
《Friends S10E13 The One Where Joey Speaks French》歌词

所属专辑: 老友记 歌手: 英语广播 时长: 25:06
Friends S10E13 The One Where Joey Speaks French



[00:00:02] Hi! 嘿!

[00:00:03] -Hey! -Hi! -嘿! -嘿!

[00:00:05] -How was the honeymoon? -Oh, incredible! -蜜月过的怎么样? -哦, 好极了!

[00:00:09] Champagne, candle-lit dinners, moonlight walks on the beach. 哦, 香槟, 烛光晚餐, 还有银色沙滩漫步

[00:00:13] It was so romantic. 非常浪漫!

[00:00:15] -Where's Mike? -He's at the doctor. -那, 麦克在哪呢? -哦, 看病去了

[00:00:17] He didn't poop while we were there. 我们在那的时候他没拉

[00:00:23] Shoot, I wasn't supposed to tell you that. 该死, 我不应该告诉你们这些的

[00:00:27] I mean.. Okay, he's at a gig. 我是说........好吧, 他在马车里

[00:00:30] A gig we are definitely not going to. 我们不会再坐了

[00:00:33] -I'm glad you're back. I need your help. -Oh, why, what's up? -唔, 很高兴你回来了, 我正要你帮忙呢 -哦, 怎么啦, 什么事儿?

[00:00:36] I have an audition for this play, and I have to speak French.. 唔, 我有个面试, 剧本要求有些台词说法语

[00:00:39] which, according to my resume, I'm fluent in. 而我的简历里说我法语很流利

[00:00:43] -Joey, you shouldn't lie on your resume. -Yeah, you really shouldn't. -乔伊 , 你不应该在简历里撒谎 -对呀, 你真的不应该!

[00:00:47] By the way, how was that yearlong dig in Cairo? 哎, 对了 你在开罗那一年的考古挖掘怎么样了?

[00:00:52] It was okay. 还行啦

[00:00:55] I did not know you spoke French. 我怎么不知道你会说法语

[00:01:01] You're so sexy. 哦, 你真性感

[00:01:04] -Well, so will you help me? -Sure. -唔, 那你愿意帮我吗?我真的很想演这部戏 -当然

[00:01:09] Seriously, stop it. I'm gonna jump on you. 说真的, 别再说法语了 不然我就扑到你身上去了

[00:02:03] -Hey. -Hi. -嘿 -嗨!

[00:02:05] Why are you wearing my apron? 嘿 你干吗穿着我的围裙?

[00:02:08] I'm making cookies for Erica. 我在给艾瑞卡做饼干

[00:02:09] We have to leave soon. Her plane comes in in about an hour. 哦, 对了, 我们得快点儿去机场 她的飞机一小时后降落

[00:02:12] When she gets here, is it okay if I introduce you two as my wife.. 哦, 嘿, 那她到了以后, 我能不能把你们俩介绍成我老婆

[00:02:16] and the woman who's carrying my child? 和我孩子她妈?

[00:02:20] No? 不行?

[00:02:22] Divorce? 离婚呢?

[00:02:25] -Hey. -Hey. -嘿 -嘿

[00:02:27] -You know where Rachel is? -Haven't seen her since morning. -你们知道瑞秋在哪吗? -不知道, 从今天早上就没见着她

[00:02:30] It's unbelievable. She was supposed to meet me a half-hour ago with Emma. 难以置信! 她半小时前就该带着艾玛跟我碰头的

[00:02:33] -Hey! -Hey! -嘿! -嘿!

[00:02:35] -These are for Erica! -She's gonna eat all those cookies? -这些是给艾瑞卡准备的! -那她也吃不了这么多吧?

[00:02:39] Well, I want the baby to come out all cute and fat! 嗯, 我想让小宝宝养的胖胖的

[00:02:44] -So why is Erica coming to visit? -We wanna get to know her better. -艾瑞卡干吗要来这儿? -我们想跟她再熟悉熟悉, 还有…

[00:02:48] She's never been to New York, so she wants to see the tourist spots: 她没来过纽约, 所以她想逛逛那些旅游景点

[00:02:51] Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building. 自由女神像啦, 帝国大厦啦…

[00:02:53] There's always so many people, and they're being corralled like cattle. 哦, 那些滥地方 那些地方的人总是挤的满满当当, 跟牛群似的

[00:02:57] And, you know, there's always some idiot who goes, "Moo." 还有, 那儿总是有些傻瓜学牛叫

[00:03:02] Well, if it annoys you so much, then why do you do it? 唔, 要是那这么惹你烦, 你干吗也那么做呢?

