《Friends S04E02 The One With The Cat》歌词

[00:00:06] Wow. That ripped. 它会扯破衣服
[00:00:09] That ripped real nice! 一点也不含糊
[00:00:12] How many times do I have to tell you? You turn and slide. 你要我说几次?要侧身滑出来
[00:00:16] Turn and slide. 侧身滑出来
[00:00:18] You don't turn and slide. 不是侧身滑出来
[00:00:20] You throw it out! 是把它扔出去
[00:00:23] I get tetanus shots every time I get dressed! 我每次穿衣服 都得打破伤风预防针
[00:00:26] We're not throwing it out. I built it with my own hands! 不能扔掉,这是我亲手钉的
[00:00:32] How about we sell it? 好,那卖掉呢?
[00:00:35] All right. 好吧
[00:00:38] But you'll have to tell them. 不过你得告诉它们
[00:00:44] Can we stick you in another cabinet? They seem all right with it! 你们可以搬个家吗? 看来它们没意见
[00:00:49] The One with the Cat 本集播出:“灵猫”
[00:01:36] Hey,why did the chicken fall out of the tree? 鸡为什么不会从树下掉下来?
[00:01:39] Why? 为什么?
[00:01:40] Because you have doody on your head. 因为头上有翅膀
[00:01:44] Yeah,it was funnier when Ben told it. 班说就很好笑
[00:01:51] Hey,Monica. It's Chip. 摩妮卡,我是奇普 漂亮!
[00:01:53] Who's Chip? 谁是奇普?
[00:01:55] It was good running into you today. 很高兴今天遇见你
[00:01:57] My number is 555-9323. Give me a call. 我的电话是5559323 打给我,就这样
[00:02:01] "Chip" is Chip Matthews. 奇普就是奇普马修斯
[00:02:03] The guy who took Rachel to the prom? Why's he calling you? 瑞秋的高中舞会舞伴? 他打给你干什么?
[00:02:07] Because I ran into him at the bank. He is still so cute. 我在银行遇见他,他还是好帅
[00:02:11] You're so lucky! He's like the most popular guy in school! 你好幸运 他是全校最红的男生
[00:02:16] I know! 我知道
[00:02:20] Chip? Hi,it's Monica. 奇普?我是摩妮卡
[00:02:24] 好…好
[00:02:29] 好
[00:02:32] Oh,my God! We just had the best conversation! 好,再见 天哪,我们聊得好愉快
[00:02:41] I was just leaving. 我正要走
[00:02:43] Good. 好
[00:02:44] I've got a report to read. 我要看报告
[00:02:46] It's eight pages. I hope I don't fall asleep. 有八页,但愿我不会睡着
[00:02:50] Why? Did you write it? 为什么?是你写的?
[00:02:57] Look at that! 你看看
[00:02:59] Chip Matthews called. I wonder what he wants. 奇普马修斯打电话来 不晓得有什么事
[00:03:03] Well,actually.... 其实…
[00:03:05] I bet he sensed that I was ready to have sex with another guy. 他一定感应到 我可以跟别的男人上床了
[00:03:26] 好啊
[00:03:31] -Are you sure you want to hear this? -I'm sure. 你真的想听? 真的
[00:03:37] Chip! Hi,it's Rachel. 奇普,我是瑞秋
[00:03:40] Rachel Greene. 瑞秋葛林
[00:03:42] You left me a message? 你留言给我?
[00:03:47] Yes,you did. My roommate wrote it down. 你有,我的室友记下来了
[00:03:51] Monica Geller? 摩妮卡盖勒?
[00:04:03] He called to ask out Monica. 他是要约摩妮卡
[00:04:07] That's got to be embarrassing. 真是尴尬
[00:04:15] Dumb drunken bitch 醉醺醺的白痴贱人
[00:04:23] Thank you! 谢谢
[00:04:27] Here's a question. 请问一下
[00:04:29] Where'd you get the "finest oak east of the Mississippi"? 密西西比以东 最好的橡木家具在哪里?
