《Friends S05E21 The One With The Ball》歌词

[00:00:02] I'll get coffee. Want anything, baby doll? 我要点咖啡外带 洋娃娃,你也要吗?
[00:00:05] I'm fine. Thanks. 不用了,谢谢
[00:00:07] I can't pull off "baby doll," can l? 我不能叫你洋娃娃吧
[00:00:09] No,I think we learned that from the "sugar lips" incident. 对,从那次甜甜嘴事件 我们已经学到教训了
[00:00:13] I'll make some tea. 我去点茶来喝
[00:00:15] How you doing,pumpkin? 小亲亲,你好吗?
[00:00:17] 行不通
[00:00:19] -So it's going well for you two? -I know. Really well. 你们俩看起来越来越好了呢 我知道,真的很好
[00:00:23] I'm gonna ask Phoebe to move in with me. 其实我正想要菲比搬来我家
[00:00:26] What do you think? 你觉得呢?
[00:00:27] It's great! When will you ask her? 这真是太棒了 你何时要问她?
[00:00:29] Tonight. But don't say anything. 今天晚上,你先别透露喔
[00:00:31] I swear. I promise. 我发誓不说,人格担保…
[00:00:33] I'm so excited! 天啊,我超兴奋的
[00:00:35] But listen,do not get her flowers, okay? 我跟你说,记得不要送她花
[00:00:37] Because she cries when they die. Then there's the whole funeral. 因为花谢了她会哭 还会帮花办葬礼之类的
[00:00:43] -I'll see you after work,sweetie. -Okay. Bye. 亲爱的,下班后再见 好,再见
[00:00:48] So, what movie should we see? 我们应该去看什么电影?
[00:00:50] Gary's gonna ask you to move in with him! 盖瑞要请你搬去跟他住
[00:00:54] What? Really? 什么?真的吗?
[00:00:55] He made me promise not to tell, but I couldn't hold it in any longer! 他刚才在吧台上跟我说的 他要我保证不会说出去 但我实在是憋不住
[00:01:00] I can't believe this. 我不敢相信
[00:01:02] Right? Because it's fast. Because it's so fast. It's fast. 对,因为太快了,太快…
[00:01:06] Relax. It's Phoebe, not you. 别激动,是菲比,又不是你
[00:01:09] Good for you, Phoebe. Way to go. 菲比,很厉害,有一套
[00:01:11] No, but it is fast, isn't it? 不过真的是很快,对吧?
[00:01:14] -I like him, but I'm not ready. -So,what are you gonna do? 我是很喜欢他没错 但我还没有准备好要同居 那你打算怎么办?
[00:01:18] I don't know. I'll just handle it. I'll ask you to talk to him! 不知道,兵来将挡 干脆找你去和他说!
[00:01:22] Me? Why me? 我?为何是我?
[00:01:24] Because you are so afraid of commitment. 因为你怕死了给承诺
[00:01:26] You talk to him. Make him scared like you, make him a man. 你去跟他说说 让他跟你一样怕 让他成为一个…男人
[00:01:31] I'll try, but I'm not sure what good it'd do. 我会去试试 但我不确定会多有用
[00:01:33] I'm less afraid of commitment than I used to be. 因为比起以前 我现在已经不很害怕承诺了
[00:01:36] That is so sweet. 真是太甜蜜了
[00:01:39] Still terrified. I'll take care of it. 还是很怕 但我会处理,没问题
[00:01:46] The One With the Ball 本集播出:“同居大不行”
[00:02:35] Hey,Ross,is Staten lsland really an island? 罗斯,斯塔顿岛真的是岛吗?
[00:02:39] That's why they call it Staten "lsland." 是啊,所以才叫斯塔顿“岛”
[00:02:42] Oh,I thought it was like Long lsland. 我还以为那跟长岛一样
[00:02:51] Also an island. 长岛也是岛
[00:02:54] -What time is it? -2:17. 几点了? 2点17分
[00:02:57] We haven't dropped this ball for an hour. 你知道吗?我们丢这个球连续一小时都没有漏接落地
[00:03:01] Are you serious? 你是认真的?
[00:03:03] I realized it a half-hour ago, but I didn't say anything. 对,我半小时前就发现了 之所以没说
[00:03:06] I didn't wanna jinx it. 是怕坏了好事
[00:03:08] We are pretty good at this. 我们还真会丢接球呢
[00:03:12] We totally forgot about lunch. 我们完全忘了吃午餐
[00:03:15] That's the first time I've ever missed a meal. 这是我第一次忘记吃饭
[00:03:18] I think my pants are a little loose. 对,我的裤子都有点松了
[00:03:25] Hey,you guys. Is Monica here? 嗨,摩妮卡在吗?
