《Friends S05E08 The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks》歌词

[00:00:08] Monica,that was the best Thanksgiving dinner ever. 这真是史上最棒的感恩节大餐
[00:00:11] It was so good. I think you killed us. 太好吃了 你把我们撑死了
[00:00:15] I couldn't possibly eat another bite. 我连一口都吃不下了
[00:00:18] I need something sweet. 我要吃甜的
[00:00:21] Does anyone want to watch TV? 有人想看电视吗? 好啊
[00:00:27] Monica,your remote doesn't work. 摩妮卡,你的遥控器按不动
[00:00:29] You have to lift it and point. 你得把它拿起来对准
[00:00:35] Oh,forget it. 算了
[00:00:38] Let's play that game where everyone says one thing they're thankful for. 你们知道吗? 我们应该来玩感恩告白游戏
[00:00:44] I am thankful for this beautiful fall we've been having. 我要说 感谢今年的秋天这么美
[00:00:48] Very nice. 说得真好
[00:00:50] The other day, I was at the bus stop... 那天我在等公车
[00:00:52] ...and this lovely fall breeze came and blew this chick's skirt up. 突然吹来一阵秋风 把一个女生的裙子吹了起来
[00:00:58] Which reminds me, I'm also thankful for thongs. 对了,我还要感谢丁字裤
[00:01:04] The One with the Thanksgiving Flashbacks 本集播出:“感恩大回顾”
[00:01:52] It's not so much an underpant as a feat of engineering. 与其说它是内裤 不如说是一种伟大工程
[00:01:57] It's amazing... 效果那么惊人
[00:01:58] ...how much they can do with so little material. 料子却那么少
[00:02:02] And they play with your mind. Is it there? Is it not there? 它还会戏弄你 有穿吗?没穿吗?
[00:02:07] Are you aware that you're still talking? 你知道你还在碎碎念吗?
[00:02:10] Is anyone thankful for anything else besides a thong? 有没有人要感谢 丁字裤以外的东西?
[00:02:15] I don't know. Am I more thankful for my divorce or my eviction? 我不知道要比较感谢离婚 还是被赶出来
[00:02:19] And I didn't think you'd be able to come up with anything. 我还以为你会没得谢
[00:02:25] I'm sorry. This is the worst Thanksgiving ever. 抱歉,这是最惨的一次感恩节
[00:02:28] I am the king of bad Thanksgivings. 不行,我才是悲惨感恩节盟主
[00:02:30] You can't swoop in with your bad marriage and take that away from me. 你不能挟失败的婚姻空降 抢了我的宝座
[00:02:35] You're not going to tell about your parents' divorce again,are you? 你又要说你爸妈离婚的事了?
[00:02:41] Come on! I want to hear it. 别这样嘛,我想听
[00:02:44] It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without Chandler bumming us out. 没有钱德扫兴就不算感恩节了
[00:02:49] It's a tradition,like the parade. 这跟游行一样是一项传统
[00:02:51] If the parade decided it was gay and abandoned its family. 如果游行也出柜离家 抛妻弃子的话
[00:02:59] Now,Chandler,dear... 钱德
[00:03:00] ...just because we're getting a divorce... 爸爸和我要离婚
[00:03:03] ...doesn't mean we don't love you. 并不代表我们不爱你
[00:03:05] It just means... 只是代表...
[00:03:06] ...he would rather sleep with the houseboy than with me. ...他上床的对像是男仆 不是我
[00:03:13] More turkey,Mr. Chandler? 小少爷还要火鸡吗?
[00:03:19] Every time you tell that story, that guy's accent gets thicker and thicker. 你把那傢伙的口音 说得越来越重
[00:03:25] So are he and your dad still together? 他们还在一起吗?