[00:04:32] First tell us where you got the prettiest lace in the land. 你先说 全国最漂亮的蕾丝在哪里
[00:04:37] It's your ad. 这是你们的广告
[00:04:38] Looks good? 不赖吧?
[00:04:40] "Stunning entertainment center,fine “高级视听娱乐柜,精致…”
[00:04:45] Fine ltalian craftsmanship." “精致意大利手工”
[00:04:49] You're selling the entertainment center? 天哪,你们要卖娱乐柜?
[00:04:52] Why? I love it. 为什么?我喜欢那个柜子
[00:04:54] -You want it? -No. 你们要吗? 不要
[00:05:01] Five thousand dollars? “定价5千”?
[00:05:03] Are you insane? 你疯了吗?
[00:05:05] The ad alone cost $300. 登广告就要3百
[00:05:08] I'm changing it to $50 or your best offer. 我要改成50元或再议
[00:05:13] What kind of profit is that? And you call yourself an accountant? 那有什么利润可言? 你也配当会计师?
[00:05:20] 我不是
[00:05:26] What do you do? 那你是什么?
[00:05:29] I can't believe you don't know. 你居然不知道我干哪一行
[00:05:32] I actually don't know. 我也不知道 是不是什么…
[00:05:37] Oh,my God,no! Shoo,kitty! 天哪,不要,走开 不要…
[00:05:41] There's a kitty in my guitar case. 阿甘,我的吉他盒里有一只猫
[00:05:43] Everyone's gonna want one. 嘘…其他人都想要
[00:05:51] Crazy! 真是的
[00:05:53] -Oh,my God! -What? 天哪 什么?
[00:05:55] Nothing. 没事
[00:05:57] What's wrong? 怎么了?
[00:06:02] I just have this really strong feeling that this cat is my mother. 我只是有一股强烈的感觉 这只猫是我妈
[00:06:08] The mom you met in Montauk? She was a cat? 莫陶克那个妈妈? 她是一只猫?
[00:06:12] That makes the fact that she owns beach-front property all the more impressive. 而她居然拥有滨海小屋
[00:06:16] No. She was a human lady. 不,她是一个人
[00:06:19] This is the spirit of my mom,Lilly. The one that killed herself. 这是莉莉妈妈的灵魂 自杀的那个
[00:06:28] No,Dr. Skeptismo. 没有,疑心病博士
[00:06:31] I'm sure. First of all,there's the feeling. 我很肯定 第一,我有这个感觉
[00:06:36] And for another, she went into my guitar case... 还有,她跑进我的吉他盒里
[00:06:40] ...which is lined with orange felt. 它的衬里是橘色的
[00:06:45] My mother's favorite fish was orange roughy. 我妈最喜欢的鱼是橘棘鲷
[00:06:53] Cats like fish. 猫喜欢吃鱼
[00:06:58] You had me with orange felt. 听到橘色衬里我就信了
[00:07:02] Hi,Mommy! 妈
[00:07:06] I haven't seen this smile in 17 years. 我17年没看到这个笑容了
[00:07:11] -Phoebe's mom's got a huge pair of -Let it go! 菲比的妈有两颗好大的… 算了吧
[00:07:20] When were you going to tell me that you're dating Chip? 你什么时候要告诉我 你要跟奇普约会?
[00:07:29] No. I can't believe you'd want to after what he did to me. 当然有关系 他那样对我耶
[00:07:34] That thing at the prom? 你是说舞会的事?
[00:07:36] I couldn't find him for hours! He was having sex with Amy Welsh! 摩妮卡,我2个小时找不到他 他跑去跟艾美威许做爱
[00:07:42] That was in high school. How can it still bother you? 那是高中的事 你怎么还会在意?
[00:07:46] Oh,yeah,you're right,Moni-cow. 说得也是,莫母猪
[00:07:51] Okay,I hear you. 我懂了
[00:07:53] Why do you have to go out with Chip? 你为什么偏要跟奇普约会?
