《The Love Song》歌词

[00:00:00] The Love Song (爱之歌) - Blazin Squad
[00:00:07] //
[00:00:07] Of all the clubs in all the
[00:00:08] 在这个城镇里
[00:00:08] Towns
[00:00:08] 所有的俱乐部中
[00:00:08] You had to walk in
[00:00:09] 你一定要选择
[00:00:09] Mine
[00:00:10] 我所在这一家
[00:00:10] Of all of the girls in all the
[00:00:12] 整个俱乐部里
[00:00:12] Clubs
[00:00:12] 所有的女孩中
[00:00:12] You had to look so fine
[00:00:13] 你一定看起来格外出众
[00:00:13] Of all the sets on all the decks
[00:00:15] 整个平台里所有的设施
[00:00:15] You
[00:00:15] 你一定会为之不停尖叫
[00:00:15] Had to scream rewind
[00:00:17] 很高兴能在此刻找到你 我的女孩
[00:00:17] I'm so glad that I found you girl now
[00:00:19] 女孩 由你决定了
[00:00:19] Lady it's your time
[00:00:20] 我找到了这个女孩 她已深深抓住了我的心
[00:00:20] I've got this girl and she's got hold of me
[00:00:24] 我猜自己爱上了她 不想放她离开
[00:00:24] I think I love her don't want to be free
[00:00:27] 试着告诉她这一切
[00:00:27] Try to tell her
[00:00:28] 但是为何她却不知道这个事实
[00:00:28] But why can't she see
[00:00:30] 我很适合她
[00:00:30] That I'm made for her and that
[00:00:31] 她也很适合我
[00:00:31] She made for me
[00:00:34] 我试着打电话给她 但她没有应答
[00:00:34] I try to call her she doen't reply
[00:00:37] 我想知道这些问题的答案
[00:00:37] All these questions I want to know why
[00:00:40] 只求这些答案
[00:00:40] All these reasons just please
[00:00:42] 能够证实我内心的想法
[00:00:42] Justify all these feelings inside
[00:00:45] 我知道无法隐藏
[00:00:45] I know I can not hide
[00:00:47] 他们把我拘留
[00:00:47] When they lock me up in a station
[00:00:49] 你焦急等待 等我获释
[00:00:49] You wait till I got probation
[00:00:50] 毫不犹豫交了保释金
[00:00:50] Paid bail with no hesitation
[00:00:52] 我们毫无烦恼地打打闹闹
[00:00:52] We fought but no vexation
[00:00:54] 距离对于我们并不是问题
[00:00:54] Distings not all penetration
[00:00:55] 许久没见却并未焦虑不安
[00:00:55] Long time but no agitation
[00:00:57] 你不认为我会这么做吗
[00:00:57] Wouldn't think I'd be in this situation
[00:00:59] 不认为我们是完美伴侣吗
[00:00:59] Me and you perfect formation
[00:01:00] 从此不愿看见你哭泣
[00:01:00] Now I never wanna see you
[00:01:01] 一直想看见你微笑
[00:01:01] Cry always wanna see you
[00:01:01] 不愿看见你失望
[00:01:01] Smile never gonna let you
[00:01:02] 我会一直在你身边
[00:01:02] Down always gonna be
[00:01:03] 我的女孩 你使我的世界不停转动
[00:01:03] Around girl you make my
[00:01:04] 来吧 宝贝
[00:01:04] World go round come on
[00:01:05] 你是我的
[00:01:05] Baby you be mine never seen
[00:01:05] 你是我从未见过的完美女孩
[00:01:05] You look so fine come on
[00:01:06] 宝贝 现在时间属于我们
[00:01:06] Baby we got time
[00:01:07] 我知道我们属于彼此
[00:01:07] I know we belong together
[00:01:09] 或许你会成为我的爱人
[00:01:09] Maybe you could be my lover
[00:01:10] 我知道我们会永远在一起
[00:01:10] I know we could last forever
[00:01:12] 来吧宝贝 我会对你承诺
[00:01:12] Come on baby let me show ya
[00:01:13] 我爱你 无论你说什么
[00:01:13] I love you what you gonna
[00:01:16] 无论你做什么
[00:01:16] Say what you gonna do
[00:01:17] 我爱你 我会在你身边
[00:01:17] I love you I wanna be there