[00:03:06] -You should take her to a museum. -Oh, please. -你应该带她去博物馆 -喔, 得了吧

[00:03:08] So I can hear Chandler say over and over again: 所以我听到钱德一遍又一遍的说:

[00:03:11] "You call this art? I could make that." "你管这叫艺术? 我也能画"

[00:03:14] It was a tower of sponges. 那就是个海绵做的塔

[00:03:19] Oh, hi. Hi. Thanks for showing up 30 minutes late. 哦, 嗨, 谢天谢地, 你才晚了30分钟

[00:03:23] No, I'm sure you have a great excuse. What was it, a hair appointment? 不用多费口舌, 我肯定你有个好借口 是什么, 美发预约?

[00:03:27] A mani-pedi? Was there a sale at Barneys? 修指甲还是Barney's大降价?

[00:03:31] My father had a heart attack. 我爸爸得了心脏病…

[00:03:34] While I was at Barneys. 在我逛Barney's的时候

[00:03:39] -Oh, my God, Rach. -Honey? -哦, 我的上帝 -亲爱的

[00:03:41] -I'm so sorry. -Is he okay? -我很抱歉 -他还好吧?

[00:03:43] Yeah, he's gonna be fine, but he's heavily sedated. 是的, 他们说他会好的 但他还是得服药静养

[00:03:46] Okay, I'm gonna go to Long Island with you. 好吧, 我跟你一起去长岛,

[00:03:48] -I mean, you can't be alone right now. -No, come on, I'm totally okay. -你现在不能就一个人 -不用了, 我还行

[00:03:53] I don't need you to come. 我用不着你来

[00:03:55] -I can totally handle this on my own. -Still, still, let me come for me. -我一个人能撑得住 -尽管如此, 还是让我来吧… 就算是为了我

[00:04:02] Okay. If you really need to. 好吧, 如果你真的需要的话

[00:04:05] I bet someone could use one of Monica's freshly baked cookies. 我看吃点莫妮卡刚烤好的饼干你感觉会好点

[00:04:08] Oh, I really could. 哦, 我还真想吃点

[00:04:18] All right, it seems pretty simple. 好的, 这看起来很简单

[00:04:20] Your first line is, "My name is Claude." 你的第一句台词是 "我的名字叫克劳德 "

[00:04:22] So just repeat after me. 好, 跟我念

[00:04:32] -Well, let's try it again. -Okay. -呃, 我们再试一遍 -好

[00:04:42] It's not.. 你跟我说的..

[00:04:44] quite what I'm saying. 不太一样

[00:04:46] Really? Sounds exactly the same to me. 真的?我听着一模一样啊

[00:04:50] -It does, really? -Yeah. -是吗?真的? -好吧

[00:04:52] -Let's just try it again. -Okay. -我们再试一遍 -好吧

[00:04:54] -Really listen. -Got it. -仔细听着 -好嘞

[00:05:08] -Hey, you guys! -Hi. -嘿, 伙计们! -嘿

[00:05:11] I want you to meet someone really special. 我想要你们见个人

[00:05:13] Phoebe, this is Erica. And this is the baby! 菲比, 这是艾瑞卡, 这是小宝宝

[00:05:17] -Joey, Erica, baby. -Hi. -乔伊, 艾瑞卡, 宝宝 -嘿

[00:05:20] Everyone, Erica! Baby! 大家伙儿!艾瑞卡, 宝宝

[00:05:23] Monica. Calm. Self. 莫妮卡, 冷静点儿

[00:05:26] -Hey, sit down. -Thank you. -请坐 -谢谢

[00:05:28] It's really nice to meet you guys. I can't believe I'm here. 真高兴见到你们 我都不敢相信来到这儿了

[00:05:31] Well, welcome to New York City, or should I say: 唔, 欢迎来到纽约, 或者我应该说

[00:05:34] New York City. "%$#^@#..."

[00:05:38] Why would you say that? 你干吗要说那个?

[00:05:40] Okay. What are you gonna be doing today? 你们今天打算干什么?