[00:07:57] We went to different schools. 我们的高中不一样
[00:07:59] We went to the same school. 少来,我们上同一所高中
[00:08:02] You went to one where you were popular. 你在高中是风云人物
[00:08:04] You rode on Chip's motorcycle and wore his letterman jacket. 你坐奇普的摩托车 穿他的特优选手外套
[00:08:08] I went to one where I wore a band uniform that was specially made. 我穿的是特制的乐队制服
[00:08:15] They had that specially made? 那是特制的?
[00:08:19] It was a Home Ec project. 那是家政课的作业之一
[00:08:23] Oh,my God! They said it was for the mascot. 天哪 他们说那是给吉祥物穿的
[00:08:29] Back then I thought that I'd never get to go out with a Chip Matthews. 那时候我以为 我永远不可能跟奇普约会
[00:08:34] Now he's called me up and asked me out. 现在他打来约我
[00:08:37] The fat girl inside me really wants to go. I owe her this. 我心中那个胖女孩真的很想去 这是我欠她的
[00:08:42] I never let her eat. 我从不让她尽情的吃
[00:08:44] -You go out with him. -Really? 你去吧 真的?
[00:08:48] If possible,could you leave him and have sex with another guy? 如果可以,你能不能丢下他 去跟别人做爱?
[00:08:53] I'll try. 我试试看
[00:08:58] Any luck getting rid of the entertainment center? 娱乐柜卖得怎样?
[00:09:01] There were a couple calls, but they won't work out. 昨晚有几通询问电话 但我都觉得不可行
[00:09:05] Joey has a very careful screening process. 乔伊有一套严格的筛选过程
[00:09:09] Not everyone is qualified to own wood and nails. 并非每个人都适合拥有木制品
[00:09:14] Stop it! 别挣扎了
[00:09:16] She keeps trying to get away. Just like when she was alive. 她一直想跑走 跟在世时一样
[00:09:22] How long is your mom going to be with us? 你妈要跟我们在一起多久?
[00:09:25] I'm not sure. 我不确定
[00:09:27] I guess until she gets used to the fact that there's... 直到她能接受我有了…
[00:09:31] ...a new mom. 新妈妈吧
[00:09:34] Now she's worried that she'll be replaced. 她很担心会被取代
[00:09:38] That's not going to happen,is it? 才不会呢,对不对?
[00:09:42] I have to go make a call. 我去房里回个电话
[00:09:43] Why not use this phone? 怎么不在这里打?
[00:09:45] I'm returning a call from a certain mom at the B-E-A-C-H. 我要打给住在(海边)的妈妈
[00:09:50] I just spelled the wrong word. 我说反了
[00:09:54] Anyway,I don't want to do it in front of someone with a tail. 我不想在有尾巴的人面前打
[00:09:57] Hey,you swore you would never tell. 你发誓不说的
[00:10:02] So am I crazy,or does Phoebe's mom remind anyone else of a cat? 是我疯了,还是有人也觉得 菲比的妈像一只猫?
[00:10:09] Ross,don't start. 罗斯,别提了 拜托
[00:10:11] You actually believe there's a woman inside that cat? 你们真的相信 那只猫是一个女人变的?
[00:10:16] I believe it. 我相信
[00:10:19] No,you don't. 你才不信
[00:10:22] No,you 你才不…
[00:10:27] You won't suck me into this. 我不会跟你争辩
[00:10:29] Sure I will. Because you always have to be right. 你会 你总是要说服别人
[00:10:33] I do not always have Okay,okay. 我才没有… 好
[00:10:39] Jurassic Park could happen. “侏罗纪公园”是有可能的
[00:10:47] And you know what? Actually, I do think Kirk was smarter than Spock. 还有 我觉得蟑螂比恐龙聪明
[00:11:00] You were kidding about the Kirk-Spock-thing,though,right? 刚才那句是开玩笑吧?
[00:11:10] "Pretty nice"? 还不赖?
[00:11:12] Pardon my roommate. He wanted to marry this. 原谅我的室友 他简直想娶它过门
[00:11:16] We don't have $50. But would you trade for it? 我们没有50块钱 你们愿意交换吗?
