《Friends S02E23 The One With The Chicken Pox》歌词

[00:00:02] Chandler,Mon,there's only one banana-nut muffin left. 钱德,摩妮卡 香蕉核果松饼只剩一个
[00:00:05] I ordered mine first. 我先点的
[00:00:07] Yeah,but I'm so much faster. 对,但我比你迅速
[00:00:10] Give it to me. 给我
[00:00:12] No. 不
[00:00:13] Give it to me! 给我
[00:00:15] Okay,you can have it. 那给你吧
[00:00:25] There you go. Enjoy your coffee. 请慢慢享用你的咖啡
[00:00:28] That was there when I got here. 那一杯不是我的
[00:00:33] Hey,you'll never guess who's coming to New York. 各位 你们绝对猜不到谁要来纽约
[00:00:37] Quick,tell us before he swallows. 菲碧,在他吞下去以前说
[00:00:40] Ryan,that guy I dated who's in the Navy. 我在海军服役的男朋友莱恩
[00:00:46] I met him while playing guitar in the park. 对,我在华盛顿广场 演奏吉他的时候认识的
[00:00:52] Is that when you wrote "Saltwater Taffy Man"? 你“卤水太妃男子” 就是那个时候写的?
[00:00:57] No,he's my submarine guy. He resurfaces every couple years... 不,他是我的潜水艇男人 他两年出水一次…
[00:01:01] ...and we have an amazing three days together. …然后我们有最不可思议的 三天相处的时间
[00:01:04] Only this time,he's coming for 2 weeks. Two whole weeks,which means "yea"! 只是他这一次要来两个礼拜 整整两个礼拜
[00:01:10] So this guy goes down for,like,two years at a time? 等等,你是说这个傢伙 每次一下水就是两年?
[00:01:17] That'll teach you to lick my muffin. 谁叫你舔我的松饼啊
[00:01:24] Hi. 嗨
[00:01:26] Oh,no. What happened? 怎么了?
[00:01:27] I just spoke to Carol. Ben's got chickenpox. 凯洛刚刚告诉我说 小班得了水痘
[00:01:30] Oh,no. 不
[00:01:31] Yeah,so if you haven't had it, chances are you'll get it. 所以如果你们还没有得过 那你们大概会得到
[00:01:35] -I've had it. -I've had it. 我得过了 我也得过了
[00:01:37] -Had it. -Had it. 得过 得过
[00:01:38] I've never had it. I feel so left out. Oh,look! 我从来没得过 我觉得被遗忘了,看
[00:01:45] The One With the Chicken Pox
[00:01:55] 六人行 第2季 第23集 出水痘
[00:02:35] Honey,you made the bed again. 亲爱的,你又铺床了
[00:02:38] I told you,you don't have to do that. This isn't camp. 我说过,你不用铺床的 又不是夏令营
[00:02:42] Then I guess the panty raid last night was totally uncalled for. 那我猜昨晚的内裤大袭击 完全没有道理了
[00:02:47] I'm taking a shower. Today I'll sing Jim Croce's "Leroy Brown." 我要去洗个澡了今天我要唱 柯吉姆的“李诺布朗”
[00:03:04] Hey,Mon,I have a question. 摩妮卡,我有个问题
[00:03:07] Is Leroy the baddest man in the whole damn town... 李诺他是 “全镇最坏的男人”…
[00:03:10] ...or the fattest man? …还是“全镇最胖的男人”
[00:03:13] The baddest. Otherwise,the song would be "Fat,Fat Leroy Brown." 最坏,不然那首歌就会叫 “胖子李诺布朗”
[00:03:18] What are you doing? 你在干什么?
[00:03:21] I'm just waiting for you,sweetie. 只是在等你,甜心
[00:03:26] Are you remaking the bed? 你在重新铺床吗?
[00:03:29] I'm sorry. The way you did it, it was just fine. 对不起… 你铺的样子完全没有问题
[00:03:32] Then you're redoing it because...? 那你重新铺是因为…?
[00:03:35] You'll think I'm crazy. 说出来你会认为我疯了
[00:03:37] You're pretty much running that risk either way. 你说不说都会有这个危险
[00:03:42] Okay. You see... 你看…
[00:03:44] ...the duvet tag shouldn't be at the top left corner... …被子的商标 不该在床的左上角
[00:03:47] ...it should be at the bottom right corner. …应该在床的右下角才对
[00:03:51] -That's not so crazy. -I'm just easing you in. 那不会很疯狂 我只是在帮你暖身
[00:03:54] All right. 好
[00:03:56] You see these little flower blossoms? 你看到这些小花了吗?