[00:03:27] No. After they got their own place, the houseboy got his own houseboy. 没有,他们同居之后 男仆自己也有了男仆
[00:03:31] Should have heard his accent. 你应该听听他的口音
[00:03:34] You're right,yours is worse. You're the king of bad Thanksgivings. 你说得对,你的更惨 你是悲惨感恩节盟主
[00:03:38] I've got one that's worse. 不一定,我有一次更惨
[00:03:41] Really? Worse than, "More turkey,Mr. Chandler?" 惨过“小少爷还要火鸡”吗?
[00:03:46] Did the little rich boy have a problem with the butler? 小少爷跟仆人有仇吗?
[00:03:49] Yes,mine's worse! 对,我的更惨
[00:03:53] “1862年感恩节”
[00:03:56] More bandages! 还要绷带!
[00:03:58] More bandages! 还要绷带
[00:04:00] Please,can I get some more bandages in here? 再给我一些绷带
[00:04:03] This man is 这个人快死…
[00:04:09] Oh,no 不会吧
[00:04:14] In this life,Phoebe. 今生的才算
[00:04:17] Oh,this life. Oh,okay. 今生是吧
[00:04:19] No,Chandler's is worse. 那钱德的比较惨
[00:04:22] It must be cool remembering stuff like that. 记得前世的事一定很酷
[00:04:25] I don't have any past-life memories. 我都没有前世的记忆
[00:04:28] Of course,you don't,sweetie. You're brand-new. 当然没有,你是新生命
[00:04:33] I know Monica's worst Thanksgiving. 我知道摩妮卡最惨的感恩节
[00:04:36] Let's not tell this story. 那个就别提了 说嘛
[00:04:38] I know! 我知道
[00:04:40] It's the one where Joey got Monica's turkey stuck on his head. 就是摩妮卡的火鸡 卡在乔伊头上那次
[00:04:46] Joey got a turkey stuck on his head? 什么?乔伊头上卡了只火鸡?
[00:04:49] It's not like it sounds. 其实不是那样
[00:04:51] It's exactly like it sounds. 其实就是那样
[00:04:56] “1992年感恩节”
[00:05:08] 菲比?
[00:05:10] What's going on? 乔伊?怎么了?
[00:05:12] 你看
[00:05:15] Oh,my God! 我的天哪
[00:05:16] I know! 我知道
[00:05:18] It's stuck! 它卡住了
[00:05:21] Step. 小心台阶
[00:05:22] How did it get on? 它怎么会跑到你头上?
[00:05:24] I put it on to scare Chandler. 是我套上去想吓钱德
[00:05:27] Oh,my God! Monica's going to totally freak out! 天哪,摩妮卡一定会气死
[00:05:31] Help me get it off! 那就赶快帮我拿下来
[00:05:32] Plus,it smells really bad in here. 而且这里面好臭
[00:05:37] Of course it smells bad. You have your head up a dead animal's ass. 当然很臭 你的头塞在动物尸体的屁股里
[00:05:43] 是摩妮卡
[00:05:51] Did you get the turkey? 你替火鸡涂…
[00:05:53] Oh,my God! 我的天哪
[00:05:55] Who is that? 那是谁?
[00:05:56] It's Joey. 乔伊啦
[00:05:59] Is this supposed to be funny? 你在干什么?你是在搞笑吗?
[00:06:02] It's not supposed to be funny. It's supposed to be scary. 不是搞笑,是吓人
[00:06:06] Get that off now! 马上给我拿掉
[00:06:08] I can't. It's stuck! 拿不掉,卡住了
[00:06:10] It has to feed 20 people. They're not going to eat it off your head! 我不管,我爸妈的二十个客人 可不能就着你的头吃
[00:06:15] Hold on. 先别急
[00:06:16] Let's just all think. 大家一起想办法
[00:06:24] I got it! 我知道了
[00:06:26] You pull. 菲比, 你拉
[00:06:27] I'll spread the legs as wide as I can. 我尽量把腿撑开
[00:06:33] Now is not the time. Sorry. 乔伊,现在不要闹 对不起
[00:06:36] Count to three. One... 好,数到三…一...