[00:11:20] We got a canoe. 我们有一艘独木舟
[00:11:29] I don't think we need a canoe. 我们不需要独木舟
[00:11:31] You got to take it. 你们一定要收下独木舟
[00:11:36] Just take the entertainment center. 你们就把柜子搬走吧
[00:11:39] Then when you get home, throw the canoe away. 等你们到家,再把独木舟扔掉
[00:11:42] We're not throwing it away. I built it. 想都别想,那是我亲手造的
[00:11:46] Good for you! 干得好!
[00:11:51] (中央咖啡馆)
[00:11:53] You won't believe what I found on a telephone pole. 你们看我在电线杆上发现什么
[00:11:57] Look familiar? 眼熟吗?
[00:11:59] Apparently Phoebe's mother also goes by the name "Julio." 显然菲比的母亲也叫胡立欧
[00:12:04] Wait a minute. This is not the same cat. This cat's only this big. 不一样吧,这只只有这么大
[00:12:10] A little girl's looking for this cat. Know what that means? 有个小女孩在找这只猫 知道这代表什么吗?
[00:12:14] Yeah! $200 reward split five ways! 知道,五个人平分2百元赏金
[00:12:20] Do we have to tell her? 要告诉她吗?
[00:12:22] -Yes,we do. -But it's made her so happy. 当然要告诉她 但她现在好开心
[00:12:26] Little girl misses her cat. 想念猫咪的小女孩
[00:12:28] Crazy lady thinks her mother is in a cat. 觉得猫是母亲转世的疯婆子
[00:12:33] I have to go have dinner with my son. 好,我要去跟我儿子吃饭
[00:12:36] Can I trust that when you see Phoebe, you will tell her? 你们见到菲比会告诉她吧?
[00:12:39] 会
[00:12:41] Thank you. 谢谢
[00:12:45] I hate when Ross is right. 我最讨厌罗斯说对了
[00:12:47] He is right,isn't he? 他说得对,对吧?
[00:12:48] This might be one time when he's wrong. 搞不好这一次他错了
[00:12:51] -You think? -Oh,no. He's right. 是吗? 不,他说得对
[00:13:07] About your mom. 菲比,关于你的母亲… 怎样?
[00:13:13] How's that going? 你们处得好吗?
[00:13:15] So great. We took a nap together today. 棒呆了,我们今天一起睡午觉
[00:13:18] Mom fell asleep on my tummy and purred. 妈在我肚子上睡着还打呼
[00:13:23] That's so sweet. 真温馨
[00:13:27] I'm gonna get some coffee. 我去点咖啡
[00:13:35] What'd you say,Joe? I'll be right there. 乔伊你说什么?我马上过去
[00:13:43] I just feel so.... 菲比 我觉得好…
[00:13:45] -All right! -I'm coming already! 知道了啦 马上来
[00:13:54] Not yet,not yet,not yet! 还没还没还没…
[00:14:03] -Hello,Chip. -How you doing? 奇普 瑞秋,你好吗?
[00:14:05] I'm great! 很好
[00:14:06] Got a great job. I have wonderful friends. 我有一份好工作,一群好朋友
[00:14:10] Though I'm not seeing anyone now, I've never felt better about myself. 虽然现在没有男朋友 却对自己很满意
[00:14:17] So,Monica ready yet? 摩妮卡好了吗?
[00:14:22] She'll be out in a second. 她马上就好
[00:14:24] So,Chip,how's Amy Welsh? 奇普,艾美威许好吗?
[00:14:27] Amy Welsh? I haven't seen her since 艾美威许?我们自从…
[00:14:33] So,Monica about ready? 摩妮卡快好了吗?
