
《This Is the New Year》歌词

This Is the New Year

[00:00:00] This Is the New Year - A Great Big World

[00:00:09] 有一年你做了个承诺

[00:00:09] Another year you made a promise

[00:00:12] 有次机会来扭转一切

[00:00:12] Another chance to turn it all around

[00:00:17] 不要留到明天再做

[00:00:17] And do not save this for tomorrow

[00:00:21] 拥抱过去,活在当下

[00:00:21] Embrace the past and you can live for now

[00:00:25] 我会把世界赠与你

[00:00:25] And I will give the world to you

[00:00:40] 大声说出来

[00:00:40] Speak louder than the words before you

[00:00:43] 赋予它们没人发现的意义

[00:00:43] And give them meaning no one else has found

[00:00:47] 我们扮演的角色如此重要

[00:00:47] The role we play is so important

[00:00:51] 我们是来自地下的声音

[00:00:51] We are the voices of the underground

[00:00:56] 我会把世界赠与你

[00:00:56] And I would give the world to you

[00:01:09] 把你一直想要的东西说出来

[00:01:09] Say everything you've always wanted

[00:01:13] 不要为自己的真实身份担心

[00:01:13] Be not afraid of who you really are

[00:01:18] 因为最后我们还拥有彼此

[00:01:18] Cause in the end we have each other

[00:01:22] 而这就是最后我们活着的目的

[00:01:22] And that's at least one thing worth living for

[00:01:27] 我会把世界赠与你

[00:01:27] And I would give the world to you

[00:01:40] 无数的阳光照耀着我

[00:01:40] A million suns that shine upon me

[00:01:43] 无数的眼睛中你的最明亮

[00:01:43] A million eyes you are the brightest blue

[00:01:48] 让我们推翻分开我们的那堵墙

[00:01:48] Lets tear the walls down that divide us

[00:01:52] 并且为我们建立一个足够稳固的雕像

[00:01:52] And build a statue strong enough for two

[00:01:57] 我把它交还给你

[00:01:57] I pass it back to you

[00:02:03] 我会等你

[00:02:03] And I will wait for you

[00:02:09] 因为我赠与这个世界

[00:02:09] Cause I would give the world

[00:02:14] 我将赠与这个世界

[00:02:14] And I would give the world

[00:02:19] 我会把世界赠与你

[00:02:19] And I would give the world to you

[00:02:44] 这是新的一年

[00:02:44] This is the new year

[00:02:47] 一个新的开始

[00:02:47] A new beginning

[00:02:49] 你做出一个承诺

[00:02:49] You made a promise

[00:02:51] 你是最闪亮的

[00:02:51] You are the brightest

[00:02:54] 我们就是声音

[00:02:54] We are the voices

[00:02:56] 这是新的一年

[00:02:56] This is the new year

[00:02:58] 我们就是声音

[00:02:58] We are the voices

[00:03:03] 这是新的一年