
《I’ll Be All Smiles Tonight》歌词

所属专辑: Hunting For Good 歌手: The Louvin Brothers 时长: 03:10
I’ll Be All Smiles Tonight

[00:00:00] I'll Be All Smiles Tonight - The Louvin Brothers

[00:00:02] //

[00:00:02] Written by:Charles Louvin/Ira Louvin/Eddie Hill

[00:00:05] 我会用玫瑰装饰我的眉宇

[00:00:05] I'll deck my brow with roses

[00:00:09] 我的真爱可能在那里

[00:00:09] My true love may be there

[00:00:15] 还有他们给我的那些宝石

[00:00:15] And gems that others gave me

[00:00:19] 会在我秀发间闪耀

[00:00:19] Shall shine within my hair

[00:00:24] 就算那些了解我的人

[00:00:24] And even them that know me

[00:00:29] 都会以为我的心情很轻松

[00:00:29] Will think my heart is light

[00:00:34] 虽然我的心明天就要碎了

[00:00:34] Though my heart will break tomorrow

[00:00:39] 但我今晚会一直微笑

[00:00:39] I'll be all smiles tonight

[00:00:44] 我今晚会一直微笑 亲爱的

[00:00:44] I'll be all smiles tonight love

[00:00:49] 我今晚会一直微笑

[00:00:49] I'll be all smiles tonight

[00:00:54] 虽然我的心明天就要碎了

[00:00:54] Though my heart may break tomorrow

[00:00:58] 但我今晚会一直微笑

[00:00:58] I'll be all smiles tonight

[00:01:04] 当他进到这个房间时

[00:01:04] And when the room he entered

[00:01:08] 新娘挽着他的手臂

[00:01:08] The bride upon his arm

[00:01:14] 我呆呆地看着他

[00:01:14] I stood and gazed upon him

[00:01:18] 好像被施了魔法

[00:01:18] As though he was a charm

[00:01:24] 然后他对她笑了一下

[00:01:24] And then he smiled upon her

[00:01:28] 就像曾经对我一样

[00:01:28] As once he smiled on me

[00:01:33] 他们不知道什么

[00:01:33] They know not what

[00:01:36] 我受苦受难

[00:01:36] I suffered

[00:01:38] 他们发现我并没改变什么

[00:01:38] They found no change in me

[00:01:44] 我今晚会一直微笑 亲爱的

[00:01:44] I'll be all smiles tonight love

[00:01:49] 我今晚会一直微笑

[00:01:49] I'll be all smiles tonight

[00:01:54] 虽然我的心明天就要碎了

[00:01:54] Though my heart may break tomorrow

[00:01:58] 但我今晚会一直微笑

[00:01:58] I'll be all smiles tonight

[00:02:08] 接着舞会结束了

[00:02:08] And when the dance is over

[00:02:13] 所有人都去休息了

[00:02:13] And all have gone to rest

[00:02:19] 我想着他 亲爱的妈妈

[00:02:19] I'll think of him dear mother

[00:02:23] 那个他 我最爱的他

[00:02:23] The one that I love best

[00:02:28] 他曾经是爱我的 相信我

[00:02:28] He once did love believe me

[00:02:33] 但他现在冷漠又陌生

[00:02:33] But now he's cold and strange

[00:02:38] 他试着不去骗我

[00:02:38] He sought not to deceive me

[00:02:43] 两副面孔带来这个结果

[00:02:43] False friends have brought this change

[00:02:49] 我今晚会一直微笑 亲爱的

[00:02:49] I'll be all smiles tonight love

[00:02:54] 我今晚会一直微笑

[00:02:54] I'll be all smiles tonight

[00:02:59] 虽然我的心明天就要碎了

[00:02:59] Though my heart may break tomorrow

[00:03:04] 但我今晚会一直微笑
