

所属专辑: With a Smile 歌手: Miles Davis 时长: 04:23

[00:00:07] Wait'll y'dig it on the map -airegin

[00:00:11] Spelled backwards

[00:00:12] Really're closin' up the gap -airegin

[00:00:13] Gone fac'wards

[00:00:14] Back long time ago they saw a ghost

[00:00:16] Ghost made a boast

[00:00:17] Soon that ghost was host

[00:00:17] (repeat first 8 bars)

[00:00:18] Those losing their hue

[00:00:26] They goofed 'n got the wrong view

[00:00:31] First, things reverse, last is first!

[00:00:33] Y' dig it!

[00:00:50] Whatta' y' think o'that'n get a load a'

[00:00:50] What I tell y'

[00:00:57] What this place is no one knows it

[00:01:07] There's no traces of the kind o'place it was

[00:01:10] Before it got discovered by the kind o'

[00:01:11] Cat that knows the earth belongs t'him

[00:01:14] Back when the world was young

[00:01:24] An' man was a living god

[00:01:26] An' he walked this earthly sod

[00:01:27] This was sod that God would trod on

[00:01:32] Till one day a stranger landed

[00:01:33] With a line o'jive

[00:01:34] Laid it on the natives till he had 'em thinkin'

[00:01:36] Maybe that they should really take five

[00:01:50] An' he quickly stole the natives' soul

[00:01:53] So he could control it

[00:01:54] An' he took care of that missionary biz

[00:01:58] Till the lan' was his

[00:02:05] Never heard a story draggy as that

[00:02:09] Tell th' truth I ain't never heard another

[00:02:10] That exasperated more

[00:02:12] What an exasperating narrative t'play

[00:02:19] Upon the sensitive and kindly soul that I am

[00:02:21] 'way back when I was crawlin' in m'crib

[00:02:24] I was doin' all kinds o'thinkin'

[00:02:25] Aw'ready I had figured out the 'cut of m'jib'

[00:02:28] The kind o'soul that never liked t'tell 'r live a fib

[00:02:31] A body who was steadily reachin' up

[00:02:31] A min' always thinkin' on high-minded things

[00:02:33] Whee!I was always one t'be free

[00:02:36] Ain't never had a keeper why don't people

[00:02:37] Learn t'git along t'gether stead o'

[00:02:44] Meddlin' aroun' 'n fussin' with the fella nearest to 'em

[00:02:49] Me, I'm the old fashioned kind

[00:02:56] I was never good at follow-the-leader

[00:02:57] Real real real real real real real

[00:02:58] That's me, as real as a yankee can be

[00:02:59] That's me

[00:02:59] Millions o' years ago

[00:03:00] There was a paleolithic age on earth

[00:03:03] An' the whole world was young

[00:03:06] And full o'the vim of constant rebirth

[00:03:08] Brontosauruses 'n dinosaurs 'n pterodactyls

[00:03:09] Ever'where abounding that was the case

[00:03:10] 'n plus the millions o' mammoths here 'n there

[00:03:11] An' in addition there were lots o'men everywhere

[00:03:12] Who had no hi-tech and no intellect 'nary a speck

[00:03:15] But in that spot

[00:03:16] Where it was so lush, where it was so hot

[00:03:17] Where many animal was roamin'

[00:03:18] An' nature was kind, life was thrivin'

[00:03:19] There livin' was actual an' the feelin' was natural

[00:03:20] I'm tellin' the truth

[00:03:21] What-a-benign livin' some livin'

[00:03:21] All's forgiven come on home

[00:03:22] Blew a truly unruly storm

[00:03:23] That wrecked a boat in a climate warm

[00:03:23] 'n full o'ashy-colored cats all lookin'

[00:03:24] White like ghosts

[00:03:25] 'n when the natives checked 'em out

[00:03:26] It blew 'em away t'find that they resembled spirits

[00:03:29] Long ago there was a legend

[00:03:29] 'bout a spirit who would someday come

[00:03:36] A look at these cats

[00:03:37] 'n y' could see they prob'ly had some

[00:03:38] So they welcomed 'em with peace and love

[00:03:39] And everything there's plenty of

[00:03:41] 'n soon the tables had turned to rigormortis

[00:03:42] That's when the castaway had his say

[00:03:42] Like a dog had his day they told the

[00:03:43] People that they were spirits actual

[00:03:44] Y'see how perfectly a fable c'n be

[00:03:45] Incorporated into what a cat'll think is factual

[00:03:47] What was an accident turns int' something

[00:03:48] So unbelievably heaven-sent

[00:03:49] Everybody falls for it

[00:03:50] Right on down t' the militants

[00:03:50] 'n marchin' 'n the martyrs 'n the murder of lumumba

[00:03:52] Wait'll y'dig it on the map -airegin

[00:03:57] Spelled backwards

[00:03:58] Really're closin' up the gap -airegin

[00:04:00] Gone fac'wards

[00:04:02] Back long time ago they saw a ghost

[00:04:05] Ghost made a boast

[00:04:05] Soon that ghost was host

[00:04:09] Wait'll y'dig it on the map -airegin

[00:04:11] Spelled backwards

[00:04:13] Really're closin' up the gap -airegin

[00:04:15] Gone fac'wards

[00:04:16] Those losing their hue

[00:04:18] They goofed 'n got the wrong view

[00:04:21] First, things reverse, last is first!

[00:04:23] Y' dig it!