[00:06:38] ...two... ...二...
[00:06:40] ...three! ...三
[00:06:44] It worked! I scared you! I knew it! 成功了!我吓到你了
[00:06:50] I'm here,big guy. 大哥,我在这里
[00:06:51] Yeah,you are! 我知道
[00:06:53] I scared you! 我吓到你了
[00:06:58] You did look like an idiot. 你看起来真的很白痴
[00:07:02] I wasn't the only one who looked like an idiot. 白痴的不只是我
[00:07:05] Remember when Ross tried to say "butternut squash"... 罗斯有一次想说冬南瓜
[00:07:08] ...and it came out, "squatternut bosh"? 结果讲成南冬瓜
[00:07:14] Yeah,that's the same. 的确一样白痴
[00:07:18] That's it. That's my worst Thanksgiving. 那就是我最惨的感恩节
[00:07:21] That can't be the one Rachel meant. 等等,瑞秋说的不可能是那次
[00:07:23] She didn't even know that happened. 她根本不知道那件事
[00:07:26] So,what's yours? 所以是哪一次? 哪一次?
[00:07:28] I really don't want to tell this story. 我真的不想提这件事
[00:07:31] Reliving pain and getting depressed is what Thanksgiving's all about. 讲嘛,重温悲惨的回忆 是感恩节的精神
[00:07:37] For me,anyway. 至少我觉得是
[00:07:38] And,of course,the lndians. 还有原住民的帮忙
[00:07:41] Of all people,you do not want me to tell this story. 最不希望我提的绝对是你
[00:07:44] What is that supposed to mean? 什么意思?
[00:07:48] -Monica,I think Rachel's here! -I'll get it! 摩妮卡,应该是瑞秋来了 我来开
[00:07:58] Happy Thanksgiving! 感恩节快乐
[00:07:59] Not for me. 我不快乐
[00:08:01] Chip and I broke up. 奇普和我分手了
[00:08:04] Why? 为什么?
[00:08:05] What happened? 怎么了?
[00:08:07] My parents are out of town, and Chip was going to come over. 我爸妈不是要出门 奇普不是要来…
[00:08:11] And you were going to give him... 对,你要给他...
[00:08:13] ...your "flower." ...你的花芯
[00:08:15] Monica,can you just call it sex? 摩妮卡,你能不能直接说做爱
[00:08:17] It really creeps me out when you call it that. 你那样讲让我浑身发毛
[00:08:21] And by the way... 还有...
[00:08:22] ...while we're at it,a guy's thing is not called his "tenderness." ...在做的时候 男人的那里不叫他的温柔
[00:08:29] Believe me. 相信我
[00:08:35] Happy Thanksgiving. 瑞秋 感恩节快乐 你也是
[00:08:40] 天哪
[00:08:44] Everyone... 各位
[00:08:45] ...this is Chandler. 这是钱德
[00:08:47] My roommate... 我的室友...
[00:08:49] ...and lead singer of our band. ...兼我们乐团的主唱
[00:08:54] 罗斯
[00:08:55] This is Monica. 这是摩妮卡
[00:08:57] I'm Ross' little sister. 我是罗斯的妹妹
[00:09:00] 好
[00:09:03] I'm so glad you could come. 欢迎你来
[00:09:06] We've got plenty of food, so I hope you're hungry. 有很多吃的 希望你饿了
[00:09:08] Chandler hates Thanksgiving and doesn't eat any Thanksgiving food. 妈,钱德痛恨感恩节 他不吃感恩节食物
[00:09:14] I'm so glad you brought him here. 那还真是欢迎啊
[00:09:19] I can make you some macaroni and cheese for dinner. 钱德 我可以帮你煮起司通心面
[00:09:22] As long as the Pilgrims didn't eat it. 只要当年的清教徒没吃我就吃
[00:09:28] Damn it! 讨厌
[00:09:41] Does it feel weird around here now? 瑞秋,你会不会觉得怪怪的?
