《Friends S02E11 The One With The Lesbian Wedding》歌词

[00:00:02] Okay,here's his diaper bag... 这是他的尿布袋…
[00:00:05] ...and his Mr. Winky. …跟他的眨眼先生
[00:00:08] And... 还有…
[00:00:11] ... him. Hi! …他,嗨!
[00:00:13] -How did everything go? -Great! 一切都还好吗? 好,很好
[00:00:15] There was a projectile... 我们有个喷射性…
[00:00:18] ...throwing up incident, but he started it. …呕吐事件,是他先开始的
[00:00:22] We've gotta go. 我们得走了
[00:00:26] I've got some news. It's about us. 我有个消息,是关于我们的
[00:00:29] You and me? 你跟我?
[00:00:30] No. Susan and me. 不,苏珊跟我
[00:00:32] The other "us." 另一个“我们”
[00:00:38] We're getting married. 我们要结婚了
[00:00:46] As in,"I now pronounce you wife and wife" married? 就像“现在宣布 你们为妻子跟妻子”
[00:00:50] We'd like you to come. We understand if you don't want to. 我们欢迎你来,若你不想来 我们也完全了解
[00:00:54] Why wouldn't I want to come? I had fun at the first wedding. 我为什么会不想去呢? 第一次婚礼我很开心
[00:00:59] I just thought that 我想也许…
[00:01:01] Why shouldn't I be happy for you? What would it say about me... 不…我是说… 我为什么不该替你高兴呢?
[00:01:06] ...if I couldn't revel in your joy? …如果我不能 为你的快乐而快乐
[00:01:09] And I'm reveling,baby! Believe me! 那我算什么呢? 我说的是真的,相信我
[00:01:12] Is your finger caught in that chair? 你的手指被椅子夹住了吗?
[00:01:16] Want us to go? 你要我们离开吗?
[00:01:20] The One With the Lesbian Wedding
[00:01:28] 六人行 第2季 第11集 同志婚礼
[00:02:09] This is cool. You're actually on television. 好酷耶 你真的要在电视上出现了
[00:02:12] I know. It really hit me last night. 我知道 我昨晚才真正的意识到
[00:02:14] I'm on Days of our Lives. 我要在 “我们的日子”里面演出了
[00:02:18] Then I started thinking about us, and how these are the days of our lives. 然后我开始想我们的事 我发现这正是“我们的日子”
[00:02:27] What? 怎么了?
[00:02:28] Carol and Susan's caterer had a bike accident... 帮凯洛跟苏珊办喜酒的人 这个周末骑登山车出了车祸…
[00:02:31] ...and she's in a full-body cast. …全身都上了石膏
[00:02:37] They asked me,which is cool since I've never catered... 他们要我办,这真太酷了吧 我从来没有搞过这个…
[00:02:40] ...and I need the money. Is this a problem? …而且我很需要钱 这对你不会构成问题吧?
[00:02:43] -Would it matter? -You're so great! 那有关系吗? 你太棒了
[00:02:45] Thank you! 谢谢
[00:02:46] -You're really not going? -I'm really not. 你真的不去吗? 我当然真的不去
[00:02:49] They already live together. Why do they need to get married? 我不懂她们已经住在一起了 为什么还需要结婚?
[00:02:53] They love each other. 因为她们相爱啊
[00:02:55] They wanna celebrate that love with the people close to them. 她们要跟她们亲密的人 一起庆祝那份爱
[00:02:59] If you wanna call that a reason. 如果你硬要说那个理由的话
[00:03:03] Who's the bitterest man in the living room? 谁是客厅里最苦的人?
[00:03:07] The bitterest man in the living room? 客厅里最苦的男人?
[00:03:14] -I thought you were over this. -That has nothing to do with it. 罗斯,我以为你不在意了 那跟这个没有关系
[00:03:18] If she were marrying a guy, you wouldn't expect me to go. 她要是嫁了一个男的话 没有人会觉得我应该去
[00:03:22] If she were marrying a guy, she'd be the worst lesbian ever. 他要是嫁了个男的话 那不是史上最烂的同性恋了
[00:03:29] Did I miss it? 我错过了吗?
