


[00:00:49] Just as the light begins to fade to dark

[00:00:59] The moaning wind sings songs to my forebodings

[00:01:10] Am I alone with no one watching o'er

[00:01:21] If I do fall will no one come to save me

[00:01:54] Oh cursed fates eternally

[00:02:05] Delivering your doom

[00:02:10] But know true hope is born

[00:02:25] My faith is stronger than your agonies

[00:02:38] Hope survives your pain

[00:02:52] Though Prophecies foretell us of the End

[00:03:02] It doesn't mean that we have to believe them

[00:03:13] Hope's burdens weigh me down oh this is true

[00:03:23] But they bring life that truly does sustain me

[00:03:58] I'll conquer time, defeat it

[00:04:09] I'll change the past, my future

[00:04:19] If any Gods are listening

[00:04:29] Answer my prayers
