family and,you know... 再加上你又是家人

[00:01:47] ...I just don't want my baby to grow into some chick I don't know,you know? 我也不想把孩子 放进不认识的女孩肚子里

[00:01:53] Don't give us an answer yet, think about it. 不急着回答,你考虑看看

[00:01:55] And if you say no, we'll totally understand. 若你拒绝,我们也能完全了解

[00:02:01] Okay. Okay. 好吧…

[00:02:05] And we were wondering if you could give us a ride down to the train station. 对,能不能载我们去火车站?

[00:02:13] Well,actually,we kind of need an answer to that one right now. 这问题可能要马上回答才行

[00:02:18] The One with Phoebe's Uterus 菲比的子宫

[00:03:06] Check it out! Guess what job I just got. 大伙照过来 猜我得到了什么工作?

[00:03:12] I don't know,but Donald Trump wants his blue blazer black. 不知道,但是唐纳川普 想把他的蓝色外套黑回去

[00:03:17] What? 什么?

[00:03:19] Blue blazer back. He wants it back. 把蓝色外套要回去,是要回去

[00:03:23] You said "black." Why would he want his blue blazer black? 你刚才是说“黑” 他把蓝外套黑回去干嘛?

[00:03:29] Well,you know what I meant. 你知道我的意思

[00:03:31] You messed it up. 是你说错了

[00:03:34] You're stupid. 你真蠢

[00:03:38] So,what job did you get? 乔伊,你是得到什么工作?

[00:03:41] Tour guide at the museum. Ross got it for me. 在博物馆当导览员 罗斯帮我争取到的

[00:03:44] Don't you have to be a dinosaur expert? 在博物馆当导览员 不是得要恐龙专家才行?

[00:03:47] They give you all the information. 不尽然,他们会把资料都给你

[00:03:50] It's like memorizing a script. 就跟背剧本一样

[00:03:52] On your left you have a tyrannosaurus rex, from the Jurassic Period. 左方是侏罗纪的暴龙

[00:03:57] Very nice. 不赖嘛

[00:03:59] Yeah,actually,Joey, it's the Cretaceous Period. 其实暴龙是白垩纪的恐龙

[00:04:04] But I can pronounce Jurassic. 是,但我念得出侏罗纪

[00:04:09] Frank Jr. and Alice got married! 你们猜怎么着? 法兰克和艾莉丝结婚了

[00:04:12] Oh,my God! 天啊

[00:04:14] They're having a baby! 而且他们就要生小孩了

[00:04:17] They want me to grow it for them in my uterus! 而且他们还要用我的子宫来生

[00:04:24] -My God! -Are you serious? 天啊 你是认真的吗?

[00:04:27] You're thinking of having sex with your brother? 你在考虑和自己的弟弟上床?

[00:04:34] Ew! And,oh,no! 恶心喔,才不是

[00:04:37] They want me to be the surrogate. 他们只是要找我当代理孕母

[00:04:39] It's her egg and his sperm. I'm the oven. It's their bun. 用他们的精子和卵子 我只负责当炉子烤面包

[00:04:45] What did you say? 那你答应了没?

[00:04:47] I had to think about it first, but what is there to think of? 他们说要先让我考虑一下 但是有啥好考虑的?

[00:04:51] I'll be giving someone the greatest gift. 这是我能送出最重的厚礼

[00:04:54] You'll carry their child and get them a Sony PlayStation? 你帮他们生小孩 还加赠新力PS游戏机?

[00:05:00] This is an incredible thing to do. 这对他们一定是意义重大

[00:05:03] But there are things to think about. 但是你得考虑到一些事

[00:05:06] Yeah,you'd be pregnant. I mean,pregnant. 对啊,你会怀孕,怀孕耶

[00:05:10] I know. 我知道啊

[00:05:12] You'll put your body through an awful lot. 这对身体可是沉重负担

[00:05:16] I mean,morning sickness,labor. 会害喜,还有分娩

[00:05:19] It's all for somebody else. 还全都是为了别人

[00:05:21] Yeah. What's your point? 是啊,你的重点是什么?

