

所属专辑: 歌手: Twenty One Pilots 时长: 06:31

[00:00:00] Heathens (《X 特遣队》电影主题曲)-Twenty One Pilots (二十一名飞行员)

[00:00:03] Written by:Tyler Joseph

[00:00:06] All my friends are heathens take it slow

[00:00:11] 鎴戠殑鏈嬪弸浠兘鏄紓鏁欏緬 涓嶈鐫�鎬

[00:00:11] Wait for them to ask you who you know

[00:00:16] 绛夌潃璁╀粬浠厛鏉ユ帰鎺綘鐨勫簳瀛

[00:00:16] Please don't make any sudden moves

[00:00:22] 璇蜂笉瑕佽交涓惧鍔

[00:00:22] You don't know the half of the abuse

[00:00:27] 浣犱笉鎳傛互鐢ㄨ兘鍔涚殑鍙嶆晥鏋滀负浣

[00:00:27] All my friends are heathens take it slow

[00:00:33] 鎴戠殑鏈嬪弸浠兘鏄紓鏁欏緬 涓嶈鐫�鎬

[00:00:33] Wait for them to ask you who you know

[00:00:38] 绛夌潃璁╀粬浠厛鏉ユ帰鎺綘鐨勫簳瀛

[00:00:38] Please don't make any sudden moves

[00:00:43] 璇蜂笉瑕佽交涓惧鍔

[00:00:43] You don't know the half of the abuse

[00:00:49] 浣犱笉鎳傛互鐢ㄨ兘鍔涚殑鍙嶆晥鏋滀负浣

[00:00:49] Welcome to the room of people

[00:00:50] 娆㈣繋鏉ュ埌浜烘弧涓烘偅涔嬪湴

[00:00:50] Who have rooms of people that they loved one day

[00:00:53] 杩欎簺閮芥槸浠栦滑鏇剧粡娣辩埍杩

[00:00:53] Docked away

[00:00:54] 鍗村張寮冧箣涓嶉【鐨勪汉浠

[00:00:54] Just because we check the guns at the door

[00:00:56] 鍙槸鍥犱负鎴戜滑鍦ㄩ棬鍚庢鏌ユ鍣

[00:00:56] Doesn't mean our brains will change from hand grenades

[00:01:00] 骞朵笉鎰忓懗鐫�鎴戜滑鎹簡姝﹀櫒灏变細鎹㈤鑴戣

[00:01:00] You're never know on the psychopath sitting next to you

[00:01:02] 浣犱笉浼氱煡閬撲綘韬竟鐨勪汉鏄惁涓у績鐥呯媯

[00:01:02] You're never know on the murderer sitting next to you

[00:01:05] 浣犱笉浼氱煡閬撲綘鏃佽竟鐨勪汉鏄?**鐘笌鍚

[00:01:05] You'll think how'd I get here sitting next to you

[00:01:08] 浣犲彧浼氱撼闂风潃 鎴戞�庝箞浼氬湪杩欏効

[00:01:08] But after all I've said please don't forget

[00:01:13] 姣曠珶 鎴戞浘璇磋繃 璇蜂綘涓嶈蹇樿

[00:01:13] All my friends are heathens take it slow

[00:01:18] 鎴戠殑鏈嬪弸浠兘鏄紓鏁欏緬 涓嶈鐫�鎬

[00:01:18] Wait for them to ask you who you know

[00:01:23] 绛夌潃璁╀粬浠厛鏉ユ帰鎺綘鐨勫簳瀛

[00:01:23] Please don't make any sudden moves

[00:01:28] 璇蜂笉瑕佽交涓惧鍔

[00:01:28] You don't know the half of the abuse

[00:01:34] 浣犱笉鎳傛互鐢ㄨ兘鍔涚殑鍙嶆晥鏋滀负浣

[00:01:34] We don't deal with outsiders very well

[00:01:37] 鎴戜滑涓庡眬澶栦汉澶勫緱涓嶆槸寰堝ソ

[00:01:37] They say newcomers have a certain smell

[00:01:40] 浠栦滑璇存柊鏉ョ殑閮芥湁鑲″懗閬

[00:01:40] You have trust issues not to mention

[00:01:42] 浣犳湁淇′换闂 鏇村埆鎻

[00:01:42] They say they can smell your intentions

[00:01:45] 浠栦滑閮借兘鍡呭嚭浣犲埆鏈夋剰鍥

[00:01:45] You're never know on the freakshow sitting next to you

[00:01:48] 浣犱笉浼氱煡閬撲綘韬梺鐨勪汉鏄惁鏄�墿

[00:01:48] You'll have some weird people sitting next to you

[00:01:50] 浣犵殑韬梺灏嗕細鏈変簺鎬儙鍥寸粫鐫�

[00:01:50] You'll think how did I get here sitting next to you

[00:01:54] 浣犲彧浼氱撼闂? 鎴戞�庝箞浼氭潵鍒拌繖閲

[00:01:54] But after all I've said please don't forget

[00:02:57] 姣曠珶 鎴戞浘璇磋繃 璇蜂綘涓嶈蹇樿

[00:02:57] Watch it watch it

[00:03:22] 灏忓績 灏忓績

[00:03:22] All my friends are heathens take it slow

[00:03:27] 鎴戠殑鏈嬪弸浠兘鏄紓鏁欏緬 涓嶈鐫�鎬

[00:03:27] Wait for them to ask you who you know

[00:03:32] 绛夌潃璁╀粬浠厛鏉ユ帰鎺綘鐨勫簳瀛

[00:03:32] Please don't make any sudden moves

[00:03:37] 璇蜂笉瑕佽交涓惧鍔

[00:03:37] You don't know the half of the abuse

[00:03:43] 浣犱笉鎳傛互鐢ㄨ兘鍔涚殑鍙嶆晥鏋滀负浣

[00:03:43] All my friends are heathens take it slow

[00:03:47] 鎴戠殑鏈嬪弸浠兘鏄紓鏁欏緬 涓嶈鐫�鎬

[00:03:47] Watch it

[00:03:48] 灏忓績

[00:03:48] Wait for them to ask you who you know

[00:04:07] 绛夌潃璁╀粬浠厛鏉ユ帰鎺綘鐨勫簳瀛

[00:04:07] Watch it

[00:04:11] 灏忓績

[00:04:11] All my friends are heathens take it slow

[00:04:52] 鎴戠殑鏈嬪弸浠兘鏄紓鏁欏緬 涓嶈鐫�鎬

[00:04:52] Watch it

[00:05:30] 灏忓績

[00:05:30] Wait for them to ask you who you know

[00:06:07] 绛夌潃璁╀粬浠厛鏉ユ帰鎺綘鐨勫簳瀛

[00:06:07] Why'd you come you knew you should have stayed

[00:06:10] 涓轰綍浣犱細鍑虹幇 浣犵煡閬撲綘璇ョ暀涓

[00:06:10] It's blasphemy

[00:06:12] 杩欐槸浜垫笌绁炴槑

[00:06:12] I tried to warn you just to stay away

[00:06:17] 鎴戞浘鍗冩柟鐧捐璀﹀憡杩囦綘鏈�濂借繙绂讳竴鐐

[00:06:17] And now they're outside ready to bust

[00:06:23] 濡備粖浠栦滑灏卞湪闂ㄥ 绛夌潃涓�鎷ヨ�屽叆

[00:06:23] It looks like you might be one of us

[00:06:28] 鐪嬫潵浣犱技涔庝篃鏄垜浠殑鍏朵腑涔嬩竴