[00:05:43] Well, I wanna see everything! Times Square, Coney Island, Rockefeller Center. 哦, 我想看看所有的地方 时代广场, 科尼岛, 洛克菲勒中心…

[00:05:48] You should walk to the top of the Statue of Liberty. 哦, 你知道你该干什么吗, 你应该一路爬到自由女神像的顶上

[00:05:51] -Oh, yeah, let's do that. -Great. -哦, 对呀, 我们去爬吧! -好主意

[00:05:54] This baby better be really good. 这个小宝宝得够结实才行

[00:06:02] Hi. Excuse me, I'm here to see my father. My name is Rachel Green. 嗨, 打扰一下, 我来看望我的父亲 我叫瑞秋格林

[00:06:06] -And I'm Dr. Ross Geller. -Ross, please, this is a hospital. -我是罗斯盖勒博士 -罗斯, 行了吧 这里是医院

[00:06:09] That actually means something here. 博士在这儿是有其他意义的

[00:06:12] -So can we please go in? -Absolutely. -那么, 我们能进去吗? -当然了

[00:06:14] Rach, I think I'm gonna wait out here.. 瑞秋, 我想我还是等在外面吧

[00:06:16] because my throat is feeling a little scratchy. I don't wanna infect him. 我的喉咙有点痒, 我不想传染给他

[00:06:20] -Ross, please. Don't be so scared of him. -I am not scared of him. I'm really sick. -罗斯, 得了, 别那么怕他 -我不是怕他, 我真的病了

[00:06:25] -He's under sedation, so he's out. -I'm feeling better. -镇静剂药效还没退, 所以他还在昏睡着 -我感觉好多了

[00:06:32] Oh, my God. 哦, 我的上帝

[00:06:36] That ear and nose hair trimmer I got him was just money down the drain, huh? 哦, 哇, 我给他买的耳毛和鼻毛剪算是白花钱了

[00:06:41] Ms. Green? Your father's doctor's on the phone if you'd like to speak to him. 格林小姐, 你爸爸的医生在电话上, 你要不要跟他谈谈?

[00:06:45] Oh, great. Are you gonna be okay? 哦, 好的 呃, 你在这等着没事吧?

[00:06:47] -He's unconscious. We'll be just fine. -Okay. -他还没醒, 我想我们没事儿 -好

[00:07:28] -Did the TV wake you? -No. -是不是电视吧你吵醒了? -不是

[00:07:31] When you put your feet up on my bed, you tugged on my catheter. 你把脚翘到我床上, 压住我的管线了

[00:07:42] What are you doing here, Geller? 你在这儿干吗?

[00:07:44] Well, I came with Rachel, who should be back any second. 唔, 我和瑞秋一块儿来的, 她一会儿就回来

[00:07:48] -So, what's new? -Oh, I had a little heart attack. -最近怎么样? -哦, 我得了点儿心脏病

[00:07:52] Right. Is it painful? 很好, 疼吗?

[00:07:54] What, the heart attack or sitting here talking to you? 怎么啦? 这个心脏病人不正坐这儿跟你聊天呢吗?

[00:07:59] Let's see if we can get that Rachel back in here. 咱们看看能不能把瑞秋叫过来

[00:08:02] So, what's new with you? Knocked up any more of my daughters lately? 那么, 你最近怎么样, 啊? 是不是又让我别的女儿也怀孕了?

[00:08:06] Nope. Just the one. Rach! 没有, 还是原来那个 瑞秋!

[00:08:10] Daddy, hi. You're awake. 老爸, 你醒啦!

[00:08:13] -How are you? -I'm okay. -觉得怎样? -还好

[00:08:15] By the way, Ross has been of great comfort. 顺便一说, 罗斯很舒服

[00:08:21] They want to keep you here for a couple more nights. 他们想要你呆几个晚上

[00:08:23] I know. 知道了

[00:08:24] But I'm gonna go home and get a bunch of your stuff.. 但我得回家去, 给你拿点东西...

[00:08:27] so that you're really comfortable. 好让你更舒服

[00:08:29] Oh, thank you, sweetheart. 喔, 谢谢, 亲爱的

[00:08:31] It's pretty ironic, huh? 有点讽刺, 哈?