[00:14:40] -Well,you guys have fun. -Catch you later. 好好去玩吧 再联络
[00:14:43] Bye,Chip. 奇普再见
[00:14:46] -Are you sure you're okay about this? -Actually 你真的不在意? 其实…
[00:14:48] Okay,great. 太好了
[00:14:53] This is the unit for you. 买这个柜子就对了
[00:14:55] Sturdy construction, tons of storage. 坚固耐用,容量超大
[00:14:58] Some big enough to fit a grown man. 甚至塞得进一个大人
[00:15:01] -What? -Yeah,I got in there myself once. 什么? 对,我就进去过一次
[00:15:05] My roommate bet me $5 I couldn't. 我的室友赌5元说我进不去
[00:15:08] Then he stuck a board through the handles and locked me in. 然后在门把上塞棍子把我关住
[00:15:12] It was funny till I felt like it was a coffin. 起先很好玩,后来感觉像棺材
[00:15:17] No,you can't fit in there. It's not deep enough. 你才进不去,它不够深
[00:15:21] Oh,yeah? 是吗?
[00:15:24] If I can't... 要是我进不去…
[00:15:26] ...I'll knock $5 off the price. 就少算你5块钱
[00:15:29] All right,you have yourself a deal. 就这么说定 好
[00:15:36] See? I told you. 你看,我就说吧
[00:15:41] Sometimes I come in here just to get away from it. 有时我会进进出出的玩
[00:15:46] Hey,a nickel! 有5分钱
[00:15:53] Here we are. 到了
[00:15:54] You still have the Chipper! 天哪,你的奇车还在
[00:15:56] The what? 什么?
[00:15:58] That's what we called your motorcycle in high school. 那是你的车子在高中的外号
[00:16:02] A motorcycle's a chopper. 摩托车也叫机车
[00:16:04] And you're Chip. 而你叫奇普
[00:16:06] Never mind. 没事
[00:16:09] I think it's cute. 真可爱
[00:16:16] A lipper from Chipper. 奇普亲亲
[00:16:20] Are you still in touch with anyone? 你还有跟哪些同学联络?
[00:16:28] I still hang with Simens and Zana. I see Spindler,Levine,Kelly. 我还在跟西门斯、萨纳混 也常跟史宾、莱文、凯利见面
[00:16:33] I run into Goldie... 三不五时会遇见高第
[00:16:35] ...Stick,Brown,Sulkov,McGuire... 史迪、布朗、苏卡夫、麦奎尔
[00:16:38] ...J.T.,Beardsley. 杰弟、毕斯利
[00:16:41] Is that all? 就这样?
[00:16:42] After high school, you kind of lose touch. 毕了业都会失去联络
[00:16:47] I ran into Richard Dorfman. 我有遇见李察多夫曼
[00:16:49] -How is he? -Me and Simens gave him a wedgie. 他好吗? 不太好,被我和西门斯敲竹杠
[00:16:54] Isn't he an architect? 他不是建筑师吗?
[00:16:56] They still wear underwear. 建筑师也要穿内裤
[00:17:11] Oh,my God! 天哪!
[00:17:14] What? 怎么了?
[00:17:18] Are you all right? 你还好吗? 还好
[00:17:22] What happened? 怎么回事?
[00:17:24] Oh,man,he promised he wouldn't take the chairs! 他答应不拿沙发椅的
[00:17:29] How were you locked in? Where the hell is all of our stuff? 你怎么会被关进去? 我们的东西呢?
[00:17:34] This guy came by to look at the unit... 有一个人来看柜子
[00:17:36] ...and he said it won't fit a grown man. 他说它塞不下一个大人
[00:17:40] So you got in voluntarily? 所以你自愿进去?
[00:17:42] I was trying to make a sale! 我想把柜子卖出去
[00:17:45] If I ever run into him, you know what I'll do? 要是让我碰上他 你猜我会怎样?
[00:17:49] Bend over? 把屁股翘起来?
[00:17:55] And then Zana just let one rip! 萨纳干脆让另一个破掉
[00:18:03] Not that I don't enjoy talking about high school... 我不是不喜欢回忆往事
[00:18:07] ...because I do. 我喜欢
[00:18:09] Maybe we can talk about something else. 但我们可以聊点别的
[00:18:12] I don't know where you work. 像你,我还不晓得你的工作
[00:18:14] -You know where I work. -I do? 你知道啊 我知道?
