
[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成
[00:00:16] 千淘万漉虽辛苦
[00:00:18] 吹尽狂沙始到金
[00:00:20] 我们不分享网络神曲
[00:00:22] 我们只分享最经典的音乐
[00:00:25] 这里是桃鹿电台
[00:00:26] 我是主播由小藜我们准备了好音乐
[00:00:30] 你准备好小耳朵了吗
[00:00:58] I can remember what I plan the novel
[00:01:04] I can und a moon is time were looking 别追星
[00:01:11] 揽子松
[00:01:15] I remember in before
[00:01:20] I wanted to think there was an Li Shi a
[00:01:25] Ce re soft ly dam in your eyes and a dead on I found are in
[00:01:36] Sometimes life wants re Lu
[00:01:42] New York city
[00:01:44] Such a beautiful disease
[00:01:52] New York city such a beautiful
[00:02:00] Such a beautiful day Li
[00:02:07] 我们对纽约这座城市太熟悉了
[00:02:10] 约翰卡尼用一部简单而纯净的曾经征服了全世界影迷的心比go again 延续了曾经音乐改变人生的故事概念
[00:02:21] 八年后再续曾经没有狗血的大情小爱
[00:02:26] 所有故事就跟每个人的普通日常一样
[00:02:30] 平淡自然
[00:02:31] 水到渠成
[00:02:32] 不知己也不奢望
[00:02:35] 他们单纯的因为音乐而在一起
[00:02:40] When you just c bi I lived one more night
[00:02:51] 哈and listen I want to sing and
[00:02:57] I m good I min ton Le to tape to my love from Du
[00:03:07] Talked about a narrow path it slipped from eye hand the cell phone I brought a train for our song
[00:03:23] 我是批
[00:03:24] 不怕死啊
[00:03:29] U be that it helps my way a j ax a e mp ti ness lie in new York city such a beautiful the
[00:03:46] 嗯
[00:03:48] 嗯
[00:03:50] You you are c such a beautiful
[00:03:57] 嗯
[00:03:58] Sight beautiful places
[00:04:11] We were followed with and every do the rest OS a floating on Lu Di Li Lu sty
[00:04:22] Cars Lan de ho Li Lu dreams and passes bi hang on to ut at a conclusion
[00:04:37] Never be the one that I can never know
[00:04:43] Studies pass the master Lu u ti Li mi fa from de re side you and do you c such a beautiful
[00:05:02] 哦
[00:05:05] You you c you are my beautiful
[00:05:13] Such a beautiful there
[00:05:19] 说到纽约这座城市
[00:05:21] 它与摇滚乐有着深厚的缘分
[00:05:24] 1969年8月
[00:05:26] 摇滚乐史上最富传奇色彩及代表性的woodstock 音乐节揭开序幕
[00:05:32] 时代之风召唤了超过40万的人聚集在此
[00:05:36] 场面却奇迹般地和平胜
[00:05:39] 全美的民众在黑暗时期看到了希望与光明
[00:05:44] 鲍勃迪伦与约翰列侬这两位名声显赫的大人物
[00:05:48] 在20 世纪的摇滚乐团呼风唤雨
[00:05:51] 它们各是英美两地的领袖
[00:05:54] 两人的老家都不在纽约
[00:05:56] 涤纶的故乡是冰天雪地的明尼苏达
[00:06:00] 列侬自小在利物浦长大
[00:06:03] 但他们却在不同的生命阶段奔向了纽约
[00:06:08] 她曾说
[00:06:09] 如果你听不懂我的歌
[00:06:11] 你就别使劲想了
[00:06:13] 因为他根本就不是写给你的when an ob Li lo Li and Di stan CES called his own Li sas are thinking of you smell it Li a pride in your eyes and lo er 的sys te red lonely sad ist
[00:06:52] 啊啊were you sad is farming
[00:07:12] 1965年6月15日
[00:07:14] 鲍勃迪伦在哥伦比亚唱片公司位于纽约的录音棚里录下了一首歌名叫like a rolling stone 的歌
[00:07:23] 被很多人认为是摇滚乐历史上最伟大的歌曲
[00:07:28] 没有之一
[00:07:29] 美国著名摇滚歌手布鲁斯斯普林斯汀回忆说
[00:07:34] 他是在他妈妈的汽车音响里第一次听到这首歌的
[00:07:39] 那是他第一次听到鲍勃迪伦的歌
[00:07:41] 这首歌对于一个15 岁的少年是震撼的
[00:07:46] 至今回忆起来还能让他感动
[00:07:50] 对于斯普林斯汀来说
[00:07:52] 迪伦的歌解放了他的思想
[00:07:55] 就像当年猫王摇滚乐解放了人们的身体一样伟大
[00:08:09] 发
[00:08:19] Whats up on time you best fight the game the pap a pa I ni
[00:08:29] Because of you where thou man for s el can you
[00:08:38] You used to makeup about
[00:08:43] 啊