[00:01:19] 我想拥你入怀 因为我爱你
[00:01:19] I wanna hold you I love you
[00:01:22] 我想看见你的微笑
[00:01:22] I wanna see you smile I wanna
[00:01:23] 我想亲吻你 因为我爱你
[00:01:23] Kiss you I love you it's been
[00:01:26] 自从遇见你 就已深深被你吸引
[00:01:26] Your time since I met you
[00:01:34] 我心受伤 那是因为你
[00:01:34] My hearts broken and it's coz of you
[00:01:37] 你总是在考虑 不知所措
[00:01:37] Comtemplating don't know what to do
[00:01:40] 这种情形令我难以承受
[00:01:40] Situation I cannot pass
[00:01:43] 但我不会改变我的想法
[00:01:43] Through and I won't change
[00:01:45] 因为我一向果敢坚决
[00:01:45] My mind cos I'm so resolute
[00:01:47] 漫长的等待令我失望沮丧
[00:01:47] All this waiting is getting me down
[00:01:50] 想与你相爱 想和你生活
[00:01:50] Love or life it is you I have found
[00:01:54] 我头晕目眩 想了又想
[00:01:54] My head spinning it goes round and
[00:01:56] 所以请允许我告诉你
[00:01:56] Round so please let me tell ya
[00:01:58] 你只需静静聆听
[00:01:58] Just don't make a sound
[00:02:00] 我的女孩 现在你是否明白我的内心
[00:02:00] Girl it's your time to understand
[00:02:02] 你愿意我成为你的另一半吗
[00:02:02] Do you want me to be your
[00:02:03] 你还记得这一切怎么发生的吗
[00:02:03] Man do you remember how
[00:02:04] 永远厮守是否也是你的人生计划
[00:02:04] This began together forever
[00:02:05] 随着时间流逝
[00:02:05] Was the plan as time went on
[00:02:07] 我们日渐成熟
[00:02:07] And time over ran we grew
[00:02:09] 我们携手
[00:02:09] Stronger we went hand in
[00:02:10] 度过所有时光
[00:02:10] Hand through all the past but
[00:02:11] 但仍然怀抱希望 想进一步将我们的爱扩展
[00:02:11] Still we stand take it further let our love expand
[00:02:14] 我的女孩 从一开始我就知道
[00:02:14] Girl I knew it from the start
[00:02:15] 我们永不会分离
[00:02:15] Never gonna be apart
[00:02:15] 你内心是否依然炽热
[00:02:15] Do you have a blazing heart
[00:02:16] 来陪我跳完最后一支舞
[00:02:16] Gonna save the last dance
[00:02:17] 永远不会遥远
[00:02:17] Never gonna be far
[00:02:18] 你还记得飙车的快感吗
[00:02:18] Do you remember fast car
[00:02:18] 我记得当时你笑了
[00:02:18] I remember when you
[00:02:19] 你会吗
[00:02:19] Laughed do you have to
[00:02:20] 跟我上路吧
[00:02:20] Take the path
[00:02:21] 我知道我们属于彼此
[00:02:21] I know we belong together
[00:02:22] 或许你会成为我的爱人
[00:02:22] Maybe you could be my lover
[00:02:24] 我知道我们会永远在一起
[00:02:24] I know we could last forever
[00:02:25] 来吧宝贝 我会向你承诺
[00:02:25] Come on baby let me show ya
[00:02:27] 我爱你 无论你说什么
[00:02:27] I love you what you gonna
[00:02:29] 无论你做什么
[00:02:29] Say what you gonna do
[00:02:30] 我爱你 我会在你身边
[00:02:30] I love you I wanna be there
[00:02:33] 我想拥你入怀 因为我爱你
[00:02:33] I wanna hold you I love you
[00:02:35] 我想看见你微笑 我想亲吻你
[00:02:35] I wanna see you smile I wanna kiss you
[00:02:38] 因为我爱你
[00:02:38] I love you
[00:02:39] 自从遇见你 就已深深被你吸引
[00:02:39] It's been your time since I met you
[00:02:44] 女孩 你对我意义非凡
[00:02:44] Girl you mean so much to me
[00:02:45] 我知道我们就是命中注定的一对
[00:02:45] I know we are just ment to
[00:02:46] 事实就是如此