[00:03:28] I bought something. I'm not sure she'll like it. 我带了东西回来 我不确定她会喜欢
[00:03:31] It may seem crazy, but I've wanted this since I was a little girl. 听起有点奇怪 那个东西我从小就想要了
[00:03:35] You bought Shaun Cassidy! 你带的是史恩卡希迪? (歌手)
[00:03:38] No. I wish! 不是,我也希望是
[00:03:40] Okay,you ready? 你们准备好了没? 好了
[00:03:42] 那好
[00:03:45] Check it out. 请看!
[00:03:52] What is it? 那是啥啊?
[00:03:53] What the hell is that? 什么鬼东西?
[00:03:57] It's a cat. 这是猫啊
[00:03:58] That is not a cat! 这才不是猫
[00:04:01] Yes,it is! 这就是猫啊
[00:04:02] Why is it inside out? 它的皮怎么翻出来了?
[00:04:08] Excuse me! 帮帮忙
[00:04:10] But this is a purebred, show-quality sphinx cat. 这可是展示级的 纯种狮身人面猫
[00:04:14] How much did you pay for that? 你花了多少钱买的?
[00:04:17] It was extravagant, but I got a good deal. 有点奢侈 但我谈到了很好的价钱
[00:04:20] -How much? -Thousand bucks. 多少钱? 一千美元
[00:04:24] On a cat? 买一只猫?
[00:04:26] It's not a cat! 那才不是猫!
[00:04:30] For a thousand dollars, you'd think at least it'd come with hair. 花一千元起码也要有毛才对
[00:04:35] Or something. 或是其他有的没的
[00:04:37] All right. Listen, ball boys. 你们这两个玩球的给我听好
[00:04:39] My grandma had one when I was little. It was the sweetest thing. 我小时候祖母就养了这种猫 它们最讨人喜欢了
[00:04:43] It would sit in my lap and just purr all day long. 超可爱的,躺在我的膝盖上 整天满足地喵喵叫
[00:04:46] I would drag a string and it would chase it. 我还会拿鞋带在地上拖 让它追着跑
[00:04:49] Free cats do that too, you know. 不要钱的猫也会那样
[00:04:52] It's not a cat! 那才不是猫!
[00:04:54] I'm really excited about this,okay? I don't care what you think. 反正我买得很兴奋 我才不管你们怎么想
[00:04:58] I'm gonna set up a litter box for Mrs. Whiskerson. 我要去帮威丝克森太太 张罗出一个小猫砂盒
[00:05:03] What am I gonna call her? Fluffy? 不然我要叫它“毛毛”吗?
[00:05:09] Do you wanna get something to eat, or see how long we can throw this ball? 你要去吃点东西吗? 还是要看我们能来回丢多久?
[00:05:15] The ball thing. 继续丢球 是喔
[00:05:18] Wouldn't it be great if we could go for two hours without dropping it? 若我们连丢两小时不落地 那样是不是棒?
[00:05:24] Yeah,it would! 对喔
[00:05:27] Let's do it. 来吧 好
[00:05:34] I have to pee. 我要尿尿
[00:05:36] And Rachel's in the bathroom! 瑞秋却在洗手间里
[00:05:43] Man,I didn't think we'd make it. 没想到这样也行
[00:05:46] I know. 是啊
[00:05:48] Don't switch hands, okay? 你别换手喔
[00:05:58] Hey, ladies. What are you in here for? 小姐,你们在这里干嘛?
[00:06:05] What are you doing here? 钱德,你来这里干嘛?
[00:06:06] I am here to report a crime. 盖瑞,我是来报案的 是吗?
[00:06:09] It's a crime that we don't spend time together. 我们俩不常聚在一起 是一种罪
[00:06:11] What's up? 你有什么事?
[00:06:14] You're thinking about moving in with Phoebe, and I thought we should talk. 听说你在考虑要菲比跟你同居 我心想我们或许应该聊聊
[00:06:18] You know,man to... 男人…
[00:06:20] ...well,me. 跟我的对话
[00:06:22] Sure,okay. 好啊,没问题
[00:06:24] Are you crazy? 你在发什么神经?