[00:03:58] They should be facing up not down... 那应该往上不是往下…
[00:04:00] ...because the head of the bed is where the sun would be. …因为床头的位置 是太阳的方向
[00:04:08] You don't love me anymore,do you? 你不再爱我了,是不是?
[00:04:12] Actually,if it's possible, I love you more. 事实上,如果可能的话 我会更爱你了
[00:04:16] Really? 真的?
[00:04:19] Wow. Well,then,come on! 那来吧…
[00:04:21] I wanna show you how to fold the toilet paper into a point. 我要教你 怎么把卫生纸折出尖角来
[00:04:29] If you need something to hold you over... 如果你需要一个工作 应急的话…
[00:04:31] ...I can get you a job here as an entry-level processor. …我可以给你一个 基层的资料处理员的工作
[00:04:34] Don't you need experience? 那种工作难道不需要经验吗?
[00:04:36] It's not hard to learn. 要学也不困难
[00:04:38] As for people realizing you don't know what you're doing,you're an actor. 如果你怕别人看出 你不晓得自己在干什么的话
[00:04:42] Act like a processor, people will think you're a processor. 那就扮演一个处理员啊 人们就会相信你是个处理员了
[00:04:47] Here's this morning's projections. 钱德,这是今早的预算表
[00:04:49] Thanks. Scott Alexander,Joey Tribbiani. 谢了,李史考 崔乔伊
[00:04:52] Joey is a fellow processor. 乔伊他也是一个处理员
[00:04:55] No kidding? 真的?
[00:05:00] I process. People want the processing, I'm the one they call. 我处理 人要找人处理,他们会找我
[00:05:06] -Where do you work? -Well,I'm in between things. 你在哪儿高就? 我正在转业当中
[00:05:09] You know,one day you're processing, the next day... 你也知道的嘛 今天你还在处理,到了明天…
[00:05:13] ...you're not so much processing anymore. …你就没有那么多 可以处理的了
[00:05:16] I told Joey about the opening in Fleischman's group. 我正要告诉乔伊 梅乃兹的部门缺人
[00:05:18] Fleischman's group. 梅乃兹的部门
[00:05:20] Whatever you do, don't touch his sandwiches. 那你要记住别碰他的三明治啊
[00:05:26] Are all you processors dorks? 处理员都是驴蛋,是不是?
[00:05:35] This lipstick looks just great on you. 你擦上这口红真美
[00:05:38] You look fabulous. You really do. 你美呆了,蜜糖
[00:05:40] Yeah,are you sure? Really? 你们确定吗? 真的吗?
[00:05:45] See,you look beautiful. For God sakes,dim the lights. 瞧,美得不得了 老天在上,灯调暗
[00:05:50] I'm hideous! 我好恐怖喔
[00:05:52] It's gonna be okay. 不会有问题的
[00:05:54] Ryan's been underwater. 莱恩一直在水下
[00:05:56] He's just gonna be glad you don't have barnacles on your butt. 你屁股没有长牡蛎 他就该谢天谢地了
[00:06:12] Come in. 请进
[00:06:14] Hey,baby,I'm back 宝贝,我回来了…
[00:06:16] Hey,Ryan. What's up? 莱恩,你好吗?
[00:06:21] What's going on? 你怎么了?
[00:06:22] No,no. You have to stay back. 不要… 不要再往前走了
[00:06:25] I have the pox! 我长痘痘了
[00:06:29] Chicken or small? 水痘还是天花痘?
[00:06:40] Please tell me you have,because oh,my God,I forgot how cute you are. 拜托,告诉我你得过 老天,我忘了你多可爱了
[00:06:46] I'm sorry,I never had them. 抱歉,我没得过
[00:06:50] If I had one wish, I'd go back to when I was 7... 如果可以许一个愿的话 要回到我七岁…
[00:06:54] ...when Jimmy Hauser had chickenpox, and rub that kid all over my face. …吉米得水痘的时候 我会抓住他的手在我脸上蹭
[00:06:59] Yeah,or you could wish that I didn't have them now. 对呀,或许你也可以希望 我现在没有得水痘
[00:07:03] Can I see your face? 我可以看你的脸吗?
