

所属专辑: 另一角落 歌手: 灵伟 时长: 24:30

[00:00:00] 本字幕由天琴实验室独家AI技术生成

[00:00:00] 夜空中微风吹过

[00:00:04] 灯火阑珊去

[00:00:06] 曾四刚好为自己所思所想

[00:00:22] 在夜梦中等你


[00:00:34] 呜呜呜呜

[00:00:38] 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊

[00:01:06] C me in your city you can pretty m shining 刀fresh air once and my da je mis black you white boxes we want change 呗

[00:01:26] Came in the game we made r el a ****in cell myself not only my ou sly and looking na Lao Gong summer here we own I can tell you what good I can tell you re we are looking to are alike does with my dogs you problem see me on the street you know make an icy girls in their summer clothes I see boys a thing goes c bet at my show speaking on a way to tonight you running 喽喽勾也迷茫

[00:02:27] Actually watched the sou red down the window let them hate snow baby the wind row and let them know a nice girl with a nice dream in my work I en te come with me and tall er dots here you go my world in sincere 的哈

[00:03:05] Well you liked French o Li Lao a b everything you could be everything

[00:03:34] 中国的歌词

[00:03:36] 你不会唱

[00:03:37] 只路过

[00:03:42] 用这种方式处理处理之后

[00:03:44] 我立即感受到这种梦幻般的清纯洁净

[00:03:53] Dont worry c we dont hurry no way baby I should spoke when a BRI Li Wen de berry 的crowd sour a wind a BRI and I know one and a ga te n ur e lo my CAS te ty baby 搜I dont Les the devil in when you burn in mi

[00:04:38] JJ

[00:04:43] 马赖着不走high summer 差不多十月中旬赏春天哈over may or make a player in a city of narrow people that players five times a day or hot cakes it time to y u den he came from a family of plenty brothers showed him there groups of my life in his job next week at it to a new leaf is fighting overseas make peace for his family

[00:05:21] To my great season eight when private seaside or ready to him a great so he said he is good by the way said he never told lies class to survive me you re looking glass in black and brown hand family a questions ready for all that she was only ninety plenty dreams share have used a yung black queen

[00:05:48] Bringing a shame to her family imagine does he goto over To Give breath in a major various time To Be no one gives a caused by your immigrants from delivering their only you re EST ro mani

[00:08:21] A sight for guidance to kindle a hound a glory let me your eyes let me tell you my story in place began a morning every time want to think like my accent like I Du 的非洲、非洲、英国发明可以转手非洲、及打一个单孔以及African Bo Li ti w 4个大写字母是首歌的平凡当中


[00:09:07] 应该用四个地方来作为正确的评选

[00:09:22] Liu Du lat robe and rub bed life



[00:09:47] Wakeup stand of Africa goodman suburbs

[00:09:54] 多么多么撸吧

[00:09:57] 撸啊撸吧

[00:10:01] 喔撸一民企makes your bed

[00:10:08] 一名知名的嘛

[00:10:17] 也分不懂

[00:10:20] 每晚为主啊

[00:10:21] 冷也没想着一天哟

[00:10:32] 你们班不忧悲

[00:10:37] Breathe again it could be my game in a game I figured him again


[00:10:53] 哦哦

[00:11:46] 追梦有谁在非洲元素啊

[00:12:03] 元素所谓经典的来自非洲业务方面的前辈

[00:12:15] I know I know f ric a f ric a 忍不住啊

[00:12:42] A v k ga Tory money

[00:12:51] Lights tar that is what you are

[00:12:57] Every well built on here a fairy

[00:13:03] You Dan v ers or write

[00:13:09] Office girl SAR looking for trouble we came home every night

[00:13:21] I dont wanna where you are so low prices are my leaves from 嘞

[00:13:33] I dont wanna you your Dis approval classroom

[00:13:45] I see a Lu mi um you dont have to


[00:14:19] In my hearts do maine

[00:14:24] I bet you gotta know are out of his hand

[00:14:30] She give mea


[00:14:37] Sight wanna wear Euro sis and Mei Li Wen a cro I dont wanna you introduce your Dis approval of classroom

[00:15:00] 傻兮兮的Lu mi I si a Lu 么you dont ask Terry

[00:15:27] 夜空中

[00:15:29] 微风吹过

[00:15:30] 吹过

[00:15:31] 波澜散去

[00:15:33] 心思刚好刚好

[00:15:53] 在夜幕中

[00:16:14] C wa ze wa Li be sway

[00:16:38] I m losing track why and today

[00:16:45] Now living in the mi lt a ry

[00:16:58] 哪怕c lt fo

[00:17:09] 一旦碎了的眼光看世界啊

[00:17:30] Hats and cars and you

[00:17:33] 傻的为你

[00:17:42] 你猜的C

[00:17:54] 它的碎的那种产品呢

[00:18:01] 准备正式房子

[00:18:02] 又回到十月中的时候

[00:18:05] 只有一种新的一匹枣红

[00:18:17] Scare 思念

[00:18:41] 华凌华啊当中的这个过程当中的麦克斯负责再做另外两张一批里多

[00:19:08] 其包括有伦敦铜卖绿成几截

[00:19:12] 掉一边去执着

[00:19:16] 你现在是用什么

[00:19:19] 知识立刻走英伦新歌

[00:19:22] 根据英国when your own Tom

[00:19:31] Someone to train where and why

[00:19:37] Somewhere in a lottery I my song

[00:19:43] I can hear you asking me why

[00:19:49] YI


[00:20:00] 唱me can you hear me I m Colin

[00:20:06] Only you can hear me dont cry


[00:20:12] 想你再去na til lo Li

[00:20:17] Somewhere in de train where and y

[00:20:22] I waited nor fear when you are a Mori I waited for you where you are a maury


[00:21:10] Somewhere in the class roads of nowhere

[00:21:16] And where at the crossroads of line

[00:21:21] Well apart amen 丧

[00:21:27] I can hear you asking me y


[00:21:38] 哇喔哎

[00:21:43] No u ra Mori I love you you I 么

[00:22:01] I know you are you 啊

[00:22:13] 推出的新产品

[00:22:14] 所以我这种新产品呢

[00:22:20] 其实中国的遗忘的购汇返程

[00:22:28] 本菱格a new York times

[00:22:36] Somewhere in between where and why

[00:22:42] Somewhere in other

[00:22:44] 太慢伤

[00:22:48] I can hear you asking me why

[00:23:06] 照片当中大家手放出来的生活

[00:23:13] 包括大家熟悉王菲都翻唱过中国各支的霜


[00:23:27] 全新的产品

[00:23:28] 商品有食品呢

[00:23:29] 就会将上述提到你的作品13 首经典构筑了重新翻唱

[00:23:36] 全部得用科学的方式去引入

[00:23:54] 想动了

[00:23:56] 可以出道一周年

[00:24:12] 一盏灯

[00:24:14] 一个人举起
