《White America》歌词

[00:00:00] America
[00:00:02] 美国
[00:00:02] Hahaha
[00:00:04] We love you
[00:00:04] 哈哈
[00:00:06] 我们爱你!
[00:00:06] How many people are proud to be citizens
[00:00:08] 有多少人为作为我们这个美丽的国家的公民而感到自豪?
[00:00:08] Of this beautiful country of ours
[00:00:11] 我们这个美丽的国家
[00:00:11] The stripes and the stars for the rights of men
[00:00:13] Who have died for the protect
[00:00:13] 人们誓死保护
[00:00:15] The women and men who have broke their necks
[00:00:15] 星条旗下人民的权利
[00:00:17] For the freedem of speech the United States Government
[00:00:17] 而断了脖子的男人和女人们
[00:00:20] Has sworn to uphold
[00:00:20] 那些为了保护美国政府宣誓维护的言论自由的权利
[00:00:21] 而牺牲的人们
[00:00:21] Yo I want everyone to listen to the words of this song
[00:00:24] Or so we're told
[00:00:24] 哟,我希望每个人听听我这首歌的词
[00:00:25] 或者听听别人告诉我们的
[00:00:25] I never woulda dreamed in a million years id see
[00:00:28] So many mutha f**kin people who feel like me
[00:00:28] 我从来就没有梦想过甚至在以后的一百万年时间里会有
[00:00:31] Who share the same views
[00:00:31] 这么多的人,这么多喜欢我的人
[00:00:33] And the same exact beliefs
[00:00:33] 他们拥有相同的观点甚至完全一样的信仰
[00:00:34] Its like a f**kin army marchin in back of me
[00:00:34] 甚至完全一样的信仰
[00:00:38] 这就象一支军队跟在我的后面行进
[00:00:38] So many lives I touched
[00:00:39] So much anger aimed at no perticular direction
[00:00:39] 我接触这么多的生命
[00:00:42] Just sprays and sprays
[00:00:42] 这么多的愤怒对着, 漫无目的的方向
[00:00:44] Straight through your radio wavs
[00:00:44] 只是这样喷射着喷射着
[00:00:46] 并且直接通过你的无线电波
[00:00:46] It plays and plays
[00:00:47] Till it stays stuck in your head
[00:00:47] 播放着播放着
[00:00:49] For days and days
[00:00:49] 直到它停留在你的脑海中
[00:00:51] Who woulda thought standin in this mirror
[00:00:51] 一天又一天
[00:00:52] 谁会想到站在这个镜子前面用过氧化物漂白
[00:00:52] Bleachin my hair wit some Peroxide
[00:00:55] 用过氧化物漂白我的头发找一件T恤衫穿
[00:00:55] Reachin for a T shirt to wear
[00:00:57] 找一件T恤衫穿
[00:00:57] That I would catipult to the fore-front of rap like this
[00:01:00] 我会像现在这样站在RAP的前沿
[00:01:00] How can I predict my words
[00:01:02] 我怎么能够想象我的语言
[00:01:02] And have an impact like this
[00:01:03] I musta struck a chord wit somebody up in the office
[00:01:03] 能够有这样的影响力
[00:01:06] Cuz congress keeps tellin me
[00:01:06] 我一定已经和办公室里面的一些人弹奏了几个和弦
[00:01:08] I ain't causin nuttin but problems
[00:01:08] 因为国会一直告诉我说
[00:01:09] 我除了制造麻烦什么都不能制造
[00:01:09] And now they sayin i'm in trouble wit the government
[00:01:13] 现在他们说我正在给政府惹麻烦
[00:01:13] I'm lovin it
[00:01:13] 老子高兴
[00:01:13] I shovelled sh*t all my life
[00:01:15] And now i'm dumpin it on
[00:01:15] 我铲起我生命中所有的垃圾
[00:01:16] WHITE AMERICA
[00:01:16] 我铲起我生命中所有的垃圾
[00:01:18] I could be one of ur kids
[00:01:18] 美国白人
[00:01:19] 我是你们的孩子中的一员
[00:01:19] WHITE AMERICA
[00:01:21] 美国白人
[00:01:21] Little eric looks just like this
[00:01:22] WHITE AMERICA
[00:01:22] 小Eric看起来和这一样
[00:01:24] Erica loves my sh*t
[00:01:24] 美国白人
[00:01:26] Erica喜欢我的歌
[00:01:26] I go to TRL
[00:01:27] Look how many hugs I get
[00:01:27] 我去TRL
[00:01:29] WHITE AMERICA
[00:01:29] 看我得到多么多的拥抱啊!