[00:07:05] No. You don't wanna see a face covered with pox. 不行 你不会想看一张痘子脸的
[00:07:08] It could be lox,I wouldn't care. 就算长满腌鲑鱼我也不会在乎
[00:07:11] And you hate fish. 可是你恨鱼
[00:07:15] So sweet. All right. 真甜,好吧
[00:07:17] Okay,all right. You can see. 那你看嘛
[00:07:20] This is me. 这就是我
[00:07:27] Sorry! 很抱歉
[00:07:29] I am scary! 我很吓人吗?
[00:07:30] The lightening was an unfortunate coincidence. 不,是闪电 刚才的闪电真是很不巧合
[00:07:35] You look lovely! Lovely! 你很漂亮,你真的很漂亮
[00:07:37] I hate this. 好讨厌
[00:07:39] I had the most amazing two weeks planned for us. 告诉你,我计划了 两个最不可思议的礼拜
[00:07:42] And everything I had in mind, we had to be a lot closer than this. 而我所计划的一切 都得比现在更为亲密
[00:07:53] ...thinking about this moment. …我一直祈盼的就是这个时刻
[00:07:56] I am not gonna let a bunch... 我不会让这里…
[00:07:58] ...of itchy spots stand between us. …也痒,那里也痒 分开我们两个
[00:08:08] Okay. This is the most romantic disease I've ever had. 我从来没有得过 这么罗曼蒂克的病
[00:08:18] -How's the first day? -Good. It's like you said. 第一天上班怎么样? 蛮好的,就像你说的
[00:08:21] It's putting numbers from one column into another. 大部分只是把数字 从一栏轮到另一栏而已
[00:08:24] There you go. 我跟你说过了
[00:08:34] Turns out our kids go to the same school. 原来我们的孩子上同一所学校
[00:08:40] Yeah. Small world,huh? 世界真小
[00:08:43] Weird world. 世界真怪
[00:08:45] Your kids? 你的孩子?
[00:08:47] I figure my character has kids. 我猜我的角色有孩子
[00:08:55] When you're acting,you need to think about that stuff. 你瞧,演戏的时候 你需要思考那类的事情
[00:08:58] My character, Joseph the processing guy... 我的角色,资料处理员乔瑟…
[00:09:02] ... has two little girls, Ashley and Brittany. …有两个女儿,喜莉跟布妮
[00:09:06] Ashley copies everything Brittany does. 布妮做什么喜莉都要学
[00:09:14] Well,invisible kids can be that way sometimes. 有时隐形小孩就是那个样子的
[00:09:19] You know,Joseph and his wife,Karen, are thinking of having a third kid. 乔瑟跟他太太凯伦 正考虑再生一个
[00:09:24] You know what? 知道吗?
[00:09:26] Just did. 刚刚生了
[00:09:29] That's some pretty powerful imaginary sperm you must have there. 我想你那想像的精子 一定非常强
[00:09:43] IKnow what makes the itching worse? 你知道什么比痒更难受吗?
[00:09:45] That you don't stop talking about it? 你要继续提痒这个字吗?
[00:09:49] -Fine. -Let's just play,okay? 好 只要专心的玩嘛
[00:09:52] Good,okay. 好
[00:09:53] Here we go,double sixes. 要丢了,十二
[00:09:56] Here we go.... 要丢了…
[00:09:59] Here we go.... 要丢了…
[00:10:04] What are you doing? Are you scratching? 你在干什么?你在抓痒?
[00:10:07] No. This is what I do for luck,okay? 没有,我在祈求好运
[00:10:11] You're scratching. 你在抓痒,色子给我
[00:10:12] Give me the dice. 把色子给我
[00:10:14] -Give me the dice. -No! Here. There! 把色子给我 不要,好嘛…
[00:10:16] Look,double sixes! 看,十二
[00:10:19] We can't scratch. We'll scar. 我们不能抓,会留下疤
[00:10:22] I can't stop thinking about it. It's just so hard. 可是我没有办法不去想 那个痒字,太难了啦
[00:10:26] I wanna grab these houses and rub them all over my body. 我只想抓住这些房子 磨擦我的每一英寸肌肤
[00:10:30] -No! -Give it! 不可以 给我
[00:10:31] Come on! 来呀,给我
[00:10:33] You know you want it. You know you want it too. 你知道你要的 你知道你也要,对不对?
