

所属专辑: 小阿妹 歌手: 阿水 时长: 04:14

[00:00:00] 小阿妹-阿水Young-Bj

[00:00:00] 作曲 : Maktub

[00:00:01] 作词 : 阿水Young-Bj

[00:00:04] 小阿妹

[00:00:10] MIX BY 李鹄辛

[00:00:16] 这是你离开后的第几天

[00:00:17] How many days have gone since you left

[00:00:20] 第几个无眠的夜晚抽了第几只烟

[00:00:22] How many cigarettes did I?smoke in sleepless nights

[00:00:24] 第几杯酒梦境里出现的第几张脸

[00:00:26] How many faces emerged in my drunk dreams

[00:00:28] 第几次和你说分手朋友面前出的丑

[00:00:30] How many times we broke up and fought ugly in front of friends

[00:00:32] 手还没来得及收就被放在心里头

[00:00:35] Two holding hands haven’t release yet

[00:00:36] I marked the word that you want to end

[00:00:37] 走任凭大风吹不够最后猜不透

[00:00:39] The wind is not enough to clear my head

[00:00:40] 我现在也挺不错

[00:00:42] I'm doing pretty good

[00:00:44] 我是说我现在过的也挺不错

[00:00:45] I mean, I'm doing really pretty good

[00:00:50] 你想要的我可以全给你

[00:00:51] I can give you everything you want

[00:00:54] 最怀念的在那段时光里

[00:00:55] I still miss the time we spent together

[00:00:59] 不要再见面了 不要再见面了

[00:00:59] Don't ever see each other again. never see each other again

[00:01:02] 这首歌是我送你最好的回忆

[00:01:03] This song is the best memory I can give to you

[00:01:06] 妹妹 我的小阿妹

[00:01:07] Baby, my little baby

[00:01:10] 你现在 在哪里

[00:01:11] Where are you now

[00:01:14] 妹妹 我的小阿妹

[00:01:15] Baby, my little baby

[00:01:18] 你是否会把我想起

[00:01:20] Do you ever think of me?

[00:01:24] 爱情道路上谁都会有受过伤

[00:01:25] No one can protect from getting hurt

[00:01:25] On the road of seeking love

[00:01:28] 你说你怕了走错了心有点慌

[00:01:29] You said you were scared

[00:01:30] going a wrong way and panic

[00:01:32] 音乐当作解药那我来给你唱

[00:01:33] Music as an antidote. I'll sing it for you

[00:01:36] 给你一个拥抱宝贝儿别紧张

[00:01:37] Give you a hug, baby. take it easy?

[00:01:41] Come to see me for once

[00:01:42] Come to see me for once

[00:01:44] You don't ever come to me

[00:01:49] Come to see me for once

[00:01:50] Come to see me for once

[00:01:52] You don't ever come to me

[00:01:58] 诶你现在过的还好吗 请问你

[00:01:59] Hey How are you doing ?

[00:02:02] 再遇见给对方微笑算 见面礼

[00:02:03] Smiling as a gift when we meet

[00:02:06] 从朋友口中听说你离开了这里

[00:02:07] Heard from a friend that you left town

[00:02:10] 去了更远的地方也带走了秘密

[00:02:11] Going further afield with the secrets as well

[00:02:14] 已经没有结局最终选择了放弃

[00:02:15] There was no better way for us

[00:02:15] Then giving up is the last choice

[00:02:18] 未来的时光里请收下我的歉意

[00:02:20] Please accept my apologies for the time to come

[00:02:22] 删掉有关我的一切就不要再想起

[00:02:23] Just erase everything about me and stop thinking

[00:02:26] 留住最开心的时光谢谢那段记忆

[00:02:27] Save the happiest time. thanks for the memory

[00:02:32] 你想要的我可以全给你

[00:02:33] I can give you everything you want

[00:02:36] 最怀念的在那段时光里

[00:02:36] I still miss the time we spent together

[00:02:40] 不要再见面了 不要再见面了

[00:02:41] Don't ever see each other again. never see each other again

[00:02:44] 这首歌是我送你最好的回忆

[00:02:45] This song is the best memory I can give to you

[00:02:48] 妹妹 我的小阿妹

[00:02:49] Baby, my little baby

[00:02:53] 你现在 在哪里

[00:02:53] Where are you now

[00:02:56] 妹妹 我的小阿妹

[00:02:59] Baby, my little baby

[00:03:00] 你是否会把我想起

[00:03:01] Do you ever think of me

[00:03:04] 这是你离开后的第几天

[00:03:05] How many days have gone since you left

[00:03:08] 第几个无眠的夜晚抽了第几只烟

[00:03:09] How many cigarettes did I?smoke in sleepless nights

[00:03:12] 第几杯酒梦境里出现的第几张脸

[00:03:13] How many faces emerged in my drunk dreams

[00:03:16] 第几次和你说分手朋友面前出的丑

[00:03:17] How many times we broke up and fought ugly in front of friends

[00:03:20] 手还没来得及收就被放在心里头

[00:03:21] Two holding hands haven’t release yet

[00:03:22] I marked the word that you want to end

[00:03:25] 走任凭大风吹不够最后猜不透

[00:03:27] The wind is not enough to clear my head

[00:03:29] 我现在也挺不错

[00:03:30] I'm doing pretty good

[00:03:32] 我是说我现在过的也挺不错

[00:03:35] I mean, I'm doing really pretty good
