《The Courage to Be Unreasonable》歌词

[00:00:01] The Courage to Be Unreasonable - 英语演讲
[00:00:06] Commencement Address by Eric Schmidt
[00:00:10] at University of Pennsylvania
[00:00:13] Thank you for that.
[00:00:16] Let me begin by congratulating all the graduates.
[00:00:20] It’s exciting to be graduating
[00:00:23] and I especially want to congratulate the parents.
[00:00:26] And remember that they still need you
[00:00:29] and maybe they’ll now listen to you.
[00:00:32] And if you aren’t sure who I’m talking to,
[00:00:35] I’m actually talking to both the parents
[00:00:38] and the students, so congratulations to everybody.
[00:00:43] We owe a debt in my industry-to Penn-
[00:00:48] that is profound. It was in 1946
[00:00:53] that the ENIAC was invented,
[00:00:57] right here in a basement down the street.
[00:00:59] And literally everything that you see,
[00:01:03] every computer, every mobile phone,
[00:01:06] every device, descends from the principles
[00:01:09] that were invented right here.
[00:01:11] This really is the center of my world.
[00:01:14] And now 63 years later, 250 of your alumni work at Google.
[00:01:24] This is the most desirable place for us
[00:01:28] to hire interns anywhere in the world
[00:01:30] and I can tell you that we know the quality
[00:01:33] of the graduates that I see before me
[00:01:36] are the best in the world.
[00:01:38] It is exciting to be part of this.
[00:01:40] Now, when I think about Penn,
[00:01:45] I think about the metaphor of resilience,
[00:01:49] of a culture that works, of a hunger to change.
[00:01:54] If you think about 20 years ago,
[00:01:56] when Penn was struggling and the changes
[00:01:59] that the people around me made
[00:02:01] to turn it into the most desirable undergraduate major
[00:02:04] from a standpoint of high school applications
[00:02:07] in the country, from the kind of culture
[00:02:10] that has been built here, you see that the culture works,
[00:02:13] and that the combination that you see represented
[00:02:17] on the stage that the parents are so proud to
[00:02:20] have sent their students to really has delivered,
[00:02:23] the very best that we can do here in America.
[00:02:26] And of course, we also have the best cheese
[00:02:32] steaks in the world, which is not so bad.
[00:02:35] When I look at this group, I see the Google
[00:02:40] and Facebook generation. And when I was first
[00:02:44] in this stadium, my track buddies
[00:02:46] and I got in a station wagon-you remember them-
[00:02:49] and I drove up here to go to a track and field
[00:02:52] event with the great Marty Liquori.
[00:02:56] And I think this is almost 40 years ago.
[00:02:59] We had Tang, you have Red Bull.
[00:03:03] Now, we programmed computers in a language called BASIC.
[00:03:10] You, of course, use Java.
[00:03:12] We had VCRs that had an hour of video and cost $700.
[00:03:21] You use YouTube and you upload 15 hours
[00:03:25] of YouTube video every minute.
[00:03:28] And we got our news from newspapers.
[00:03:32] Remember them? You get news from blogs and tweets.
[00:03:36] And for those of you who don’t know
[00:03:39] what a tweet is, it’s not what you hear in a zoo.
[00:03:43] We stood in line to buy Pong,
[00:03:48] you stood in line to buy the Wii.
[00:03:52] We didn’t tell people about our most
[00:03:56] embarrassing moments in college,
[00:03:58] you record them and post them on YouTube
[00:04:01] and Facebook every day. And I am looking forward
[00:04:05] to watching these for the next 30 or 40 years.
[00:04:08] We used mainframe computers with 300 megabytes
[00:04:14] of storage to go to the moon 6 times.
[00:04:17] You use an iPod with 120 gigabytes,
[00:04:22] that’s about 500 times more,
[00:04:24] to get to your next class.
[00:04:26] Which is not that close,
[00:04:30] because it’s an urban campus.
[00:04:33] We thought that “friending” was a noun.
[00:04:37] You think of it as a verb.
[00:04:40] We had phone booths, remember them?
[00:04:44] You have cell phones.