[00:08:32] You being a heart surgeon, and you had a heart attack. 你心脏要手术, 而你又得心脏病

[00:08:36] It'd be like if I was eaten by an Allosaurus. 就好象我被恐龙吃掉了

[00:08:43] I'm gonna wait outside. 我在外面等

[00:08:45] "He's pretty much out." "他差不多已经出去了"

[00:08:56] No! 不对!

[00:08:58] Okay, maybe if we just break it down. 好吧, 也许我们应该拆散了试试

[00:09:01] Okay, let's try it one syllable at a time. Okay, so repeat after me. 好吧, 我们试试一次一个音节 好的, 跟我念

[00:09:10] Great! Okay, faster. 很好, 快一点

[00:09:20] -Okay, it's too hard. I can't teach you. -What are you doing? -好吧, 这太难了, 我教不了你! -你干吗?

[00:09:23] I have to go before I put your head through a wall. 我得走了, 不然我要拿你的头撞墙了!

[00:09:26] Don't go, I need you! My audition is tomorrow! 不, 别走, 我需要你 我明天就要面试了!

[00:09:46] Hey. I was gonna make us some dinner.. 嘿, 我本来想做晚饭的

[00:09:49] but all I found in your dad's fridge was bacon and heavy cream. 但是你爸的冰箱里只有熏肉和奶油

[00:09:53] I think we solved the mystery of the heart attack. 我想我们找到他得心脏病的原因了

[00:09:56] -Did you call your parents? -Oh, yeah. Emma's doing great. -你给你父母打电话了吗? -哦, 打过了, 艾玛很好

[00:09:59] Oh, good. 哦, 好

[00:10:03] -What? -I just can't believe.. -怎么? -只是不敢相信

[00:10:06] I'm in Rachel Green's room. 我在瑞秋格林的房间里

[00:10:09] -You've been in my room before. -Yeah, sure, right. -你什么意思?你以前到过我的房间 -对, 当然, 没错

[00:10:14] Like I'd ever be in Rachel Green's room. 就跟我真来过瑞秋格林房间似的

[00:10:16] Okay, I gotta tell you, it's really weird when you use my whole name. 好吧, 我得跟你说 你叫我的全名可真有点儿怪

[00:10:20] Sorry. 对不起

[00:10:23] -You okay? -Yeah. -你还好吧? -还行

[00:10:26] -Yeah, you had a rough day. -Yeah. -今天很糟, 是吧? -是啊

[00:10:28] It's just so weird seeing him like that, you know? I mean, he's a doctor. 看到他那个样子很奇怪, 你知道吗? 我是说, 他是个医生

[00:10:32] You don't expect doctors to get sick. 医生怎么会得病的呢?

[00:10:35] But we do. 但我们确实会得病

[00:10:41] He's gonna be okay, Rach. 你知道, 他会好的, 瑞秋

[00:10:48] I don't want him to wake up alone. I should go to the hospital. 哦, 我不想让他醒来一个人, 我得去医院

[00:10:51] -What? No, no. Hey, hey, look. -What? -什么, 不, 等等 嘿, 你看, -什么

[00:10:53] They gave him a lot of medication. 他服了很多镇静药

[00:10:55] He wouldn't even know if you were there. 他甚至都不能知道你在不在那儿

[00:10:57] We'll go see him first thing in the morning. 我们明天一早就去看他, 好吗?

[00:10:59] -Really? I shouldn't feel guilty? -No.. God, hey. -真的, 我不去也没事儿? -没事儿, 上帝 嘿

[00:11:02] Rach, you've been an amazing daughter, okay? 瑞秋, 你是个好女儿, 知道吗?

[00:11:04] -Right now you need to get some rest. -Okay, maybe you're right. -现在, 你需要好好休息一下 -好吧, 也许你说得对

[00:11:09] Good night. 晚安

[00:11:12] Wait, wait, wait. 等等

[00:11:15] Would you stay here with me for a little while? 你能不能陪我呆一会儿?

[00:11:19] -Sure. -Okay. -当然 -嗯

[00:11:22] -Thank you for coming with me today. -Oh, of course. -谢谢你今天陪我来 -哦, 应该的

[00:11:26] Rachel Green is very happy you're in her room. 瑞秋格林很高兴你在她屋里

[00:11:30] Me too. Come here. 我也很高兴, 来

[00:11:34] I just don't wanna be alone tonight. 我只是不想晚上一个人在这儿

[00:11:38] Okay, well, I can maybe grab a sleeping bag or.. 好吧, 唔, 我可以找条睡袋什么的…

[00:11:58] No, Rach! 不行, 瑞秋!

