
[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成
[00:00:15] 千淘万漉虽辛苦
[00:00:16] 吹尽狂沙始到金
[00:00:19] 我们不提供网络神曲
[00:00:21] 我们只分享最经典的音乐
[00:00:24] 这里是桃鹿电台
[00:00:25] 我是主播夜生
[00:00:27] 我们准备了好音乐
[00:00:29] 你准备好小耳朵了吗
[00:01:12] Can you feel the love tonight 是动画电影狮子王的插曲
[00:01:16] 是由英国歌手艾尔顿约翰演唱
[00:01:18] 由他亲自作曲
[00:01:20] 蒂姆莱斯填词
[00:01:21] 收录在电影狮子王的人生带中
[00:01:24] 发行于1994年的5月12号
[00:01:28] 艾尔顿约翰也凭借该首歌曲获得了第67 届奥斯卡金像奖最佳原创歌曲奖
[00:01:35] 第37 届格莱美音乐奖最佳流行男歌手奖
[00:01:39] 第52 届金球奖最佳原创歌曲奖等等大奖
[00:01:44] 在诉说怀旧的年代
[00:01:46] 这首歌的温暖伴随了无数人的童年
[00:01:52] 笛子吹无谣
[00:01:59] Its natural that we re aware that we gotta be fall
[00:02:13] 残噜噜
[00:02:22] Literally
[00:02:30] S na the making the ball to er
[00:02:48] 嗯
[00:02:48] 嗯
[00:02:59] There is a time for everyone if they only learned
[00:03:07] The twist ing classes code move the sol ut ter
[00:03:15] Here is ry man there is an tic a wild after no mina har de starts beating time you are il Lu Di ao
[00:03:49] Its knot is ion that you gotta does fall
[00:04:06] Lu la Lu red
[00:04:19] I love the making the ball liver
[00:04:33] Ms ns the making the back upon lever ri
[00:05:01] 嗨嗨
[00:05:04] That you settle down that you found someone like you
[00:05:11] 这是由英国女歌手阿黛尔演唱的一首歌曲
[00:05:15] 创作和制作均是由阿黛尔和丹威尔逊合力打造
[00:05:20] 收录在阿黛尔的第二张录音室
[00:05:22] 专辑团队万众作为专辑的第二波主打歌曲
[00:05:27] 这首歌的创作灵感来自于阿黛尔的一段破碎的恋情
[00:05:32] 歌曲
[00:05:32] 讲述了她慢慢接受并开始走出这段恋情的经历
[00:05:37] 在听说前男友结婚的消息之后
[00:05:40] 阿黛尔写下了这首歌曲
[00:05:42] Someone like you
[00:05:44] 我想一定有人曾经爱过你
[00:05:47] 这样的爱何尝不是伤痕累累呢
[00:05:52] Hope to see my faces and that you be reminded that for mi it is nov er
[00:06:38] You know harder time flies Chen Li yesterday a od Di ty mall lies we were born and raised in a summer haze bound 呗的surprise overall oh edith I hate to turn up out of the blue and invited but I can stay away I can fight it I hope you see my faces and that you be reminded that for me it is nov er
[00:09:11] 谁
[00:09:20] 莫扎特C 是由杰瑞埃利森和桑尼库尔提斯创作的
[00:09:25] 产生于60 年代初期
[00:09:27] 开始是由鲍比为在1971年唱红的
[00:09:31] 后来
[00:09:31] 柳在八零年将他重新全智
[00:09:35] 经典的旋律爱你在心口难开
[00:09:37] 一度成为了八零年代青年男女吐露心声的抒情经典
[00:09:47] I love you twice SAR el more than X c
[00:09:58] 噢耶
[00:10:02] I missyou everything there
[00:10:07] Y us my life be filled 撒喽
[00:10:17] I dont know I needs ow I tell me please I gotta 喽
[00:10:28] Well you mean to make me cry
[00:10:33] And I m just gonna
[00:10:36] 啊耶
[00:10:42] I missyou all de na ky c
[00:10:47] Why must my life we think sorrow well love you more than a c
[00:10:59] 从此
[00:11:18] 由army 的搜
[00:11:22] Tell me please I know
[00:11:27] Do you mean sum a ry I just know a