[00:08:47] NAO you know talk so I love
[00:08:52] NAO you gou ze so proud about hacking the be proud you next mi an
[00:09:09] Han d il
[00:09:13] 啊
[00:09:15] 哦
[00:09:18] 啊
[00:09:19] 哦
[00:09:22] Re CA roling I know
[00:09:27] 约翰列侬热爱着纽约这个地方
[00:09:31] 这也是他遇害的地方
[00:09:33] 1971年披头士解散后
[00:09:36] 列侬与洋子搬来纽约定居
[00:09:39] 他们的第一栋公寓在格林威治村
[00:09:42] 是动小巧精致的白色公寓
[00:09:45] 公寓的西边不远处是哈德逊河
[00:09:49] 这样的地理位置对列侬倍感亲切
[00:09:53] 因为利物浦就是一座港市
[00:09:57] 列侬很快爱上了纽约与杨子
[00:09:59] 天go 脚踏车穿梭在曼哈顿的大街小巷
[00:10:03] 抛下巨星头衔
[00:10:05] 在纽约终于享受到当个平凡人的滋味
[00:10:09] 他与杨紫合浦了sometime in newyork city
[00:10:12] 这张专辑每一首歌都与他崭新的纽约生活经历有关
[00:10:18] 他把他当成是这座城市的情书
[00:10:21] 专辑背面便放了一张
[00:10:23] 这栋白色公寓的照片
[00:10:28] 啊
[00:10:31] A crowd a natural 的游走
[00:10:38] 啊
[00:10:43] Ever ever ever ever ever let you go
[00:10:47] 啊
[00:10:56] 四
[00:10:57] Even when a man se I know the place To Be 的
[00:11:04] D ra ce be supposed To Be nobody likes to mi ze
[00:11:16] 啊
[00:11:19] 纽约文艺界的风流人物都下榻于此
[00:11:22] 作家在这写小说
[00:11:24] 导演在此构思封禁条滚
[00:11:26] 乐手开启了狂欢派对
[00:11:28] 画家T 画布泼上油彩
[00:11:31] 更相传six pistols 乐团的贝斯手在这里杀死了自己的女友
[00:11:38] 切尔西酒店曾被摇滚音乐家所占领
[00:11:42] 主要是因为纽约没有别的酒店愿意接待他们
[00:11:45] 鲍勃迪伦在21 1 房间连续几天熬夜创作
[00:11:49] 终于使得sad and lady s law ns 这首歌为世人所知
[00:11:58] With you Mei ri mile
[00:12:03] You know missionary time and you re likes mood and you please re strain
[00:12:16] I need a solar cross and you Lu a slight chance o 的de sic Dave
[00:12:32] Ms you pack its well you check it at lays and you streets hang o v ers in which he plays on grace and your flash lights ou and you faced re lays en dit ti kari mi Lu
[00:13:06] 谁Li 的额勒
[00:13:16] With us at a profit CC nu ou Mei n az
[00:13:25] Mor ass ass my or re viewers Roth
[00:13:37] She re putting by you lit
[00:13:44] Well c re Li Des should we
[00:13:51] Worried your seat ly can matter and your Bill re lays and your deepest caught Ms ing de Jack and e and you bass 吗
[00:14:11] Clothes and e hello Fei si Le my name j I think he could I guess you
[00:14:26] With your c lo v a
[00:14:31] When is en re tai Ling
[00:14:35] In till you re scared a moon legs when and you match song z and you tip c him home my name that re je Su
[00:15:08] We are thus at at profits a Lu ou Mei homes
[00:15:18] Where where are he says my reviews rong
[00:15:30] She re putting a value ate
[00:15:37] Who said I Li de Shu Cai Wei
[00:15:45] Looking the chair is with the con ve lists are waiting in lines for that or radio kiss and you would know it would I have re Dis Gu AR ma ni
[00:16:13] I really want j s j j s u
[00:16:19] With your childhood thing seems on you mi nate Le and you Spanish man ers and your mother brought and ew capital ISM and and you cook you Le lo Le my name
[00:16:48] You think you could misses you
[00:16:54] Said I Li Di rev 嘞
[00:17:03] We thus ad ad mi rat c de Nou Mei homes
[00:17:12] Mor ours re si mil ari d and ruff
[00:17:24] She re leaving bi pages
[00:17:31] Who says ad od Li de should a
[00:17:38] 门外不设招牌
[00:17:40] 极少在媒体上刊登广告
[00:17:42] 每场演出的票价都是15 美元