[00:03:31] No,I'm on right after this guy shoots himself. 还没有,这个傢伙自杀之后 我就上阵了
[00:03:35] She's pretty. 她很漂亮耶
[00:03:37] And she's really nice. 对了,她人也很好
[00:03:38] She taught me about how to work with the cameras... 她教我怎么样在镜头前演戏…
[00:03:42] ...and smell-the-fart acting. …还有“闻屁味”演戏法
[00:03:47] -I'm sorry,what? -Excuse me? 对不起? 什么?
[00:03:49] You got so many lines to learn so fast that sometimes... 在短时间之内 要记那么多的台词…
[00:03:53] ...you need a minute to remember your next one. …有时候你需要时间想下一句
[00:03:56] So while you're thinking... 所以当你想的时候呢…
[00:03:58] ...you take this big pause where you look all intense. …你停顿一下 表情装得非常的凝重
[00:04:01] Like this.... 像这样…
[00:04:09] Here's my scene! Here's my scene! 轮到我了,我来了
[00:04:14] Mrs. Wallace? 华太太?
[00:04:16] Dr. Drake Ramoray, your sister's neurosurgeon. 我是雷医生 令妹的神经外科医师
[00:04:19] Is she going to be all right? 告诉我,她会不会好起来?
[00:04:21] I'm afraid the situation is much more dire than we'd expected. 恐怕令妹的情形 比我们想像的还要糟糕
[00:04:25] Your sister's suffering from a... 令妹得的病是…
[00:04:33] ...subcranial hematoma. …脑下血肿
[00:04:37] Perhaps we can discuss this further over coffee. 或许我们可以 边喝咖啡边聊一下
[00:04:47] Nice! 帅
[00:04:50] For a minute,I thought you were actually smelling something. 刚有那么一会儿,我还真以为 你闻到了什么东西呢
[00:04:56] -Do it again! -All right! 再来一次,演得太棒了 好…
[00:04:58] -That was so good! -Do it again. 再来一次,演得太棒了 好…
[00:05:01] "Damn it,Braverman! It's right there on the chart!" “该死,贝弗曼 就在那张图表上”
[00:05:05] I gotta get to work. I got a big dinosaur bone to inspect. 太棒了,好了,我要去上班了 我有根大恐龙骨头要检查
[00:05:10] No,that's me. 不…那是我
[00:05:11] Oh,right. 对…你
[00:05:17] Oh,thanks. Couldn't.... 谢了,我没办法…
[00:05:21] Is everything okay? 你还好吧?
[00:05:23] No. 不
[00:05:27] One of my clients died on the massage table today. 今天我有一个客人 死在按摩桌上
[00:05:30] Oh,my God! 天啊
[00:05:32] That's a little more relaxed than you want them to get. 你未免令他太放松了吧
[00:05:38] She was,you know, 82 years old... 她已经八十二岁了…
[00:05:41] ...and her name was Mrs. Adelman. …她叫艾德曼太太
[00:05:44] Oh,honey. 甜心
[00:05:45] It's just so strange. You know... 对呀,感觉怪怪的…
[00:05:48] ...she probably woke up this morning and thought... …她早上醒来时说不定在想…
[00:05:51] ... I'll have some breakfast, take a walk,then have my massage. …我去吃点早餐,然后去散步 然后,再去按个小摩
[00:05:55] Little did she know God thought, "Okay,but that's it." 没有想到神在想 “好,但是就这样好了”
[00:06:02] Oh,but the weirdest things was... 最诡异的事情是…
[00:06:05] ... I was cleansing her aura when it happened. …发生的时候 我正在清她的灵气
[00:06:08] And when her spirit left her body... 当她的灵魂离开身体的时候…
[00:06:11] ... I don't think it went very far. …我不认为它走远了
[00:06:15] What do you mean? 什么意思啊?
