
[00:00:00] Armz - Sunspot Jonz
[00:00:01] //
[00:00:01] Yeah
[00:00:03] //
[00:00:03] That's right
[00:00:12] 没错
[00:00:12] I just died in your arms tonight
[00:00:16] 今夜 我玉损在你的臂弯
[00:00:16] Must have been something you said
[00:00:18] 定是因为你说过的话
[00:00:18] I just died in your arms tonight
[00:00:23] 今夜 我玉损在你的臂弯
[00:00:23] Inhale every breath
[00:00:24] 吸气 每次呼吸
[00:00:24] Like a second before your death
[00:00:25] 都如你离世前的那一秒
[00:00:25] Cause I love you to the end
[00:00:27] 因我爱你 直至生命终点
[00:00:27] And the spirit-world begins
[00:00:28] 精神世界之门打开
[00:00:28] Step into the other side
[00:00:30] 步入另一个世界
[00:00:30] Legendary do or die
[00:00:31] 如传说般 决一死战
[00:00:31] Suicide
[00:00:32] 自缢
[00:00:32] Who am I
[00:00:33] 我是谁
[00:00:33] Unless I take the devil's eye
[00:00:35] 除非我装上恶魔之眼
[00:00:35] I just died in your arms tonight
[00:00:38] 今夜 我玉损在你的臂弯
[00:00:38] Must have been something you said
[00:00:41] 定是因为你说过的话
[00:00:41] I just died in your arms tonight
[00:00:46] 今夜 我玉损在你的臂弯
[00:00:46] Listen to these words now
[00:00:47] 现在 听清了
[00:00:47] Listen these words shall
[00:00:48] 听好了
[00:00:48] Sunspot make it to the holy land Skird
[00:00:51] 太阳黑子让这圣地变得可怕
[00:00:51] Watch the road
[00:00:52] 看着路
[00:00:52] And every time you sold your soul
[00:00:54] 你每次出卖自己的灵魂
[00:00:54] Played yourself
[00:00:55] 愚弄自己
[00:00:55] Yo
[00:00:55] //
[00:00:55] When you didn't have to
[00:00:56] 那时你不必如此
[00:00:56] No
[00:00:57] 我不信
[00:00:57] I won't take that
[00:00:58] 像意大利热内那发生的
[00:00:58] Like a blow
[00:00:59] 一场爆炸
[00:00:59] In Genoa Italy
[00:01:00] 全球性的灾难
[00:01:00] Globalization woes
[00:01:02] 如果香蕉共和国执掌不健全的共和国
[00:01:02] If Banana Republic run your broken Republic
[00:01:04] 你还谈什么合作
[00:01:04] You suck corporate dick
[00:01:06] 慢性灭亡
[00:01:06] Slow death
[00:01:07] 剥削劳动力的工厂
[00:01:07] Sweatshops
[00:01:07] 政府降低最低工资标准
[00:01:07] The government lowers countries minimum wage
[00:01:09] 让企业落入他们的圈套
[00:01:09] To bait companies to their way
[00:01:11] 你又能有什么意见
[00:01:11] And what can you say
[00:01:12] 在你一天只有三美元过生活
[00:01:12] When you living off of three dollars a day
[00:01:14] 住在土屋里时
[00:01:14] In a house made of clay
[00:01:16] 我们用木偶扮演过家家
[00:01:16] We play house like stupid puppets
[00:01:18] 说点什么 让事情持续发展下去
[00:01:18] Say everything to push buttons the way
[00:01:20] 伴随爱而来的是杀戮感
[00:01:20] Love creates the feeling to slay
[00:01:22] 自己
[00:01:22] Oneself
[00:01:23] 愚弄自己
[00:01:23] Play oneself
[00:01:23] 不敢说我自己应付得来
[00:01:23] I can't say I dealt
[00:01:25] 我感觉很糟糕
[00:01:25] I felt like sh*t
[00:01:26] 我感觉很受挫
[00:01:26] I felt like hit
[00:01:27] 像子弹穿过身体
[00:01:27] Me with the bullet
[00:01:28] 带走了我的灵魂
[00:01:28] Take my spirit
[00:01:28] 拽离
[00:01:28] Pull it
[00:01:29] 我的身体
[00:01:29] Out my body
[00:01:29] 拽离
[00:01:29] Pull it
[00:01:30] 当着所有人的面
[00:01:30] Out in front of everybody
[00:01:31] 证明你的观点
[00:01:31] Prove your point
[00:01:32] 我无意识地在街上晃悠
[00:01:32] Unemotionally I walk the streets
[00:01:34] 直到永远
[00:01:34] Devoted to eternity
[00:01:35] 在这人心凉薄的世界
[00:01:35] In this broken society
[00:01:37] 破碎的慢性种子长在身体里
[00:01:37] Broken chronic w**d inside of me
[00:01:39] 和这股力量融合
[00:01:39] Has mixed this energy
[00:01:40] 强烈
[00:01:40] Intensity
[00:01:40] 无论何处 无可阻挡
[00:01:40] To where there's no stoppin' me
[00:01:42] 无可阻挡
[00:01:42] Stoppin' me
[00:01:43] 今夜 我玉损在你的臂弯
[00:01:43] I just died in your arms tonight
[00:01:47] 定是因为你说过的话
[00:01:47] Must have been something you said
[00:01:49] 今夜 我玉损在你的臂弯
[00:01:49] I just died in your arms tonight
[00:01:54] 这是为了弥补我们错失的光阴
[00:01:54] This is for the times that we lost
[00:01:58] 因为我们共同生活在此
[00:01:58] Cause we all live here
[00:02:00] 错失