[00:05:24] Well,the stuff I just mentioned. 我刚才说的就是啊

[00:05:28] I couldn't do that. 这种事我一定做不到

[00:05:29] I always figured the first time I had a baby, it'd be with someone I love. 我心想自己第一次怀孕 一定会是跟心爱的人

[00:05:34] And that baby was,you know... 孩子出生之后…

[00:05:36] ...a keeper. 一定要留在自己身边

[00:05:38] You were more supportive when I wanted to make denim furniture. 我当时要用牛仔布做家具时 你们都还比较支持

[00:05:43] If you decide to do this, we'll be supportive like crazy. 如果你决定要这么做 我们一定支持得五体投地

[00:05:47] Just think it through. 我们只是要你考虑清楚

[00:05:49] Talk to somebody who's had a baby. Like your mom. 或许和生过小孩的人讨论一下 好比你母亲

[00:05:52] My mom never gave birth. Oh! But my birth mom did! 我妈才没生过小孩呢 不过我的生母有

[00:05:59] (中央咖啡馆)

[00:06:03] I love this tushy! Can I take it to work with me? 我喜欢你的小屁屁 可以让我带去上班吗?

[00:06:08] Yeah,sure. It's not mine anyway. It came with the pants. 没问题,反正不是我的 是买裤子附赠的

[00:06:17] I am so jealous. 我嫉妒死了

[00:06:19] You guys are just right there. 你们俩真的好投入

[00:06:21] Yes. 是啊

[00:06:24] Right where? 投入什么?

[00:06:26] The beginning,where it's all sex and talking... 刚开始的热恋啊 上床、聊天…

[00:06:30] ...and sex and talking. 再上床、再聊天

[00:06:33] You got to love the talking. 聊天的部分很棒

[00:06:37] -And the sex? -We haven't had sex. 那上床呢?

[00:06:38] 我们还没上过床

[00:06:41] What's the big deal? This is special. 有啥好大惊小怪的? 这样才特别啊

[00:06:43] I want our love to grow before moving to the next level. 在进入下一个阶段前 我要让爱情先滋长

[00:06:47] Oh,Chandler,that is so nice. 钱德,这真的太棒了

[00:06:50] That is really nice... 真的是很棒

[00:06:52] ...Iying! 骗人!

[00:06:55] -No way is that the reason. -Why? 不可能会是那个原因 为什么?

[00:06:58] Because you're not mature enough to understand that? 因为你太幼稚 无法了解那种事?

[00:07:01] He's right. I'm totally lying. 不,罗斯说的对,我是在骗人

[00:07:08] Then what is it? 那真相是什么?

[00:07:09] Kathy's last boyfriend was Joey. 因为凯茜前任男友是乔伊

[00:07:12] And you're afraid you won't be able to fill his shoes? 你担心自己…技不如人?

[00:07:19] I'm afraid I won't make love as well as him. 不 我担心自己床上功夫没他行

[00:07:23] -I was going for the metaphor. -I was saying the actual words. 我是想要用比喻的 我是直接说出来

[00:07:29] He's had a lot of girlfriends. Doesn't mean he's great in bed. 没事啦,乔伊交过一卡车女友 这也不表示他床功一流

[00:07:33] We share a wall. 我和他的卧房只隔了一道墙

[00:07:37] Either he's great,or she liked to agree with him a lot. 若非他真的很强 就是他女友喜欢附和他

[00:07:44] Loudly and a lot. 动不动就大声附和

[00:07:46] All night long she'd agree. 从半夜附和到天亮

[00:07:50] It'll be different. The sex will be great because you're in love. 你们的情况不一样 有爱做基础的性会更棒

[00:07:58] -Just go for it. -Yeah,you should. 是吗? 是啊 钱德,放手一试吧

[00:08:00] All right. I'll sleep with my girlfriend. 好吧,我去跟女友一起睡

[00:08:05] But I'm just doing it for you guys. 但我这全是为了你们

[00:08:10] Now,the mastodon is from the semi-late Jurassic Period. 乳齿象来自侏罗纪半晚期

[00:08:16] Isn't the mastodon from the Pliocene Epoch? 乳齿象不是上新世的吗?

