

所属专辑: #3 (Explicit) 歌手: The Script 时长: 03:09


[00:00:00] “要关门了!”他们要赶我们走

[00:00:00] They're kickin' us out sayin' it's time to close

[00:00:03] 我们相互依偎以抵御严寒

[00:00:03] We're leanin' on each other tryin' to beat the cold

[00:00:05] 你用你的鞋暖手,我给你我的大衣

[00:00:05] You carry your shoes and I give you my coat

[00:00:10] 漫步长街,如踏黄金

[00:00:10] We're walkin' these streets like they're paved with gold

[00:00:13] 口中念念的是老旧的借口

[00:00:13] We take any old excuses not to go

[00:00:16] 谁都不想乘那的士,只想慢慢地走

[00:00:16] Neither one of us wanna take that taxi home

[00:00:20] 站在椅子上 放声高歌吧

[00:00:20] Singing our hearts out, standing on chairs

[00:00:25] 像亿万富翁一样度过我们的分秒

[00:00:25] Spending our time like we were millionaires

[00:00:30] 让你我二人 放声大笑吧

[00:00:30] Laughing our heads off, the two of us there

[00:00:35] 像亿万富翁一样度过我们的分秒

[00:00:35] Spending our time like we were millionaires

[00:00:40] 就像那样……

[00:00:40] Millionaires...

[00:00:52] 神魂颠倒 死而无憾

[00:00:52] Lost my heart and I hope to die

[00:00:54] 只因看到你眼中反射的阳光

[00:00:54] Seeing that sunlight hit your eyes

[00:00:57] 我们彻夜未眠 ,但你依旧在我心中闪耀

[00:00:57] Been up all night but you still look amazing to me

[00:01:01] 唉 能度过一个梦中之夜

[00:01:01] Yeah, have a type of night you only dream about

[00:01:04] 上帝随时带我走都好

[00:01:04] If God came down he could take me now

[00:01:07] 只因在我心中我们永远在一起

[00:01:07] Cause in my mind we will always be

[00:01:11] 站在椅子上 放声高歌吧

[00:01:11] Singing or hearts out, standing on chairs

[00:01:16] 像亿万富翁一样度过我们的分秒

[00:01:16] Spending our time like we were millionaires

[00:01:21] 让你我二人 放声大笑吧

[00:01:21] Laughing our heads off, the two of us there

[00:01:26] 像亿万富翁一样度过我们的分秒

[00:01:26] Spending our time like we were millionaires

[00:01:32] 就像这样……

[00:01:32] Millionaires...

[00:01:33] 看!早上六点的我们

[00:01:33] Look at us seein' six in the morning

[00:01:36] 若寸阴寸金,我们就大赚了一笔

[00:01:36] If time was money yeah we'd be worth a fortune

[00:01:38] 我发誓你会感到好富有

[00:01:38] I swear you may think you're rich

[00:01:41] 你可以拥有百万欧元 却不能拥有此般生活

[00:01:41] You could have a million euro but you can't buy this life

[00:01:43] 就像这样……

[00:01:43] Millionaires

[00:01:44] 看!早上六点的我们

[00:01:44] Look at us seein' six in the morning

[00:01:46] 若寸阴寸金,我们就大赚一笔

[00:01:46] If time was money yeah we'd be worth a fortune

[00:01:49] 我发誓你会感到好富有

[00:01:49] I swear you may think you're rich

[00:01:51] 你可以拥有百万欧元 却不能拥有此般生活

[00:01:51] You could have a million euro but you can't buy this life

[00:01:54] 乐队停止 我们还在唱

[00:01:54] And the band was down playin' our song

[00:01:56] 歌词混作一团 我们还在唱

[00:01:56] We messed up the lyrics as we sang along

[00:01:59] 我们不在乎

[00:01:59] But we didn't care

[00:02:01] (因为)我们就是此时此刻的唯一

[00:02:01] Cause it felt like we were the only ones there

[00:02:04] 我的脚有点肿,我的喉咙有点痛

[00:02:04] My feet were sore, my tonsils were raw

[00:02:06] 将要熄灯 而我们更起劲了

[00:02:06] They're turnin' off the lights but we're shoutin' more

[00:02:10] 更起劲了

[00:02:10] We're shoutin' more

[00:02:13] 站在椅子上 放声高歌吧

[00:02:13] Singing our hearts out, standing on chairs

[00:02:18] 像亿万富翁一样度过我们的分秒

[00:02:18] Spending our time like we were millionaires

[00:02:23] 让你我二人 放声大笑吧

[00:02:23] Laughing our heads off, the two of us there

[00:02:28] 像亿万富翁一样度过我们的分秒

[00:02:28] Spending our time like we were millionaires

[00:02:34] 就像这样……

[00:02:34] Millionaires...

[00:02:36] 看!早上六点的我们

[00:02:36] Look at us seein' six in the morning

[00:02:37] 若寸阴寸金,我们就大赚一笔

[00:02:37] If time was money yeah we'd be worth a fortune

[00:02:40] 我发誓你会感到好富有

[00:02:40] I swear you may think you're rich

[00:02:43] 你可以拥有百万欧元 却不能拥有此般生活

[00:02:43] You could have a million euro but you can't buy this life

[00:02:44] 就像这样……

[00:02:44] Millionaires

[00:02:46] 看!早上六点的我们

[00:02:46] Look at us seein' six in the morning

[00:02:48] 若寸阴寸金,我们就大赚一笔

[00:02:48] If time was money yeah we'd be worth a fortune

[00:02:50] 我发誓你会感到好富有

[00:02:50] I swear you may think you're rich

[00:02:53] 你可以拥有百万欧元 却不能拥有此般生活

[00:02:53] You could have a million euro but you can't buy this life

[00:02:56] 漫步长街,如踏黄金

[00:02:56] We're walkin' these streets like they're paved with gold

[00:02:58] 口中念念的是老旧的借口

[00:02:58] We take any old excuses not to go

[00:03:03] 谁都不想乘那的士,只想慢慢地走