
《2. Hymn and Psalm: ”A Simple Song”》歌词

2. Hymn and Psalm: ”A Simple Song”

[00:00:01] Sing god a simple song

[00:00:10] Lau da lau de

[00:00:15] Make it up as you go along

[00:00:23] Lau da lau de

[00:00:27] Sing like you like to sing

[00:00:35] God loves all simple things

[00:00:43] For god is the simplest of all

[00:01:15] For god is the simplest of all

[00:01:15] I will sing the lord a new song

[00:01:16] To praise him

[00:01:24] To bless him

[00:01:26] To bless the lord

[00:01:30] I will sing his praises

[00:01:33] While I live

[00:01:37] All of my days

[00:01:49] Blessed is the man who loves the lord

[00:01:56] Blessed is the man who praises him

[00:02:03] Lau da lau da lau ah de

[00:02:11] And walks in his ways

[00:02:18] I will lift up my eyes

[00:02:23] To the hills from whence comes my heaven

[00:02:31] I will lift up my voice to the lord

[00:02:37] Singing lau da lau de

[00:02:45] For the lord is my shade

[00:02:51] Is the shade above my right hand

[00:02:58] And the sun shall not smite me by day

[00:03:02] Nor the moon by night

[00:03:12] Blessed is the man who loves the lord

[00:04:08] Lau da lau da lau ah de

[00:04:15] And walks in his ways

[00:04:16] Lau da lau da lau de

[00:04:19] Lau da lau da di da diiii de

[00:04:25] All of my days