[00:02:46] Be things like this are factual
[00:02:48] 因为这份爱对我来说自然纯粹
[00:02:48] Cause this love I've got is natural
[00:02:50] 我的女孩 为何你总令我困惑
[00:02:50] So girl why you blank me
[00:02:51] 每次看见你
[00:02:51] Every time I see ya but ya still
[00:02:53] 你都戴着我买给你的那条黄金钻石首饰
[00:02:53] Wear the ice gold tings that
[00:02:53] 总是
[00:02:53] I bought ya on my phone
[00:02:54] 打不通你的电话
[00:02:54] Missed calls say your
[00:02:55] 我只有等待
[00:02:55] Number but wait the story
[00:02:56] 打了多次 从无应答
[00:02:56] Gets deeper never answer
[00:02:57] 每次打给你
[00:02:57] Calls when I ring ya always get
[00:02:58] 总是收到相同的短信
[00:02:58] The same old text saying
[00:02:59] 说实话 既然我爱你
[00:02:59] Strider I love ya tell the truth
[00:03:01] 就不应斤斤计较
[00:03:01] And stop being a hater
[00:03:02] 或许我的女孩 我该相信你
[00:03:02] Then maybe girl i'll believe ya
[00:03:04] 我知道我们属于彼此
[00:03:04] I know we belong together
[00:03:05] 或许你会成为我的爱人
[00:03:05] Maybe you could be my lover
[00:03:07] 我知道我们会永远在一起
[00:03:07] I know we could last forever
[00:03:09] 来吧宝贝 我会向你承诺
[00:03:09] Come on baby let me show ya
[00:03:10] 我爱你 无论你说什么
[00:03:10] I love you what you gonna
[00:03:12] 无论你做什么
[00:03:12] Say what you gonna do
[00:03:14] 我爱你 我会在你身边
[00:03:14] I love you I wanna be there
[00:03:16] 我想拥你入怀 因为我爱你
[00:03:16] I wanna hold you I love you
[00:03:19] 我想看见你的微笑
[00:03:19] I wanna see you smile I wanna
[00:03:20] 我想亲吻你 因为我爱你
[00:03:20] Kiss you I love you it's been
[00:03:22] 自从遇见你 就已深深被你吸引
[00:03:22] Your time since I met you
[00:03:23] 整个城镇所有的俱乐部中
[00:03:23] Of all the clubs in all the towns
[00:03:25] 你一定会走进我所在的这家
[00:03:25] You had to walk in mine
[00:03:26] 整个俱乐部所有的女孩中
[00:03:26] Of all the girls in all the clubs
[00:03:28] 你一定看起来格外出众
[00:03:28] You had to look so fine
[00:03:30] 整个平台里所有的设施
[00:03:30] Of all the sets on all the decks
[00:03:32] 你一定会为之不停尖叫
[00:03:32] You had to scream rewind
[00:03:33] 很高兴能在此刻找到你 我的女孩
[00:03:33] I'm so glad that I found you
[00:03:35] 我的女孩 现在由你决定了
[00:03:35] Girl now lady it's your time
[00:03:37] 整个城镇所有的俱乐部中
[00:03:37] Of all the clubs in all the towns
[00:03:38] 你一定会走进我所在的这家
[00:03:38] You had to walk in mine
[00:03:40] 整个俱乐部所有的女孩中
[00:03:40] Of all the girls in all the clubs
[00:03:41] 你一定看起来格外出众
[00:03:41] You had to look so fine
[00:03:43] 整个平台里所有的设施
[00:03:43] Of all the sets on all the decks
[00:03:45] 你一定会为之不停尖叫
[00:03:45] You had to scream rewind
[00:03:47] 很高兴能在此刻找到你
[00:03:47] I'm so glad that I found you
[00:03:48] 我的女孩 现在由你决定了
[00:03:48] Girl now lady it's your time
[00:03:50] 整个城镇所有的俱乐部中
[00:03:50] Of all the clubs in all the towns
[00:03:52] 你一定会走进我所在的这家
[00:03:52] You had to walk in mine
[00:03:53] 整个俱乐部所有的女孩中
[00:03:53] Of all the girls in all the clubs
[00:03:58] 你一定看起来格外出众
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