[00:18:17] The movie theater. You used to come in all the time. 电影院啊,你以前常来
[00:18:21] Still at the Multiplex? 你还在影城做事?
[00:18:23] Like I'd give up that job! 我怎么可能换工作
[00:18:26] Free popcorn and candy anytime I want? 随时都有爆米花和糖果可吃
[00:18:29] I can get you posters. 我可以帮你拿海报
[00:18:30] Thanks,I'm set. 谢谢,不用了
[00:18:33] Oh,you know who came in the other night? Peters. 你猜那天谁来了?彼得斯
[00:18:44] Do you still live with your parents? 你还住在家里?
[00:18:46] Yeah,but I can stay out as late as I want. 对,但是没有门禁
[00:18:55] You know,with all of our stuff gone, the unit doesn't seem that big. 少了别的东西 柜子就没那么大了
[00:19:00] Why couldn't he have been a kidnapper. 那个人怎么不是绑匪?
[00:19:05] They really got you guys. Your TV,the chairs. 他们还真是大搬家 电视、沙发椅
[00:19:09] Your microwave,the stereo. 微波炉、音响
[00:19:12] Man,he took the five of spades! 天哪,他把黑桃5拿走了
[00:19:16] No,here it is. 在这里
[00:19:20] Oh,my God! What happened? 天哪!怎么了?
[00:19:22] Joey was born,and then 28 years later, I was robbed! 乔伊出生 28年后,我被抢了
[00:19:30] So how was your date? 怎么样?
[00:19:32] Well,I always wanted to go out with Chip in high school. 我高中时一直想跟奇普约会
[00:19:36] Tonight,I actually went out with Chip in high school. 今晚 我真的跟高中的奇普约会了
[00:19:41] Honey,I'm sorry. 真可惜
[00:19:43] Not only did I get to go out with Chip... 不会,我不但跟奇普约了会
[00:19:46] ...I got to dump Chip. 我还甩了他
[00:19:48] -That's so great! -I know. 太棒了 我知道
[00:19:56] They said,"You don't have insurance. Stop calling us." 他们说 “你们没投保,别再打来了”
[00:20:04] You didn't tell her? 你们没有告诉她?
[00:20:09] Okay,fine. 好吧
[00:20:12] 菲比
[00:20:14] Listen... 听我说
[00:20:17] ...this cat belongs to a little girl. 这只猫是一个小女孩的
[00:20:20] There are flyers all over the place. 路上帖满了寻猫启事
[00:20:24] I'm sorry,sweetie. 对不起
[00:20:26] We can take her back with you if you want. 我们可以陪你把猫送回去
[00:20:33] But,you know,she chose to find me. 但是她选择来找我
[00:20:37] I have to respect her decision,right? 我得尊重她的决定,对吧?
[00:20:41] -That's a good call. -That's right. 有道理 没错
[00:20:45] Enough is enough. 不对,别再闹了
[00:20:46] I'm sorry you feel guilty about spending time with your new mom. 我很遗撼你跟新妈妈在一起 会有罪恶感
[00:20:51] But this isn't your old mom. 但这不是你的旧妈妈
[00:20:53] This is a cat. 这是一只猫
[00:20:54] Julio the cat. 它叫胡立欧
[00:20:57] Not Mom! Cat. 不是妈妈,是猫
[00:21:08] Ross,how many parents have you lost? 罗斯,你失去过几个父母?
[00:21:12] None. 零个
[00:21:13] Then you don't know how it feels when one of them comes back. 那你就无法体会 其中一个回来的感觉,对吧?
[00:21:21] I believe this is my mother. 我相信这是我的母亲
[00:21:24] Even if I'm wrong,who cares? 就算不是又怎样?
[00:21:26] Just be a friend,okay? Be supportive. 你就当个好朋友,支持我
[00:21:33] I'm sorry. 对不起
[00:21:35] Okay. 好
[00:21:39] I don't know what to say. 我不知道该说什么
[00:21:43] You could say... 你可以...