[00:09:43] You know,since I've been away at college? 我去上大学不在了以后
[00:09:49] That's cool. 那就好
[00:09:52] 那你…
[00:09:56] So that's Rachel,the girl you've been writing all those songs about? 她就是你那些歌的女主角瑞秋 对
[00:10:00] Might want to rethink the lyrics to "She Feels Weird Since I've Been Gone." 你可能得修改那句 “我的离去令她浑身不对劲”
[00:10:09] I cannot believe Chip dumped me for that slut Nancy Branson! 奇普居然为了那个花痴南茜 而甩了我
[00:10:14] I am never going out with him again. I don't care how much he begs. 我再也不跟他约会了 他再怎么求我也没用
[00:10:18] His begging days are over,now that he's with Nancy Branson. 他有了南茜,应该不会求你了
[00:10:24] I've just had it with high-school boys. 你知道吗?我受够高中男生了
[00:10:26] They're just silly. 他们只是些笨蛋
[00:10:28] They're just silly,stupid boys. 他们全是些又笨又呆的小毛头
[00:10:32] I'll start dating men. 我要开始跟男人交往
[00:10:36] I'm sorry,Judy. 茱蒂,对不起
[00:10:37] I couldn't find that bowl you and Jack were looking for. 我找不到你和杰克要的碗
[00:10:43] Call them Mom and Dad,you loser. 叫爸爸妈妈吧,俗辣
[00:10:48] 摩妮卡
[00:10:54] 钱德
[00:10:59] Did you like the macaroni and cheese? 起司通心面好吃吗?
[00:11:01] It was great. You should be a chef. 很好吃,你应该去当厨师
[00:11:04] 好啊
[00:11:09] Guess what. 你猜怎样?
[00:11:11] All this stuff about Nancy being a slut was all a rumor. 南茜很花痴的传闻都是假的
[00:11:14] Chip dumped her,and he wants to come over to my house! 所以奇普甩了她 他今天晚上想来找我
[00:11:18] -That is so great! -I know. 太棒了 就是啊
[00:11:20] Oh,gosh. Listen, if you and Chip do it tonight... 天哪,要是你和奇普晚上做了
[00:11:24] ...promise me you'll tell me everything. 你一定要把细节都告诉我
[00:11:26] Totally. It's not that big a deal. We already kind of did it once. 那当然,其实也没什么 我们应该有做过一次
[00:11:30] But now you'll definitely know whether or not you did it. 我知道,但这回你一定能确定
[00:11:34] I know. 我知道
[00:11:35] And Chip promised that this time it'd last at least for an entire song. 奇普还保证 这次会持续一整首歌的长度
[00:11:43] I'm thinking of asking Rachel out tonight... 我晚上打算约瑞秋出去
[00:11:45] ...maybe playing her that song we wrote last week. 弹我们上周写的那首歌给她听
[00:11:48] "Emotional Knapsack"? Yes. Right on! “忧愁的背包”? 对 漂亮
[00:11:53] But don't take long. We're testing our fake lD's tonight. 不过不要拖太久 我们还要去试用假身分证
[00:11:57] Right,Clifford Alvarez? 对吧,克里夫艾维瑞兹?
[00:12:00] Listen,Roland Cheng... 听着,罗兰陈
[00:12:04] ...if things go well, I may be out with her all night. 如果一切顺利 我们搞不好不会回来
[00:12:08] Dude,don't do that to me. 兄弟,别丢下我
[00:12:10] It's cool,you can stay here. My parents won't mind. 没关系,你可以留下来 我爸妈不会介意
[00:12:12] It's not that. I just don't want to be stuck here with your fat sister. 不是,我不想整晚 跟你的肥猪妹妹在一起
[00:12:20] Why don't you finish off these pies? 摩妮卡,把这些派吃完吧
[00:12:22] I don't have any more room in the fridge. 冰箱塞不下了
[00:12:29] No,thank you. 不了,谢谢
[00:12:31] Judy,you did it. 茱蒂,你成功了
[00:12:33] She's finally full! 她终于吃不下了
[00:12:38] I called you fat? 我说你肥?