[00:17:45] 每个月要来一位资深乐手担任k te
[00:17:48] 现场不贩卖酒精饮料
[00:17:50] 门票收益全部归乐手所有
[00:17:54] 纽约以它的生命力与感染力
[00:17:57] 包容了所有的故事生活
[00:17:59] 也正是这样
[00:18:00] 他才能和摇滚乐有着深厚的缘分
[00:18:04] hang to de
[00:18:07] Ever c q
[00:18:13] A wish you accepted the blame for re fr
[00:18:22] The c at your feet and f ou ni fl us love and with that are are allowed to wrap Cho pin you Lan Hao d ever 跑路音乐甄选金曲
[00:18:47] 今天的音乐就分享到这儿
[00:18:48] 喜欢我们的节目
[00:18:49] 欢迎关注微信公众账号
[00:18:51] 淘漉音乐以及新浪微博淘漉音乐
[00:18:54] 我们会分享更多精彩的内容给大家
[00:18:57] 好了
[00:18:58] 今天的节目就到这里
[00:18:59] 下期节目再见咯
[00:19:01] 我是由小藜
[00:19:03] 拜拜啊
[00:19:07] Ax es and reed 如
[00:19:15] 嗯
[00:19:16] She Li Ling bi u k
[00:19:23] Or sad Li Shu la weed
[00:19:32] Worried you ze them at ra memory a can a ro
[00:19:40] And you magazine a husband nd just ad 的沟
[00:19:49] And you chat please 孬
[00:19:53] Which you just can help but you Le Le am playing you
[00:20:06] I stand with you does your own his bro
[00:20:14] With your ho Li men than you you think or tips nah Di Lu te and you c re fe si Lu slide show ur Le ma name ever seen he could destroy you
[00:20:48] Where does at profits c de Nou Mei come
[00:20:57] I love us and and reed and brown
[00:21:07] 嗯
[00:21:09] Should I leave them by you gain
[00:21:16] Who said ob Li nee should I we
[00:21:54] 嗯
[00:22:09] 呵呵
[00:22:17] 此刻
[00:22:18] 出发
[00:22:22] 该怎么了
- Book B [关智斌]
- The Next Messiah [Jenny Lewis]
- Good Time [Alan Jackson]
- Magic Time [My Little Lover]
- 光芒 [阿超]
- 征服(Live) [赵传&大女孩]
- 调皮的窗风 [王东杰]
- I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm(Remastered 2015) [Sarah Vaughan]
- That’s All Right Mama [Elvis Presley]
- Try A Little Tendernes [Chris Connor]
- Swanee River Rock [Brenda Lee]
- Kind Hearted Woman Blues(Remastered) [Robert Johnson]
- Si La Ves(Live Version) [Franco De Vita&Jeremias&R]
- Midnight Run [Workout Buddy]
- Ucaplah Alhamdulillah [Amirul Haswendy]
- Moonshine Sally [Mud]
- Colors of the Wind [Platinum Collection Band]
- I Never Knew [Sonny Stitt]
- Idle Gossip [Cliff Richard]
- ABC Boogie [Bill Haley And His Comets]
- Chris Craft No 9(2001 Digital Remaster) [The Shanes]
- Someone To Watch Over Me [Lena Horne]
- Happy Times Are Here To Stay [Tony Orlando]
- 就算了吧 [小北]
- Act I: Viene la sera [José Carreras&Mirella Fre]
- Firework [Tessanne Chin]
- Preamble [Sick Of It All]
- Little Bee [Fats Domino]
- 风雪莫候 [卡修Rui&Amuro]
- Toot, Toot, Tootsie! (Goo’Bye): Toot, Toot, Tootsie! (Goo’Bye) [Al Jolson&Charles A. Prin]
- This Is A Good Day [Morris Chapman]
- Nous irons à Sligo(Remasterisé en 2010) [Mike Brant]
- Music of My Heart [Done Again]
- Whiskey Headed Blues [Sonny Boy Williamson]
- Still Holding Out for You [Ameritz Tribute Standards]
- No Rompas Mi Corazon - Only Voice [Grupo Acapelas]
- Always [The Rock Crew]
- Honkytonkville [In the Style of George Strait ](Karaoke Version Teaching Vocal) [Karaoke]
- Entrégame tu Amor [Los Inquietos]
- Embraceable You(Remastered) [Billie Holiday]
- 末日审判 (粤语版) [祈Inory]
- 梦醒了 [那英]