[00:08:21] This is a museum. No talking. 这里是博物馆,不能说话

[00:08:24] Right down here we have... 这里的就是…

[00:08:27] ...a large foot. 大脚

[00:08:32] And over here we have Ross Geller. 这位是罗斯盖勒

[00:08:35] Everyone wave "hi" to Ross. 大家挥手和罗斯打招呼

[00:08:38] Ross is one of our scientists. Look at him hard at work. 罗斯是馆内头号重要的科学家 你们看他工作有多努力

[00:08:46] Okay,moving right along. 好,继续参观

[00:08:48] Come on. 走吧

[00:08:53] It's open. Come in. 门没关,请进

[00:08:56] -I'm sorry I'm late. -That's okay. 抱歉迟到了 没关系

[00:08:59] I had time to finish glazing my nipples. 我正好有时间替乳头上釉

[00:09:02] You go all out when you're expecting company. 你为了见客还真是拼命

[00:09:07] I was working on my pottery. 我说的是陶器

[00:09:11] Oh! I didn't know that you did pot. 我不知道你会做…锅子

[00:09:16] Mostly nudes. It combines my two passions: pottery and erotica. 对,大多没穿衣服 结合陶艺和色情这两种爱好

[00:09:21] Erottery! 就叫做“陶情”吧

[00:09:25] Thanks for coming out to see me. 谢谢你来看我

[00:09:27] I thought it'd be a good idea to talk about this baby stuff in person. 我只是觉得生小孩这件事 还是当面聊比较好

[00:09:34] I don't think it's a good idea. 菲比,我觉得这样不妥

[00:09:37] Why not? 为什么?

[00:09:39] You'd be giving up a baby. 因为你最后得要送走孩子

[00:09:41] And I really don't 我不知道…

[00:09:43] I don't know if anything I said... 不知道要怎么说...

[00:09:46] ...would make you understand the pain of giving up a baby. ...你才会懂 送走孩子会有多么痛苦

[00:09:50] 所以…

[00:09:54] No,no,I understand the pain. Don't hurt the puppy! 不…我了解那种痛苦 不要伤害小狗

[00:09:59] No,no. The puppy is yours. 不是啦…这小狗是你的了

[00:10:01] -I get a puppy? -But for only three days. 我有小狗? 对,但只能拥有三天

[00:10:05] Why? 为什么?

[00:10:09] I realize I don't have any right to start getting parent-y on you now. 我知道我现在没有权力 突然搬出妈妈的脸孔跟你说教

[00:10:20] Look at me and not the puppy. It's very important. 菲比,麻烦别看小狗 看着我,我要说重要的事

[00:10:25] I know what I'm talking about. 我知道我在说什么

[00:10:28] I gave up two babies. 我送走过两个孩子

[00:10:30] I only wish I had someone who'd given up babies that told me... 只希望当时能有前辈告诉我

[00:10:35] ...how terrible it is. 送走自己的小孩会有多痛苦

[00:10:40] I really shouldn't have given you the puppy first. 早知道就别先把小狗给你

[00:10:45] That's okay. No,we're listening. 没关系,我专心听你说

[00:10:48] It'd be something you'd regret every day for the rest of your life. 我只是觉得送走孩子后 你会每天后悔直到死掉

[00:10:55] So however hard it is for you to give up this puppy... 你到时送走这条小狗的痛苦

[00:11:00] ...it'd be a million times harder to give up a child. 还不及送走孩子的百万分之一

[00:11:04] Okay,fair enough. Three days. 好,很合理,就养三天

[00:11:10] Oh,it's time to take my ass out of the kiln. 该把屁股拿出烤窑了

[00:11:19] Could you sit there? I'm saving this seat for my friend Ross. 你能不能坐对面? 我帮朋友罗斯留了位置

[00:11:23] You mean Dr. Geller? 你是说盖勒博士?

