
[00:00:00] 本字幕由天琴实验室独家AI技术生成
[00:00:02] 关注微信公众号
[00:00:04] 自在radio 获得更多节目信息
[00:00:06] 随时随地与我互通
[00:00:10] Come on come on the radio on its friday night andi won t belong gotta do my hair put my make up
[00:00:21] 想要自在并不简单
[00:00:23] 但简单起来却可以很自在
[00:00:27] 在这里抛开生活的烦恼
[00:00:30] 抛开内心的浮躁
[00:00:32] 你只需要安静下来
[00:00:35] 听我的衣服咯
[00:00:37] 你猜么
[00:00:38] Fill er a u
[00:00:41] He is my radio
[00:00:45] 隐瞒
[00:00:47] 绝不放任我自由放下圣经的理由
[00:00:55] Ou just my bro
[00:01:00] All my life I play my songs to you
[00:01:11] 自在电台
[00:01:13] 简单的人都在听
[00:01:17] 当你在听歌的时候
[00:01:19] 一定幻想过很多场景
[00:01:21] 在我的脑海中一直有一幅画面
[00:01:24] 就是有个人抱着吉他坐在草垛上轻吟浅唱
[00:01:30] 在这样的画面中
[00:01:31] 唱起民谣和乡村时
[00:01:34] 再合适不过了
[00:01:35] 民谣你已经听过了太多
[00:01:38] 今天呢
[00:01:39] 我们来听一听乡村音乐
[00:01:41] 希望你在听歌的时候能够闭上眼睛
[00:01:45] 然后想象一下
[00:01:47] 你正坐在高高的草垛上
[00:01:49] 听他在为你唱歌
[00:01:52] 收听节目
[00:01:52] 同时欢迎你通过微信公众号在radio 添加我的微信
[00:01:57] 在公众号内回复今天的节目名称
[00:02:01] 坐在草垛上为你唱支歌
[00:02:03] 可以获得完整歌单
[00:02:05] 今天的第一首歌来自唐威廉姆斯crying in c re I never let you si
[00:02:15] The way my broken hearts or mi
[00:02:20] I got my tri no har Han all my sorrow and pain or do my crying and reading
[00:02:35] If I wait for allis can you Wen Le rain from Li be rat ion and you never know that I still love is ow o Du har ri Mei Le Mei z I and Ren
[00:02:59] Rain drops falling from heaven never wash away and rain
[00:03:08] That s where To Get together I look for stormy weather do tai Di Rec I hope you never seen
[00:03:19] Someday when my crimes den
[00:03:52] 嗯
[00:03:53] 嗯
[00:03:57] 啊
[00:04:02] Rain drops falling from hence he never wash away my throne
[00:04:11] The scenes were not together I love with for me weather too high I deals I hoped you never seen
[00:04:22] Someday when my cry and stir
[00:04:26] I m gonna wear a smile and walking is ou I baby well you never see me come play I I cry and tre
[00:05:02] 唐威廉姆斯
[00:05:04] 一位已经年近80 的老歌手了
[00:05:07] 如果你看过林忆莲的演唱会
[00:05:09] 有可能听到过林忆莲翻唱的这首歌
[00:05:13] 在1983年
[00:05:15] 当时在电台担任DJ 的林忆莲在一次电台表演中演唱了这首crying in the rain
[00:05:21] 而正是凭借这次演唱
[00:05:24] 他背心里音乐看中
[00:05:26] 从而开始了他的歌手生涯
[00:05:28] 唐威廉姆斯被称为乡村音乐界的身世巨人
[00:05:33] 从1971年至今
[00:05:34] 发行了29 张录音室专辑
[00:05:37] 六张精选集
[00:05:39] 他有21 首歌曲登上过美国或加拿大的乡村音乐榜冠军的位置
[00:05:45] 这首crying 是一首很悲伤的歌
[00:05:49] 原唱是美国的女歌手卡洛尔金
[00:05:52] 但唐威廉姆斯的这个演绎
[00:05:55] 他明显内敛了许多
[00:05:57] 似乎你还能听出一丝温暖
[00:06:00] 这也许就是在洗尽铅华后呢
[00:06:03] 最美好的一点温度
[00:06:05] 下一首歌非常适合恋爱中的你
[00:06:08] 来自m Jackson Le cat me an Jackson 是一位大器晚成的乡村歌手
[00:06:15] 出道的时候呢
[00:06:16] 已经过了而立之年
[00:06:18] 当年他为了养家糊口
[00:06:20] 一度放弃了自己的音乐生涯
[00:06:22] 是他的妻子拿着他的录音带找到了美国的老牌乡村音乐人格伦坎贝尔
[00:06:29] 这样才改变了他的一生
[00:06:31] 世界上最幸福的事
[00:06:33] 可能就是被你爱着的人
[00:06:36] 永远支持着你一生热爱的事业
[00:06:39] 了解了这些
[00:06:40] 再来听这首歌
[00:06:41] 感触会更深
[00:06:45] I would be tough life like a bitch Mai har
[00:06:53] You er Wong baby I ve never been so sure when it s time before