[00:06:27] Are you insane? 你疯了?
[00:06:28] If you live with Phoebe,you two are gonna be living together. 若你和菲比同居 你们两个就会住在一起了
[00:06:32] I considered that. It'd make me happy. 对,我考虑过了 我知道这会让我快乐
[00:06:35] -You mean scared. -No,I mean happy. 你是说害怕吧 不,我是说快乐
[00:06:38] Scared happy. 害怕?快乐?
[00:06:41] What are you doing? 钱德,你在干嘛?
[00:06:42] I'm trying to open your eyes! 我在让你张开眼睛啊 你看不出来吗?
[00:06:44] If you live with Phoebe, she is always gonna be there. 若你和菲比同居 她就永远都会在
[00:06:47] You get home,she's there. You go to bed, she's there. 你回家会看到她 你上床也会看到她
[00:06:50] You wake up and, oh, yes, she's there. 你起床呢?对,她还是在
[00:06:53] I know. I can't wait! 我知道,我都等不及了
[00:06:56] Were your parents happy or something? 你父母的婚姻很幸福吧?
[00:07:00] I was lucky enough to find someone that I really love. 钱德,我看这件事的角度是 我很幸运能找到我的真爱
[00:07:03] I just want to be around her as much as I can. 我想要尽量多跟她在一起
[00:07:07] When you say it, it doesn't sound so scary. 怪了,这件事从你嘴里说出来 感觉就没那么恐怖了
[00:07:10] You know what I'm saying? 所以你懂我的意思吧?
[00:07:11] Yeah,I think I do. 对,我想我懂
[00:07:13] You know what? 这样吧
[00:07:15] Move in with her. Move in right now. Maybe I'll move in with Monica. 跟她同居 马上就去跟她同居 或许我也应该和摩妮卡同居
[00:07:19] No,it's too soon for you guys. 不成,你们不能操之过及
[00:07:23] You're right about that. 是啊,你说的对
[00:07:28] When they found the remains of the Mesozoic mastodon... 他们找到中生代乳齿象化石
[00:07:31] ...they discovered what appeared to be the remains... 却在嘴部发现到
[00:07:34] ...of a Paleozoic amphibian in its jaws. 类似古生代两栖类的构造
[00:07:38] How did it get there? 怎么会牛头不对马嘴?
[00:07:42] Maybe this should be more of a quiet game. 或许这个游戏应该安静一点
[00:07:47] Hey,guys. 嗨 嗨
[00:07:49] I left my watch here last night. 我昨晚把手表放在柜子上
[00:07:51] -lt was here. Where is it? -I don't know. 本来还在这里,到哪儿去了? 我不知道
[00:07:53] I'm late for work. 别闹了,我上班快迟到了
[00:07:55] How do you know? You don't have a watch. 你怎么知道?你又没戴表
[00:07:59] Can you stop throwing the ball for one minute and help me find it? 能不能停一下再丢球 先帮我找表?
[00:08:03] Oh, I don't know.... Yeah,can't do it. 不知道,没办法喔
[00:08:11] -What? -Do not drop that ball. 怎样啦?怎样都好 千万别把球掉地上
[00:08:13] We haven't dropped it in.... 我们保持球不落地已经…
[00:08:15] Two hours,27 minutes. 2小时27分钟
[00:08:18] Really? 真的啊?
[00:08:20] I won't make it in to work today. 我今天没办法去上班
[00:08:23] I don't feel very good. 我人不太舒服
[00:08:26] 漂亮!
[00:08:28] For a second, I thought I was feeling better, but I'm not. 我刚才突然觉得自己好多了 但其实没有
[00:08:35] Hey, Rach. 瑞秋 嗨
[00:08:36] Check it out. Almost three hours without dropping it. 快来看,球不落地接近三小时
[00:08:40] Congratulations. That's quite a waste of time. 恭喜了,真是浪费时间
[00:08:46] You have scratches all over you. 你身上都是抓痕,怎么了?