[00:06:16] I think it went into me. 我想它上了我的身
[00:06:28] This is so hard. 这太难了
[00:06:29] I can't decide between lamb or duck. 我没有办法决定做羊还是鸭肉
[00:06:31] Well,lambs are scarier. 当然了,羊肉比较恐怖
[00:06:33] Or the movie would've been called Silence of the Ducks. 不然“那部电影”就会改为 “沉默的鸭子”了
[00:06:38] Okay,who ordered what? 好了,谁点了什么?
[00:06:40] I had the half-drunk cappuccino with the lipstick on the rim. 我相信我点了喝了一半 上面还有唇印的泡沫咖啡
[00:06:45] And this with the cigarette butt in it,is that decaf? 对了,而这杯有烟屁股的 是无咖啡因的吗?
[00:06:48] Oh,God. 天哪
[00:06:50] You're so uptight about your mom coming. 真不敢相信 你妈要来会把你搞成这个样子
[00:06:53] I know. I just don't want her to think that because... 我知道,只是这是她第一次来 我不想她觉得…
[00:06:56] ... I didn't marry Barry my life is crap. …因为我没嫁给贝利 我的生活就完全是垃圾
[00:06:59] Talk about crap,just listen to Stella Neidman... 说到垃圾 你不妨去试试听史黛拉…
[00:07:02] ...tell her story about Rod Steiger for the hundredth time. …讲她跟施洛德的 老掉牙的故事
[00:07:14] I don't know. She obviously has some unfinished business. 我不知道,老太太显然 还有什么心愿还没完成呢
[00:07:22] There she is! 乖女儿
[00:07:23] -Mom! -Hey,sweetie! 妈 心肝
[00:07:31] So this is where you work! 这就是你的公司啊
[00:07:34] Oh,it's wonderful! 好棒啊
[00:07:37] Is it a living room? Is it a restaurant? Who can tell? 这是客厅吗?还是餐厅? 谁看得出来?
[00:07:41] I guess that's the fun. 我猜乐趣就在那儿吧
[00:07:43] Pretty much. Here,meet my friends. 差不多啦,来,看看我的朋友
[00:07:45] Monica! You look gorgeous! 摩妮卡,你看起来好美哟
[00:07:48] Oh,my! The last time I saw you, it was eat or be eaten. 上回我看到你的时候 是在吃或是被吃呢?
[00:07:55] This is Phoebe. 这是菲比
[00:07:57] This is Chandler. 这是钱德
[00:07:58] You remember Ross? 你记得罗斯吧?
[00:07:59] Oh,hello,Ross. 你好,罗斯
[00:08:01] Mrs. Greene. 林太太
[00:08:04] What do you think of my daughter,in the apron... 你们认为我系着围裙…妈呀
[00:08:07] ...with the big job! …做大事的女儿怎么样?
[00:08:09] Oh,Mom! 妈!
[00:08:12] If you didn't pour the coffee, no one would have anything to drink. 没有你来倒咖啡呢 大家都休想喝到东西了
[00:08:17] Believe me,sometimes that happens. 相信我,有时候真的会这样的
[00:08:21] This is just so exciting! You know,I never worked. 太令人兴奋了 我从来没有做过事情
[00:08:25] I went from my father's house to the sorority house... 我从我爸家 直接到大学妹妹会之家…
[00:08:28] ...to my husband's house. I am just so proud of you! …然后再到我先生的家 我以你为荣,乖女儿
[00:08:32] Really? 真的啊?
[00:08:34] I know who you remind me of. 我知道你让我想起了谁了
[00:08:37] Evelyn Durmer. 杜艾琳
[00:08:38] That's before the lousy face-lift. Now she looks like Soupy Sales. 是去做蹩脚的拉皮手术前的她 现在她像苏比赛尔了
[00:08:47] Pheebs? Who's Evelyn Durmer? 菲菲,杜艾琳是谁?
[00:08:51] I don't know. Who's Soupy Sales? 不知道,苏比赛尔是谁啊?
