

所属专辑: 歌手: Up Gang 时长: 04:32

[00:00:00] 自然 - Up Gang (上帮)

[00:00:25] So Let me breathe

[00:00:28] In the green

[00:00:31] Drive away the cold oh oh

[00:00:33] Forget about the shadow shadow shadow

[00:00:36] Cmon fill my dream let it rain

[00:00:42] Girl do you want a photo

[00:00:44] Before you go give my hand to

[00:00:46] You can still hold

[00:00:48] Wait for the moonlight

[00:00:50] Then I close my eyes

[00:00:54] 水 空气 山脉 河流 海洋 地球

[00:01:01] 吸进一口是呈深灰色的风

[00:01:03] 当我蜷缩在冰川 头埋下土地

[00:01:06] 是谁 掏出了不该掏的武器

[00:01:09] 这时你的勇气它又在哪儿

[00:01:11] 好似你的双眼蒙住了你的胆儿

[00:01:14] 狂风吹起了黄沙遮天

[00:01:16] 星辰日月再一次换了人间

[00:01:19] 是否早已坠入无边的深渊

[00:01:21] 何时才有花开的来年春天

[00:01:24] 在我身边 oh天 没人再爱着她

[00:01:28] 身体渗出的鲜血像开的花

[00:01:30] 独自盛开在荒凉的撒哈拉

[00:01:33] 她在哭泣你听听到了吗

[00:01:36] So Let me breathe

[00:01:38] In the green

[00:01:40] Drive away the cold oh oh

[00:01:43] Forget about the shadow shadow shadow

[00:01:46] C’mon fill my dream let it rain

[00:01:51] Girl do you want a photo

[00:01:52] Before you go give my hand to

[00:01:55] You can still hold

[00:01:57] Wait for the moonlight

[00:02:00] Then I close my eyes

[00:02:03] 看绿色的大地 清新的空气

[00:02:05] 无私的孕育着 璀璨的生命

[00:02:07] 当阳光不在 乌云遮盖

[00:02:10] 美好的生活也将变得无赖

[00:02:13] 肆意的浪费着早已年迈的它

[00:02:15] 一心想着逃离这个地方

[00:02:17] 早已不能叫做家

[00:02:18] 种种恶行一刀一刀刺痛她

[00:02:20] 人类何时才会到注意

[00:02:22] 满身伤痕却又无私的她

[00:02:24] 一字又一字 一次又一次

[00:02:26] 提起笔是为了勾勒那副眼睛和鼻子

[00:02:29] 为了挣脱枷锁敲碎那副多余的形式

[00:02:31] 闲云野鹤行走江湖自在是我的名字

[00:02:34] 不知 河里 白色的 涟漪

[00:02:37] 不知 远方那是谁的田梯

[00:02:39] 不知 云何时能够把那山给萦绕

[00:02:42] 就像我 永远都 不知你

[00:02:45] So Let me breathe

[00:02:47] In the green

[00:02:50] Drive away the cold oh oh

[00:02:52] Forget about the shadow shadow shadow

[00:02:55] Cmon fill my dream let it rain

[00:03:00] Girl do you want a photo

[00:03:02] Before you go give my hand to

[00:03:05] You can still hold

[00:03:06] Wait for the moonlight

[00:03:09] Then I close my eyes

[00:03:12] 我曾经穿过 那里 被植物包围

[00:03:14] 我曾经穿过 那里 被动物包围

[00:03:17] 他们都告诉我的森林逐渐消退

[00:03:20] 这就是人类对自然造成的消费

[00:03:22] You know it 砍树砍得很过瘾

[00:03:24] 当人们患上病 开始破坏自然环境

[00:03:27] 于是我望着那一望

[00:03:28] 无垠的草原我庆幸

[00:03:30] 最美丽的风景没被打破的宁静

[00:03:33] 抓紧 我 的手 你不会流眼泪

[00:03:35] 跟 我 走 去享受大自然的给予

[00:03:38] 再给我 4 minutes 4 minutes

[00:03:40] I got 99 problem's to solving

[00:03:43] So Let me breathe

[00:03:46] In the green

[00:03:48] Drive away the cold oh oh

[00:03:51] Forget about the shadow shadow shadow

[00:03:54] Cmon fill my dream let it rain

[00:03:59] Girl do you want a photo

[00:04:01] Before you go give my hand to

[00:04:03] You can still hold

[00:04:05] Wait for the moonlight

[00:04:08] Then I close my eyes
