
《Saw It Coming》歌词

Saw It Coming

[00:00:00] Saw It Coming (预料) - G-Eazy/Jeremih

[00:00:00] //

[00:00:00] Written by:

[00:00:04] //

[00:00:04] Young Gerald Jeremih uh

[00:00:11] 在我的一生中 我一直都不被看好

[00:00:11] Yeah my whole life I've been written off

[00:00:13] 我就像个孱弱的孩子 前途暗淡无光

[00:00:13] Like a sick kid who's spitting cough

[00:00:15] 但现在一切都已不同 我开始飞黄腾达

[00:00:15] Now it's all changed I blew up I'm lifting off

[00:00:18] 一直以来我都与众不同

[00:00:18] The whole time I just been cut from different cloth

[00:00:21] 我穿着昂贵柔软的羊绒衣物

[00:00:21] This is cashmere is that clear

[00:00:23] 在过去的一年中 我一心赚钱

[00:00:23] Catching paper cuts from the paper I've counted the past year

[00:00:26] 我如洪水猛兽般 唯一的区别是我更加厉害

[00:00:26] A monster a beast except I'm nastier

[00:00:29] 你想要我助你一臂之力吗 那就把钱拿过来吧

[00:00:29] Swift you need a favor then put your cash here

[00:00:32] 穷困潦倒时 无人问津 名利双收时 全部都来嘘寒问暖

[00:00:32] From the wood works now they all call

[00:00:34] 但现在的我已经和往日不同了 他们的格局太小

[00:00:34] But I'm in a different league they're playing small ball

[00:00:36] 我全年都在狂欢

[00:00:36] I ball through the summer the winter and all fall

[00:00:39] 所以如果他们没有先见之明 我就要告诉他们

[00:00:39] So if they never saw it coming I'm telling them all nah

[00:00:42] 如我类者 不会孤单

[00:00:42] Creatures like us can't be alone

[00:00:48] 如我类者 标新立异

[00:00:48] Creatures like us we freak

[00:00:52] 一些事让你彻夜难眠

[00:00:52] Something's got you up all night

[00:00:55] 所以告诉我 你要给谁打电话

[00:00:55] So tell me who you're gonna call

[00:00:57] 我敢断言你绝对没想到事情会变成这样

[00:00:57] I bet you never saw it coming

[00:01:00] 我敢断言你绝对没想到事情会变成这样

[00:01:00] I bet you never saw it coming

[00:01:03] 总有人会让一切都步入正轨

[00:01:03] Someone's gotta make it right

[00:01:05] 现在告诉我 你要给谁打电话

[00:01:05] Now tell me who you're gonna call

[00:01:08] 我敢断言你绝对没想到事情会变成这样

[00:01:08] I bet you never saw it coming

[00:01:11] 我敢断言你绝对没想到事情会变成这样

[00:01:11] I bet you never saw it coming

[00:01:13] 我是个可靠的人 总是能按时完成自己的工作

[00:01:13] Yeah count on me to get the job done

[00:01:16] 我曾说过自己想要一块劳力士表 最终自己努力得到了

[00:01:16] Said I want a rollie so I copped one

[00:01:18] 我从未给自己留过后路 尽管旁人一直说我不应该这样

[00:01:18] Never had a plan b they told me I should probably adopt one

[00:01:21] 我会一直这样生活 直到生命的尽头

[00:01:21] Nah I'll keep living this way till it's all done

[00:01:23] 唯一的选择就是一开始不被看好

[00:01:23] Only one option always been the underdog

[00:01:26] 但是不断地努力 最终到达人生的巅峰

[00:01:26] Dog keeps climbing up till he is the top one

[00:01:29] 谁会阻挡我的前进

[00:01:29] So who gon stop me

[00:01:30] 谁是无神论者 不相信耶稣的存在

[00:01:30] What's an atheist to god's son

[00:01:31] 我不清楚 对于鬼神而言 枪支弹药如若无物

[00:01:31] I don't know shoot what's a ghost to a shotgun

[00:01:35] 如我类者 不会孤单

[00:01:35] Creatures like us can't be alone

[00:01:40] 如我类者 标新立异

[00:01:40] Creatures like us we freak

[00:01:44] 一些事让你彻夜难眠

[00:01:44] Something's got you up all night

[00:01:46] 所以告诉我 你要给谁打电话

[00:01:46] So tell me who you're gonna call yeah

[00:01:50] 我敢断言你绝对没想到事情会变成这样

[00:01:50] I bet you never saw it coming

[00:01:52] 我敢断言你绝对没想到事情会变成这样

[00:01:52] I bet you never saw it coming

[00:01:55] 总有人会让一切都步入正轨

[00:01:55] Someone's gotta make it right

[00:01:57] 现在告诉我 你要给谁打电话

[00:01:57] Now tell me who you're gonna call

[00:02:00] 我敢断言你绝对没想到事情会变成这样

[00:02:00] I bet you never saw it coming

[00:02:03] 我敢断言你绝对没想到事情会变成这样

[00:02:03] I bet you never saw it coming

[00:02:07] 你知道 他们好像都没有先见之明

[00:02:07] You know it's like they never saw it coming

[00:02:11] 我曾说过 我非同一般

[00:02:11] I said I'm a beast I'm a creature

[00:02:13] 想要请我出演 一定要支付高昂费用

[00:02:13] Charging down payments on a house for a feature

[00:02:16] 如我类者 不会孤单

[00:02:16] Creatures like us can't be alone

[00:02:22] 如我类者 不会孤单

[00:02:22] Creatures like us can't be can't be alone

[00:02:30] //

[00:02:30] Yeah

[00:02:31] 一些事让你彻夜难眠

[00:02:31] Something's got you up all night

[00:02:34] 所以告诉我 你要给谁打电话

[00:02:34] So tell me who you're gonna call

[00:02:37] 我敢断言你绝对没想到事情会变成这样

[00:02:37] I bet you never saw it coming

[00:02:40] 绝对没想到事情会变成这样

[00:02:40] Yeah ain't never saw it coming uh

[00:02:42] 总有人会让一切都步入正轨

[00:02:42] Someone's gotta make it right

[00:02:44] 现在告诉我 你要给谁打电话

[00:02:44] Now tell me who you're gonna call

[00:02:47] 我敢断言你绝对没想到事情会变成这样

[00:02:47] I bet you never saw it coming

[00:02:50] 我敢断言你绝对没想到事情会变成这样

[00:02:50] I bet you never saw it coming

[00:02:52] 一些事让你彻夜难眠

[00:02:52] Something's got you up all night

[00:02:54] 所以告诉我 你要给谁打电话

[00:02:54] So tell me who you're gonna call

[00:02:58] 我敢断言你绝对没想到事情会变成这样

[00:02:58] I bet you never saw it coming

[00:03:00] 我敢断言你绝对没想到事情会变成这样

[00:03:00] I bet you never saw it coming

[00:03:03] 总有人会让一切都步入正轨

[00:03:03] Someone's gotta make it right

[00:03:05] 现在告诉我 你要给谁打电话

[00:03:05] Now tell me who you're gonna call

[00:03:08] 我敢断言你绝对没想到事情会变成这样

[00:03:08] I bet you never saw it coming

[00:03:11] 我敢断言你绝对没想到事情会变成这样

[00:03:11] I bet you never saw it coming

[00:03:16] 成功就是这样简单