[00:08:49] Well,it's my cat. 是我的猫
[00:08:51] -Oh,I got a cat. -I don't want a cat! 对了,我养了一只猫 我不想养猫
[00:08:54] Don't worry,it's not a cat. 别担心,那不是猫 没错
[00:08:57] You guys,this cat is nothing like my grandmother's cat. 这只猫跟我祖母养过的猫 完全不一样
[00:09:01] It's not sweet. It's not cute. 既不讨人喜欢,也不可爱
[00:09:03] I dragged a string,and it flipped out and scratched the hell out of me. 我在地上拉着线逗它玩 它竟然发飙 把我抓得乱七八糟
[00:09:10] I know this sounds crazy, but every time this cat hisses at me... 我知道这听来很疯狂 但我发誓 这只猫每次嘘我的时候
[00:09:14] ...I know it's saying,"Rachel!" 我知道它都在说“瑞秋”
[00:09:23] Doesn't sound as crazy as paying $1000 for a cat. 花一千买美元买一只猫 比刚才那些话更疯狂
[00:09:27] You paid $1000 for a cat when you owe me $300? 你欠我三百美元不还 还拿一千美元去买猫?
[00:09:30] Well,I was gonna let you play with it. 我本来打算让你跟它玩的
[00:09:36] “中央咖啡馆”
[00:09:41] Did you talk to Gary about moving in? 你跟盖瑞聊过同居的事没?
[00:09:43] I think you should do it. 聊过了,我觉得你应该答应
[00:09:46] He's a great guy and he loves you a lot. You are a very lucky lady. 他很棒,他也很爱你 你非常幸运
[00:09:51] You are useless! 你真没用
[00:09:54] Freaking out about commitment is the one thing you can do... 害怕承诺是你唯一会做的事
[00:09:58] ...and you can't even do that right! 你竟然连那件事都做不好! 天啊
[00:10:00] Sorry. If he asked me, I'd move in with him. 抱歉 换做我都愿意和他同居
[00:10:06] Get out of here,good-for-nothing. 窝囊废,你滚吧
[00:10:11] Hey,Chandler. 钱德
[00:10:12] Hey,Gar. 盖瑞
[00:10:15] Hey,sweetie. 亲爱的
[00:10:17] Can I talk to you for a second? 能不能先聊一下? 好啊
[00:10:22] You look pretty today. 你今天很美
[00:10:24] Thanks. Okay. 谢谢,好吧
[00:10:27] Here's the thing. 是这样的
[00:10:28] I really want this relationship to move forward. 我很想让这段关系更进一步
[00:10:31] If you're not moving forward, you're moving backwards. 因为不进则退
[00:10:35] No, if you're not moving forward, you're staying still. 不对,那不是真的 如果不进,就是静止不动
[00:10:38] And staying still is good. Watch this. 静止不动是很好的,你看
[00:10:43] 菲比 是
[00:10:45] I want you to move in with me. 我要你搬来一起住
[00:10:48] That is so sweet. 那真是太甜蜜了
[00:10:50] But don't you think it's too soon? 但你不觉得太快了些吗?
[00:10:52] There's so much we don't know about each other. 我们彼此还有太多地方不了解
[00:10:58] Okay. I get it. 好吧,我懂了
[00:11:02] I don't want us to jump into something that we're not ready for. 我只是不希望我们操之过急 你懂吧?
[00:11:10] I don't want to mess up what we have. 我不想搞砸我们现在的一切
[00:11:12] I'm worried it's gonna be a big mistake. 我担心同居会铸成大错
[00:11:16] 是啊
[00:11:19] Which is why my answer is yes! 所以我的答案是我答应
[00:11:23] Really? 真的吗?
[00:11:25] You're so happy. 我好快乐
[00:11:35] Monica, stop throwing it so hard! 摩妮卡,别丢那么大力!
[00:11:39] We're on the same team! 我们是同一队
[00:11:43] You guys have been doing this for four hours? 四个小时? 你们就这样丢了四小时?
[00:11:46] That's right,baby. 宝贝,没错
[00:11:48] -All right. Let me in. -No,no! Don't do it! 好,让我加入 不行!…
[00:11:51] What? 什么?
[00:11:53] He's a dropper. 他是掉球大王
[00:11:57] Oh,yeah. That's right! 对,没错!
[00:11:59] I'm not a dropper! 我才不是掉球大王
[00:12:01] It's really a three-person game, you know? 这其实是三个人的游戏
[00:12:06] It's throwing and catching. 还不就是你丢我接
[00:12:08] All right. 好吧
[00:12:13] Oh,it's so hard. 好大力喔
[00:12:23] Don't worry,guys. It's not a cat. 别紧张,那不是猫喔
[00:12:28] Oh,good God! 我的…天啊
[00:12:30] I give up. I don't know what I'm gonna do with this thing. 我放弃了 我不知道要怎么处理
[00:12:34] Baking it didn't help? 送它进烤箱也没用?
