
《An apple a day》歌词

所属专辑: Aquarius 歌手: Aqua 时长: 03:39
An apple a day

[00:00:04] You know an apple a day

[00:00:07] 你知道每天吃一个苹果

[00:00:07] Won't keep the doctor away

[00:00:12] 不会一直不生病

[00:00:13] Welcome to the cliches welcome to the part

[00:00:16] 欢迎来到这些陈词滥调里,欢迎来到这个部分

[00:00:16] Where we wanna finish

[00:00:18] What we can't start Come and get me

[00:00:18] 在那儿我们想要结束

[00:00:22] 让我们不能开始的事情

[00:00:23] Just don't miss the water Until the well is dry

[00:00:27] You got to learn walking After you can fly Come and get me

[00:00:27] 不要等到井枯了才想要喝水

[00:00:33] 不要在会飞之后才来学习走路

[00:00:34] What goes in will get out

[00:00:36] What goes up comes right down

[00:00:36] 进去的东西终究会出来

[00:00:37] 上升的东西终究要下降

[00:00:37] We go up we go up we go up

[00:00:40] You know an apple a day

[00:00:40] 我们在上升

[00:00:44] Won't keep the doctor away

[00:00:44] 你知道每天吃一个苹果

[00:00:46] 不会一直不生病

[00:00:47] Were never taught what we teach

[00:00:50] 从来没人教我们学什么

[00:00:50] And won't practice what we preach

[00:00:55] 也不会对我们宣扬的东西进行实践

[00:00:55] You know an apple a day

[00:00:58] 你知道每天吃一个苹果

[00:00:58] Won't keep my troubles away

[00:01:02] Once bitten bye bye

[00:01:02] 不会不出问题

[00:01:04] 一旦咬下去就拜拜了

[00:01:04] All the cliches is here to die

[00:01:08] 让所有的陈词滥调去死吧

[00:01:10] Just eat all the people On your way up

[00:01:14] 用你的方式吃掉所有的人

[00:01:14] Cause they will eat your heart out

[00:01:16] 因为他们会吃掉你的心

[00:01:16] On your way down Come and get me

[00:01:21] 用你的方式来得到我

[00:01:21] Start what you can't finish

[00:01:23] Stick to what you can't

[00:01:23] 开始做你不能完成的工作

[00:01:25] 坚持你不能坚持的

[00:01:25] Life is here to help us

[00:01:26] Get things out of hand Come and get us

[00:01:26] 生活会帮助我们

[00:01:32] 得到那些东西

[00:01:32] What goes in will get out

[00:01:33] What goes up comes right down

[00:01:33] 进去的东西终究会出来

[00:01:35] We go up we go up we go up

[00:01:35] 上升的东西终究要下降

[00:01:38] 我们在上升

[00:01:38] You know an apple a day

[00:01:40] 你知道每天吃一个苹果

[00:01:41] Won't keep the doctor away

[00:01:45] Were never taught what we teach

[00:01:45] 不会一直不生病

[00:01:48] 从来没人教我们学什么

[00:01:48] And won't practice what we preach

[00:01:52] 也不会对我们宣扬的东西进行实践

[00:01:52] You know an apple a day

[00:01:56] 你知道每天吃一个苹果

[00:01:56] Won't keep my troubles away

[00:02:00] Once bitten bye bye All the cliches is here to die

[00:02:00] 不会不出问题

[00:02:06] Cause you are what you're eating

[00:02:06] 一旦咬下去就拜拜了,让所有的陈词滥调去死吧

[00:02:10] Don't stick to what's true

[00:02:10] 因为你吃什么就是什么

[00:02:12] 不要坚持什么是真的

[00:02:13] You are what you're eating Let it come as it came

[00:02:21] 你吃什么就是什么,就让它来

[00:02:22] We are what we are

[00:02:25] 我们就是我们

[00:02:26] What's build up will fall

[00:02:29] 建立起来的也会倒塌

[00:02:30] Do what you want and be happy be happy be happy

[00:02:36] You know an apple a day

[00:02:36] 做你想做的事,要快乐

[00:02:39] 你知道每天吃一个苹果

[00:02:39] Won't keep the doctor away

[00:02:43] Were never taught what we teach

[00:02:43] 不会一直不生病

[00:02:45] And won't practice what we preach

[00:02:45] 从来没人教我们学什么

[00:02:50] 也不会对我们宣扬的东西进行实践

[00:02:50] You know an apple a day

[00:02:53] 你知道每天吃一个苹果

[00:02:54] Won't keep my troubles away

[00:02:57] 不会不出问题

[00:02:57] Once bitten bye bye

[00:03:00] 一旦咬下去就拜拜了

[00:03:00] All the cliches is here to die

[00:03:04] Cause you are what you're eating

[00:03:04] 让所有的陈词滥调去死吧

[00:03:06] 因为你吃什么就是什么

[00:03:07] Don't stick to what's true

[00:03:10] 不要坚持什么是真的

[00:03:11] You are what you're eating

[00:03:14] 你吃什么就是什么

[00:03:16] Let it come as it came

[00:03:20] We are what we are

[00:03:20] 就让它来

[00:03:24] What's build up will fall

[00:03:24] 我们就是我们

[00:03:26] 建立起来的也会倒塌

[00:03:27] Do what you want

[00:03:31] And be happy

[00:03:31] 做你想做的事

[00:03:31] 要快乐