

所属专辑: 歌手: 排骨教主&萧忆情Alex 时长: 03:19

[00:00:00] 至爱·Ecstasy - 萧忆情

[00:00:00] 词:和田野

[00:00:00] 曲:潜移默化

[00:00:02] 萧:

[00:00:22] 现在将时间忽略

[00:00:23] 放下所有的杂念

[00:00:26] 没有意识的语言

[00:00:27] 交付于喘息之间

[00:00:29] 将所有怀疑和顾虑

[00:00:31] 过去将来统统抛弃

[00:00:33] Oh 全部都忘记

[00:00:36] 骨:

[00:00:36] Do you have some pain for me tonight

[00:00:40] 心中被名为嫉妒的情绪填满

[00:00:43] Do you have some love for me tonight

[00:00:47] 今天也如野兽一般将你怜爱

[00:00:50] 骨:

[00:00:51] Give me more

[00:00:51] Give me more

[00:00:52] Kiss my toe

[00:00:53] Kiss my loin

[00:00:54] 萧:

[00:00:54] 燃烧殆尽心有余火

[00:00:56] 我想我可能着了魔

[00:00:57] 骨:

[00:00:58] Give me more

[00:00:58] Give me more

[00:00:59] Take my toy

[00:01:00] Take my soul

[00:01:01] 萧:

[00:01:01] 意乱情迷 舞池正中

[00:01:03] 你我都别 再想逃脱

[00:01:05] 骨:

[00:01:05] Get it high

[00:01:05] Get it high

[00:01:06] Be someone

[00:01:07] Put on fire

[00:01:08] 萧:

[00:01:08] 心跳在此 漏停一拍

[00:01:10] 不被诅咒 爱不痛快

[00:01:12] 骨:

[00:01:12] Get it high

[00:01:12] Get it high

[00:01:13] Let us dance till we die

[00:01:15] 萧:

[00:01:15] 销魂蚀骨 磨人夜晚

[00:01:17] 再多感慨 停不下来

[00:01:22] 萧:

[00:01:37] 我是那么的热烈

[00:01:38] 而你却视而不见

[00:01:40] 在这片欲盖弥彰

[00:01:42] 虚妄的漆黑之夜

[00:01:44] 想要狠狠的占有你

[00:01:46] 全不顾身不由自己

[00:01:47] Oh 越陷越痴迷

[00:01:50] 骨:

[00:01:51] Do you have some pain for me tonight

[00:01:54] 今天也如昨日一般 不知悔改

[00:01:58] Do you have some love for me tonight

[00:02:01] 至高无上的爱由我亲手打开

[00:02:06] 骨:

[00:02:06] Give me more

[00:02:06] Give me more

[00:02:07] Kiss my toe

[00:02:07] Kiss my loin

[00:02:08] 萧:

[00:02:09] 闭上眼就 触到天空

[00:02:10] 零下N度 也不觉冷

[00:02:12] 骨:

[00:02:12] Give me more

[00:02:13] Give me more

[00:02:14] Take my toy

[00:02:15] Take my soul

[00:02:15] 萧:

[00:02:16] 昼夜不分 舞池正中

[00:02:17] 让我不朽 爱得永生

[00:02:19] 骨:

[00:02:19] Get it high

[00:02:20] Get it high

[00:02:21] Be someone

[00:02:22] Put on fire

[00:02:23] 萧:

[00:02:23] 遍体鳞伤 并无大碍

[00:02:25] 没有痛楚 爱不痛快

[00:02:26] 骨:

[00:02:26] Get it high

[00:02:27] Get it high

[00:02:28] Let us dance till we die

[00:02:30] 萧:

[00:02:30] 神魂颠倒 罪恶夜晚

[00:02:31] 再多慰藉 停不下来

[00:02:33] 骨:

[00:02:34] 在这目空一切的世界

[00:02:35] 品尝爱恨交织的泪水

[00:02:37] 真假善恶都被摧毁

[00:02:39] 快来感受这完美

[00:02:40] 我的爱已经深入骨髓

[00:02:42] 要你配合我心甘情愿

[00:02:44] 下一秒不要崩溃

[00:02:46] 已经来不及后悔

[00:02:48] 骨:

[00:02:48] Give me more

[00:02:48] Give me more

[00:02:49] Take my toy

[00:02:50] Take my soul

[00:02:51] 萧:

[00:02:51] 燃烧殆尽 心有余火

[00:02:53] 我想我可能着了魔

[00:02:55] 骨:

[00:02:55] Get it high

[00:02:56] Get it high

[00:02:56] Be someone

[00:02:57] Put on fire

[00:02:58] 萧:

[00:02:59] 意乱情迷 舞池正中

[00:03:00] 你我都再 别想逃脱

[00:03:02] 骨:

[00:03:02] Get it high

[00:03:03] Get it high

[00:03:04] Let us dance till we die

[00:03:05] 萧:

[00:03:06] 心跳在此 漏停一拍

[00:03:07] 不被诅咒 爱不痛快

[00:03:09] 骨:

[00:03:09] Get it high

[00:03:10] Get it high

[00:03:11] Let us dance till we die

[00:03:12] 萧:

[00:03:13] 销魂蚀骨 磨人夜晚

[00:03:14] 再多感慨 停不下来