[00:12:39] Take it back to where you got it. 把它送回你买的地方呢?
[00:12:41] I tried. They won't take her back. 我试过了,他们不收
[00:12:43] Maybe that's because she's a minion of the Antichrist. 或许是因为它是反基督的爪牙
[00:12:49] Why won't they take it? 瑞秋,店家为什么不收?
[00:12:51] They said they would only give me store credit. 他们说要收回可以 但只退我店里的购物券
[00:12:53] What am I gonna do? Get 1000 regular cats? 我要拿来买什么? 一千只普通的猫不成?
[00:12:57] You said it was a show cat. Why don't you show it,win some prize money. 你不是说这是展示猫吗? 那就带去比赛拿奖品啊
[00:13:01] Those shows cost a hundred bucks to enter, and all you win are these ribbons... 参加猫展要先缴一百美元 赢来的东西
[00:13:05] ...which technically belong to the damn cat. 还不是都归这死猫所有
[00:13:08] You can keep it until you find out what to do with it. 不然你先留着罗 等到你找到处理的方法
[00:13:11] That's not the point. I'm out $1000... 不行,那不是重点 我破费一千美元
[00:13:13] ...I'm all scratched up... 搞得全身都是抓痕
[00:13:15] ...and I'm stuck with this stupid cat that looks like a hand! 还跟长得像手的蠢猫困在一起
[00:13:23] Oh,my God! 天啊
[00:13:24] The cat's made my eyes water. Don't throw it to me! 那只猫害我流眼泪了 别丢球给我!
[00:13:27] My vision's been compromised! 我的视力被连累到了
[00:13:31] Oh,God! Okay. 天啊,好了…
[00:13:34] It's okay. Man,that was close. 现在好了,真是惊险
[00:13:36] Yeah,you almost overreacted to something. 是啊,你的反应也太大了点
[00:13:43] -We have great news. -We're moving in together. Yay! 我们有个好消息 我们要同居了,是不是很棒?
[00:13:48] Congratulations. 恭喜…
[00:13:49] -I'm so excited! -So am l. 是啊 我好兴奋 我也是
[00:13:51] You're not more excited than I am. No way. I'm the most excited. 你才没有我兴奋,不可能 我是最兴奋的
[00:13:55] See you at the station later. 好,晚点在局里见
[00:13:57] I'll see you later. Don't forget about the moving-in! 好,晚点见 别忘了同居的事喔
[00:14:02] So you're moving in with him? 你要搬去跟他住,怎么了?
[00:14:03] I couldn't tell him no. He got so sad. Maybe it'll be all right. 我不忍心拒绝他 看他伤心成那样 或许不会有事的
[00:14:08] I do like him a lot... 我真的很喜欢他
[00:14:09] ...and probably do it eventually,anyway. 同居八成也是迟早的事
[00:14:12] Plus,think of all the money I'll save on stamps. 想想也可以省下不少邮票钱
[00:14:16] Do you write him a lot? 怎么着?你常写信给他?
[00:14:18] I heard when people live together... 不是,只是我听说同居的人
[00:14:20] ...they split the cost of stamps,don't they? 会分担邮票的费用,不是吗?
[00:14:26] -Yeah,yeah. -That's right. 是啊,没错…
[00:14:32] Sorry,the oven mitts really freaked me out. 抱歉,耐热手套吓了我一跳
[00:14:41] Hey,honey. 亲爱的
[00:14:44] Did you find any apartments in Brooklyn Heights? 你找到公寓没? 布鲁克林高地有吗?
[00:14:46] No, nothing. 不,没找到
[00:14:48] -Oh, really? -Yeah. 真的? 是啊
[00:14:49] -Nothing at all? -No. 一间都没有? 没有
[00:14:51] If something opens up,we'll move in. If it has a pool. I need a pool. 只要有公寓招租 我们马上搬进去 不过要有附泳池的 我需要泳池
[00:14:57] Can I talk to you? 菲比,可以跟你聊一下吗?
[00:15:03] Take a seat. 请坐 好
[00:15:06] You okay? 你没事吧?
[00:15:07] You feel all right? 还好吧?
[00:15:10] I feel great, because we're moving in together. 我很好啊,因为我们要同居了
[00:15:13] So you.... 那么...
[00:15:15] You checked the paper for listings in Brooklyn Heights,right? 报上布鲁克林高地的租屋广告 你都看过了?