[00:08:56] Oh,my God! 老天啊
[00:08:57] There's an unattractive nude man playing the cello. 有个丑陋的裸体男人 在拉大提琴
[00:09:02] Just be glad he's not playing a smaller instrument. 是啊,还好他不是 在拉一个比较小的乐器
[00:09:09] You have some life here,sweetie! 你的生活真有意思
[00:09:12] Mom,I realize you were upset when I didn't marry Barry... 妈,我知道你跟爸 很不高兴我没有嫁给贝利…
[00:09:15] ...and get the house in the suburbs with all the security. …住在郊外的大房子 过着不用担心柴米油盐的生活
[00:09:19] This is just so much better for me. 可是,这样对我好多了
[00:09:21] I know. You didn't love Barry,honey. 我知道,你不爱贝利,亲爱的
[00:09:26] And I've never seen you this happy. 我也没见过你这么快乐过
[00:09:28] I look at you and I think, "This is what I want." 看着你,我心里在想… “这是我要的”
[00:09:34] For me. 这是为我吗?
[00:09:37] Well,not just for you. 不只是为了你啦
[00:09:39] What do you mean? 你是什么意思啊?
[00:09:41] I'm considering leaving your father. 我在考虑离开你爸爸
[00:09:48] All right,tell me if this is too cute. 好,告诉我这太可爱了
[00:09:51] Lesbian wedding... chicken breasts. 同性恋婚礼…,鸡胸肉
[00:09:58] Oh,God. I think I'm gonna be sick. 天啊,我想我快吐了
[00:10:01] What? It's not like I'm putting little nipples on them. 什么? 我又没有在上面放小乳头
[00:10:08] -You had no idea? -None. 你完全不知道他们处得不好 不知道
[00:10:11] They didn't fight? 他们不常吵架?
[00:10:12] No,they didn't even talk to each other. 不,他们连话都不讲了
[00:10:15] How was I suppose to know they were having problems? 天啊,我怎么会知道 他们之间有问题啊
[00:10:20] You know,in my day, divorce was not an option. 在我那个时代 离婚不是个选择
[00:10:24] Hey,look who's up! 看谁醒了
[00:10:28] I just can't believe this is happening! 我只是无法相信这个事情嘛
[00:10:31] When I was little, all parents got divorced. 我是说我小时候 每个人的父母都在闹离婚
[00:10:34] I figured as an adult, I wouldn't have to worry about it. 我只是想,我长大了 就不用再担心这个了
[00:10:37] Can't you look at this as flattering? 你可不可能 把这件事视为恭维呢?
[00:10:41] She just wants to be like you. 我是说 她这样做是想向你学习
[00:10:43] Well,couldn't she have just copied my haircut? 那她不能 学我的发型就好了吗?
[00:10:47] When my parents divorced, they sent me to a shrink... 我父母离婚的时候 他们还叫我去看心理医生呢…
[00:10:50] ...and she told me that kids blame themselves. …他们告诉我 所有的小孩都会怪自己
[00:10:54] But in your case, it's actually kind of true. 就你而言,这真应该怪你呢
[00:10:57] Oh,that's him. 就是他
[00:11:04] -Phoebe? -Hi,Mr. Adelman. 菲比? 是,艾先生
[00:11:06] -Nice to see you. -Thanks for coming. 幸会,幸会 谢谢你来见我
[00:11:08] That's okay. Although you did cut into my busy day of sitting. 没问题,不过你的确打扰了我 忙碌昏坐的一天
[00:11:14] Do you wanna sit? 你要坐下来吗?
[00:11:16] No,I spent most of my morning trying to stand up. 不…不用了 我早上花了好多时间才站起来
[00:11:21] What can I do for you,my dear? 我能为你做些什么,亲爱的?
[00:11:23] Okay,I don't know how to say this,but.... 我不知道该怎么说啦…
[00:11:26] I think when your wife's spirit left her body... 当你太太的灵魂 离开她身体的时候…
[00:11:29] ...it kind of stuck around... …她转入了我的…
[00:11:32] ...in me. …身上
[00:11:34] You're saying my wife is in you? 你说我太太在你身上?
