
《Le Père Magloire》歌词

所属专辑: Mlah 歌手: Les Négresses Vertes 时长: 02:59
Le Père Magloire

[00:02:59] Idiot, fou, epileptique Idiot, fool, epileptic

[00:02:59] Grand-pere Magloire Grandpa Myglory

[00:02:59] Ne suce pas de l'eau qui pique doesn't suck the water that stings

[00:02:59] Le Perrier lui file des aigreurs Perrier gives him heartburn

[00:02:59] Grand-pere Magloire a mal au coeur Grandpa Myglory is sick at heart

[00:02:59] C'est ainsi qu'il perd la raison It's thus that he loses reason

[00:02:59] Quand grand-pere arrete de boire When grandpa stops drinking

[00:02:59] Ce cochon se transforme This bastard turns into an

[00:02:59] en vieux con an old asshole

[00:02:59] Non, non grand-pere No, no grandpa

[00:02:59] Ne t'mets pas en colere Don't get angry

[00:02:59] Bois un canon, Drink a cannon

[00:02:59] Dans le fond t'as p'tet raison. At the bottom you're maybe right.

[00:02:59] L'eau t'rend fada, Water makes you barmy

[00:02:59] Grincheux et pas sympa, grumpy and not nice

[00:02:59] Mais tu radotes But you talk a load of drivel

[00:02:59] Quand tu pisses dans tes bottes. When you piss in your boots.

[00:02:59] Idiot, fou, epileptique, Idiot, fool, epileptic

[00:02:59] Grand-pere Magloire Grandpa Myglory

[00:02:59] Si il touche a la badouwa If he touches the sparkling water

[00:02:59] Le grand-pere Magloire a mal au foie Grandpa is sick in the liver

[00:02:59] C'est ainsi qu'il deraisonne It's thus that he loses reason

[00:02:59] Quand grand-pere stoppe de cuver When grandpa's off the wine

[00:02:59] Il ne r'connait plus personne He no longer recognizes anyone

[00:02:59] Et c'est bubonne qu'il bastonne It's the wifey that he starts hitting

[00:02:59] Non, non grand-pere No, no grandpa

[00:02:59] Ne t'mets pas en colere Don't get angry

[00:02:59] Bois un canon, Drink a cannon,

[00:02:59] Dans le fond t'as p'tet raison. At the bottom you're maybe right.

[00:02:59] L'eau t'rend fada, Water makes you barmy

[00:02:59] Grincheux et pas sympa, grumpy and not nice

[00:02:59] Mais tu radotes But you talk a load of drivel

[00:02:59] Quand tu pisses dans tes bottes. When you piss in your boots.

[00:02:59] Idiot, fou, epileptique Idiot, fool, epileptic

[00:02:59] Grand-pere Magloire Grandpa Myglory

[00:02:59] A un medecin pas catholique has a weird doctor

[00:02:59] Qui lui ordonne du valium who puts him on Valium

[00:02:59] Grand-pere Magloire n'est plus Grandpa Myglory is no longer

[00:02:59] un homme a man

[00:02:59] Mais v'la l'Beaujolpif nouveau But look, some cheap wine

[00:02:59] Grand-pere craque et boit un verre Grandpa cracks and drinks a glass

[00:02:59] On l'fout en maison de repos Off he goes to a convalescent home

[00:02:59] Les psychiatres lui font la peau The psychiatrists get his ass

[00:02:59] Non, non grand-pere No, no grandpa

[00:02:59] Ne t'mets pas en colere Don't get angry

[00:02:59] Bois un canon, Drink a cannon,

[00:02:59] Dans le fond t'as p'tet raison. At the bottom you're maybe right.

[00:02:59] L'eau t'rend fada, Water makes you barmy

[00:02:59] Grincheux et pas sympa, grumpy and not nice

[00:02:59] Mais tu radotes But you talk a load of drivel

[00:02:59] Quand tu pisses dans tes bottes. When you piss in your boots.

[00:02:59] Idiot, fou, epileptique, Idiot, fool, epileptic

[00:02:59] Pov'grand-pere, Poor grandpa

[00:02:59] La loi est meurtriere The law is a murderer

[00:02:59] J'leve mon canon I raise my cannon

[00:02:59] A toi et mort aux cons. to you and death to the bastards.

[00:02:59] Vive la java Long live the java waltz

[00:02:59] Et les blouses blanches basta And the white coats basta

[00:02:59] Et l'on radote, And one prattles on

[00:02:59] En chialant un vieux pote, while blubbering an old jar

[00:02:59] Idiot, fou, epileptique. Idiot, fool, epileptic.