[00:15:20] You checked the Post? 邮报你有查过吗?
[00:15:22] Yeah,there was nothing. 有啊,啥都没有
[00:15:26] -Can I get some water? -ln a minute. 我能喝点水吗? 等一下
[00:15:30] You checked today's Post? 你查过今天的邮报吗?
[00:15:32] Yeah,today's. 对,我是看今天的
[00:15:35] Because this is today's Post. 这是今天的邮报
[00:15:37] And these are the listings I found. 我找到了这些租屋广告
[00:15:41] Brooklyn Heights, two bedrooms. Brooklyn Heights, one bedroom. 布鲁克林高地,两房 布鲁克林高地,一房
[00:15:44] Brooklyn Heights,Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn Heights! 布鲁克林高地地区…
[00:15:48] Oh,are these for rent? I thought people were just bragging. 这些是要租的吗?我以为他们是在 炫耀自己的房子有多棒
[00:15:53] Let me tell you what's going on here. 我来告诉你我的想法
[00:15:55] Don't look at the table. Look at me. 不要看桌子,看着我
[00:16:00] Somebody asked someone to move in with him. 一个男生要求一个女生同居
[00:16:02] Someone said yes, but now she has doubts... 女生本来说好,现在反悔了
[00:16:05] ...because things are moving too fast. Does that sound possible? 因为女生觉得这样太快了 你觉得是不是这样?
[00:16:12] Yes,fine! I am someone! 对!…好,我就是那个女生
[00:16:16] You want me to say it? I have doubts! 你要我说老实话? 对,我是不确定
[00:16:19] I'm sorry! 对不起
[00:16:22] 菲比?
[00:16:24] It's okay that you feel this way. 你有这种感觉也没关系
[00:16:26] It is soon, and there's things we don't know about each other. 这真的是很快 我们对彼此有许多地方不了解
[00:16:30] Everything I know about you, I really like. 我只是觉得 我知道的你,我都很喜欢
[00:16:33] Things I don't know, I'll learn in a place with our names on the mailbox. 我还不知道的你 就等同居后再慢慢了解
[00:16:38] That's so sweet. 那样好甜蜜喔
[00:16:42] But if it's too soon for you, we don't have to do it. 不过如果你觉得这样太快 我刚才说的可以慢慢再来 不用赶着现在就同居
[00:16:46] I want you to be happy. 我只想要你快乐
[00:16:48] Living with you would make me happy. 跟你同居会让我快乐的
[00:16:50] You don't have to say that. 菲比,你不用那样说
[00:16:52] I want to live with you. I want to move in with you. 不,我很想跟你住在一起 我要跟你同居
[00:16:55] Are you sure? 你确定?
[00:16:57] Definitely,yes! Let's live in an apartment we both live in. 对,百分之百确定! 我们一起住在公寓同居吧
[00:17:00] Oh,that's great. 太好了
[00:17:03] Oh,wait, one sec. 等等…
[00:17:04] Hey,you! Behind the glass. Who are you looking at? 镜子后面的人 你看什么看!
[00:17:09] I always wanted to say that every time I was in these rooms, which was never. 我每次进来这种房间 都想说这句话 虽然我从没进来过
[00:17:16] Show cat! 展示猫
[00:17:18] Quality show cat! 高级的展示猫
[00:17:21] -Show cat! -Oh,my God! 展示猫 天啊
[00:17:24] What's wrong with your baby? 你的宝宝怎么了?
[00:17:26] That's not a baby. That's a cat. 这不是宝宝,这是猫
[00:17:29] -It's creepy-looking. -Oh,no. 长得还真吓人 不
[00:17:31] It's actually very sweet. It's very sweet. Look. 它其实很讨人喜欢的… 不信你看
[00:17:38] Yeah. Do you want it? 你要不要?
[00:17:40] No,I hate cats. 不了,我恨猫
[00:17:42] Then what are you doing to me? 那你干嘛跟我扯半天?
[00:17:44] Get out of here,all right? Move on! 滚吧,继续走你的路
[00:17:49] What an unusual cat. 这只猫真不寻常
[00:17:50] Yes,thank you! Exactly. You want it? 是的,谢谢你 真的是这样,你要吗?