[00:11:24] Doctor? I didn't know he had a nickname. 博士?我不知道他有这绰号

[00:11:29] Oh,he won't sit here. 他才不会坐这里呢

[00:11:31] Only people in white coats sit there. 穿白袍的都会坐在那里

[00:11:33] Only people in blue blazers sit here. 穿蓝色外套的只能坐这里

[00:11:37] -How come? -That's just the way it is. 为什么这样? 就是这样

[00:11:40] That's crazy. 岂有此理

[00:11:42] Maybe it's crazy in a perfect world: a world without lab coats and blazers. 或许在不分蓝白的完美世界里 这样就会是岂有此理

[00:11:47] But you not in a perfect world. You in a museum now. 但你不是活在完美世界 而且这里是博物馆

[00:11:53] See that scientist? 看到那戴眼镜的科学家没?

[00:11:55] He and I used to play together in grade school,but now.... 想当年我们念小学还是玩伴 但现在呢?

[00:12:01] Peter! Hey,Peter! 彼德!…

[00:12:04] It's me! Rhonda,from P.S. 129? 我是朗妲,我们是同届的啊

[00:12:08] I shared my pudding with you,man! 亏我把布丁分你吃过

[00:12:12] I gave you my Snack Pack! 我还把点心棒送给你吃

[00:12:17] See? He pretend he don't even hear me! 看到没?他假装通通没听到

[00:12:22] Everyone's pretending they don't hear you. 我想大家都在假装没听到

[00:12:26] I don't know about your jackets and separate tables... 我是不知道什么制服 还有你们分桌吃饭的事啦

[00:12:30] ...but Ross is my friend. 不过罗斯是我的死党

[00:12:32] And if I save him a seat, he will sit in it. 若我帮他留了位置 我告诉你,他一定会坐

[00:12:39] Here! I saved you a seat! 罗斯…来这里坐 我帮你留了位置

[00:12:44] I'm cool here. I'll catch up with you later. 我坐这里就好了 之后再去找你聊

[00:12:52] This is saved. 这个位置有人坐了

[00:12:56] Gift shop. 她是礼品店的

[00:13:06] I'm really,really sorry about what happened in the cafeteria today. 今天在自助餐厅的事很抱歉

[00:13:11] You do what you got to do. 没什么,该怎么做就怎么做

[00:13:14] The scientists and the tour guides never sit together. 不只是我而已 科学家和导览员从来不坐一起

[00:13:20] Whatever. 随便啦

[00:13:21] It's like that everywhere. Mon,back me up. 这种情况到处都有 摩妮卡,帮我说说话啊

[00:13:24] Where you work,the waiters eat with the waiters. 在你工作的地方 侍者和侍者一起吃饭

[00:13:28] And the chefs eat with the other chefs? 厨师和厨师吃饭,对吧?

[00:13:31] I eat by myself in the alley, because everybody hates me. 我是自己躲在巷子里吃 因为大家都恨我

[00:13:36] Okay,Rach,when was the last time you had lunch with the shipping clerks? 好,瑞秋,你上回 和运货员一起吃饭是何时?

[00:13:40] I've never had lunch with the shipping clerks... 你听我说,我不常跟他们吃饭

[00:13:43] ...but it's totally different. They're not allowed in the executive cafeteria. 但这完全是两码子事 因他们不能进主管的自助餐厅

[00:13:48] Oh,I see what you're saying. 我懂你的意思了

[00:13:52] Look,Ross. 罗斯,你听我说

[00:13:54] It's no big deal. 这没啥大不了的啦

[00:13:55] You wear a white coat. I wear a blue blazer. 你穿白袍,我穿蓝色外套

[00:13:58] If that means we can't be friends at work,so be it. 若这表示我们上班不能当朋友 那就这样吧

[00:14:02] I understand,you know? 我能了解

[00:14:04] When I'm in a play and you're in the audience,I don't talk to you. 我演舞台剧,你坐观众席 我也不会跟你说话,是吧?