[00:10:36] Let's just be bad. It'll feel so good. 就坏一次吧,包你欲仙欲死
[00:10:41] Oh,God,help me. 神帮助我
[00:10:45] -Oh,yeah. -Okay,good. Now do me. 好棒 好,现在换我了
[00:10:47] Do my back. Oh,come on. Harder! 来,抓我的背 来吧,快点,用力…
[00:10:50] There you go. 我来了
[00:10:51] -Don't move. -Why? 别动 为什么?
[00:10:52] -Don't move. -What are you...? 不要动 干嘛…?
[00:10:59] Stop that. Stop that right now. 住手,马上住手
[00:11:01] I might've expected this of Phoebe. But,Ryan,you're a military man. 我相信你会这样,菲比 但是莱恩,你是个军人呀
[00:11:10] You and Milton have to join us on the boat. Bring the kids. 你跟米顿得来坐我们的船 带孩子们来
[00:11:14] We'll make a day of it. 咱们好好玩一天
[00:11:16] That sounds lovely. We'll have to set it up. 听起来好棒 我们得好好安排一下
[00:11:19] I better get back. Hope the baby feels better. 我最好回去了 希望宝宝好点了
[00:11:22] Thanks. 谢谢
[00:11:24] -Bye-bye,Jeannie. -Bye-bye,Joseph. 谢了,拜拜,金妮 拜拜,乔瑟
[00:11:26] What a phony. 好虚伪
[00:11:31] You'll teach her a lesson when she steps off the dock onto nothing. 我相信她在码头一脚 踩了个空的时候她就会学乖了
[00:11:36] -Hey,Mr. Douglas. -Sir. 岛先生 日安
[00:11:38] Bing,I got your memo. We're not gonna see the report until next Friday? 听着,备忘录我收到了 系统报告下周五才会出来?
[00:11:45] I have a family. I'm gonna be here. 我也有家庭 但我还是会来这儿
[00:11:48] Yeah,Bing. What's that about? 是啊,老宾,你干嘛呢?
[00:11:56] It's about cutting them a little slack for morale. 我要让我的人稍微喘一口气 以提高士气
[00:11:59] Look,I can get some rough numbers by Wednesday. 如果你想看大概数字 我可以在星期三以前给你
[00:12:02] Rough numbers? 大概数字?
[00:12:05] This company wasn't built on rough numbers. Right,Mr. Douglas? 公司不是建在大概数字上 我说得对吗,岛先生?
[00:12:10] Have the final numbers on my desk by Tuesday. 星期二以前 把正确数字放在我桌上
[00:12:13] If you say so,sir. 照你的意思做吧
[00:12:16] Joseph's good,isn't he? 乔瑟很行,是不是?
[00:12:20] I'm going to kill you. 乔伊,我要杀了你
[00:12:23] Hey,I just figured Joseph's the kind of guy who likes to mix it up. 乔瑟是那种喜欢争的人
[00:12:27] You know,get in there, ruffle some feathers. 你知道,一头钻入,兴风作浪
[00:12:32] Why? 为什么?
[00:12:35] Look,I'm sorry, but that's what Joseph does. 听着,抱歉,但乔瑟就是那样
[00:12:39] Okay? If you try to pull something... 你想耍花招的话…
[00:12:41] ... he'll call you on it. …他会揭发你
[00:12:43] "What are you trying to pull?" he'll say. 他会说“你耍什么花招?”
[00:12:51] Duct tape. 电线胶带
[00:12:56] This is for the scratchy twins. I taped oven mitts to their hands. 这是给那对痒鸳鸯的 我把手套帖在他们手上
[00:13:01] You're strict. 你真严
[00:13:03] Well,it's for their own good. 这是为他们好啊
[00:13:05] You know,I like the way you have efficiently folded this tab under. 摩妮卡,我很欣赏你有效率的 把胶带的一端折起来
[00:13:10] See,in a tape emergency you could shave valuable seconds off your time. 你看,急需用胶带的时候 可省下好几秒宝贵的时间
[00:13:15] Exactly! 正是
[00:13:18] God,I love that I can be totally neurotic around you now. 真高兴在你面前 可以完全的神经过敏
[00:13:22] Tell me the truth. 告诉我实话
[00:13:24] Don't you like having everything on your desk perpendicular? 现在你桌上的一切都是直角的 不是好多了吗?
