
《High As Hell(feat. Wiz Khalifa)(Explicit)》歌词

所属专辑: High As Hell (Explicit) 歌手: B.o.B&Wiz Khalifa 时长: 04:01
High As Hell(feat. Wiz Khalifa)(Explicit)

[00:00:00] High As Hell (情绪高涨) - B.o.B (小鲍比·雷·西蒙斯)/Wiz Khalifa (维兹·卡利法)

[00:00:00] //

[00:00:00] I woke up in the morning I woke up in the morning

[00:00:05] 我清晨醒来 我清晨醒来

[00:00:05] I woke up in the morning I woke up in the morning high as hell

[00:00:12] 我清晨醒来 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨

[00:00:12] Stop

[00:00:13] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨 得了吧

[00:00:13] I woke up in the morning high as hell stop it

[00:00:17] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨 得了吧

[00:00:17] I woke up in the morning high as hell stop it

[00:00:20] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨 好吧

[00:00:20] I woke up in the morning high as hell right

[00:00:23] 虽然有些疲惫 但是伙计 你看不出来吗

[00:00:23] Still faded but ni**a can't you tell

[00:00:27] 你看不出来吗 伙计 你看不出来吗

[00:00:27] Can't you tell ni**a can't you tell

[00:00:30] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨

[00:00:30] I woke up in the morning high as hell

[00:00:33] 你看不出来吗 伙计 你看不出来吗

[00:00:33] Can't you tell ni**a can't you tell

[00:00:37] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨

[00:00:37] I woke up in the morning high as hell

[00:00:39] 今天早上醒来我兴奋极了

[00:00:39] I woke up this morning so high

[00:00:41] 我可能永远都不会感到失落

[00:00:41] I probably never get low

[00:00:43] 就像是R kell歌中唱的那样 我相信我可以高飞

[00:00:43] R kell I think I can fly

[00:00:44] 但是我已经嗨得不行了

[00:00:44] But this is as it go

[00:00:46] 我根本想不起来我冷静下来是什么样子

[00:00:46] I can't recall being sober

[00:00:47] 因为那已经不知道是什么时候的事了

[00:00:47] Cause that was a trillion hours ago

[00:00:49] 你说你想要比我更加情绪高涨

[00:00:49] You say you want to get higher than me

[00:00:51] 好吧 那你要走的路可还长着呢

[00:00:51] Well you got a billion mile to go

[00:00:52] 伙计 你正处于石器时代 快点让你的石轮旋转起来吧

[00:00:52] Ni**a this stone age roll up and put it in rotation

[00:00:55] 我的高品质**让人们对我低声下气

[00:00:55] My dro potent and make show faces

[00:00:57] 直到我欲仙欲死 那个死气沉沉的女人对我来说就像是老妇人一样

[00:00:57] Till I'm po' baby like an old lady

[00:00:59] 精疲力竭 就像是一个待在地下室的老船长

[00:00:59] So faded like some old navy in an old basement

[00:01:01] 抽着我那刚刚提炼出来的**

[00:01:01] With my og that's fresh off of probation

[00:01:03] 我敲打着你家的家门 只有你女人在家

[00:01:03] I bang bang you be ho saving

[00:01:05] 我快速进入就像是非法入侵

[00:01:05] Ran in yo ho like home invasion

[00:01:06] 当我跟贩毒者交易时 我总是焦躁不安

[00:01:06] When I hit up my dealer I'm so impatient

[00:01:08] 一有风吹草动 我会毫不犹豫迅速逃跑

[00:01:08] I be hightailing and ain't no debating

[00:01:09] 我知道整个问题的答案

[00:01:09] I know the answer to the whole equation

[00:01:11] 我就像当地的面包店一样总是在烘烤着什么

[00:01:11] Always baking like a local bakery

[00:01:13] 我们传递着**和金钱 就像是滑冰场的人们那样转圈循环

[00:01:13] We pass it around like a roller skating rink

[00:01:14] 我经常去夜店 那里总是为我营业到很晚

[00:01:14] I go to the club it stay open late for me

[00:01:16] 卷起一支**吧 那样才能调动起我的情绪

[00:01:16] Just rolled up a blunt and it's motivating me

[00:01:20] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨 得了吧

[00:01:20] I woke up in the morning high as hell stop it

[00:01:23] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨 得了吧

[00:01:23] I woke up in the morning high as hell stop it

[00:01:27] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨 好吧

[00:01:27] I woke up in the morning high as hell right

[00:01:30] 虽然有些疲惫 但是伙计 你看不出来吗

[00:01:30] Still faded but ni**a can't you tell

[00:01:33] 你看不出来吗 伙计 你看不出来吗

[00:01:33] Can't you tell ni**a can't you tell

[00:01:37] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨

[00:01:37] I woke up in the morning high as hell

[00:01:40] 你看不出来吗 伙计 你看不出来吗

[00:01:40] Can't you tell ni**a can't you tell

[00:01:44] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨

[00:01:44] I woke up in the morning high as hell

[00:01:46] 早上起来 我就先卷支**抽了起来

[00:01:46] Woke up in the morning grab some w**d a joint and rolled it

[00:01:49] 吃了点鸡蛋和奶酪

[00:01:49] Put some cheese eggs on my stomach

[00:01:51] 我才不需要节俭 ** 我不需要

[00:01:51] I don't need it b**ch I want it

[00:01:53] 在加利福尼亚的卡利买了一栋特朗普设计的房子

[00:01:53] Crib in california got a villa in the trump

[00:01:56] 我脚上穿了双匡威鞋 对我的女人说

[00:01:56] I put some converse on my feet and told my b**ch

[00:01:58] 我们要挣更多钱

[00:01:58] Let's get this money

[00:01:59] 一支烟卷有14克** 那有半盎司了

[00:01:59] One joint fourteen grams that's a half

[00:02:03] 火枪烤制也是一种吸食方法

[00:02:03] Blow torch on the nail that's a dab

[00:02:06] 宇宙蛋糕配** 我要嗨起来了

[00:02:06] Space cakes m2o I'm getting blow

[00:02:10] 蒸馏器中放满高纯度** 我兴奋极了

[00:02:10] Butter in a g pin man I'm stoned

[00:02:13] 一支**油 让他兴奋无比 虽然他并不想承认

[00:02:13] One hit of this wax got him high he don't wanna say it

[00:02:16] 试着给我打电话 但是我和鲍勃雷伊已经离开了

[00:02:16] Try to call my phone but I'm gone me and bobby ray

[00:02:20] 今天我抽的是库什 明天我就要抽碎玻璃状的**

[00:02:20] I'm smoking kush today tomorrow I'm a straight shatter

[00:02:23] 奶油状的** 看起来就像是蛋糕糊

[00:02:23] Hardcore butter lookin' like some cake batter

[00:02:26] 它能让我更好地思考 去死吧 你真是大错特错

[00:02:26] It make me think better f**king up you're dead wrong

[00:02:30] Rasta跟我说 小胖里普斯的欲望真是可怕

[00:02:30] Rasta told me fat rips make the dread long

[00:02:33] 我吸食一支** 吸完之后感觉像是遨游在天际

[00:02:33] I took a dab past out fly as hell

[00:02:37] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨 得了吧

[00:02:37] I woke up in the morning high as hell stop it

[00:02:40] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨 得了吧

[00:02:40] I woke up in the morning high as hell stop it

[00:02:44] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨 好吧

[00:02:44] I woke up in the morning high as hell right

[00:02:47] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨 好吧

[00:02:47] I woke up in the morning high as hell right

[00:02:50] 虽然有些疲惫 但是伙计 你看不出来吗

[00:02:50] Still faded but ni**a can't you tell

[00:02:53] 你看不出来吗 伙计 你看不出来吗

[00:02:53] Can't you tell ni**a can't you tell

[00:02:57] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨

[00:02:57] I woke up in the morning high as hell

[00:03:00] 你看不出来吗 伙计 你看不出来吗

[00:03:00] Can't you tell ni**a can't you tell

[00:03:03] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨

[00:03:03] I woke up in the morning high as hell

[00:03:06] 高高遨游在天际 像超人一样

[00:03:06] High in the sky superman

[00:03:10] 我兴奋吗 是的 兴奋极了

[00:03:10] Am I high yes I am

[00:03:13] 我失去了理智

[00:03:13] I lost mind

[00:03:15] 我失去了理智

[00:03:15] I lost mind

[00:03:17] 我失去了理智

[00:03:17] I lost mind

[00:03:18] 我失去了理智

[00:03:18] I lost mind

[00:03:20] 在天际之中 如吊扇一般旋转

[00:03:20] In the sky ceiling fan

[00:03:23] 阿富汗的紫色烟雾**

[00:03:23] Purple haze afghanistan

[00:03:27] 我真的失去理智了

[00:03:27] I done lost my mind

[00:03:29] 我真的失去理智了

[00:03:29] I done lost my mind

[00:03:30] 我真的失去理智了

[00:03:30] I done lost my mind

[00:03:32] 我真的失去理智了

[00:03:32] I done lost my mind

[00:03:34] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨 得了吧

[00:03:34] I woke up in the morning high as hell stop it

[00:03:37] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨 得了吧

[00:03:37] I woke up in the morning high as hell stop it

[00:03:40] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨 好吧

[00:03:40] I woke up in the morning high as hell right

[00:03:43] 虽然有些疲惫 但是伙计 你看不出来吗

[00:03:43] Still faded but ni**a can't you tell

[00:03:47] 你看不出来吗 伙计 你看不出来吗

[00:03:47] Can't you tell ni**a can't you tell

[00:03:50] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨

[00:03:50] I woke up in the morning high as hell

[00:03:53] 你看不出来吗 伙计 你看不出来吗

[00:03:53] Can't you tell ni**a can't you tell

[00:03:58] 我清晨醒来 情绪高涨