[00:14:09] So it's,you know,it's cool. 所以没事了

[00:14:12] I'll see you tomorrow. 明天见

[00:14:17] When we're in the audience, he doesn't talk but he does wave. 我们坐在观众席 他是没说话,但有跟我们招手

[00:14:25] Who's my puppy? Who's my puppy? Who's my puppy? 我的小狗好不好呀?…

[00:14:31] -Have you named him yet? -No,I don't want to get attached. 你帮它取名字没? 没有,我不想陷下去

[00:14:36] -Can I hold him? -Sure. Here. 可以让我抱抱吗? 当然可以

[00:14:38] -Come here,squirmy. Hello -Not like that. No. 来,给我抱抱 不是那样抱啦

[00:14:51] Why's Phoebe singing to Karl Malden? 菲比干嘛唱歌给卡尔马登听?

[00:14:55] I think it's time for puppy to go out again. 小狗又应该出去了

[00:14:58] Come on,let's go to the balcony. 走,我们去阳台

[00:15:01] The street. Come on,let's go to the street. 什么? 去街上,走,我们去街上

[00:15:04] Don't go on the balcony until after I get back. 在我回来之前,别去阳台

[00:15:10] So did you do it? 你们做了没?

[00:15:12] Yes,yes,we had the sex. 有…我们上床了

[00:15:15] It was bad? 糟糕,不好喔?

[00:15:17] It was fine,but she didn't agree with me as strongly as with Joey. 好是好,但是她附和我的程度 不像附和乔伊那样强烈

[00:15:24] She was like,"l see your point. I'm all right with it." 感觉像是“我了解,无所谓”

[00:15:29] There's not always a lot of agreement the first time. 第一次的互动总是比较生疏

[00:15:33] Yeah. Not for girls,anyway. Guys agree like that. 对,女生要慢慢来 不像男生一碰就互动了

[00:15:38] Look,you have to help me. 你们得帮帮我

[00:15:40] I mean.... 我是说…

[00:15:42] I know what to do with a woman. It's always nice. 我知道怎么在床上取悦女人 我知道步骤,一直也都很好

[00:15:47] I need to know... 但我需要知道…

[00:15:48] ...what makes it go from nice to: 要怎么从“好”进阶到…

[00:15:50] "My God! Somebody's killing her in there!" “老天 那傢伙让她欲仙欲死”

[00:15:54] I'll show you something a lot of guys don't know. 我来开释一个 很多男人不知道的事

[00:15:56] 瑞秋,麻烦把那本子给我

[00:15:59] All right. 好吧

[00:16:00] Now. 来罗

[00:16:02] You don't have to draw an actual Whoa,she's hot! 你不用真的画出… 哇,她身材真惹火

[00:16:07] Everyone knows the erogenous zones. 大家都知道性感带在哪里

[00:16:10] You got one,two,three... 有一、二、三…

[00:16:12] ...four... 四…

[00:16:14] ...five,six and seven. 五、六,还有七

[00:16:17] There are seven? 性感带有七个?

[00:16:20] Let me see that. 我看看

[00:16:22] Oh,yeah. 对,没错

[00:16:26] That's one? 那里也算一个?

[00:16:27] Kind of an important one. 还蛮重要的呢

[00:16:30] I was looking at it upside down. 反过来看会有误差嘛

[00:16:35] Well,you know,sometimes that helps. 有时候反过来也不错

[00:16:43] Most guys will hit one,two,three and then go to seven and set up camp. 男人大多数爱抚过一、二、三 就直接跳到第七个,结束比赛

[00:16:50] That's bad? 那样不好吗?

[00:16:51] At Disneyland,you don't spend the whole day on the Matterhorn. 你去迪士尼乐园 也不会整天只玩马特洪雪橇啊

[00:16:56] You might if it were like seven. 若那是第七个就有可能

[00:17:00] All right,the important thing is to take your time. 重点是慢慢来

[00:17:04] You want to hit them all... 七个性感带都要照顾到

[00:17:06] ...mix them up. Keep them on their toes. 还要搭配混和使用 就像踮脚那样维持紧绷

[00:17:09] Oh,toes! 脚趾!