[00:07:04] Driving my har z I can hold on I can hold back na re cup down before
[00:07:18] Darla baby
[00:07:22] I fall and likes to mor u
[00:07:29] Nor can u si I do anything you Wen mi ti
[00:07:41] I tell my self harm in ti Li Li den I fall ill fall er every time you Le kat mi
[00:08:04] Hao Du you that makes me feel and
[00:08:13] The only man love for you I can sense what its makes me fall re Dis
[00:08:24] First time in your arms I let you know where you help mi it over well mi I went out of my mind
[00:08:38] Le ga mi I fall in re fu Le for you
[00:08:49] Darling can u si I do anything you Wen Li
[00:09:01] I tell myself had come into deeper than I found Li fr everytime you Le kat mi
[00:09:17] Every time 呗
[00:09:21] Every time you Le kat mi
[00:09:47] 自在电台
[00:09:48] 简单的人都在听
[00:10:10] Well its been a year and there so much the chill
[00:10:17] Man do in all right instead of my cell
[00:10:23] New years wish I like it started feeling mad when I play
[00:10:30] But I know I m gonna get there someday
[00:10:35] Got that jobs I was dreaming el
[00:10:41] Sometimes its to travel it already I I wanna be
[00:10:50] Steel seems so far when
[00:10:54] But I know I m gonna get there someday
[00:11:02] I told you all I meant to do what I had train
[00:11:14] The very moment I I had with you made me 户外
[00:11:25] Re away I met someone new
[00:11:31] I would you know she is a hole ly q
[00:11:37] Steel re ready to settle down in one plays
[00:11:44] But I know I m gonna get there someday
[00:11:49] 嗯
[00:11:49] 嗯
[00:11:56] 嗯
[00:11:59] 嗯
[00:12:06] 啊
[00:12:07] 嗯
[00:12:14] Well I guess I will be moving in all
[00:12:20] I just leave these days is bi your stories
[00:12:27] And mom I still missyou everyday 呗
[00:12:33] But I know I m gonna get there someday
[00:12:38] When that will be yes only gotten c
[00:12:45] But I know I m gonna get there someday
[00:13:10] 哦
[00:13:22] 呃
[00:14:12] Gonna get there somebody
[00:14:15] 来自德克斯本特利
[00:14:17] 这首歌唱的就是对母亲说的一些话
[00:14:20] 歌中唱到了对未来的向往
[00:14:23] 唱到了新交的女朋友
[00:14:25] 唱到了现在的工作和平日的生活
[00:14:29] 乡村音乐和其他音乐类型很大的一个不同就是它的题材
[00:14:34] 不仅包括爱情、梦想
[00:14:37] 还有对家乡的赞美
[00:14:39] 牛仔的幽默、乡村的生活方式
[00:14:42] 以及刚刚我们听到的这样对生活的描述
[00:14:46] 有人说
[00:14:47] 乡村音乐的灵魂是叙述生活中的琐碎
[00:14:51] 他并不会给你答案
[00:14:54] 就像生活中本没有答案一样
[00:14:56] 他只会告诉你时光里的来来往往与心底最真实的触动
[00:15:02] 还有那么一丝丝的洒脱
[00:15:05] 下一首歌是我最喜欢的一首乡村歌曲
[00:15:09] Better s a memory
[00:15:12] Move all like a sins premiere
[00:15:15] Let go like levee breaks
[00:15:18] Work always if I dont hear
[00:15:22] Le Sheng or maps takes I built a fe re ki favorite song get reckless when there is no mi re f ash stories round Lowe ry harden dun believe my only friend the path
[00:15:42] Just do it and I am the time better as a Mei Le az u mi
[00:15:56] Never sure when and pretty good on a lonely night I move on the way stores are closed I never stayed and again and struggle some time to pack well I was sure in till ion