[00:01:30] I could be one of ur kids
[00:01:30] 美国白人
[00:01:32] 我是你们的孩子中的一员
[00:01:32] WHITE AMERICA
[00:01:33] 美国白人
[00:01:33] Little eric looks just like this
[00:01:35] WHITE AMERICA
[00:01:35] 小Eric看起来和这一样
[00:01:36] 美国白人
[00:01:36] Erica loves my sh*t
[00:01:38] I go to TRL
[00:01:38] Erica喜欢我的歌
[00:01:40] 我去TRL
[00:01:40] Look how many hugs I get
[00:01:41] 看我得到多么多的拥抱啊!
[00:01:41] Look at these eyes baby blue baby just like urself
[00:01:44] 看看这些眼睛,亲爱的是兰色的,亲爱的就跟你自己的一模一样
[00:01:44] If they were brown
[00:01:46] 如果他们是棕色的
[00:01:46] Shady lose shady sits on the shelf
[00:01:48] Shady就败了,Shady坐在货架上
[00:01:48] But Shadys cute
[00:01:49] 但是Shady很可爱
[00:01:49] Shady knew Shady's dimples would help
[00:01:51] Make ladies swoon baby
[00:01:51] Shady知道Shady的酒窝会帮助
[00:01:52] 让美女们晕倒
[00:01:52] (ooo baby)
[00:01:53] Look at myself
[00:01:53] 哦亲爱的!
[00:01:54] 看看我专辑的销量
[00:01:54] Lets do the math
[00:01:56] If I was black I woulda sold half
[00:01:56] 让我们做一下计算
[00:01:58] I ain't have to graduate
[00:01:58] 如果我是黑人,我只能售出一半
[00:01:59] From Lincoln High School to know that
[00:01:59] 我能算出来
[00:02:01] But I can rap so f**k school
[00:02:01] 不需要从Lincoln高级中学毕业
[00:02:03] 但是我会说唱,该死的学校
[00:02:03] I'm too cool to go back
[00:02:04] Gimme the mic
[00:02:04] 我太不爽了不想要回去
[00:02:05] 给我麦克风
[00:02:05] Show me where the f**kin studio's at
[00:02:07] 告诉我那个该死的工作室在哪里
[00:02:07] When I was underground
[00:02:08] No one gave a f**k I was white
[00:02:08] 当我还在地下说唱时候
[00:02:11] 因为我是白人
[00:02:11] No lables wanted to sign me
[00:02:12] 没有一个人拽我
[00:02:12] Almost gave up I was like F**k it
[00:02:14] 我曾经几乎想要放弃
[00:02:14] Until I met Dre
[00:02:15] The only one who looked past
[00:02:15] 直到我遇到Dre
[00:02:17] Gave me a chance
[00:02:17] 唯一一个对我回头的人
[00:02:17] And I lit a fire up under his a**
[00:02:17] 给我一个机会
[00:02:20] Helped him get back to the top
[00:02:20] 而且在他**下点了一把火
[00:02:22] Every fan black that I got
[00:02:22] 帮助他重新回到颠峰,
[00:02:23] Was probly his
[00:02:23] 我所赢得的每一个黑人粉丝
[00:02:24] 几乎同样是他的粉丝
[00:02:24] In exchange for every white fan that he's got
[00:02:26] Like damn we just swapped
[00:02:26] 与这些粉丝交换的是他所赢得的白人粉丝
[00:02:28] 我们只是交换
[00:02:28] Sittin back look at this sh*t wow
[00:02:30] I'm like My skin
[00:02:30] —坐着看着这一切,哇!
[00:02:31] 我的肤色
[00:02:31] Is it startin to work to my benifit now
[00:02:33] WHITE AMERICA
[00:02:33] 这就像我的肤色开始帮我的忙
[00:02:34] 美国白人
[00:02:34] I could be one of ur kids
[00:02:36] 我是你们的孩子中的一员
[00:02:36] WHITE AMERICA
[00:02:37] Little eric looks just like this
[00:02:37] 美国白人
[00:02:39] WHITE AMERICA
[00:02:39] 小Eric看起来和这一样
[00:02:40] Erica loves my sh*t
[00:02:40] 美国白人
[00:02:42] Erica喜欢我的歌
[00:02:42] I go to TRL
[00:02:44] 我去TRL
[00:02:44] Look how many hugs I get
[00:02:46] 看我得到多么多的拥抱啊!
[00:02:46] WHITE AMERICA
[00:02:47] 美国白人
[00:02:47] I could be one of ur kids
[00:02:49] WHITE AMERICA
[00:02:49] 我是你们的孩子中的一员
[00:02:50] Little eric looks just like this
[00:02:50] 美国白人
[00:02:52] WHITE AMERICA
[00:02:52] 小Eric看起来和这一样
[00:02:53] 美国白人
[00:02:53] Erica loves my sh*t
[00:02:55] I go to TRL
[00:02:55] Erica喜欢我的歌
[00:02:56] Look how many hugs I get
[00:02:56] 我去TRL
[00:02:58] 看我得到多么多的拥抱啊!