[00:12:00] I'm sorry, I just don't think this is a good idea. 抱歉, 我只是觉得这样不好

[00:12:05] Well, we won't know that until we do it, will we? 我们不做怎么知道好不好, 对吧?

[00:12:08] Look.. 不, 呃, 你看, 嗯…

[00:12:10] You are upset about your father, and you're feeling vulnerable.. 你为你父亲的事儿心烦, 你现在很脆弱

[00:12:15] and I just don't feel it would be right. 而且我觉得这样不太好

[00:12:17] I feel like I'd be, you know, taking advantage of you. 我觉得这时候占你的便宜不太合适

[00:12:20] What..? Taking advantage? I am giving you the advantage. Enjoy! 什么? 占便宜? 我在主动投怀送抱, 你尽兴好啦!

[00:12:25] Look, I'm sure it would be great.. 是, 我肯定那会很棒, 但是…

[00:12:27] but I think one of us has to be thinking clearly. 我认为我们俩得有一个保持清醒

[00:12:31] So I'm gonna go. 所以我要走了

[00:12:38] Okay. 好吧

[00:12:44] I'll see you in the morning. 明天早上见

[00:12:49] I haven't had sex in four months. I should get a medal for that! 4个月没有性生活 我刚才的高姿态应该得块奖牌!

[00:12:59] Thanks so much for taking me to all those places. I had a great time. 谢谢你们带我去了那么多地方 我玩得很高兴

[00:13:02] I'm glad. Listen, I wanna apologize about Chandler, though. 哦, 我也很高兴 但是, 我得为钱德道歉

[00:13:05] -I just did not see this coming. -New York is awesome! -我没想到他会这样 -纽约可真棒!

[00:13:12] -What is with you? -I've been to these places before.. -你怎么回事儿? -你知道吗, 我以前去过那些地方

[00:13:15] but I've never really seen them. 但是我都没有好好看过风景

[00:13:17] Yeah, you miss a lot when you're mooing. 没错, 你学牛叫的时候错过好多风景嘞

[00:13:20] Let's go to a Broadway show. Cats! 我们去看百老汇音乐剧<猫>吧

[00:13:24] I think we've done enough. 我觉得我们做的够多了

[00:13:25] Honey, these are actors dressed like cats who sing like people. 亲爱的, 他们装扮的像猫, 却又像人一样唱歌

[00:13:30] I mean, come on! 我是说, 去

[00:13:33] -Thank you for showing me around. -Oh, it was our pleasure. -非常感谢你们带我观光 -哦, 我们很高兴陪你去

[00:13:36] We're so much enjoying getting to know you. 我们也想跟你熟悉熟悉

[00:13:39] Well, if there's anything else you wanna know.. 呃, 你们还有什么想了解的吗?

[00:13:44] Okay. 哦, 呃, 好吧

[00:13:47] Can we ask you some questions about the father? 你不会介意我问几个有关孩子父亲的问题吧?

[00:13:49] Oh, sure. Yeah. 哦, 没关系

[00:13:52] Well, he was my high-school boyfriend, captain of the football team, really cute. 呃, 他是我高中的男朋友 足球队长, 很可爱

[00:13:57] -Got a scholarship and went to college. -That's great. -后来他得到奖学金, 上了大学 -那不错啊

[00:14:02] Yeah, it's almost definitely him. 是啊, 差不多就是他了

[00:14:07] How's that, now? 那怎么说?

[00:14:09] Well, there's a chance it's another guy. 唔, 也有可能是另外一个人

[00:14:11] I mean, I've only ever been with two guys.. 我是说, 我只跟两个人好过

[00:14:15] but they sort of overlapped. 但是时间上有些重叠

[00:14:18] So, what does the other guy do? 那么, 另一个人是干什么的

[00:14:20] -Does he go to college too? -No, he's in prison. -他也上大学了吗? -不, 他在蹲监狱

[00:14:26] Was he falsely accused of something? 呃, 那他是被诬告的吧?