[00:04:46] We wore watches; we took pictures with cameras.
[00:04:52] We navigated with maps;
[00:04:54] we listened to transistor radios.
[00:04:57] Again, you have a cell phone.
[00:04:59] We thought that the marvels of computers
[00:05:04] and technology would help us improve the world.
[00:05:07] You agree, and we’re both right.
[00:05:10] So despite all these marvels,
[00:05:12] this a great time to be graduating.
[00:05:15] Now, you went to college to develop
[00:05:20] the kind of analytical thinking skills
[00:05:22] to deal with enormous amounts of complex information
[00:05:25] that you’ll face for the rest of your life.
[00:05:28] But I would argue you have in many ways
[00:05:32] the best opportunity before you
[00:05:34] because you’re graduating into a tough time.
[00:05:38] I used my favorite search engine of course
[00:05:43] to find out “What did the Great Depression spur?”
[00:05:47] Well, it spurred Rice Krispies, Twinkies
[00:05:51] and the beer can. You would have never gotten
[00:05:55] through college without these things, right?
[00:05:57] So it seems to me that with all the technology
[00:06:02] and connectedness that we see,
[00:06:05] you have an opportunity that’s even better,
[00:06:08] even stronger than anything that I ever faced
[00:06:12] when I was sitting in the same seats.
[00:06:14] You are seeing a situation where due to the enormous goodwill
[00:06:19] of people-here on the stage and others-
[00:06:22] we have an opportunity to have everyone
[00:06:25] in the world have access to all the world’s information.
[00:06:29] This has never been possible.
[00:06:33] And why is this so important?
[00:06:36] Why is ubiquitous information so profound?
[00:06:40] It’s a tremendous equalizer.
[00:06:44] Information is power, people have fought over it,
[00:06:48] people care a lot about it,
[00:06:50] it serves as a check and balance on politicians.
[00:06:54] If you were a dictator, which of course you’re
[00:06:58] not going to be, because you’re a fine graduate from Penn,
[00:07:01] first thing you would do is shut off all the communication
[00:07:05] so that people couldn’t actually talk each other
[00:07:09] and figure out how to make the world a better place.
[00:07:12] Information is very, very important.
[00:07:17] And, in fact, the way you should invade
[00:07:21] these oppressive regimes is through information.
[00:07:24] Then the citizens will take that information
[00:07:28] and turn their societies into better societies.
[00:07:31] This is going to continue and to continue and to continue.
[00:07:37] And what are we going to do with this vastly
[00:07:42] more popular web? Well we’re building a contemporaneous
[00:07:48] and historical record that is unparalleled in human history.
[00:07:52] There are all sorts of interesting possibilities.
[00:07:55] You’ll have megabits of bandwidth to
[00:08:01] essentially every human pair of hands in the world.
[00:08:04] For knowledge, for entertainment,
[00:08:06] for all of the things that people care about.
[00:08:10] You could have a face-to-face meeting across the world.
[00:08:14] And with automatic translation,
[00:08:17] you can talk to them even though
[00:08:19] they don’t speak your language.
[00:08:21] When you’re traveling in Mongolia,
[00:08:25] those of you who are graduating
[00:08:27] and want to take a week off,
[00:08:29] go to Mongolia and you fall off your motorcycle,
[00:08:33] you can get medical care from a doctor
[00:08:35] that doesn’t speak your language
[00:08:37] because your medical records can be right there.
[00:08:41] This is life changing, life saving, life fundamental.
[00:08:48] Imagine a situation, happening very soon,
[00:08:53] where all of the world’s information
[00:08:55] will be translated into all the other languages,
[00:08:58] so we can find out what everybody really thinks.
[00:09:02] And we can develop a new insight into
[00:09:05] what they care about and they can with us.
[00:09:09] In the next ten years, it will be possible
[00:09:12] to have the equivalent of iPods in your purse
[00:09:15] or on your belt with 85 years of video.
[00:09:20] Which means that if it’s given to you at birth,
[00:09:24] you’re going to be frustrated the whole time,
[00:09:28] you’ll never be done watching all the videos.
[00:09:32] That’s how profound this technological revolution is.