[00:13:27] If it's not a right angle, it is a wrong angle. 如果它们不是直角 那就是错角
[00:13:31] -Very good. -Thank you. 很好 谢谢
[00:13:32] Tomorrow,I'm gonna do your clocks. 你知道吗? 明天我要改你的时钟
[00:13:36] You're gonna do what to my clocks? 你要怎样改我的时钟?
[00:13:38] Set them to my time. 我要把它调成我的时间
[00:13:42] I'm confused. 这我搞糊涂了
[00:13:47] No. See,in my bedroom I set my clock six minutes fast. 不…瞧 我把房间的时钟调快了六分钟
[00:13:51] Wanna know why? 想不想知道原因?
[00:13:52] Because it's in a slightly different time zone than the kitchen? 因为跟厨房在不同的时区里
[00:13:57] Forget it. 算了,我不想要说了
[00:13:58] No,come on,tell me. 来嘛,告诉我嘛
[00:14:00] -You don't understand. -Come on. 不,因为你不会明白 来嘛
[00:14:02] You don't have any obsessive things. 不,你根本没有 任何可爱的小怪癖
[00:14:04] No,that's not true. 那不对…
[00:14:06] Oh,yeah? Tell me one of yours. 是吗? 好吧,说一个来听听
[00:14:15] One of my things is I always separate my sweat socks... 譬如说吧,我总是 把我的运动袜…
[00:14:20] ...from my dress socks. …跟西装袜分开来摆
[00:14:25] What if they get mixed up? 如果搞混了会怎样?
[00:14:27] Boy,I would just.... 天啊,那我会…
[00:14:30] I would freak out. 我会发狂
[00:14:34] You would not. 你才不会
[00:14:35] I can't believe this. I hate this. You're too normal. 我真不敢相信 真讨厌你那么正常
[00:14:39] I can't believe you don't have a "thing." 真不敢相信我的男友没怪癖
[00:14:41] My boyfriend doesn't have a "thing." 我的男友没有怪癖
[00:14:44] See,if anyone overheard that, I didn't come off well. 如果有人听到你这句话 别人会怀疑我无能
[00:14:57] -Mr. Douglas is looking for you. -Why is Mr. Douglas looking for me? 岛先生正在找你 为什么要找我?
[00:15:02] He suspects you dropped the ball on the Lender project. 因为他怀疑 你搞砸那个连纳方案
[00:15:07] Why? Why does he suspect that? 他…为什么要怀疑我?
[00:15:10] At first,he thought it was Joseph... 因为原先他以为是乔瑟…
[00:15:13] ...but after he asked Joseph about it, turns out it was you. …但在问了乔瑟之后 发现结果是你
[00:15:18] -Anyway,I thought you should know. -All right. That's it. 反正我想你应该知道啦 好吧,够了
[00:15:22] Look,Joey... 听我说,乔伊…
[00:15:24] ... I realize this is the role of a lifetime for you... …对不起,我了解这是你 这辈子最重要的一个角色…
[00:15:27] ...and if I could just fire Joseph, I would. But that's not possible. …若我可以只开除乔瑟就好了 不幸的是,那是不可能的
[00:15:31] So I have to let you both go. 所以我必须要开除你们两个
[00:15:35] What? Everybody loves Joseph. 你在胡扯什么?大家都爱乔瑟
[00:15:37] I don't. I hate Joseph. 我不爱,我恨乔瑟
[00:15:40] I think he's a brown-nosing suck-up. 我认为他是个马屁精
[00:15:45] You can't fire Joseph. He's not in your department. 是吗?你不能开除他 因为他不在你的部门
[00:15:53] All right,okay. So I can't fire Joseph... 好吧…我不能开除他…
[00:15:57] ... but I can sleep with his wife. …但是我可以跟他老婆睡
[00:16:02] Not Karen! 凯伦,不!
[00:16:04] Yeah,I'm thinking about having an affair with her. 我正在考虑跟她搞婚外情
[00:16:07] You know what? 你知道吗?
[00:16:09] I just did. 刚搞了
[00:16:14] What the hell are you doing? 你对我做了什么,老兄?