[00:12:40] -I don't even remember that. -Maybe it'd jog your memory... 我完全不记得 或许唱...
[00:12:42] ...if you guys played a little bit of "Emotional Knapsack." ...那首“忧愁的背包” 可以让你想起来
[00:12:47] I'm so sorry. I really am. 对不起,真的
[00:12:49] I was an idiot back then. 我那时候很愚蠢
[00:12:51] I rushed the stage at a Wham concert, for crying out loud! 我还在“轰”的演唱会上 冲上台大叫
[00:12:56] I can't believe you called her fat. 你居然说她肥
[00:12:58] I can't believe you let George Michael slap you. 你居然让乔治麦可赏你耳光
[00:13:03] I am really sorry. 真的很抱歉
[00:13:04] That is terrible. I'm so sorry. 我太差劲了 真是对不起
[00:13:07] That's not the Thanksgiving I was talking about. 其实我说的不是那次感恩节
[00:13:10] Yes,it was. 就是
[00:13:11] No,it was actually 不是,我说的是…
[00:13:13] Thanksgiving's over. Let's get ready for Christmas. 感恩节结束,准备过圣诞节吧 谁要去买圣诞树?
[00:13:19] I have the cutest Christmas story. 我有最可爱的圣诞节故事
[00:13:21] We want to hear Monica's story. 我们想听摩妮卡的感恩节故事
[00:13:23] Mine had a dwarf that got broke in half, but,you know,whatever. 我的故事里有小矮人断成两截 不过随便
[00:13:30] You changed your major again? 瑞秋,你妈说你又转系了
[00:13:33] I had to. 没办法
[00:13:34] There was never any parking by the psychology building. 心理系馆旁边很难停车
[00:13:38] 瑞秋
[00:13:40] Love your new nose! Jack. 你的新鼻子真漂亮 杰克
[00:13:43] What? Dr. Wolfson's an artist. 怎样?威尔森医生是个艺术家
[00:13:46] He removed my mole cluster. 他帮我点掉一堆痣
[00:13:47] Want to see? 你要看吗?
[00:13:50] No! Please,let me. 我去开 不,让我去
[00:14:01] Happy Thanksgiving. 感恩节快乐
[00:14:04] Your hair sure is different. 你的发型变了好多
[00:14:06] We were just talking about that. 我们刚才还在讲
[00:14:08] We can't believe how stupid we used to look. 我们以前真的好蠢
[00:14:14] Where's Monica? 摩妮卡呢?
[00:14:15] She's upstairs. 在楼上
[00:14:17] Come down,everyone's here! 摩妮卡,快下来,人都到齐了
[00:14:19] Ross,Rachel... 罗斯,瑞秋
[00:14:20] ...and the boy who hates Thanksgiving. 和那个痛恨感恩节的男生
[00:14:27] 钱德
[00:14:29] Oh,my God! 我的天哪
[00:14:31] What's the matter? 怎么了?
[00:14:33] Is there something on my dress? 我的衣服有脏东西吗
[00:14:37] You look so different. 你变了好多好漂亮
[00:14:39] Terrific.
[00:14:40] That dress,that body.... 那件裙子,那个身材
[00:14:42] -Dude! -Sorry. 喂 抱歉
[00:14:45] Yes,she's thin. It's wonderful. 对,摩妮卡瘦了,太好了
[00:14:47] But we really want to hear... 但我们比较关心...
[00:14:49] ...about Ross' new girlfriend. ...罗斯的新女友
[00:14:54] Her name is Carol. 好吧,她叫卡萝
[00:14:56] She's really pretty and smart. 她很漂亮,很聪明
[00:14:58] She's on the lacrosse team and the golf team. 她是长曲棍球和高尔夫球校队
[00:15:01] Can you believe it? 很厉害吧?