[00:14:30] No. 不

[00:14:32] He killed his father with a shovel. 他用铁铲杀了他爸爸

[00:14:36] Other than that, he's a great guy. 但是除此之外他还是个不错的人

[00:14:38] I'll bet his dad doesn't think so. 我猜他爸爸不这么想

[00:14:48] -Are you awake? -Of course I'm awake. -你还没睡? -我当然还没睡

[00:14:50] Assume from now on that I'm always awake. 从今往后我是睡不着啦

[00:14:54] All right, we don't know that it's him. I mean, it could be the football guy. 好啦, 我们也不知道就一定是他 我是说, 也可能是那个踢足球的

[00:14:58] Honey, it's us. Of course it's the shovel killer. 亲爱的, 我们这对儿倒霉蛋 肯定是摊上那个铁铲杀手

[00:15:06] Well, all right, let's say that it is him. 好了, 好了, 就算是他

[00:15:08] Would we not want the baby? No. 我们就不要这孩子了?不

[00:15:10] -Would we treat him any differently? -I'd keep an eye on him. -我们会对他另眼相待吗? -我会一直提防着他的!

[00:15:16] We have to find out who the father is. 我们一定得查出哪一个是孩子的父亲

[00:15:18] -How? -I don't know. -怎么查? -我不知道

[00:15:20] -They have tests for these things, right? -Yes, but maybe we're just overreacting. -这种事儿可以测出来的, 对吧? -是, 不过我们也许反应过度了

[00:15:25] Easy for you to say. He's a father killer. 你说得当然轻巧, 他杀的是他爸爸

[00:15:29] He probably loves his mommy. 他没准儿很爱他老妈

[00:15:31] He's probably got a tattoo that says "Mom" on his shovel-wielding arm. 他没准儿在挥铲子的胳膊上刺着 "妈妈" 呢

[00:15:40] We'll now count from one to five. 现在我们从一数到五: . . . . .

[00:15:53] -Good job. -Thank you. -"说得真好!" -谢谢

[00:15:57] -Hey. -Hey, Joey. -嘿 -嘿, 乔伊

[00:15:59] Listen, I feel really badly about yesterday, and I thought about it a lot. 听我说, 昨天的事儿我觉得不太好

[00:16:03] No, I was too impatient. So let's try it again. 我想是我太没有耐心了 所以, 我们今天再试试

[00:16:06] That's okay. I don't need your help. 不, 不用了 我不用你帮忙了

[00:16:08] I worked on it myself, and I gotta say I am pretty good. 我可以自学而且我得说我学的还不错嘞

[00:16:12] -Really, can I hear some of it? -Sure, sure. -真的?说几句给我听听 -当然可以

[00:16:17] Okay. 好

[00:16:26] See? 怎么样?

[00:16:28] You, you're not.. 好吧, 你说的不是

[00:16:31] You're not.. You're.. 你不是在……

[00:16:33] Again, you're not speaking French! 我再次重申, 你说的不是法语!

[00:16:38] Oh, well, I think I am. Yeah, and I think I'm definitely gonna get the part. 哦, 我觉着我说的是法语 而且我肯定能得到那个角色

[00:16:42] How could you possibly think that? 你怎么会这么想的?

[00:16:44] The guy on the tape said I was doing a good job! 至少, 磁带上的那家伙说我念得不错!

[00:16:51] Hey, Rach, can you grab me a cup of coffee? 嗨, 瑞秋, 给我倒杯咖啡好吗?

[00:16:56] Sure. 当然可以

[00:16:59] You've been quiet all morning. Is everything okay? 你一早上话不多, 没事儿吧?

[00:17:05] -You sure you're all right? -Yep. -你肯定没事? -当然

[00:17:08] Okay. 好.

[00:17:10] Well, I'm gonna go grab us some breakfast. 好吧, 嗯, 那我去吃点早饭

[00:17:12] -FYI. -There it is. -有一件事… -得, 来啦

[00:17:16] In the future.. 以后

[00:17:18] when a girl asks for some ill-advised sympathy sex, just do it. 如果有女孩子需要点不理智的、 安慰性的性生活, 你就满足她好啦

[00:17:24] Wait, wait, you're mad at me about last night? 等等, 你是因为昨晚的事儿生我的气?

[00:17:28] -I was just trying to do the right thing. -Really? -我只是做了正确的决定 -真的?