[00:16:16] Work Lao ti Li bert build a loss to have to club man that I want us to all
[00:16:38] I c u lina
[00:16:42] You found found
[00:16:45] I dont want To Be stored a
[00:16:52] I am just a dream ver
[00:16:56] 那梦
[00:16:58] You should know that foreign guests to learn
[00:17:03] Good batter like a ruler when
[00:17:07] You never know where he gonna land first to spend and understand instead lights hole Di Lu Xing Han one there you gotta fight someone right away you know which do
[00:17:24] That all of you seek is just apart and a passenger
[00:17:29] 日rather that maureen
[00:17:46] Better I the men that I l u mi
[00:18:53] 上大学的时候第一次看格莱美
[00:18:55] 摩根弗里曼介绍到下一位要表演的人
[00:18:58] 我看到一位牛仔磨样的歌手
[00:19:01] 抱着吉他坐在舞台上
[00:19:04] 一束追光从斜后方照在他身上
[00:19:08] 然后就想起了刚刚我们听到的那首歌
[00:19:13] 这么多年
[00:19:13] 那个画面一直深深印在我的脑海中
[00:19:16] 内是我能想象到的男人弹琴唱歌最美好的样子
[00:19:22] 那位歌手就是cant s 呢
[00:19:25] 有时候就是这样
[00:19:26] 不经意间的一个画面
[00:19:28] 一段声音
[00:19:29] 就会让你喜欢上一个人
[00:19:32] 这首better s a memory 表达的是歌者的遗憾
[00:19:36] 一位歌迷在这首歌的评论中这样写道
[00:19:40] 多年以后
[00:19:41] 和风轻拂
[00:19:43] 我珍藏的一张相片垂落到地板
[00:19:47] 时间能抚平所有的伤痛
[00:19:49] E 能带走所有波澜
[00:19:51] 风风雨雨成为最好的回忆
[00:19:55] 因为我不能做你的现在做你的未来
[00:19:59] 就让时光珍藏这一切吧
[00:20:03] When I gotten used a I did know what to c
[00:20:10] So I just gone up the phone
[00:20:16] A To Go all clear
[00:20:17] 卖黑
[00:20:19] This is where the walk in 嘞
[00:20:23] I cant believe you really go
[00:20:27] I dont feel liked going home so I m gonna sat round here only echoes will disappear
[00:20:38] Wah song c bc
[00:21:02] Funny have a good once go
[00:21:05] Too soon but your lord knows
[00:21:09] The reasons one is
[00:21:14] Sometimes or greater play
[00:21:17] S cant hold to understand
[00:21:21] Right now it dont make sense
[00:21:26] I can make it all makes sense so I m gonna zap grab you on Li n da Dis til
[00:21:36] Watsons el
[00:21:47] Drink a beard
[00:21:53] Solo tried to Li mi 的脸
[00:22:05] I re made our you are all times and we used to
[00:22:21] C p I z u only engine of despair
[00:22:28] Watt said 品
[00:22:39] Drink a beard
[00:22:52] 嘿嘿嘿
[00:23:09] 刚刚听到的这首歌drink a beer 来自卢克布莱恩
[00:23:15] 他曾经有一个哥哥
[00:23:16] 一个姐姐
[00:23:17] 后来哥哥死于车祸
[00:23:19] 姐姐在多年之后也无辜死于家中
[00:23:23] 亲人的相继离世
[00:23:25] 让她十分伤感
[00:23:26] 也成为他终身的阴影
[00:23:28] 在2013 年发行的专辑当中
[00:23:30] 它收录了这首给比尔
[00:23:33] 这首歌就是为他们二人所唱
[00:23:36] 看一下时间
[00:23:37] 要和你说再见了
[00:23:39] 今天的最后一首歌
[00:23:40] 我们来听一位澳大利亚的乡村歌手Keith urban
[00:23:45] 这首歌非常应景
[00:23:46] 郎hot summer
[00:23:48] 希望今天这期节目能在这个炎热的漫长的夏季当中给你带来一丝清凉
[00:23:55] 当然还是欢迎你通过微信公众号在瑞典添加我的微信
[00:24:00] 和我随时互动
[00:24:01] 今天我们就到这里
[00:24:04] 我是王思
[00:24:05] 祝你快乐
[00:24:06] I cant sleep a mostly become in time stand here thinking that you er man dt falling deep into that sector in them and everything was going to do
[00:24:21] Over laid down 呗
[00:24:24] Really silly it starts to read well in my car go where I big up and meet you but I said
