
《It Ain’t Necessarily So》歌词

It Ain’t Necessarily So

[00:03:15] It Ain't Necessarily So - George Gershwin

[00:03:15] It ain't necessarily so

[00:03:15] It ain't necessarily so

[00:03:15] The t'ings dat yo' li'ble

[00:03:15] To read in de Bible,

[00:03:15] It ain't necessarily so.

[00:03:15] Li'l David was small, but oh my聽!

[00:03:15] Li'l David was sma[...

[00:03:15] Unfortunately, we are not licensed to display the full lyrics for this song at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to in the future. Until then, how about a random page?[I want to edit metadata