[00:17:31] If you had done the right thing.. 唔, 对我来说要是你做得对的话

[00:17:33] I wouldn't have woken up feeling stupid and embarrassed. 我就不会一早起来感觉又愚蠢又尴尬

[00:17:36] I would've woken up feeling comforted and satisfied. 我只会觉得舒适而满意

[00:17:42] -Well.. -Oh, stop that! -唔… -哦, 得了吧!

[00:17:45] I can't believe this. I was just being a good guy. 我不敢相信 你怎么… 我只是做了回好人

[00:17:48] I treated you with respect and understanding. 我以尊重和同情之心待你

[00:17:51] Oh, that is so hot. 啊, 那可真性感

[00:17:54] Hey, I was looking out for you. 嘿, 我是在为你着想

[00:17:56] Oh, really? Well, you know what? I am a big girl. 哦, 真的?罗斯, 你要知道 我不是个小丫头

[00:17:58] I don't need someone telling me what is best for me. 我不需要有人告诉我什么对我来说最好

[00:18:02] I gotta say, I've not had sex a lot of times before. This is the worst ever! 虽说以前我也经常没过成性生活 但这次是最糟糕的

[00:18:07] Oh, really? Really? Well, it wasn't very good for me either. 哦, 真的, 真的? 唔, 这对我来说也好不到哪儿去

[00:18:10] Okay, you know..? Hey, hey, you know what? 哦, 你知道, 嘿 嘿!你说怎么着?

[00:18:13] To avoid this little thing in the future.. 为了以后少惹这种麻烦

[00:18:15] let's just say you and me? Never having sex again. 咱们就干脆说定, 以后不再一起睡觉了

[00:18:18] -What? -That's right! Sex is off the table! -什么? -对了, 性这个字以后免谈!

[00:18:20] I am never having sex with you again! 我再也不会跟你睡觉啦

[00:18:30] Dr. Green, are you feeling better? 格林医生, 你感觉好点儿了吗?

[00:18:35] -Hey. How was lunch? -We had a good time. -嘿, 午饭怎么样? -我们吃得不错

[00:18:39] By the way, I wanted to ask you something. 对了, 我想求你一件事

[00:18:42] It would really mean a lot to me if the baby was a boy.. 这对我来说很重要 如果是个男孩

[00:18:45] that you name him after my father.. 你能不能让孩子 随我父亲的名字

[00:18:48] Jiminy Billy Bob. 吉米.米利.巴伯

[00:18:54] -Oh, really? -No! -哦, 真的? -不!

[00:18:57] You were right. That was fun. 你说的没错, 这真好玩

[00:19:02] I'm gonna go finish packing. 我要去收拾东西了

[00:19:08] -So is she gonna take the test? -No, she doesn't have to. -那么, 她愿意去做检测吗? -不, 用不着了

[00:19:11] -I found out who the father is. -Oh, God. -我知道谁是父亲 -哦, 上帝

[00:19:14] -It's Shovely Joe, isn't it? -No, it's not. -是铁铲乔, 对吧? -不, 不是的

[00:19:17] How do you know? 你怎么知道的?

[00:19:18] Erica didn't pay attention in sex ed class.. 唔, 看来艾瑞卡性教育课学得不好

[00:19:21] because the things she did with that prison guy? 她跟蹲监狱的家伙做的事

[00:19:23] It'd be pretty hard to make a baby that way. 不太可能让她怀孕

[00:19:26] Oh, God, what was it? The thing we hardly ever do, or the thing we never do? 哦, 上帝 做的什么? 是我们很少做的还是我们从没做过的?

[00:19:32] The thing we never do. 我们从没做过的

[00:19:35] Shovely Joe. 铁铲乔

[00:19:47] -Whenever you're ready, Joey. -Right. -你准备好了就开始吧, 乔伊 -好的

[00:19:58] -I'm sorry, what's going on? -Dude, come on, French it up. -对不起, 怎么回事儿? -哥们儿, 来嘛, 说法语啦

[00:20:04] Joey, do you speak French? 乔伊, 你会说法语吗?

[00:20:14] That's not French. 那不是法语

[00:20:20] Neither is that. 什么都不是

[00:20:25] You know what? I think this audition is over. 我看这次面试就到此为止吧

[00:20:29] Excuse me? 呃, 打扰一下

[00:20:31] I am Regine Phalange. 呃, 我是Ugeon Phillogne(法国名字)

[00:20:36] I was passing by when I heard this man speaking.. 我刚路过, 听到这个人在说

[00:20:39] the regional dialect of my French town of Estee Lauder. 我们法国小镇Estelloude的方言

[00:20:47] You really think this man is speaking French? 你真的认为这个人在说法语?

