

所属专辑: 有梦就很好了 歌手: SiS乐印姐妹 时长: 03:31

[00:00:00] 520 - SiS乐印姐妹

[00:00:00] 词:骆胤鸣

[00:00:00] 曲:骆胤鸣

[00:00:15] 每次我揸起支笔

[00:00:17] 就好似饮左廿四味

[00:00:18] 谂唔起 谂唔起

[00:00:20] 点样摷返啲灵感出嚟

[00:00:21] 明明我温紧中史世史

[00:00:23] 毛泽东 马克思

[00:00:24] 讲起呢啲政治 发现好多暗示

[00:00:27] 个脑出现一堆数字

[00:00:28] 究竟系边个赋予呢啲数字一种意义

[00:00:32] 唔好再同我讲历史

[00:00:33] 我只系想知

[00:00:34] 你个短信里面打嘅1314

[00:00:37] 系咪暗藏含意

[00:00:39] 你嘅“钟意 钟意”

[00:00:41] 打乱我啲思绪

[00:00:42] 我听日就要考试喇

[00:00:43] 算啦 豪畀佢

[00:00:45] 你话“Baby Baby”

[00:00:47] 边个畀你扮Justin Bieber架

[00:00:49] 但我暗自陶醉

[00:00:52] 爱情唔系数学

[00:00:53] 学校唔教考试唔考

[00:00:55] 讲真丫

[00:00:55] 就算我识得马克思爱因斯坦

[00:00:57] 但系Cool魔同埋Sam哥

[00:00:59] 我又应该点拣

[00:01:00] 你啲达文西摩斯密码

[00:01:02] 有时都几烦

[00:01:03] Five four three to zero, zero

[00:01:06] Five four three to zero

[00:01:09] Five four three to zero, zero

[00:01:13] Five four three to zero

[00:01:15] 你话暗恋咗我好耐

[00:01:17] 但我哋识得个几月

[00:01:18] 爱情呃嚟呃去我明

[00:01:19] 都唔洗去到咁绝

[00:01:21] 更何况我唔系千颂伊

[00:01:23] 你又唔系都敏俊

[00:01:24] 其实唔系个个都需要CHOK住咁证实爱情

[00:01:27] 就好似返工都会迟到

[00:01:29] 爱情要等运到

[00:01:30] 我点名果阵你报到

[00:01:32] 有意外都未尝唔好

[00:01:33] 最紧要你对我如珠如宝

[00:01:36] 我唔介意你为咗我

[00:01:37] 掘个大啲嘅 地牢

[00:01:39] 人人都话金钱系数字堆砌出嚟

[00:01:42] 其实爱情都系

[00:01:43] 只要你肯花多啲心机

[00:01:45] 520 1314

[00:01:47] 你不放下我不放下你

[00:01:49] 一句到尾

[00:01:49] 要识得点样放底自己

[00:01:51] 讲返今次考试

[00:01:52] 我觉得考试嘅意义

[00:01:54] 系教我哋点样做人

[00:01:56] 而唔系驾驭历史

[00:01:57] 今次系我第一次嘅尝试

[00:01:59] 畀啲鼓励支持

[00:02:00] 畀啲掌声有请

[00:02:02] 唔系麦玲玲

[00:02:03] 系骆胤鸣

[00:02:04] Five four three to zero, zero

[00:02:06] Five four three to zero

[00:02:09] Five four three to zero, zero

[00:02:12] Five four three to zero

[00:02:15] Five four three to zero, zero

[00:02:18] Five four three to zero

[00:02:21] Five four three to zero, zero

[00:02:24] Five four three to zero

[00:02:27] 呢首歌真系死都唔断气呀

[00:02:29] 不停repeat

[00:02:30] 你钟意就keep

[00:02:31] 唔钟意就delete

[00:02:33] 不过爱情唔一样

[00:02:35] 幸福唔可以凭空想像

[00:02:36] 而系创造包容付出

[00:02:38] 先系宇宙最强

[00:02:39] 女人对数字嘅敏感度

[00:02:41] 强到你想像唔到

[00:02:42] 如果你是旦噏 乱咁嘈

[00:02:44] 一定死得早

[00:02:45] 假如你对我真系有意思

[00:02:47] 不如再send个短信嚟丫

[00:02:48] 我可能或者maybe会覆你

[00:02:50] 520 1314

[00:02:51] Five four three to zero, zero

[00:02:54] Five four three to zero

[00:02:57] Five four three to zero, zero

[00:03:00] Five four three to zero

[00:03:03] Five four three to zero, zero

[00:03:06] Five four three to zero

[00:03:09] Five four three to zero, zero

[00:03:12] Five four three to zero

[00:03:14] 520 1314

[00:03:19] Five four three to zero,zero

[00:03:21] Five four three to zero

[00:03:24] Five four three to zero,zero

[00:03:27] Five four three to zero