[00:17:54] Maybe. 有可能
[00:17:55] I was thinking about getting a cat from the shelter,but.... 我考虑要养猫 我正好要去流浪动物之家…
[00:17:59] -Okay. Why not? -Oh,terrific! That'll be $2,000. 好吧,就它了 太好了,总共是两千美元
[00:18:03] -What? -Okay,1000. 什么? 好吧,一千
[00:18:06] Didn't you want me to adopt your cat? 我以为你是要我认养你的猫
[00:18:08] I do,but you'll have to look at this as more of an investment than a cat. 是啊,不过这不只是猫 更是一项投资
[00:18:13] Okay,yeah. I just wanted a cat. 好吧,我要的只是猫
[00:18:18] Obviously,you know how to haggle, so I won't try and take you on. 你显然是杀价高手 所以我就不唬弄你了
[00:18:23] So $800,and I don't call the cops, because you are robbing me blind! 算你八百,我也不报警了 因为你这根本是抢劫
[00:18:27] Blind! Just take the cat. Leave the money. Run away! 把钱留下,猫带走 溜之大吉吧…
[00:18:31] Run away. Damn it! 快走吧 可恶!
[00:18:33] Can't you at least smile or something? 死猫,你起码也笑一下嘛
[00:18:39] Did anybody just hear that? Anybody? 有没有人听到?谁听到了?
[00:18:49] -I'm starving. -Come on,guys. Suck it up! 我饿死了 你们振作一点
[00:18:52] We're closing in on 10 hours. 就快达成连续十小时了
[00:18:54] It's gut-check time! 这是比毅力的时刻
[00:18:57] I don't know who made you the boss. We invented this game. 怎么变成是你当老大? 这游戏是我们发明的
[00:19:01] I made this game what it is! 帮帮忙,这游戏是因为我 才有现在的局面
[00:19:03] Not fun anymore? 不再好玩的局面?
[00:19:07] I'm still hungry. 我还是很饿
[00:19:08] There's pizza at my place. We can eat with one hand. Are you with me? 好吧,我家还有一点比萨 你们可以用一手吃吧? 要不要?
[00:19:12] -I am. -All right,let's go! Come on! 我要 好,我们走…
[00:19:15] Let's go, Team Monica! 摩妮卡大队,走罗
[00:19:20] We can work out the name later. 好啦,队名等一下再讨论
[00:19:26] What is your cat doing in my bowl? 瑞秋,你的猫在我碗里干嘛?
[00:19:28] I'm defrosting a chicken. 不是啦,我在解冻鸡肉
[00:19:33] I sold Mrs. Whiskerson. 我把威丝克森太太卖掉了
[00:19:34] Thank God! 谢天谢地
[00:19:36] -Get your money back? -Yeah,$1500. 你的钱拿回来没? 有,一千五百美元
[00:19:39] You made a profit? 哇,你还有赚耶
[00:19:44] I just came for the red velvet pillow. 我是来拿红丝绒枕头的
[00:19:48] -There you go. -Thanks,Rachel. 在这里 瑞秋,谢了
[00:19:51] Don't forget, you can come visit her anytime. 别忘了,你随时可以来看它
[00:19:54] Oh, good. Great. I'll keep that in mind. 好…我会记得的
[00:20:01] So is this some kind of snake or something? 这是啥?某种蛇吗?
[00:20:15] I like waking up with you. 我真喜欢和你一起醒来
[00:20:17] I like waking up with you too. 我也是
[00:20:20] Oh, it's such a beautiful morning. 今天早上真美
[00:20:23] I could stay here all day. 我可以在床上待一整天
[00:20:25] That would be great. 那样不错
[00:20:27] -We could have breakfast in bed. -Wait,just a second. 我们可以在床上吃早餐 等等 好
[00:20:33] Oh,no. 不会吧
[00:20:38] All right. Come on, Monica! Look alive. Come on! 来,摩妮卡,活力点…
[00:20:51] Oh,I was having the best dream. 我刚才做了最棒的梦
[00:20:54] -What? -I dreamed I was drowning... 什么梦? 我梦到自己溺水
[00:20:56] ...and not throwing this ball. 不用再丢这颗球了
[00:21:01] Oh, good. You're all up. 很好,你们都起床了
[00:21:03] It's 6:00 in the morning. Why aren't you at Gary's? 菲比,现在才早上六点 你怎么没在盖瑞那里?
[00:21:06] -Oh, yeah. That's over. -What? 对,结束了 什么?
