

所属专辑: 歌手: 张雪飞&前男友 时长: 04:45

[00:00:00] 世界末日remix - 前男友&张雪飞

[00:00:17] My worlds torn apart aint nobody know

[00:00:21] My walls are crumbling down now im letting go

[00:00:24] Im stripped naked to the core alone left in the cold

[00:00:46] Im losin my grip and this feelin its killin me needin that somethin to hold

[00:00:50] Now that the tables have turned you winnin so

[00:00:54] You went and sold your soul to the devil now i know

[00:00:58] My heart is achin and im faintin while you put on a show

[00:01:02] Now with those lies im losin my mind

[00:01:06] 我正处在一个封闭的空间

[00:01:08] 这里不分春夏秋冬天

[00:01:10] 光鲜亮丽的人都变的疯癫

[00:01:12] 为了生存有的人甚至通奸

[00:01:14] 真话和谎话都没有人相信

[00:01:16] 震耳欲聋的爆炸他不断接近

[00:01:18] 心灵的恐惧大于身体的伤病

[00:01:20] 此时的人心比石头还坚硬

[00:01:23] 未来如何 anit nobody konw

[00:01:25] 死神都伸出手 天堂该怎么走

[00:01:27] 好多话没来得及说出口

[00:01:29] 亲人都被带走 变得一无所有

[00:01:31] 大家祈祷能见到明天清晨

[00:01:33] 痛苦着寻找着失散的亲人

[00:01:36] 行尸走肉已经失去了心神

[00:01:38] 一堆堆的行李像是一座座的阴坟

[00:01:40] 昏暗的角落里随时担心熄灯

[00:01:42] 不断地有人被恐惧感给逼疯

[00:01:44] 病人一望无际可惜没有医生

[00:01:46] 楚楚可怜只能换来一阵阵的嘘声

[00:01:48] 千万的生灵全部都消失

[00:01:50] 自私与丑陋在空气中交织

[00:01:52] 为了生存我们用尽了全力

[00:01:54] 有食物才TMD不会被嫌弃

[00:01:56] 亲人和朋友互相都不在联系

[00:01:58] 斑驳的外表看不出他年纪

[00:02:00] 一个个的灵魂在不断的圆寂

[00:02:03] 人生的字典里从此没有了甜蜜

[00:02:05] 孤独的孩子他失去了爸在人潮中寻找着亲爱的妈

[00:02:09] 侏儒和巨人都一样的怕充血的土地里该长出什么样花

[00:02:13] My worlds torn apart aint nobody know

[00:02:17] My walls are crumbling down now im letting go

[00:02:22] Im stripped naked to the core alone left in the cold

[00:02:26] Im losin my grip and this feelin its killin me needin that somethin to hold

[00:02:30] Now that the tables have turned you winnin so

[00:02:34] You went and sold your soul to the devil now i know

[00:02:38] My heart is achin and im faintin while you put on a show

[00:02:42] Now with those lies im losin my mind

[00:02:47] 乌鸦飞过尸体饿不敢落下

[00:02:48] 停留一秒就会被撕成碎片

[00:02:50] 空洞的眼神隐藏着背后的故事

[00:02:53] 病毒与恐惧感无限的复制

[00:02:54] 存活的人们该要如何度日

[00:02:56] 子弹穿过野兽张开嘴的獠牙

[00:02:58] 快点逃吧 逃吧 地上 的毛发

[00:03:01] 器官散落地下 所以去哪

[00:03:03] 男孩牵着她颤抖的手 是因为害怕还是寒冷

[00:03:07] 她问他我们到底要去哪里 回答是无声的寂静

[00:03:11] 因为他不知道该往哪走 周围

[00:03:15] 因为他不知道该往那走周围

[00:03:19] 伤口化脓头发脱落 骗他说你依旧妖艳

[00:03:24] 躺在他的怀里直到 意识模糊又逐渐消散

[00:03:27] 眼泪滴在它的脸上 手里握着准备好的刀片

[00:03:32] 亲爱的对不起我想我们只能来生见

[00:03:36] 男孩发了疯的咆哮想要再摧毁这个世界

[00:03:40] 寒风凌冽在他的脸上开始无情肆虐

[00:03:44] 末日来临 灾难会掩盖你所有求救的音量

[00:03:49] 最后一颗子弹瞄准这个地球人的心脏

[00:03:53] My worlds torn apart aint nobody know

[00:03:58] My walls are crumbling down now im letting go

[00:04:02] Im stripped naked to the core alone left in the cold

[00:04:06] Im losin my grip and this feelin its killin me needin that somethin to hold

[00:04:10] Now that the tables have turned you winnin so

[00:04:14] You went and sold your soul to the devil now i know

[00:04:18] My heart is achin and im faintin while you put on a show

[00:04:23] Now with those lies im losin my mind