[00:11:42] I love you modern life saving I love you twice much mar lo el more than I c
[00:11:57] I love seeing
[00:12:02] 累么啊
[00:12:14] Le ise much tomorrow I love it twice much tomorrow
[00:12:31] C
[00:12:39] C I can c
[00:12:44] 嗯
[00:12:48] 啊
[00:13:00] 嗯
[00:13:02] 啊
[00:13:08] 加拿大女歌手席琳迪翁演唱的my heart will go on 是一首经典的流行歌曲
[00:13:15] 一经推出他就登上了美国
[00:13:17] 英国
[00:13:18] 加拿大等18 国音乐排行榜的第一名
[00:13:22] 拿下多周冠军
[00:13:23] 后来又获得奥斯卡
[00:13:24] 金球奖
[00:13:25] 格莱美奖等众多重量级的大奖
[00:13:29] 这首由好莱坞主流电影作曲家
[00:13:31] 詹姆斯霍纳一手制作了脍炙人口的歌曲
[00:13:35] 伴随着电影泰坦尼克号一起红遍了大街小巷噢
[00:13:45] Ni fa bet you were I believed the hardest 沟通
[00:14:05] Ones mouth you wondered until here reading my hearts my Hart well 光暖
[00:14:34] Looking shot some one time and last were rat ion and polite gou tier when you
[00:14:53] Love the way to love you one true time I hold you in my life wil lo Vs 勾我
[00:15:12] Ni fa red well for u rd I Li be rat the ego 啊
[00:15:32] 么么与well 的歌
[00:15:40] And you hear my heartbeat heartbeat going and 我
[00:15:56] 嗯
[00:16:11] 啊Lu te red the har
[00:16:22] 啊啊哥
[00:16:58] 无
[00:17:04] 无
[00:17:12] Nothing s gonna change mylove for you 是经典爱情影片廊桥遗梦的主题曲
[00:17:17] 原唱是黑人爵士乐手乔治班森
[00:17:21] 但令人遗憾的是
[00:17:22] 在他唱的时候
[00:17:24] 这首歌并没有走红20 多年以后
[00:17:26] 经过其他歌手多次翻唱才风靡全球
[00:17:30] 一度红遍世界
[00:17:31] S u I ze for m ro top Li
[00:17:37] 这首歌的版本众多
[00:17:39] 其中最经典的就是乔治班森的原唱版和西域男孩的翻唱版本
[00:18:30] If the world here is not so easy I love eat with
[00:18:40] Re ga Ling song Hao you ni you dont have here
[00:19:53] 嗯
[00:20:05] It s gonna change mylove for you all know I love you one thing you can be sure you re never rest there are just gonna change mylove for you Le te f I love you Lu an Xi ou sly Dis door changes that a I I love you one thing you can t she love hey june
[00:20:47] Hey jude 是保罗麦卡特尼为一个五岁的孩子写下了一首歌
[00:20:53] 这个男孩叫朱利安
[00:20:55] 是约翰列侬与前妻辛西亚的儿子
[00:20:58] 1968年的夏天
[00:21:00] 约翰列侬开始和小也洋子同居了
[00:21:04] 她与当时的妻子辛西娅的婚姻也到了崩溃的边缘
[00:21:09] 保罗一直非常喜爱约翰列侬的儿子朱利安
[00:21:13] 他担心大人之间的婚姻变故会对一个小孩儿带来心理上的阴影
[00:21:19] 于是在1968年的夏天
[00:21:20] 保罗在车里写下了这首歌
[00:21:23] 通过这首歌鼓励朱利安勇敢面对现实
[00:21:27] 其实
[00:21:27] 当时的朱利安并不知情
[00:21:29] 直到20 多年后才明白
[00:21:31] 这首歌原来是保罗叔叔写给自己的
[00:21:37] Anytime you feels pain a trauma you carry 的well upon your 修理了
[00:22:16] A
[00:22:17] 猪
[00:22:19] Dont let me down en
[00:22:23] You have found here nadia and get ter remember a to arrange your whole
[00:22:35] You can starting Cong a kit 咯
[00:22:43] Sol em ni dao Lei ting Lei big game you waiting for someone ever fallen way
[00:22:59] I dont know that s you
[00:23:07] 无论距离也咋秀人
[00:23:14] 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦雨
[00:23:23] Hey to you make it fan
[00:23:29] A ke psi song I make it that love
[00:23:36] Remember Le and your skills when you be here Tong a kit 啦
[00:24:00] 啦啦嘿
[00:24:06] 啊啦啦啦啦
[00:24:13] 啊
[00:24:20] 啊啦啦啦啦
[00:24:33] 啊啦啦啦啦
[00:25:39] God isa girl 是由德国2001年新晋乐队舞动精灵乐团演唱
[00:25:45] 主唱mel 加入乐队
[00:25:46] 并成功翻唱了一首经典之作moonlight shadow 乐队初露锋芒
[00:25:52] 后来mel 怀孕了
[00:25:54] 乐队又找到了18岁的瑞纳
[00:25:57] 瑞纳的加入巩固了乐队的实力
[00:25:59] 也确定了乐队制作英文歌曲的路线
[00:26:03] 随后
[00:26:03] 卢被加入加盟并创作了嘎is a girl
[00:26:06] 这首畅销的单曲
[00:26:08] 让他们开始在国际上走红
[00:26:10] 成谜于流行乐坛
[00:26:32] She was a sign for ever and time she is achieved that she is always Mike Ling and praise you wanted tobe apart of the future I ga likely there is a bar mi Li Ding us someone is out that we truly trust there is a rainbow for you and mea beautiful sunrise eternally Li
[00:27:01] God is a girl wherever you want do you believe it can you receive their shot girl whatever you c do you believe it can you receive their shot Xu Hao are you leaving do you believe it can you receive their shot she saw her do you believe you re si Li
[00:28:14] Yellow 是英国另类摇滚乐队coldplay 演唱的一首歌曲
[00:28:20] 在2000年的一个晚上
[00:28:22] 天上的星星显得特别耀眼
[00:28:25] 主唱克里斯马丁久久的望着夜空
[00:28:27] 忽然
[00:28:28] 他就这样即兴哼出了L 的旋律
[00:28:31] 而在创作歌词的时候
[00:28:34] 马丁无意看见Stephanie 的黄色皮肤洋溢着的黄色光芒
[00:28:38] 让马丁把这首歌的名字命名为yellow
[00:28:43] Le si tar ka
[00:28:46] 微山封印
[00:28:51] Never seen in to
[00:28:57] Yellow yellow I came 喽
[00:29:02] I rode some fell in
[00:29:08] I sing sings
[00:29:14] And it was called yellow
[00:29:19] 搜its mar tel
[00:29:24] O rs intersection
[00:29:30] 那个Sao e lo
[00:29:39] 有些路
[00:29:41] 也有幸福在和至少一收
[00:29:58] You know I love you so
[00:30:22] S one crown I jumped across the board in
[00:30:31] 哦
[00:30:31] 我的心情Q
[00:30:36] 可惜我熬夜喽啊
[00:30:39] 吃不赖
[00:30:42] I tried for you
[00:30:47] 偶尔自己
[00:30:53] 搂一搂
[00:31:01] 招新人偶也要醒来
[00:31:06] 蜂蛰伤死一只疯语录myself dry eye
[00:31:20] For you I played myself 抽
[00:31:45] 的胸
[00:31:48] Har 的山峰与
[00:31:54] 藏山所与
[00:31:59] 如他的山峰
[00:32:05] Ty shine for you
[00:32:11] 卡戴珊发晕
[00:32:16] The harsh looking up de starts
[00:32:22] The cards shine for you
[00:32:27] All de sings you do
[00:32:35] 拉米tender 是美国流行天王埃尔维斯普雷斯利在1956年根据自己的同名电影创作的经典金曲
[00:32:44] 这首歌曾多次被评为奥斯卡金曲
[00:32:47] 也被多次翻唱
[00:32:49] 猫王的音乐开始早已超越了种族以及文化的讲解
[00:32:54] 他将乡村音乐、布鲁斯音乐以及山地摇滚融会贯通
[00:32:59] 形成了具有个性鲜明的独特曲风
[00:33:02] 强烈地震撼了当时的流行乐坛
[00:33:05] 并且让摇滚乐开始如同旋风一般横扫了世界乐坛
[00:33:10] der love easily
[00:33:14] Never let me go
[00:33:20] You had made my likely and I love you sol
[00:33:32] Love mi love me true all re dream fulfilled