[00:21:08] Gary's such a great guy. You can work it out. 别这样,盖瑞这么好 有什么问题都能解决的
[00:21:11] -He shot a bird. -That is over. 他开枪杀了一只鸟 结束了
[00:21:15] -I'm sorry. -That's terrible. 太糟糕了…我很遗撼…
[00:21:17] Are you okay? 菲比,你还好吧?
[00:21:18] I'll be all right. 对…我不会有事的
[00:21:21] Here,Phoebe. 菲比,接住
[00:21:23] I don't feel like playing. 我不太想玩球
[00:21:29] It's okay. It's okay. 没事…
[00:21:33] It didn't happen. No one needs to know. 就当没发生这件事 没必要让别人知道
[00:21:36] She's not an official ball player. 菲比又不是正式的队员
[00:21:38] Only official ball players can drop the ball. 正式队员掉球才算数
[00:21:43] -Come on. -Let's go. 算了…我好饿…
[00:21:45] You wanna get breakfast? 菲比,要吃早餐吗?
[00:21:47] Okay, let's race! 好,我们来赛跑
[00:21:49] First one there wins. 最先到的赢
[00:21:54] You guys wanna eat here? 你们要在这里吃吗?
[00:22:01] That was great,huh? 在这里就好
[00:22:03] Can you believe how long we threw it? 真不敢相信我们丢了那么久
[00:22:05] It is amazing it lasted that long. 是啊,撑了那么久 真的很不可思议
[00:22:07] My arm is killing me. 是啊,我的手臂酸死了
[00:22:09] No, I meant with the dropper over here. 不是,我是说有掉球高手在 还能那么久
[00:22:12] How did I get this reputation as a dropper? “掉球高手”这称号 怎么会落到我头上?
[00:22:15] I am anything but a dropper. 我再怎么说也不是掉球高手
[00:22:17] Ross! 罗斯…
- Friends S01E08
- Friends S04E15 The One With All The Rugby
- Friends S04E14 The One With Joeys Dirty Day
- Friends S04E12 The One With The Embryos
- Friends S04E11 The One With Phoebes Uterus
- Friends S04E10 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
- Friends S04E09 The One Where They’re Going To Party
- Friends S01E07
- Friends S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line
- Friends S04E06 The One With The Dirty Girl
- Waking To The Dream Of You(Album Version) [Lori Carson]
- Change The World [finger eleven]
- 鏡花水月 [ヲタみん]
- 我爱你中国(Live) [平安&北大荒知青组合]
- 噢罗娜 [庄学忠]
- 平和人生 [陈姿&刘伟[Evans]]
- 三个和尚 [儿童故事]
- Bosom Of Abraham [Elvis Presley]
- Cancao do Amor Demais [Elizeth Cardoso]
- African Sunrise(Album Version) [Arno Carstens]
- Always On My Mind [Dusty Dixon]
- Un Mundo Raro [Pedro Vargas]
- Quatorze Juillet [Edith Piaf]
- I’m Gonna Set My Foot Down [Buddy Holly]
- Love Story [Kids Hits Now!]
- 心在跳情在烧 [乔维怡]
- 46664 Chant [Soweto Gospel Choir&Cast]
- Welcome Back to the Show(Explicit) [BluePearl]
- WE R WHO WE R(M.B. Remix) [Kyria]
- A Lovely Way to Spend an Evening(Remastered) [Frank Sinatra]
- Street of Dreams [Sarah Vaughan]
- Frankie and Johnny [Jerry Lee Lewis]
- The Pilgrim [Wishbone Ash]
- The Great Pretender [Roy Orbison]
- Don’t Be On The Outside [Sarah Vaughan]
- Lover [V.A.&李贞敏]
- Let’s Stay Together [Jive Bunny and the Master]
- 待我百万的人气 [MC晓日]
- It’s My Party [The International Country]
- Boys中文版 (feat. Jeanie)(Howie Lee Remix) [Charli XCX&Jeanie]
- So Long(I Do) [LANco]
- Country Boy [Johnny Cash]
- I Just []
- Are You Sleeping (Karaoke Vers.) [We Play arkclar]
- Oh, Darling (In the Style of Beatles)(Demo Vocal Version) [ProSource Karaoke]
- Here In My Arms [Doris Day]
- Promiscuous [Nelly Furtado]
- Little Maggie [Ralph Stanley]
- Are You Sure [The Allisons]
- Blue Moon [Elvis Presley]
- 往日情怀 [甄妮]
- 牵手,草原 [白致瑶]