[00:11:36] Yeah. You don't have to believe me,but... 你用不着相信我啦…
[00:11:40] ...can you think of any unfinished business she had? …不过你能想出她或许 有什么未完成的心愿吗?
[00:11:43] Any reason to hang around? 有什么原因让她留下来吗?
[00:11:45] I don't know what to say. 我不知道该说什么
[00:11:47] All I can think of is that... 我唯一能够想到的是…
[00:11:50] ...she used to say that before she died, she wanted to see everything. …以前她常说她死之前 她想见识一切
[00:11:54] -Everything? -Everything. 一切? 一切
[00:11:57] That's a lot of stuff. 那可真是不少
[00:11:59] Oh,wait,l.... 等一等…
[00:12:00] I remember she also said she wanted to sleep with me one last time. 我想起来了,她还说 她想最后再跟我上一次床
[00:12:13] I'm sorry. There's laughing in my head. 对不起,我脑袋里有笑声
[00:12:19] Worth a shot,huh? 值得一试嘛
[00:12:26] Look at this! 看这一张
[00:12:28] These are all Halloween, three years ago. 这是三年前万圣节的照片
[00:12:31] Oh,and look,here's Barry. 你看,这是贝利
[00:12:33] He came straight from the office? 他直接从诊所过来吗?
[00:12:35] Oh,no. That was his costume. 不,那是他的服装
[00:12:39] See,he's actually an orthodontist, but he came as a regular dentist. 他是个牙齿矫正师 但他打扮成一般的牙医
[00:12:45] You guys? 各位
[00:12:46] Remember when I said that I don't need your help? 记得我以前说 谢了,我不需要你们帮忙?
[00:12:50] Actually,I think you said... 事实上,我想你说的是…
[00:12:51] ... "Don't touch that and get out of my kitchen." …“别乱碰 离我的厨房远一点”
[00:12:55] Really? Weird. Anyway.... 真的?奇怪,不过…
[00:12:58] I planned really well. I planned and planned. 我一切都计划得很好 我计划计划又计划
[00:13:01] I just didn't plan enough time to do it. 只是我想 我实际烹饪的时间计划得不够
[00:13:04] -You want some help? -lf you want. 摩妮卡,需要帮忙吗? 你要的话
[00:13:12] What a day! 好长的一天
[00:13:13] I took her everywhere. 我带这位老太太到处去逛
[00:13:18] The Museum of Modern Art, Rockefeller Center... 我们去了现代美术馆 洛克裴勒中心…
[00:13:21] ...the Statue of Liberty. …自由女神像
[00:13:23] She's still with you? 她还跟着你啊?
[00:13:24] Yes. I guess she hasn't seen everything yet. 对呀,我猜这位老太太 还没见过一切呢
[00:13:29] Be right back. She has to go to the bathroom again. 我马上回来 她必须再去一趟厕所
[00:13:34] Such a pretty face! 一张好漂亮的脸
[00:13:40] Oh,this is so much fun! Just the girls! 这好好玩,就只有我们女生
[00:13:44] Do you know what we should do? Does anybody have any marijuana? 知道我们该做什么吗? 我想请问一下,谁有大麻?
[00:13:48] God! 天啊
[00:13:52] Look,no one's smoking pot around all this food. 听着 不准在这堆食物旁边吸大麻
[00:13:56] Well,that's fine. 没关系
[00:13:58] I never did it. I just thought I might. 我从没抽过,只想试一试
[00:14:03] What's new in sex? 所以…最新性事是什么?
[00:14:07] What's new in sex? 最新性事是什么?