[00:17:16] For some people. 有些人的脚趾会兴奋嘛

[00:17:19] All right. 好吧

[00:17:20] You could start out with a little one. 你可以先小小来个一

[00:17:24] A two. 再来二

[00:17:26] A one,two,three. 一、二、三搭配

[00:17:28] A three. 一个三

[00:17:30] A five. 一个五

[00:17:32] A four. 一个四

[00:17:34] A three,two. 来个三和二

[00:17:35] Two. A two,four,six. 二,再配个二、四、六

[00:17:38] Two,four,six. 二、四、六

[00:17:40] Four. Two. 四、二

[00:17:42] Two. Four,seven! 二,四和七

[00:17:46] Five,seven! Six,seven! 五配七,六配七

[00:17:49] Seven! Seven! 七!…

[00:17:51] Seven! Seven! Seven! Seven! Seven! Seven!

[00:17:55] Seven!

[00:18:03] And there you are. 这样就可以了

[00:18:06] Yeah,that'll work. 对,那样会有效的

[00:18:26] Dr. Geller? There's a seat here. 盖勒博士,这里有位置

[00:18:29] Thank you,Dr. Phillips. 菲利普斯博士,谢谢你

[00:18:32] But I'm having my lunch... 但我的午餐…

[00:18:34] ...at this table. Here in the middle. 要在这张桌子上吃 中间这一张

[00:18:37] I'm having my lunch... 我的午餐…

[00:18:39] ...right here with my good friend,Joey. 就在这里和好友乔伊一起吃

[00:18:44] If he'll sit with me. 若他愿意跟我坐一起的话

[00:18:51] I will sit with you,Dr. Geller. 盖勒博士,我跟你坐

[00:18:58] You know... 你们知道吗…

[00:18:59] ...we work in a museum of natural history. 我们在自然史博物馆工作

[00:19:03] And yet,there is something... 然而却有一件事…

[00:19:06] ...unnatural... 很不自然

[00:19:08] ...about the way we eat lunch. 我们吃中饭的方式很不自然

[00:19:12] Now,I want you to know... 我要让你们知道

[00:19:14] ...it took a tour guide to show this scientist the error of his ways. 这位导览员让我这科学家 了解到自己处事方法的错误

[00:19:19] You might even say he took me on a tour... 甚至可以说他带领我 看到了...

[00:19:23] ...of myself. ...我自己的内心

[00:19:27] Yeah,that was me. 对,他说的就是我

[00:19:30] I look around,and you know what I see? I see division. 我环顾这自助餐听的四周 看到了什么?我看到隔阂

[00:19:35] Division between people in white coats and people in blue blazers. 穿白袍的人和穿蓝外套的人 彼此有着隔阂

[00:19:40] I ask myself,"My God,why?" 我扪心自问 “天啊,这是为什么?”

[00:19:44] Now,I say we shed these coats... 我建议大家脱掉…

[00:19:48] ...that separate us. 造成我们隔阂的这些外套

[00:19:50] And we get to know the people underneath. 才能认识衣服里面的人

[00:19:57] I'm Ross! 我是罗斯!

[00:19:58] I'm divorced and I have a kid! 我离过婚,有个小孩

[00:20:07] I'm Joey! I'm an actor! 我是乔伊,我是个演员

[00:20:11] I don't know squat about dinosaurs! 我对恐龙一窍不通

[00:20:16] I'm Ted,and I just moved here, and New York really scares me. 我是泰德,一个月前才搬来 纽约真是吓坏我了

[00:20:21] -There you go! -Hang in there,Teddy! 这就对了! 泰德,你要撑住

[00:20:25] I'm Andrew. 我是安德鲁

[00:20:27] And I didn't pay for this pear. 这颗西洋梨我没付钱

[00:20:32] Okay. Good for you. 好,有你的

[00:20:35] I'm Rhonda! And these aren't real! 我是朗妲,这一对不是真的!