[00:16:16] Oh,it's not me. 不是我
[00:16:17] It's my character! 是我的角色
[00:16:19] Chandie. 钱迪
[00:16:22] The rogue processor who seduces his coworkers' wives... 对,为了好玩 而引诱同事老婆的坏处理员…
[00:16:25] ...and then laughs about it. …隔天在饮水机旁边当笑话讲
[00:16:27] In fact,I have her panties right there in my drawer! 其实她的内裤就在我的抽屉里
[00:16:31] -Really? -No,freak show,she's fictional! 真的吗? 假的,疯子,根本没有这个人
[00:16:35] Take it easy. 放轻松一点
[00:16:37] If it means that much to you, I'll go find something else. 这对你那么重要的话 那我找别的事做好了
[00:16:42] Thank you. 谢谢你
[00:16:45] It's just that I'm gonna miss Joseph. 只是我会想念乔瑟的
[00:16:50] I liked him. His wife. 我喜欢他,和他太太
[00:16:52] She was hot. 她好火辣
[00:16:58] Please take these off. I swear I won't scratch. 拜托你拆掉,我发誓我不抓了
[00:17:01] No,sorry,hon. Monica's orders. 对不起,摩妮卡的命令
[00:17:05] Well,that wasn't easy. 真不简单
[00:17:09] Okay,dinner's on. 晚餐好了
[00:17:11] There's a peach cobbler warming in the oven. 烤箱里还有一个桃子饼在保温
[00:17:14] So the plate's gonna be hot,but that shouldn't be a problem for you. 盘子会很烫手 但那应该不成问题才对
[00:17:20] All right,you kids. Bye,now. 好了,孩子们,拜拜
[00:17:22] -Bye. -Oh,look,look. 拜拜 你们看
[00:17:24] A low-budget puppet show. 低成本的木偶剧
[00:17:28] A shame you can't see what finger I'm holding up. 真可惜你看不到 我举起的是哪一根手指
[00:17:35] -Wine? -Please. 酒? 麻烦你
[00:17:47] -Spilled some. -I got it. 泼出来了 我来
[00:18:01] You look beautiful tonight. 我得告诉你,你今晚好美
[00:18:04] What? 你说什么?
[00:18:07] Sorry. 对不起
[00:18:11] You look beautiful. 你好美
[00:18:29] You know what? That's it. That's it. 够了,我受够了
[00:18:40] Oh,yes. 真好
[00:18:43] Good. 好
[00:18:50] You guys,did you? 你们…
[00:19:01] Monica... 摩妮卡…
[00:19:02] ...wake up. …醒醒
[00:19:04] What's up? 什么事?
[00:19:06] I thought of a thing. 我想到一个了
[00:19:11] Yeah? 是吗?
[00:19:14] I have to sleep,have to, on this side of the bed. 对,我必须睡…我必须… 睡床的这一边
[00:19:20] No. You have to sleep on this side of the bed... 你必须睡床的这一边…
[00:19:23] ... because I have to sleep on this side of the bed. …是因为我必须睡床的这一边
[00:19:28] Or so I would have you believe. 还是因为我让你那么相信
[00:19:34] So you have a side of the bed. Everybody has a side of the bed. 没什么大不了啊 这毛病大家都有
[00:19:38] Hey,come on. You haven't heard my reason yet. 别这样嘛 你还没听我的理由呢
[00:19:42] All right,go on. 好啊,说吧
[00:19:45] I have to sleep on the west side... 我必须睡在床的西边…
[00:19:47] ... because I grew up in California... …因为我是在加州长大的…
[00:19:50] ...and otherwise... …睡东边的话…
[00:19:53] ...the ocean would be on the wrong side. …海洋的方向就错了
[00:20:01] Oh,my God. 天啊
[00:20:02] You're a freak! 你真变态
[00:20:05] How about that? 你觉得怎么样?
[00:20:11] Where're you shipping off to? 莱恩,你这次要潜到哪里?
[00:20:13] I really can't say. 我真的不能说
[00:20:14] Do you have nuclear weapons onboard? 那你们潜水艇上有核武吗?
[00:20:17] I can't say. 我不能说
[00:20:19] Do you get to look through a periscope thingy? 那你是不是可以用 潜水望眼镜那种东西看东西?
[00:20:22] I'm sorry,but I can't say. 对不起,我不能说
[00:20:24] Wow,it's neat learning about submarines. 学潜水艇的知识真酷
[00:20:27] -I better not miss my flight. -I'll walk you out. 该走了不然会错过飞机 我送你出去
[00:20:39] So do you think we could get you one of those uniform things? 你想我们可以 弄套制服给你穿吗?