[00:02:58] See the problem is I speak to suberban kids
[00:03:02] Who otherwise
[00:03:02] 问题是,我对那些郊区的孩子说唱
[00:03:02] Woulda never knew these words exist
[00:03:02] 否则
[00:03:05] These moms probly woulda never gave 2 squirts of piss
[00:03:05] 他们永远不会知道这些语言的存在
[00:03:08] 否则他们的妈妈可能永远不会两次吓尿裤子
[00:03:08] Till I created so much mutha f**kin turbulence
[00:03:11] 直到我创造这么多的骚乱
[00:03:11] Straight out the tube
[00:03:12] Right into ya livin rooms I came
[00:03:12] 直着从那显象管出来,
[00:03:14] 我直接进入你们的卧室
[00:03:14] And kids Flipped
[00:03:15] 当孩子们知道我是Dre一手捧出来的,
[00:03:15] When they knew I was produced by Dre
[00:03:18] 他们激动了
[00:03:18] Thats all it took
[00:03:19] And they were instantly hooked right in
[00:03:19] 这就是所发生的一切
[00:03:21] 他们立即就像****一样被迷住了
[00:03:21] And they connected wit me too cuz I looked like them
[00:03:23] 且他们和我联结在一起了,因为我像他们
[00:03:24] Thats why they put my lyrics up under this microscope
[00:03:27] 那就是他们把我的歌词在这个显微镜下放大的原因
[00:03:27] Searchin wit a fine toothed comb
[00:03:29] 像用一个很好的篦子一样寻找,
[00:03:29] Its like this rope waitin to choke
[00:03:31] Tightenin around my throat
[00:03:31] 这就像这条绳子
[00:03:34] 等待着噎住你,锁紧你的喉咙
[00:03:34] Watchin me while I write this like I don't like this NO
[00:03:37] All I hear is
[00:03:37] 看着我写这些就像我不喜欢这个
[00:03:38] Lyrics lyrics constant controversy
[00:03:38] 我所听到的一切就是
[00:03:39] Sponsors workin round the clock
[00:03:39] 歌词
[00:03:41] 不时的争议
[00:03:41] To try to stop my concerts early
[00:03:43] Surely hip hop is never a problem
[00:03:43] 试图尽早地、彻底地阻止我的演唱会
[00:03:44] 西哈在Harlem永远没有问题
[00:03:44] In Harlem only In Boston
[00:03:46] 只有在Boston才会有问题
[00:03:46] After it bothered ya fathers
[00:03:48] 在它惹到了女孩子们的父亲
[00:03:48] Of daughters startin to blossom
[00:03:50] Now i'm catchin the flack from these activists
[00:03:50] 他们开始疯狂行动
[00:03:52] When they raggin
[00:03:52] 所以现在我逐渐从这些行动中得到了免役,
[00:03:53] 当他们嘲弄我
[00:03:53] Actin like i'm the 1st rapper to smack a b**ch and say faggot
[00:03:56] 表现的就像我是第一个扇女耳光,
[00:03:56] Sh*t
[00:03:57] Just look at me like i'm ya closest pal
[00:03:57] 屎的说唱歌手!
[00:03:59] 一直盯着我就像我是你们的最亲密的朋友一样
[00:03:59] A poster child
[00:04:00] The mutha f**kin spokesman
[00:04:00] 那海报上的孩子
[00:04:02] WHITE AMERICA
[00:04:02] 干发言人现在
[00:04:04] 美国白人
[00:04:04] I could be one of ur kids
[00:04:06] 我是你们的孩子中的一员
[00:04:06] WHITE AMERICA
[00:04:07] Little eric looks just like this
[00:04:07] 美国白人
[00:04:09] 小Eric看起来和这一样
[00:04:09] WHITE AMERICA
[00:04:10] 美国白人
[00:04:10] Erica loves my sh*t
[00:04:12] Erica喜欢我的歌
[00:04:12] I go to TRL
[00:04:13] Look how many hugs I get
[00:04:13] 我去TRL
[00:04:15] 看我得到多么多的拥抱啊!
[00:04:15] WHITE AMERICA
[00:04:17] I could be one of ur kids
[00:04:17] 美国白人
[00:04:18] WHITE AMERICA
[00:04:18] 我是你们的孩子中的一员
[00:04:20] 美国白人
[00:04:20] Little eric looks just like this
[00:04:22] 小Eric看起来和这一样
[00:04:22] WHITE AMERICA
[00:04:23] 美国白人
[00:04:23] Erica loves my sh*t
[00:04:25] Erica喜欢我的歌
[00:04:25] I go to TRL
[00:04:25] 我去TRL
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