[00:09:35] You could ask Google the most important questions,
[00:09:42] like, where are my car keys after all?
[00:09:45] Because all of a sudden we’ll know
[00:09:49] where everything is and we can make that available.
[00:09:52] Computers are good at some things,
[00:09:55] and they are particularly good at these sorts of things.
[00:09:59] We can detect flu outbreaks,
[00:10:02] because we can watch what people are doing quicker.
[00:10:05] We can do things; here’s another example.
[00:10:09] What I really want is while I’m typing a paper
[00:10:13] I want the computer to tell me
[00:10:15] what I should have been writing instead.
[00:10:17] Wouldn’t that have been useful?
[00:10:20] Another product that we’ve suggested
[00:10:25] but has not been built yet is the paper lengthening project.
[00:10:29] It adds ten percent to every paper and its recursive.
[00:10:34] It would have been very useful.
[00:10:36] The point is that computers really can help you,
[00:10:40] even though you don’t need this anymore
[00:10:43] now that you are out of college.
[00:10:45] So if you think of mobile phones as a metaphor,
[00:10:51] as an extension of you, with image recognition,
[00:10:54] avatars and all the technologies that are coming,
[00:10:58] you can see that the ability for us to
[00:11:01] make our lives even more powerful is all right before us.
[00:11:05] So what should you do, right now then?
[00:11:11] Well you should start by listening to
[00:11:14] George Bernard Shaw who said that,
[00:11:16] “all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
[00:11:20] Graduation gives you the courage to be unreasonable.
[00:11:27] Don’t bother to have a plan.
[00:11:29] Instead let’s have some luck.
[00:11:31] Success is really about being ready
[00:11:35] for the good opportunities that come before you.
[00:11:37] It’s not to have a detailed plan
[00:11:40] about everything you’re going to do,
[00:11:43] you can’t plan innovation or inspiration,
[00:11:46] but you can be ready for it.
[00:11:50] And when you see it, you can jump on it
[00:11:52] and you can make a difference,
[00:11:54] as many of the people here today have already done.
[00:11:57] The important point here is,
[00:12:02] if you forgo your plan you also
[00:12:05] then have to forgo fear.
[00:12:07] In many ways in the last four years
[00:12:10] and maybe in high school as well,
[00:12:13] you’ve been penalized for making mistakes.
[00:12:16] From now on, the rewards will gravitate
[00:12:19] to those who make mistakes and learn from them,
[00:12:22] as the president said.
[00:12:24] So stop right now. Take a minute
[00:12:29] and think of something completely new
[00:12:32] and go work on that. Take that as your challenge;
[00:12:36] take that as your opportunity.
[00:12:39] Whatever you care the most about.
[00:12:42] So how should you do it, how should you behave?
[00:12:48] Well, do it in a group, it’s much more fun anyway.
[00:12:51] None of us is as smart as all of us.
[00:12:56] Universities now are good at
[00:12:58] teaching you how to work with other people.
[00:13:00] It’s no longer the lone night sitting
[00:13:04] in the lab, it’s a team.
[00:13:06] And you can see Twitter as an example of
[00:13:12] a form of social intelligence; use it.
[00:13:14] Find a network of people that care about you
[00:13:18] and so forth and so on.
[00:13:20] You can imagine watching Watson and Crick,
[00:13:23] who discovered the structure of DNA,
[00:13:26] did it at a university.
[00:13:28] You can imagine today, there are two people
[00:13:33] who probably met on Facebook at a university.
[00:13:36] And then are going to say to each other,
[00:13:39] “What are you up to right now?”
[00:13:41] “Oh, I’m finding the secret of life,
[00:13:45] then I’m off to a pub. LOL.”
[00:13:49] It’s okay. Do it together.
[00:13:52] But amidst all of this, some truths emerge.
[00:13:58] Leadership and personality matter a lot.
[00:14:01] Intelligence, education, and analytical reasoning matter.
[00:14:06] Trust matters. In the network world,
[00:14:10] trust is the most important currency.
[00:14:13] Which brings me to my final question.
[00:14:18] What is, in fact, the meaning of life?
