


[00:00:00] 84 - David And The High Spirit

[00:00:00] Chapter 84

[00:00:13] How lovely is thy dwelling place

[00:00:14] O Lord of hosts

[00:00:16] My soul longs yea faints

[00:00:19] For the courts of the Lord

[00:00:20] My heart and flesh sing for joy

[00:00:22] To the living God

[00:00:25] Even the sparrow finds a home

[00:00:27] And the swallow a nest for herself

[00:00:29] Where she may lay her young

[00:00:31] At thy altars O Lord of hosts

[00:00:33] My king and my God

[00:00:34] Blessed are those who dwell in my house

[00:00:37] Ever singing thy praise

[00:00:39] Blessed are the men whose strength is in thee

[00:00:43] In whose heart are the highways to Zion

[00:00:46] As they go to the valley of Baca

[00:00:49] They make it a place of springs

[00:00:51] The early rain also covers it with pools

[00:00:55] They go from strength to strength

[00:00:58] The God of Gods will be seen in Zion

[00:01:02] O Lord God of hosts hear my prayer

[00:01:05] Give ear O God of Jacob

[00:01:08] Behold our shield O God

[00:01:10] Look upon the face of thine anointed

[00:01:13] For a day in thy courts is better

[00:01:15] Than a thousand elsewhere

[00:01:17] I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God

[00:01:21] Than dwell in the tents of wickedness

[00:01:23] For the Lord God is a sun and shield

[00:01:26] He bestows favor and honor

[00:01:28] No good thing does the Lord withhold

[00:01:31] From those who walk uprightly

[00:01:33] O Lord of hosts

[00:01:35] Blessed is the man who trusts in thee