[00:21:19] Good job, little buddy. 干得不错, 小家伙

[00:21:25] That was some really good French. 你的法语讲得很好

[00:21:27] But I think we're gonna go with someone else for the part. 但是我觉得还是其他人更适合这个角色

[00:21:30] -All right, but my French was good? -It was great. -哦, 好吧 但是我的法语很好? -非常好

[00:21:34] See? 看到了吧

[00:21:45] -Emma's down for the night. -Oh, good. -艾玛睡着了 -哦, 好的

[00:21:48] -So I guess I'm gonna take off. -Okay. -那, 我看我该走了 -好的

[00:21:52] Hey, listen, just before you go.. 嘿, 听我说, 你走之前, 我…

[00:21:55] I just wanna say thank you for coming with me. 我想再次谢谢你能陪我一起去看我爸

[00:21:57] Oh, no problem. 哦, 没问题

[00:22:00] And also, you know, I.. 还有, 你知道我…

[00:22:02] I was thinking about what you said, you know, about the whole sex thing.. 我在想你说的话, 呃, 你知道的, 关于性什么的…

[00:22:07] Probably not a great idea to go down that road again. 也许再重复一次确实不是个好主意

[00:22:11] Thank you. I'm glad you agree. 谢谢, 我很高兴你也这么想

[00:22:14] It's a shame, though. When we did it, it was pretty good. 这也有点可惜, 我是说, 我们做的时候感觉不错

[00:22:19] Yeah. 对

[00:22:20] Yeah, that's true. 对, 对, 那倒是真的

[00:22:23] Hey, do you remember that one really great time? 嘿, 你还记得特别棒的那次?

[00:22:26] -Oh, yeah! -You know? -哦, 记得 -你记得?

[00:22:28] -It was Valentine's Day. -It was your birthday. -那天是情人节… -是你的生日…

[00:22:32] -Oh, yeah. -Oh, yeah. -哦, 对呀 -哦, 对呀

[00:22:38] Well, I guess that's all in the past now. 唔, 我猜那都是陈年往事了

[00:22:47] -Not even one more time. -Not even once. -以后不再干了 -一次也不

[00:22:51] -No matter how much we want it. -Even if we want it.. -不管我们有多想要 -即使我们真的

[00:22:54] -really bad. -That's what we decided. -真的很想要 -我们就这么说定的

[00:22:57] Right. 没错

[00:23:02] -It's kind of hard, though. You know? -Yeah. -但这有点难哦 -是啊

[00:23:05] When two people have a connection, you know, that's.. 你知道, 当两个人之间有了一种联系 那…

[00:23:10] Just seems like.. 就好像

[00:23:12] such a.. 好像是

[00:23:14] waste. 浪费

[00:23:19] I hate waste. 我不喜欢浪费

[00:23:26] -Ross? -Yes? -罗斯 -嗯

[00:23:28] Just so you know.. 就象你知道的

[00:23:31] with us.. 我们之间

[00:23:33] it's never off the table. 那事儿从来也没有免谈一说

[00:23:46] Damn it, it's never off the table. 是啊, 从来也没免谈一说

[00:23:58] -Okay, can you really tap-dance? -No. -好了, 你真的会跳踢踏舞吗? -不会

[00:24:01] It's off the resume. 从简历上去掉

[00:24:04] -Archery? -No. -箭术? -不会

[00:24:07] -Horseback riding? -Would fall off a lot. -骑马? -经常掉下来

[00:24:12] You can drink a gallon of milk in 10 seconds? 你能在10秒钟内喝掉一加仑(3.785升)牛奶?

[00:24:14] That I can do. 这我能做到

[00:24:16] Come on, you can drink a gallon of milk in 10 seconds? 得了吧, 你能在10秒钟内喝掉一加仑牛奶?

[00:24:20] All right, watch me. 好吧, 我喝给你看

[00:24:24] -Okay, you time me, ready? -Ready, go! -你掌握时间, 准备好了吗? -预备, 开始!

[00:24:59] You did it! 你成功了!