[00:02:00] Lost
[00:02:01] 我们错失的光阴
[00:02:01] This is the times that we lost
[00:02:03] 因为我们共同生活在此
[00:02:03] Cause we all live here
[00:02:05] 错失
[00:02:05] Lost
[00:02:06] 今夜 我玉损在你的臂弯
[00:02:06] I just died in your arms tonight
[00:02:10] 定是因为你说过的话
[00:02:10] Must have been something you said
[00:02:12] 今夜 我玉损在你的臂弯
[00:02:12] I just died in your arms tonight
[00:02:16] 像想念嘻哈乐一样 我想你
[00:02:16] I miss you like I miss d**e hip-hop
[00:02:18] 音乐停止 思念变浅
[00:02:18] It just stopped and got all diluted
[00:02:20] 缠绕回旋
[00:02:20] Convoluted
[00:02:21] 无根无基
[00:02:21] Unrooted
[00:02:22] 所以为了新生活奋斗不息
[00:02:22] So the resistance fights for hopes the new day
[00:02:25] 新道路让空谈者害怕
[00:02:25] New ways to freak the speak who lays
[00:02:26] 用抒情乐这托盘
[00:02:26] Lyrical food trays
[00:02:27] 喂养人类 发展文化
[00:02:27] Feed the people the culture
[00:02:29] 可耻的偷猎者
[00:02:29] Seed the feeble poachers
[00:02:30] 我的大脑像象牙一样洁白宝贵
[00:02:30] My brains like ivory
[00:02:32] 我的精神被麻痹
[00:02:32] My Novocain mentality
[00:02:33] 无数狂欢的夜
[00:02:33] Too many nights on Ecstasy
[00:02:35] 难以看见什么是美
[00:02:35] It's so hard to see
[00:02:36] 那时我不是我
[00:02:36] Beauty when it's not me
[00:02:37] 兴奋如他
[00:02:37] Adrenelaine like he
[00:02:39] 痛苦似我
[00:02:39] Pain up in me
[00:02:40] 愤怒让我不用做那些你想让我在电视里做的表演
[00:02:40] Anger helps me free what they try to do to me on TV
[00:02:43] 让我学会社交
[00:02:43] Playing me socially
[00:02:44] 克服我们的恐惧
[00:02:44] Scared of we
[00:02:45] 跳出刻板模式的生活 今夜魅力四射
[00:02:45] Living out a stereotype and glamour tonight
[00:02:48] 我要成为
[00:02:48] I'mma be
[00:02:49] 你永远都无法企及的人
[00:02:49] What you could never be
[00:02:50] 我要让你看见
[00:02:50] I'mma let you see
[00:02:52] 你以为永远不会发生的事情
[00:02:52] What you thought you could never see
[00:02:53] 我会变成你害怕的样子
[00:02:53] I be who the f**k I am when you scared to be
[00:02:56] 充满原始野生的样子
[00:02:56] Within originality
[00:02:57] 患上强迫症
[00:02:57] While suckas O.D
[00:02:58] 还变成穷光蛋
[00:02:58] And become a broke-a** O.G
[00:03:00] 你想恶心我
[00:03:00] You try to f**k me
[00:03:01] 就像2008年奥运会那样
[00:03:01] Like the 2008 Olympics
[00:03:03] 西藏也没有独立
[00:03:03] And Tibet ain't free
[00:03:04] 你想要的不是我
[00:03:04] You ain't looking out for me
[00:03:05] 你只是生性贪婪
[00:03:05] You looking out for greed
[00:03:06] 在你注意到我们之前
[00:03:06] So until your a** see
[00:03:08] 我们发起变革
[00:03:08] We revolutionary
[00:03:09] 我们取得成功前 让计划顺利展开 不要进行得太坎坷
[00:03:09] As we step in the store keep it running and don't you dumb-a** be scary
[00:03:15] 今夜 我玉损在你的臂弯
[00:03:15] I just died in your arms tonight
[00:03:18] 定是因为你说过的话
[00:03:18] Must have been something you said
[00:03:21] 今夜 我玉损在你的臂弯
[00:03:21] I just died in your arms tonight
[00:03:27] 这是为了弥补我们错失的光阴
[00:03:27] This is for the times that we lost
[00:03:29] 因为我们共同生活在此
[00:03:29] Cause we all live here
[00:03:31] 错失
[00:03:31] Lost
[00:03:32] 我们错失的光阴
[00:03:32] This is the times that we lost
[00:03:35] 因为我们共同生活在此
[00:03:35] Cause we all live here
[00:03:37] 错失
[00:03:37] Lost
[00:03:38] //
[00:03:38] Hey
[00:03:39] //
[00:03:39] Hey
[00:03:47] 所以
[00:03:47] So
[00:03:50] 我想这就是永别了吧
[00:03:50] I guess this is goodbye huh
[00:03:54] 原谅我
[00:03:54] I want you to forgive me
[00:03:56] 为什么要原谅
[00:03:56] For what
[00:04:01] 为如今的一切
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- Blue Moon [Elvis Presley]
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- Everyday We Lit(feat. PnB Rock)(DJ Ruckus Remix) [YFN Lucci]
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- Joy(Sonny Fodera Deep Mix) [Janet Rushmore]
- 恶灵附身 [乐正绫]
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- 六字大明咒 [慧普法师]
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