[00:21:45] ...you're sorry to her mom. ...向她的妈妈道歉
[00:21:54] I think she would like that. 我想她会接受
[00:22:07] Come here. Here,come here. 乖,过来
[00:22:12] Mrs. Buffay? 布非太太?
[00:22:17] Sorry about what I said. 我为我说的话道歉
[00:22:20] It was insensitive of me to say... 我实在很伤人
[00:22:23] ...that you were just a cat... 说你只是一只猫
[00:22:28] ...when,clearly,you are also... 很显然的,你也是…
[00:22:30] ...the reincarnated spirit... 我朋友的母亲…
[00:22:34] ...of my friend's mother. 灵魂转世
[00:22:38] Thank you. 谢谢你
[00:22:40] We both forgive you. 我们都原谅你
[00:22:44] What will you do about the little girl? 那个小女孩怎么办?
[00:22:48] Listen. 好,听我说
[00:22:50] Mom,I hope you know you still mean a lot to me. 妈,你对我还是很重要
[00:22:53] You're welcome to come back anytime. 你随时都可以回来
[00:22:58] If she'd come back as a couch, we'd really appreciate it. 要是她可以变成一张沙发 我们会很感激
[00:23:03] Come on. I'll take you home. 走吧,我带你回家
[00:23:05] -I'll go with you. -Me too. 我跟你去 我也去
[00:23:09] I got an extra futon. 我有多的蒲团
[00:23:12] Dude,you don't have to brag. We got nothing here. 你拽个屁啊,我们什么都没有
[00:23:20] 谨此纪念桃乐丝考夫曼
[00:23:49] You know.... 说真的…
[00:23:53] It's peaceful out here. 这里真幽静
- Friends S01E08
- Friends S04E15 The One With All The Rugby
- Friends S04E14 The One With Joeys Dirty Day
- Friends S04E12 The One With The Embryos
- Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus
- Friends S04E10 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
- Friends S04E09 The One Where They’re Going To Party
- Friends S01E07
- Friends S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line
- Friends S04E06 The One With The Dirty Girl
- Slide Away [Oasis]
- 倒数 [林冠吟]
- 领袖与士兵 [戴玉强]
- 闻悲 [电影原声]
- 郷里(ふるさと) [諫山実生]
- Love Is Over [1sagain]
- 第0478集_分坛的宝物 [祁桑]
- Show Me How [The Emotions]
- Mr. and Misdeameanor [Alice Cooper]
- 电力人-(单曲) [李建强]
- Il futuro è un’ipotesi [Enrico Ruggeri]
- LOVE YOURSELF(Workout Remix) [BOY]
- Cada Maana [José José]
- Engine, Engine No. 9 [MyTunes]
- Tente en Pie [Compay Segundo]
- California Gurls [Katy Perry&Danny Stewart]
- Perfect Christmas Night [The Christmas Carol Playe]
- Little Liza Jane (live)(Live) [Nina Simone]
- Apart(Album Version) [Brandy]
- Bottoms Up! [Van Halen]
- 有木有 [花果]
- Colorful [Mili&HG]
- Amor [Ben E. King]
- 拾爱 [陌北]
- You win again Start [Johnny Cash]
- 南芳 [卢佳楠&Vga谢伟嘉]
- When Death Calls [Hypocrisy]
- There I’ve Said It Again [Sam Cooke]
- The Midnight Special [Odetta]
- 爱的沙丘 [龙思平]
- I’m Gonna Get You [The Shadows&Cliff Richard]
- 平顶山的美 [MC夜微涼]
- Maybe Baby [Buddy Holly]
- Blown Away [Pontoon]
- Root Beer [George Jones]
- Why Don’t You Live so God Can Use You [Muddy Waters]
- Mountain Greenery [Shirley Horn]
- オレンジ [祈Inory]
- Mi Primer Millon(Album Version) [Bacilos]