[00:20:44] You like that,do you? 你喜欢,是不是?
[00:20:46] Oh,yeah. 是呀
[00:20:48] I'll make some calls. 我去打电话
[00:20:52] Can you believe that's how we spent our two weeks? 你相信我们两个礼拜 是这样共度的吗?
[00:20:54] We didn't do the romantic things I'd planned... 我知道,我计划的浪漫事 我们没一件事做过…
[00:20:56] ...Iike having a picnic in Central Park and coffee at Central Perk. …像去中央公园野餐 还有来中央公园喝咖啡
[00:21:01] Oh,I just got that! 我们刚喝过了
[00:21:12] Taxi! 计程车
[00:21:19] Bye,you. 再见
[00:21:34] I'm sorry,we're 对不起,我们打烊…
[00:21:39] Hey,sailor. 水手
[00:21:40] Is this what you had in mind? 这是你心里想的吗?
[00:21:43] I'll say. 可不是
[00:21:50] I'm shipping out tomorrow. 我明天就要出海了
[00:21:53] Well,then... 那么…
[00:21:56] ...we better make this night count. …春宵别虚度了
[00:22:01] Wait,I forgot to turn off the cappuccino machine. 等等,我忘了关咖啡机了
[00:22:12] Anchors aweigh. 起锚吧
[00:22:16] Oh,wait,wait! My purse,my purse! 等等… 我的皮包
[00:22:25] I forgot to turn off the bathroom light. 我忘了关洗手间的灯
[00:22:28] Why don't I just meet you upstairs? 我们干脆楼上见好了
[00:22:35] Honey! 蜜糖
- Friends S01E08
- Friends S04E15 The One With All The Rugby
- Friends S04E14 The One With Joeys Dirty Day
- Friends S04E12 The One With The Embryos
- Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus
- Friends S04E10 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
- Friends S04E09 The One Where They’re Going To Party
- Friends S01E07
- Friends S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line
- Friends S04E06 The One With The Dirty Girl
- 一个人流浪 [飞轮海]
- 乖小姐 [钟舒漫]
- Warned [Brisa Roché]
- Throw Up [Red Fang]
- 一万个舍不得 [沈雁]
- 伤感情绪暂时忘记 [何丽娟]
- (You’ve Got) The Magic Touch [The Platters]
- 我会爱你多一点点 [网络歌手]
- 堕天使 エリー [真野恵里菜]
- 成长节拍 [李桐]
- 献给最爱的妳 组曲(我要的世界+最熟悉的陌生人) [萧亚轩]
- 不恨了 [祥帅]
- Mdchen, mach dich frei(Unplugged) [Axel Fischer]
- Bist du sauer... [Scheunenkasanovas]
- Bring Out The Best In Me [Jaclyn Victor]
- Wolfman’s Brother(album) [Phish]
- Eens Schijnt Weer De Zon [Frans Bauer&Marianne Webe]
- Yo Que No Vivo Sin Ti (Io Che Non Vivo Senza Te) [Dyango]
- My Baby Just Cares for Me [Nat King Cole]
- The Name Of The Game [The ABBA Sonic Ensamble]
- Midnight Special (Karaoke Lead Vocal Demo) [ProSound Karaoke Band]
- I’ll Be Your Shelter [Taylor Dayne]
- 你被丧了吗?手机推送都看不起我?! [吐小曹[主播]]
- Fantasy [Stayin Low]
- Hey! Baby! [Johnny Hallyday]
- 退群(伴奏) [孙艺琪]
- 大地飞歌 [阿吉太组合]
- Time After Time [Frank Sinatra]
- I’ve Got Five Dollars [Ella Fitzgerald]
- 被窝FM第27期《我们都不应该孤单》(DJ长音频) [不要音乐]
- Goodbye(Chill Mix) [Mokita&Maty Noyes]
- Have You Met Miss Jones? [Sarah Vaughan]
- Words [Standstill]
- Christmas Lights [Christmas Classics&Last C]
- Comme De Bien Entendu [Albert Prejean]
- You Are Able [Live] [Travis Ryan]
- En la Disco Bailoteo [Latin Lovers]
- Les Hommes Endormis [Calogero]
- 深深祝福在心里 [黄丽卿]
- 井中月(民谣版) [Follow Me]