
《Six Degrees of Separation(Explicit)》歌词

所属专辑: #3 (Explicit) 歌手: The Script 时长: 03:52
Six Degrees of Separation(Explicit)


[00:00:00] 读了许多书,看过很多剧

[00:00:00] You've read the books, you've watched the shows

[00:00:03] 却没人能告诉你怎么办最好

[00:00:03] What's the best way, no one knows, yeah

[00:00:06] 沉思过去,自我催眠

[00:00:06] Meditate, get hypnotized,

[00:00:09] 内心安慰却逃不过残忍的现实

[00:00:09] Anything to take it from your mind but it won't, go

[00:00:15] 这么做不过是因为你心里充满了绝望

[00:00:15] You're doing all these things out of desperation, oh, whoa.

[00:00:22] 而这正是你经历分手后的六个阶段

[00:00:22] You're going through six degrees of separation.

[00:00:25] 终日酗酒,沉溺毒品

[00:00:25] You had the drink, you take a toke.

[00:00:29] 在烟雾中舔舐回忆

[00:00:29] Watch the past go up in smoke.

[00:00:32] 戴上面具,用谎言武装自己

[00:00:32] Fake a smile, yeah, lie and say

[00:00:35] 欺骗他人现在的生活比过去更好,像从没受过伤一样,但却骗不过自己

[00:00:35] You're better now than ever and your life's OK, well it's not, no.

[00:00:41] 这一切不过是出于内心的绝望

[00:00:41] You're doing all these things out of desperation, oh, whoa.

[00:00:48] 而你正在经历分手后的六个阶段

[00:00:48] You're going through six degrees of separation.

[00:00:51] 起初你觉得或许没什么比心碎更加令人痛苦

[00:00:51] First you think the worst is a broken-heart,

[00:00:55] 可接下来却感到生不如死

[00:00:55] What's gonna kill you is the second part.

[00:00:59] 然后你觉得自己的世界正在崩塌

[00:00:59] And the third is when your world splits down the middle.

[00:01:04] 接着你觉得或许你能修补自己破碎的心

[00:01:04] And fourth you're gonna think that you've fixed yourself.

[00:01:09] 然后你看到他们身边有了新的人

[00:01:09] Fifth you see them now with someone else.

[00:01:11] 最后当你承认这一切都已过去或许就是新的开始

[00:01:11] Then the sixth is when you admit you may have ficked up a little.

[00:01:17] 没有人可以施以援手,一切只能自我救赎

[00:01:17] No no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself

[00:01:24] 没有人可以分担痛苦,一切只能独自承受

[00:01:24] No no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself

[00:01:30] 向朋友甚至陌生人倾诉

[00:01:30] You tell your friends, yeah, strangers too

[00:01:34] 渴望有双温暖的手臂安慰你

[00:01:34] Anyone who'll throw an arm around you, yeah

[00:01:37] 塔罗牌,星盘,水晶球

[00:01:37] Tarot cards, gems and stones

[00:01:40] 相信那些可以治愈你的灵魂

[00:01:40] Believing all that ****'s gonna heal your soul

[00:01:43] 然而这些并不能

[00:01:43] Well, it's not, no

[00:01:46] 这么做不过是因为你心里充满了绝望

[00:01:46] You're only doing things out of desperation, oh, no.

[00:01:52] 而这正是你经历分手后的六个阶段

[00:01:52] You're going through six degrees of separation.

[00:01:56] 起初你觉得或许没什么比心碎更加令人痛苦

[00:01:56] First you think the worst is a broken-heart,

[00:02:00] 可接下来却感到生不如死

[00:02:00] What's gonna kill you is the second part.

[00:02:04] 然后你觉得自己的世界正在崩塌

[00:02:04] And the third is when your world splits down the middle.

[00:02:08] 接着你觉得或许你能修补自己破碎的心

[00:02:08] And fourth you're gonna think that you've fixed yourself.

[00:02:13] 然后你看到他们身边有了新的人

[00:02:13] Fifth you see them now with someone else.

[00:02:17] 最后当你承认这一切都已过去或许就是新的开始

[00:02:17] Then the sixth is when you admit you may have ficked up a little.

[00:02:22] 而这远远没有结束

[00:02:22] Oh, no there's no starting over

[00:02:26] 直到你能找到一个自己接受的结局

[00:02:26] Without finding closure

[00:02:29] 你会毫不犹豫放下过不去的过去

[00:02:29] You take them back, no hesitation

[00:02:32] 当你明白了自己经历的这些过程

[00:02:32] That's when you know you've reached the sixth degree of separation

[00:02:35] 这些并不算过去

[00:02:35] Oh, no there's no starting over

[00:02:39] 除非你能说服自己

[00:02:39] Without finding closure

[00:02:42] 你会毫不犹豫放开自我折磨的自己

[00:02:42] You take them back, no hesitation

[00:02:44] 那时你会理解自己经历的这些过程

[00:02:44] That's when you know you've reached the sixth degree of separation

[00:02:48] 起初你觉得或许没什么比心碎更加令人痛苦

[00:02:48] First you think the worst is a broken-heart,

[00:02:52] 可接下来却感到生不如死

[00:02:52] What's gonna kill you is the second part.

[00:02:56] 然后你觉得自己的世界正在崩塌

[00:02:56] And the third is when your world splits down the middle.

[00:03:00] 接着你觉得或许你能修补自己破碎的心

[00:03:00] And fourth you're gonna think that you've fixed yourself.

[00:03:05] 然后你看到他们身边有了新的人

[00:03:05] Fifth you see them now with someone else.

[00:03:08] 最后当你承认这一切都已过去或许就是新的开始

[00:03:08] Then the sixth is when you admit you may have ficked up a little.

[00:03:14] 没有人可以施以援手,一切只能自我救赎

[00:03:14] No no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself

[00:03:18] 你会经历分手的六个阶段

[00:03:18] Oh you go through six degrees of separation

[00:03:21] 没有人可以分担痛苦,一切只能独自承受

[00:03:21] No no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself

[00:03:24] 你能撑过分手的这些阶段

[00:03:24] Oh you go through six degrees of separation

[00:03:27] 没有人可以感同身受,一切只能自己品尝

[00:03:27] No no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself

[00:03:34] 没有人可以施以援手,一切只能自我救赎

[00:03:34] No no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself

[00:03:40] 没有人可以分担痛苦,一切只能独自承受

[00:03:40] No no there ain't no help, it's every man for himself

[00:03:45] 涅磐之后就是重生