[00:14:09] The only man I've been with is your father. 我只跟你老爸做过那件事而已
[00:14:15] This is no offense to your dad, but I was thinking... 我不是在批评你爸爸,亲爱的 我只是在想…
[00:14:20] You know what? I cannot have this conversation with you. 对不起,你知道吗? 我没有办法跟你谈这件事
[00:14:25] You come here and drop this bomb on me before you even tell Daddy. 你甚至还没告诉爸 就到我这里来丢这颗炸弹
[00:14:29] Do you want my blessing? Want me to talk you out of it? 怎么样?你到底要什么? 要我的祝福,是不是?
[00:14:33] Then what do you want? 那你要我说服你别这样吗?
[00:14:34] I guess I figured you would understand. 我猜我以为 在所有人当中你最了解我
[00:14:37] Why on earth would I understand this? 为什么我应该要最了解你呢?
[00:14:41] You didn't marry your Barry,honey. 你没有嫁给你的贝利
[00:14:44] But I married mine. 但是我嫁了我的贝利
[00:14:52] We're in trouble. We've only got 12 hours and 36 minutes left. 好了,各位,我们来不及了 我们只剩下12小时又36分
[00:14:56] Move,move,move! 快…
[00:14:58] I feel like you should have German subtitles. 摩妮卡,我觉得 你应该加上德文字幕才对
[00:15:03] Joey,speed it up! 乔伊,快一点嘛
[00:15:05] I'm sorry! It's the pigs! They're reluctant to get in the blanket! 抱歉,是猪啦 它们不愿意进毯子啊
[00:15:10] How did this happen? I thought you had this planned out. 摩妮卡,怎么会这样呢? 我以为你全部都计划好了
[00:15:14] Do you want me to cry? 你要我哭吗?
[00:15:17] Is that what you want? 那就是你要的吗?
[00:15:19] Do you wanna see me cry? 你要看到我哭吗?
[00:15:22] Sir,no,sir! 长官,不要,长官
[00:15:26] All right,you! 好了,你
[00:15:28] No. Look,I told you, I am not a part of this thing. 不,我说过我不参与这件事
[00:15:31] Look,Ross. I know you have issues with Carol and Susan,and I feel for you. 我知道你跟凯洛和苏珊有过节 我很同情你,真的
[00:15:36] But if you don't help, I'm gonna take those hot dogs... 但是如果你不帮我 我会用一堆热狗…
[00:15:39] ...and create an appetizer called "Pigs In Ross." …创造出一道 新的开胃菜叫“罗斯猪肉卷”
[00:15:43] All right,ball a melon! 好,挖香瓜球
[00:15:45] How come I'm stuck dicing when he gets to ball a melon? 为什么我得切丁 他却可以挖香瓜球呢?
[00:15:54] -How's it going? -Great! Right on schedule. 进行得怎么样? 非常顺利,全按时间来
[00:15:57] Got my little happy helpers. 有我快乐的小帮手们 是啊
[00:16:00] That's fine. Whatever. 很好啊
[00:16:03] What's wrong? 怎么了?
[00:16:04] Nothing. 没事
[00:16:07] Okay,everything. I think we're calling off the wedding. 好吧,有什么 我想我们婚礼要取消了
[00:16:16] Or something a little less selfish. 或是做不那么自私的事
[00:16:19] What's the matter? What happened? 凯洛,发生什么事了?
[00:16:21] My parents called to say they weren't coming. 我爸妈今天下午来电话 说他们不来了
[00:16:24] I knew they were having trouble with this,but... 我是说 我知道他们不赞成这件事…
[00:16:28] ...they're my parents. They're supposed to give me away. …可是他们是我父母啊 他们应该把我嫁出去的
[00:16:32] Susan and I fought because I said maybe we should call it off. 然后我跟苏珊大吵了一架 因为我说或许应该取消婚礼
[00:16:36] She said,"This isn't for them. It's for us." 然后她说“这不是为了他们 这是为了我们”
[00:16:40] And if I couldn't see that, we should cancel the wedding. “如果我不了解这个的话 或许我们真应该取消婚礼”
[00:16:43] I don't know what to do. 我不知道该怎么办
[00:16:47] I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but I think Susan's right. 不相信我要这么说 但我认为苏珊是对的
[00:16:52] You do? 真的?