[00:15:03] She plays for both teams. 她两个校队都打
[00:15:08] So I guess I'll see you at dinner. 钱德,那就晚餐见罗
[00:15:12] -Dude! -Sorry. 喂 抱歉
[00:15:15] Oh,my God! 天哪
[00:15:17] That was so awesome. 真是酷毙了
[00:15:18] You got him back for calling you fat. 你完全报了一箭之仇
[00:15:21] He was drooling all over you. 他的口水流了满地
[00:15:23] -That must have felt so great. -lt didn't. 感觉一定很过瘾 一点也不过瘾
[00:15:24] What? 什么?
[00:15:27] Yeah,I mean,I look great. 没错,我很漂亮
[00:15:29] I feel great,and my heart's not in trouble anymore. 感觉很轻盈 心脏的毛病也没了
[00:15:35] I just don't feel like I got him back. 但我还是觉得没报到仇
[00:15:37] I just want to humiliate him. 我想狠狠的羞辱他
[00:15:40] I want him to be naked,and I want to point at him and laugh. 我想让他光着身体 再指着他大笑
[00:15:46] That,we may be able to do. 好,搞不好可以
[00:15:50] How? 怎么做?
[00:15:51] Guys tend to get naked before they're going to have sex. 男人要做爱之前都会脱光衣服
[00:15:55] What? 什么?
[00:15:56] I didn't work this hard and lose weight... 我这么努力瘦这么多
[00:15:59] ...just so I could give my flower to someone like him. 可不是为了把花芯给他那种人
[00:16:02] First of all,if you keep calling it that, no one will take it. 好,第一,你再那样讲 保证没有人会要
[00:16:06] And then second of all, you're not going to have sex with him. 第二,又不是要你来真的
[00:16:10] You'll just make him think that you are. 只是要你误导他
[00:16:14] 也对
[00:16:16] I'll throw him out in the yard,lock the door... 等他脱光了 我就把他赶出去锁上门
[00:16:19] ...and all our neighbors will just humiliate him! 让所有的邻居耻笑他
[00:16:22] You'll definitely get him back. 那你就绝对报了仇
[00:16:24] How do I make him think I want to have sex? 我要怎么误导他?
[00:16:27] Here's what you do. 我知道了
[00:16:29] Just act like everything around you turns you on. 假装什么都能让你兴奋
[00:16:36] What do you mean? 什么意思?
[00:16:37] Anything can be sexy. 就是什么都能挑动你
[00:16:41] Like this dish towel. 像…像这条擦碗巾
[00:16:46] This feels so good against my cheek. 它的触感好舒服
[00:16:50] And if I get a little hot, I can just dab myself with it. 如果我热了就可以拿它来吸汗
[00:16:54] Or I can bring it down to my side and run it through my fingers... 或是把它放在腿边
[00:16:58] ...while I talk to him. 边跟他说话边玩弄
[00:17:00] I can do that. 这个我会
[00:17:01] Good,good,good. 很好
[00:17:03] Get busy. He's coming. 他来了
[00:17:06] Hey,what's up? 你好
[00:17:10] Could you make me some of that righteous mac and cheese like last year? 摩妮卡,你能不能帮我煮 去年那种通心面
[00:17:15] I'd love to. 没问题
[00:17:23] I love macaroni and cheese. 我好喜欢起司通心面
[00:17:28] I love the way this box feels against my cheek. 我好喜欢这个盒子的触感
[00:17:38] And I love carrots. 我好喜欢胡萝卜
[00:17:44] Sometimes I like to put them between my fingers. 有时我喜欢把它们这样夹着
[00:17:49] Like this. 像这样
[00:17:51] And hold them down here while I talk to you. 然后放在腿边跟你说话
[00:17:58] And,you know,if I get really hot... 觉得很热的时候…
[00:18:02] ...I like to pick up this knife. ...我喜欢拿起这把刀
[00:18:07] And I put the cool steel... 把冰凉的刀身...