[00:20:43] Wow,Rhonda. 朗妲…

[00:20:47] -I'm Scott. -Yeah,okay,Scott! 我是史考特 帮史考特加油

[00:20:51] I flip the light switch on and off 17 times when I leave a room... 我在离开一个房间之前 一定要连续开灯关灯17次

[00:20:54] ...or my family will die. 不然我全家都会死光光

[00:21:01] My mom's gonna be here any minute. 我妈随时会来

[00:21:03] I can't. I can't give him up. 我没办法,我不能送走它

[00:21:06] Yes,no. I can. 不对,我可以

[00:21:09] I don't want to. 我不想

[00:21:11] But I can. 但是我可以

[00:21:13] No. 不行

[00:21:15] I can't watch this. It's like Sophie's Choice. 我再看下去一定会崩溃 这就像是“苏菲的选择”

[00:21:19] You know,I never saw that. 我从没看过那部电影

[00:21:21] Oh,it was only okay. 其实很普通而已啦

[00:21:25] I can't do this. 我办不到

[00:21:27] My mom was right. If I can't give him up... 我妈妈说的对 若我连一条狗都舍不得

[00:21:31] ...there's no way I can give up a baby. 怎么可能送走自己生的小孩

[00:21:35] Frank and Alice are going to be so crushed. 法兰克和艾莉丝一定会很受伤

[00:21:38] What else can I give them? A kidney! 我能给他什么别的?肾脏?

[00:21:46] We were in the neighborhood. 我们正好在附近

[00:21:48] We want to let you know that there's still no pressure. 我们顺路过来是要让你知道 还是不要有压力

[00:21:54] If there was something you wanted to say,we'll be right there. 但是如果你有事要跟我们说 我们就坐在那里喝咖啡

[00:22:00] Who's this little guy? 这个小傢伙是谁?

[00:22:05] He's so cute! He reminds me of my old dog,Tumor. 真可爱 让我想起我的老狗肿瘤

[00:22:12] You are so precious, I could take you home. 瞧你可爱的,真想带你回家

[00:22:16] Why don't you? 有何不可呢?

[00:22:18] -Are you serious? -Yeah. 你是说真的? 是啊

[00:22:21] Thanks. 多谢了

[00:22:26] -What are you doing? -I'm okay with this. 你在干嘛? 这样不会让我难过

[00:22:29] You know why? Because look at them. 你们知道原因吗?看看他们

[00:22:31] Look how happy they are. 看他们高兴成那样

[00:22:33] And I made that,so you know.... 这是我的功劳,所以…

[00:22:39] It'll be a million times harder to give up a baby,but oh,my God! 我知道送走自己生出来的孩子 一定会难上百万倍…

[00:22:43] It'll feel a million times better,right? 但到时的快乐 一定也会是百万倍,对吧?

[00:22:47] I'll do this. I want to carry your baby. 决定了,我要怀你们的孩子

[00:22:55] Thank you so much! 真是太感谢了

[00:22:57] You don't know what this means to us. 这对我们意义非凡

[00:23:02] I think I'm going to cry! 天啊,我都快哭了

[00:23:09] It's going to be so great. 一定会很棒的

[00:23:14] -What's going on? -I gave them the puppy. 怎么回事? 我把小狗给了他们

[00:23:17] It made them so happy, I decided to carry their baby. 看他们高兴成那样 我决定帮他们怀小孩

[00:23:22] -Phoebe -No,I know. 菲比… 你不用说,我知道

[00:23:24] We're different,though. 不过你我是完全不同的人

[00:23:26] This is a different situation. 而且情况也完全不同

[00:23:28] I am not going to regret this. 我知道我这样做绝不会后悔

[00:23:31] I understand all that. 你说的我都了解

[00:23:34] It's just,that was my puppy. 只是…那小狗是我的耶

[00:23:42] Would you ever be a surrogate? 你愿意帮别人当代理孕母吗?

[00:23:44] Depends who asked. 要看是谁要我帮忙

[00:23:46] What if I asked? 如果是我要你帮忙呢?

[00:23:48] Oh,Mon,sure! 摩妮卡,那我当然愿意啊

[00:23:50] -Really? -Yes. 真的? 是啊

[00:23:57] You're not asking me,are you? 你不是真要我帮忙吧?

[00:23:59] -No. -Yes. Totally. 不是 我当然帮你,一定帮

[00:24:05] Thank you! Thank you! 谢谢你…

[00:24:08] Thank you! Yes,thank you! 谢谢你 太谢谢你了!