[00:16:54] Do you love her? And don't be too emphatic about this. 你爱她吗? 你不用说得太斩钉截铁
[00:17:00] Of course I do. 我当然爱她了
[00:17:01] Well then,that's it. 那就是了
[00:17:03] If George and Adelaide can't accept that,then the hell with them. 如果你的父母无法接受的话 那就去他们的
[00:17:09] If my parents didn't want me to marry you... 听着,我是说 若我的父母不要我娶你的话…
[00:17:12] ... no way that would've stopped me. …那绝对阻止不了我
[00:17:16] Look,this is your wedding. 这是你的婚礼
[00:17:18] Do it. 去做
[00:17:22] You're right. Of course you're right. 说得对,当然你是对的
[00:17:25] So we're back on? 那我们继续吗?
[00:17:27] We're back on. 我们继续吧
[00:17:28] You heard the woman! Peel! Chop! Devil! 你们听到了,削皮,剁,切
[00:17:33] Can't believe I lost two minutes! 真不敢相信我停了两分钟
[00:17:46] It just seems so futile. 我真的觉得好白费心机
[00:17:48] You know? All these women,and nothing! 你看,这么多女人跟没有一样
[00:17:54] I feel like Superman without my powers,you know? 我觉得自己像没了神力的超人
[00:17:58] I have the cape, and yet I cannot fly. 我有披风,但我飞不起来
[00:18:04] Well,now you understand how I feel every single day. 现在你应该知道 我每天的感觉了吧
[00:18:09] The world is my lesbian wedding. 世界是我的同性恋婚礼
[00:18:23] Butterscotch? 奶油糖?
[00:18:26] No one? 有人要吃吗?
[00:19:05] -Thank you. -Anytime. 谢谢 随时候教
[00:19:16] Nothing makes God happier... 没有任何一件事…亲朋,好友
[00:19:18] ...than when two people,any two people, come together in love. …比两个人 因爱而结合使神更快乐
[00:19:23] Friends,family, we're gathered here today... 我们今日齐聚一堂…
[00:19:26] ...to join Carol and Susan in holy matrimony. …见证凯洛和苏珊神圣的婚礼
[00:19:29] Oh,my God! 老天
[00:19:36] She's gone! 她走了
[00:19:38] She's gone! 她…她走了
[00:19:39] She's gone. 她走了
[00:19:40] Go ahead,get married. Go,go! 来吧,结婚啊
[00:19:45] Strangers in the night 黑夜中的陌生人
[00:19:48] Exchanging glances 目光交会
[00:19:50] Wondering in the night 在黑夜中游荡
[00:19:52] Would you look at them? 你看看她们
[00:19:54] Yeah. Can't help but. 是啊,忍不住…
[00:20:02] How's that pig-in-the-blanket working out for you? 那道猪肉卷好不好吃啊?
[00:20:06] I wrapped those bad boys. 对,是在下做的耶
[00:20:10] I miss Rose. 我想念罗玫
[00:20:11] Oh,yeah? 是吗?
[00:20:12] I know it's kind of weird,but she was a big part of my life.... 我知道这有点怪怪的 但是她是我生活的一部分…
[00:20:17] I don't know,I feel alone. 我只是觉得有点孤单
[00:20:20] You know,I couldn't help overhearing what you just said. 我听到你刚说的话
[00:20:25] I think it's time you forget about Rose, move on with your life. 我想你也该把罗玫抛在脑后了 继续你的生活
[00:20:30] How about we get you a drink? 我们去拿杯饮料如何?
[00:20:32] Okay. So nice! 好的,你真好
[00:20:42] I shouldn't even bother coming up with a line,right? 我连搭讪的话都不用费心了 是不是?
[00:20:48] Hey,Mom,having fun? 妈,好玩吗?