[00:24:38] Gonna be alone and summer which you play together bits on my desk for NAO c alone the ready and such beautiful girls
[00:24:53] C my Li Li ra se I swear I c de stars Gong and when you open my a map just waiting all said already know the Le ga ci es I wanna Xie rounds and shower and some first time I bi Wen I just wanted you To Get rest on and went s meeting you often buy me on St NY se har binger 卖
[00:25:39] Hart life is using my head to re si den be rat summer we should be together when you beating a desk or NAO c ung along with the ready
[00:25:54] Such beautiful girls
[00:25:59] When you see him I Li there where I zing starts on monday and when you hold my hand I mad just you said thou
[00:26:20] The only place said I wanna bills were har
[00:26:28] Any more than I had picked a way is u ti Li 啊
[00:26:49] Below had some are we should be together o Li I really want to use more than this moment right NAO
[00:27:04] That you can use a multi ethnic I love the years where I sr si num and when you re here looking to you I sought to run slightly when all eyes on their own song Hu
[00:27:58] 啊
[00:28:04] 啊
[00:28:07] 可以可以
[00:28:10] 我爱吴
[00:28:19] I k si Li
[00:28:23] I m just learned you thinking about you
[00:28:31] 关注微信公众号
[00:28:32] 自在radio 获得更多节目信息
[00:28:35] 随时随地与我互动
[00:28:39] Come on come on turn the radio on its re ant Le ga do my hair makeup
- Temptress(Explicit) [Buried In Verona]
- Ballare [Cirque Du Soleil]
- SING [My Chemical Romance]
- Let The Good Times Roll [B.B. King]
- Xanandra [Mago de Oz]
- 悲しい人 [河合奈保子]
- 亲亲我思念 [高胜美]
- ガンバンバダンサー [Gacharic Spin]
- Another Country-Another World [The Crystals]
- Shine [Ella Fitzgerald]
- Mind And Purpose [Snog]
- 山间白鹤 [何秋苹]
- 举红色走 [儿童歌曲]
- 两小无猜 [一休]
- 有雾霾不约你 [刘丁齐]
- Yo siempre fui con Triana [Mara del Monte]
- Dream On [The Screaming Jets]
- Rancho Pillow [The Andrews Sisters]
- Can’t Stop Lovin’ You(2004 Remaster) [Van Halen]
- It Was You [James Brown]
- Candle in the Wind 1997 (Goodbye England’s Rose) [Originally Performed By Elton John](Tribute Version) [New Tribute Kings]
- Ridin’ [The Hit Co.]
- 要爱就爱一辈子 (DJ慢摇嗨曲) [DJ阿勇]
- Hey Baby [Bruce Channel]
- The Way You Look Tonight(Bonus Track) [Betty Carter&Ray Bryant T]
- Half As Much [George Jones]
- Thanks A Million [Louis Armstrong]
- 心儿在歌唱 [沈小岑]
- Lonely Night In Paris [Julie London]
- 看见UK VOL.02 [看见FM]
- That’s It, I Quit, I’m Moving On(Remastered) [Sam Cooke]
- Las Ciudades [Amelita Baltar]
- Burn It Down [Fitz And The Tantrums]
- ほっといて [竹島宏 (Takeshi Hiroshi)]
- Miljoonan kilsan tennarit(Explicit) [Klamydia&Vesku Jokinen]
- Take a Look Around(Karaoke Version) [Ameritz Digital Karaoke]
- Betray [Shandon]
- El Pampino [Atahualpa Yupanqui]
- Coming Around(Karaoke Version) [SBI Audio Karaoke]
- Good Kush and Alcohol(Bitches Love Me)(Explicit) [HeartBeat Cardio Trax]
- Someday(August 29, 1968)(2002 Remaster) [Chicago]
- 爱情宝典片尾曲 真情天地间 [网络歌手]