[00:18:11] ...against... 靠在…
[00:18:13] ...my body. 身上
[00:18:17] Are you all right? 你还好吗?
[00:18:19] I'm fine. Just... 我很好,只是…
[00:18:36] Twenty-year-old male. 什么状况? 20岁男性
[00:18:37] He's got a severed toe on his right foot. 右脚拇趾被切到
[00:18:43] Could you please not do that feet first? 别撞到他的脚好吗?
[00:18:45] You know where his injury is. Severed toe,you just said it! 你明知他是拇趾被切到 你刚才也说了
[00:18:50] It says the knife went through your shoe. 这里写说刀子刺穿鞋子
[00:18:52] They're made of wicker! 那当然,他穿的是草鞋
[00:18:56] Did you bring the toe? 断指带来了吗?
[00:18:57] I have it right here on ice. 有,在这里冰着
[00:18:59] Toes on Ice,coming soon to Madison Square Garden. “冰上拇趾秀” 麦迪逊花园广场即将演出
[00:19:01] Save your strength,man. 省点力气吧
[00:19:04] Don't worry,son. We'll just reattach it and then.... 放心,我们会把它缝…
[00:19:07] What is it? 怎么了?
[00:19:09] You brought a carrot. 你带了一块胡萝卜来
[00:19:13] This isn't your toe. This is a small, very cold piece of carrot. 什么? 这不是你的脚趾 这是一小块很冰的红萝蔔
[00:19:18] You brought a carrot? 你带胡萝卜来?
[00:19:20] Oh,my God! 天哪,
[00:19:22] There's a toe in my kitchen. 我的厨房里有一截断趾
[00:19:26] I'm sorry! I'll go get it! 对不起,我马上回去拿
[00:19:28] All we can do now is sew up the wound. 来不及了,我们只能直接缝合
[00:19:30] Without my toe? I need my toe! 我需要我的脚趾头
[00:19:32] I can go really fast! Dad, give me the keys to your Porsche. 等一下,我很快 爸,让我开你的保时捷
[00:19:36] I'm not falling for that one. 我才不会上当
[00:19:40] That's why I lost my toe? Because I called you fat? 这就是我断趾的原因? 因为我说你肥?
[00:19:45] I didn't mean to cut it off. It was an accident. 我不是故意的,那是意外
[00:19:48] That's why for an entire year people called me Sir Limps-a-lot? 我就因为这样被叫了一整年的 跛脚趾头先生?
[00:19:53] I'm sorry. 对不起嘛
[00:19:55] It wasn't your whole toe. 又不是一整根脚趾头
[00:19:57] Yeah,well,I miss the tip. 我少了趾尖
[00:19:59] It's the best part. 趾尖最棒
[00:20:02] It has the nail. 趾尖有指甲
[00:20:05] 钱德
[00:20:09] Sir Limps-a-lot. 跛脚趾头先生
[00:20:10] I came up with that. 那是我想出来的
[00:20:15] You're a dork. 你好无聊
[00:20:18] -I can't believe this. -I said I was sorry. 我真不敢相信 钱德,我都道歉了
[00:20:21] "Sorry" doesn't bring back the piggy that cried all the way home. 道歉也换不回 我那思乡情切的小趾尖
[00:20:26] It figures that something like this would happen today. 我就知道今天会发生这种事
[00:20:29] I hate this stupid day and everything about it! 我恨感恩节和这一天的一切
[00:20:32] I'll see you later. 回见
[00:20:33] Wait. 等等
[00:20:34] Come here. 过来
[00:20:36] Is there anything I can do? Anything? 有什么我能做的吗?