[00:20:50] Am l! I just danced with a wonderfully large woman. 才好玩呢,我刚才跟一个 好高大的女人跳舞
[00:20:55] And three other girls made eyes at me over at the buffet. 另外有三个女孩 在餐点那边对我眨眼睛
[00:20:59] I'm not saying it's something I wanna pursue... 我不是说这是我所要追求的…
[00:21:02] ... but it's nice to know I have options. …但是知道有选择好令人欣慰
[00:21:07] There's more alcohol,right? 还有酒,对吧?
[00:21:14] How you doing? 你好吗?
[00:21:19] You did a good thing today. 你今天做了件好事
[00:21:26] You wanna dance? 想跳舞吗?
[00:21:30] Come on. 来嘛
[00:21:32] I'll let you lead. 我让你带舞
[00:21:52] Look,penis,schmenis! 谁在乎“老二”
[00:21:54] Okay? We're all people. 我们都是人
[00:22:06] Which one of us is gonna be the first one to get married? 你们想 我们之中哪一个会先结婚?
[00:22:10] Mon,I was married. 摩妮卡,我已经结过婚了
[00:22:12] -Yeah,me too,technically. -I had a wedding. 我也是,技术上 我有过婚礼
[00:22:15] Just trying to start a discussion. 好啊 只是想开始个有趣的讨论
[00:22:18] Which one do you think will be the last to get married? 我想到了 哪一个会最晚结婚?
[00:22:26] Isn't Ben in this? 你们说小班算不算?
[00:22:28] Of course! 算哪
[00:22:29] Absolutely. 当然算了
- Friends S01E08
- Friends S04E15 The One With All The Rugby
- Friends S04E14 The One With Joeys Dirty Day
- Friends S04E12 The One With The Embryos
- Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus
- Friends S04E10 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
- Friends S04E09 The One Where They’re Going To Party
- Friends S01E07
- Friends S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line
- Friends S04E06 The One With The Dirty Girl
- When Everyday’s The Weekend [Asking Alexandria]
- How Do I Get To Carnegie Hall [Gemma Ray]
- Foreign Disaster Days [Brazzaville]
- Knocking on Heaven’s Door(Live) [罗琦]
- 神曲唐僧 [徐子洺]
- 文化中国 [丁晓红]
- 为何情人那么多(中四版) [张冬玲]
- Lord, I Lift Your Name On High(Top 25 Praise Songs 2005 Album Version) [Maranatha! Praise Band]
- Agosto [Alvaro Soler]
- 加油吧,少年们 [允媛儿]
- That Makes As Tough [Buddy Holly]
- Alguien Que Te Extraa [José José]
- Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey [Dick Haymes]
- A Guy Is a Guy [Doris Day&The Mellomen]
- C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S - Alternate [Eddy Arnold]
- Serenata Sin Luna [Antonio Aguilar]
- Congratulations [Faron Young]
- Sleigh Ride [Ella Fitzgerald]
- You Make Me Feel So Young [Ella Fitzgerald]
- And the Beat Goes On(Explicit) [Chris Webby]
- Hot N Cold(Bossa Version) [Marcela Mangabeira]
- Needed Me(Salva Remix) [Rihanna]
- Close Your Eyes [Meghan Trainor]
- I Ain’t Superstitious [Howlin’ Wolf]
- G power [CG]
- A solteirona [Teodoro&Sampaio]
- Opium Addict (He Yang Yan) [王向荣]
- 为爱讨好 [霏霏]
- Don’t Play Your Rock’n’roll To Me [Smokie]
- Liebeskummer lohnt sich nicht [Die 60er - Die Schlagerze]
- Greatest Love Story(Single Mix) [LANco]
- 名唤楚乔 [MC王子涵]
- There Will Never Be Another You [Connie Francis]
- Down Hearted Blues [Bessie Smith]
- Somewhere List’nin [Rhonda Fleming&Jane Russe]
- If You Can [Hit Crew Masters]
- How Deep Is the Ocean [Wedding Music Players]
- Kingdom Of The Dead [Bridge To Solace]
- 春天的角落 [罗文]
- 是不是该离开 [雪无影]