


[00:00:00] Faura yerwe murfan anw sol ciel

[00:00:05] Faura yerwe murfan anw sol ciel

[00:00:06] The little bird chirps her feelings to the world

[00:00:07] Faura sonwe murfan anw sol ciel ee

[00:00:08] Faura sonwe murfan anw sol ciel ee

[00:00:09] The little bird sings her feelings to the people

[00:00:10] Hymmnos oz faura pomb na omnis den accrroad

[00:00:11] Hymmnos oz faura pomb na omnis den accrroad

[00:00:13] But the little bird's song won't give birth to anything because it's being given

[00:00:17] Sos yor yanje revm na endia revm yehah revm

[00:00:18] Sos yor yanje revm na endia revm yehah revm

[00:00:19] To you to send to you to an eternal dream an endless dream a happy dream

[00:00:24] Fou hellei ga

[00:00:25] Tasyue yorr yehar elle fandel hierle

[00:00:25] Fou hellei ga

[00:00:25] Tasyue yorr yehar elle fandel hierle

[00:00:26] I will offer myself to release you from that enormous sadness

[00:00:30] Faura sonwe presia yorr wis yehah

[00:00:30] Faura sonwe presia yorr wis yehah

[00:00:31] The little bird sings so please be happy

[00:00:32] Ween shellan yorra accroad mea sarla oz enne

[00:00:34] Ween shellan yorra accroad mea sarla oz enne

[00:00:35] From the inside of this cage where you all put me I shall sing the song of prayers

[00:01:01] Til yehah presia yorr wis yehah presia yanje

[00:01:03] Til yehah presia yorr wis yehah presia yanje

[00:01:03] Even if it's only a little please be happy Please be happy forever

[00:01:09] Hyear whai yorra vit rol hierle

[00:01:13] Hyear whai yorra vit rol hierle

[00:01:14] Hey why do you always have that sad face

[00:01:29] Was ki ga fowrlle yor

[00:01:31] Was ki ga fowrlle yor

[00:01:32] I want to comfort you

[00:01:34] Was yea ra accrroad sos yor

[00:01:43] Was yea ra accrroad sos yor

[00:01:44] I shall be happy to give to you

[00:01:46] Rudj en rudj rosa

[00:01:47] Rudj en rudj rosa

[00:01:49] Red and crimson roses

[00:01:54] Yorr acra firle wael

[00:01:56] Fountaina yor der rudje

[00:01:58] Yorr acra firle wael

[00:02:03] Fountaina yor der rudje

[00:02:04] Surely I shall be pleased to give to you the crimson roses you like

[00:02:09] Fandel rosa fandel rosa yorr infel

[00:02:10] Fandel rosa yorr infel

[00:02:11] Fandel rosa fandel rosa yorr infel

[00:02:12] Fandel rosa yorr infel

[00:02:12] That surely will make you happy

[00:02:18] I will cover you in their red colors

[00:02:22] Den here irs ar vinan frawrween tilia shellan

[00:02:23] Den here irs ar vinan frawrween tilia shellan

[00:02:27] However here is but a single white flower inside of this small cage

[00:02:33] Den na orviclle vis ween leaff

[00:02:34] Den na orviclle vis ween leaff

[00:02:36] But is not a problem I saw it in the books

[00:02:38] Chsee tes rudj

[00:02:41] Chsee tes rudj

[00:02:47] The white flowers shall turn red

[00:02:48] Clalliss vinan frawr

[00:02:48] Clalliss vinan frawr

[00:02:48] The white pure flowers

[00:02:49] Der sacra rol fau ween leaff

[00:02:49] Der sacra rol fau ween leaff

[00:02:50] Will be colored with the blood's color like the birds I saw in the books

[00:02:54] Rosa sos yor tasyue

[00:02:55] Rosa sos yor tasyue

[00:02:55] And then I shall give them to you

[00:02:56] Vinan frawr tes rudjerudje rol sacra

[00:02:56] Vinan frawr tes rudjerudje rol sacra

[00:02:57] The white flowers are turning red red like blood

[00:02:58] Sacra how clalliss

[00:02:59] Sacra how clalliss

[00:02:59] A blood like color

[00:03:00] Celetille clalliss xel marta pomb mea

[00:03:01] Clalliss vit iem nnoini

[00:03:09] Celetille clalliss xel marta pomb mea

[00:03:17] Clalliss vit iem nnoini

[00:03:17] This is the first time I saw this color

[00:03:20] Ever since my mother gave birth to me

[00:03:22] Fountaina rudj rosa sos yor

[00:03:25] Fountaina rudj rosa sos yor

[00:03:30] Embracing all the red roses that I shall give to you

[00:03:34] Fountaina sacra

[00:03:34] Fountaina sacra

[00:03:34] Overflowing like blood

[00:03:37] Weal acra yorr chanti mea

[00:03:39] Weal acra yorr chanti mea

[00:03:44] Are you pleased Hey are you praising me

[00:03:45] Fountaina infel

[00:03:45] Fountaina infel

[00:03:45] Overflowing like love

[00:03:48] Whai yorr na rippllys mea

[00:03:48] Whai yorr na rippllys mea

[00:03:50] Why you don't answer me

[00:03:51] Fountaina sos yor

[00:03:51] Fountaina sos yor

[00:03:52] Overflowing for your sake

[00:03:53] Rippllys mea

[00:03:54] Rippllys mea

[00:03:55] Hey answer me

[00:03:56] Faura werlwe tilia en sonwe sos marta

[00:04:02] Faura werlwe tilia en sonwe sos marta

[00:04:06] The little bird sheds some tears and sings for her mother

[00:04:09] 'Sos yor yanje revm na endia revm

[00:04:11] Sos yor yanje revm na endia revm

[00:04:14] For your sake a eternal dream an endless dream