[00:33:45] For my doll I love you and re always with you
[00:33:58] Lu mi n laughter love me long a mi te re 欢
[00:34:11] For errors that I Bill o PM will never hardly
[00:34:23] Love mi love me to all my knees for Phil for my darling I love you I 组一组
[00:34:52] Lu mi tender love me Du el mi Li
[00:35:01] 晚安
[00:35:05] I b e ur Ren Di Rec te Li ness of time
[00:35:17] Love me tender love me all my dreams for Phil
[00:35:30] For my lad Le and I always a thrill 喽
[00:35:54] 美国老牌摇滚乐队邦乔维的歌曲by life 曾一度被传为CS 的主题曲
[00:36:01] 最早因为德国的CS
[00:36:02] 玩家在制作游戏视频时用到了这个音乐
[00:36:06] 后来随着视频的流传
[00:36:07] 这首歌就真的成了CS 的主题曲
[00:36:10] 也有人说这是林肯公园唱的
[00:36:13] 不过那都是网络的误传了
[00:36:17] 猫Bo swell shall I love
[00:36:21] Its mylove any I
[00:36:28] 努力努力哈
[00:36:42] Ha ting mor a tori 一起来来
[00:37:10] 藏进牛摆刀
[00:37:19] Okay I made no looking looking shot a q ONG tre mor
[00:37:43] 也算才能比么a sari Li be rat mylove
[00:38:05] 啊啊啊
[00:38:09] 嗯
[00:38:17] C h ore only you know my lover I ever I saw you
[00:38:42] I love my life no lay Le Le Mai re sorry 淘漉音乐甄选金曲
[00:39:01] 喜欢我们的节目
[00:39:02] 欢迎关注微信公众账号
[00:39:04] 淘漉音乐以及套路音乐
[00:39:06] 腾讯音乐天琴实验室专栏
[00:39:08] 我们会分享更多精彩的内容给大家
[00:39:10] 感谢您的收听
[00:39:12] 好了
[00:39:13] 今天的音乐就先分享到这里
[00:39:14] 我们下期节目再见喽
[00:39:16] 我是叶笙拜拜
[00:39:22] My way the story of my life
- All That I Want [C21]
- Devil in a Midnight Mass(Demo Version) [Billy Talent]
- 天空 [王菲]
- Apron Strings [Everything But the Girl]
- 赤い糸 [Suara]
- Miss Allegria [Blastema]
- 梦想家 [瞿伟]
- Always True To You In My Fashion [Della Reese]
- Wontcha Come Home [Lloyd Price]
- Tabú [Gustavo Cerati]
- We Are Family [Sister Sledge]
- Satisfaction(Album Version) [Mary Wells]
- Body And Soul(Album Version) [Frank Sinatra]
- Tell Me The Truth(Album Version) [Midnight Oil]
- Only The Lonely [Shirley Horn]
- I Just Go Nuts At Christmas [Yorgi Yorgesson]
- Generations [Don Diablo]
- 不败的梦想 [王泷锐]
- Can Yelei [Gülen]
- Mengapa Dirindu [Puan Sri Saloma]
- Swing Low Sweet Chariot [Paul Robeson]
- Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right(Live Album Version) [Bob Dylan]
- 梦寻千年 [晓月]
- 未央歌 [左岸]
- 想你等你这么久 [秦立新]
- All Of Me [JATP All Stars&Billie Hol]
- 夏天的光 [郭思达]
- Big Boss Man [Frank Frost]
- 勇敢少年 [路晨]
- Take Your Time [Vance Joy]
- Dance With My Father(Instrumental) [The Hit Crew]
- Janam Safal Hoga Re Bande [Milind Chittal]
- Pure Shores - La Playa [The Oscar Hollywood Films]
- The Reason [Union Of Sound]
- Te Alejé de Mí [Martín Murano]
- Let It Rock [Chuck Berry]
- Sacred [The Castells]
- I’ve Heard That Song Before [Frank Sinatra]
- Dawn: Dawn Is A Feeling [The Moody Blues]
- Las Aguas Turbias Suben Esta Vez [Almafuerte]
- 格萨啰 [海来阿卓]