[00:14:22] And in a world where everything is remembered
[00:14:26] and everything is kept forever-the world
[00:14:29] you are in-you need to live for the future
[00:14:32] and the things that you really, really care about.
[00:14:35] And what are those things?
[00:14:38] Well in order to know that, I hate to say it,
[00:14:42] but you’re going to have to turn off your computer.
[00:14:46] You’re actually going to have to
[00:14:48] turn off your phone and discover all
[00:14:51] that is human around us.
[00:14:53] You’ll find that people really are
[00:14:57] the same all around the world.
[00:14:59] They really do care about the same things.
[00:15:02] You’ll find that curiosity and enthusiasm
[00:15:08] and passion are contagious.
[00:15:11] I see it with the students,
[00:15:13] I see it with the faculty,
[00:15:15] I see it with the trustees
[00:15:17] and the president here-it’s contagious.
[00:15:21] Make it happen, take it with you.
[00:15:24] You’ll find that nothing beats holding
[00:15:30] the hand of your grandchild as he walks
[00:15:33] his first steps. You’ll find
[00:15:35] that a mind set in its ways
[00:15:37] is a life wasted-don’t do it.
[00:15:40] You’ll find that the resilience
[00:15:45] of a human being and the human spirit is amazing.
[00:15:49] You’ll find today that the best chance
[00:15:52] you will ever have is right now,
[00:15:55] to start being unreasonable.
[00:15:58] But when you do, listen to me,
[00:16:00] be nice to your parents and true to your school.
[00:16:05] Good luck, and thank you very much. Thank you.
- To Make the World a Better Place
- Because We Can, We Must
- Trust and Individual Fair Dealing
- The Courage to Be Unreasonable
- Find Freedom in Helping Others Find It
- The First Great Struggle for the Soul of the 21st Century
- Follow Your Bliss, Follow your Heart
- Find the Promised Land
- To Make the World a Better Place
- Because We Can, We Must
- Sumtimes I [Lil’ Mo]
- Song Of Jerusalem [Sinéad O’Connor]
- Dark Stuff [A Lull]
- Ta Fatie [志方あきこ]
- 明けることのない夜 沈むことのない太陽 [相川七瀬]
- Invisible [Enchant]
- 月亮升起来 [谭晶]
- Everytime [Jacynthe]
- 反正大家都爱过谁也不欠 [品冠]
- Wanted [Kian Egan]
- 叮铃铃 [轻音乐]
- 雷声 风雨雷电试音效果 [网络歌手]
- Good Girls [Elle King]
- Idiot Savant [The Queers]
- 一生中最爱的人 Dj小国 2o12 Remix [艾歌]
- So Sambar [Jorge Ben]
- Chasing Down a Name [Chris Sligh]
- Somebody Got Murdered(Remastered) [The Clash]
- Electric Avenue [La Gran Movida]
- C’était Un Jour De Fête [Edith Piaf]
- The Little Drummer Boy [K-Pop All-Stars]
- Right Or Wrong(Album Version) [Bob Wills]
- In Love With You [Regine Velasquez&张学友]
- Sorry Sorry [Sachin-Jigar&Jigar Saraiy]
- Somethin’ Else [Eddie Cochran]
- I Can’t Give You Anything But Love [Peggy Lee]
- 完美犯罪 [SNH48]
- Wave / Come Fa Un ’Onda (Como Uma Onda) (Zen Surfismo) [Renato Russo]
- Into Yellow [Martin Luke Brown]
- 煮盐 [老盐丁]
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- He’s Sure the Boy I Love [The Crystals]
- Mayweather [Pusher&Heckz]
- Long Promised Road [The Beach Boys]
- Better Than That [MARINA]
- Me, Myself And I [Billie Holiday]
- 鬼压床到底是怎么回事啊? [十万个冷知识]
- Una furtiva lagrima from Act II of L’elisir D’amore [Domingo/Carreras/Pavarott]
- Survival(Live From The Arlington Theatre, Santa Barbara, U.S.A./1985) [America]
- 秋意上心头 [陈淑桦]
- Whisper My Name [Randy Travis]