[00:20:39] Just leave me alone for a little while. 有,让我静一静
[00:20:49] I'm a duck. I go quack-quack. 我是鸭子呱呱呱
[00:20:51] I'm happy all the time. 一天到晚都快乐
[00:21:04] Nice try. 别试了
[00:21:05] Wait,wait,wait. 等等
[00:21:10] Look,Monica 摩妮卡… 你看
[00:21:16] This is not going to work. 没有用的
[00:21:17] I bet this will work. 接下来绝对有用
[00:21:28] You're so great. 你真绝
[00:21:29] I love you. 我爱你
[00:21:42] Nothing. I said you're so great, and then I just stopped talking. 没事,我说“你真绝” 然后就没说话了
[00:21:47] You said you loved me. I can't believe this! 你说你爱我,我真不敢相信
[00:21:50] No,I didn't! 我没有
[00:21:53] Yes,you did! 你有
[00:21:54] No,I didn't! 我没有
[00:21:56] You love me! 你爱我
[00:21:58] No,I don't! 我没有
[00:21:59] Stop it,stop it,stop it! 别再说了
[00:22:09] “1915年感恩节”
[00:22:13] Gauze! 纱布!
[00:22:14] Gauze! 纱布!
[00:22:16] I need to get some gauze in here! 这里需要纱布
[00:22:18] Can I please get some more gauze? 请再给我一些纱…
[00:22:32] This is getting ridiculous. 真是越来越扯了
- Friends S01E08
- Friends S04E15 The One With All The Rugby
- Friends S04E14 The One With Joeys Dirty Day
- Friends S04E12 The One With The Embryos
- Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus
- Friends S04E10 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
- Friends S04E09 The One Where They’re Going To Party
- Friends S01E07
- Friends S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line
- Friends S04E06 The One With The Dirty Girl
- 几时再见?! [陈慧娴]
- 再见的笑容 [小5]
- One Last Time [Veruca Salt]
- (Still I Am) [Naal]
- Young And Innocent Days [The Kinks]
- Thoroughfare Gap [Stephen Stills]
- 感情倒头栽 [唐俪]
- Crank That 就酱跳 [Soulja Boy]
- We Are Ninjas [Pentatonix]
- Mit Chic, Polka Schnell, Op. 221 [Zubin Mehta&Wiener Philha]
- 追忆 [MC韩词]
- Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) [Arcade Fire]
- My Wish Came True [Elvis Presley]
- She Thinks I Still Care [Del Shannon]
- 恋愛勇者 [りょーくん]
- Você Vai Me Estragar [Bianca Chami]
- Hur kan du lova mig [Patrik Isaksson]
- The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of [Beardfish]
- Hanging On [Big Dismal]
- Beautiful Girls [Kingston Army]
- Nochecita [El Negro Peregrino Y Su T]
- Dark Is The Night [Vaughn Monroe&Patrice Mun]
- Soul Flower(explicit Tatelarock Remix) [The Pharcyde]
- Bien Avant Les Larmes [Olympe]
- Hati Seorang Kawan Baru [Datuk Sharifah Aini]
- Serenade in Blue(Remastered) [Benny Goodman&Dick Haymes]
- The White Cliffs of Dover [Vera Lynn]
- Pen Pineapple Apple Pen (Extended) [DJ Rikituki]
- Là-Bas C’est Naturel [Serge Gainsbourg]
- Little Cabin Home On The Hill [小野リサ]
- O amor em paz [luz]
- 病名は愛だった [哦漏]
- Bum Bum (Monika) [EAV]
- Happy Birthday Ali [Happy Birthday Library]
- On The Floor(Party Tribute to Jennifer Lopez & Pitbull) [Ultimate Party Jams]
- Wreck on the Highway [Roy Acuff&His Oklahoma Pl]
- 只有一个梦(68年版) [崔萍]
- Butter-Fly(劇場サイズ 3) [和田光司]
- 大悲咒(女声轻柔1版) [倾芜]
- 别放弃(Live) [西门卓]
- 第2284集_强敌燕山老祖 [祁桑]
- 爸爸的笔 [周柯岑]