
《Song for America》歌词

所属专辑: Miracles Out of Nowhere 歌手: Kansas 时长: 10:02
Song for America

[00:00:04] Artist:kansas

[00:00:06] //

[00:00:06] Songs Title:song for america

[00:03:02] 遍布绿色森林的处女地

[00:03:02] Virgin land of forest green

[00:03:05] 灰色的暴风平原

[00:03:05] Dark and stormy plain

[00:03:07] 这里容纳万物生长

[00:03:07] Here all life abounds

[00:03:09] 阳光峡谷 山间田野

[00:03:09] Sunlit valley mountain fields

[00:03:12] 雨中隐匿之物

[00:03:12] Unseen in the rain

[00:03:14] 这里容纳万物生长

[00:03:14] Here all life abounds

[00:03:17] 不被任何人统治

[00:03:17] No man rules this land

[00:03:18] 没有人类足迹 污染这个天堂

[00:03:18] No human hand has soiled this paradise

[00:03:23] 耐心地等待

[00:03:23] Waiting patiently

[00:03:25] 如此多的风景

[00:03:25] So much to see

[00:03:27] 如此多的自然乐趣

[00:03:27] So rich in Earth's delights

[00:03:30] 瑰丽的荒原 明亮的天空

[00:03:30] Painted desert sequined sky

[00:03:32] 填满夜空的繁星

[00:03:32] Stars that fill the night

[00:03:34] 这里容纳万物生长

[00:03:34] Here all life abounds

[00:03:37] 河流汇入海洋

[00:03:37] Rivers flowing to the sea

[00:03:39] 阳光纯净艳丽

[00:03:39] Sunshine pure and bright

[00:03:42] 这里容纳万物生长

[00:03:42] Here all life abounds

[00:03:44] 不被任何人统治

[00:03:44] No man rules this land

[00:03:46] 没有人类足迹 污染这个天堂

[00:03:46] No human hand has soiled this paradise

[00:03:51] 耐心地等待

[00:03:51] Waiting patiently

[00:03:53] 如此多的风景

[00:03:53] So much to see

[00:03:54] 如此多的自然乐趣

[00:03:54] So rich in Earth's delights

[00:04:10] 少女守候着

[00:04:10] So the maiden lies in waiting

[00:04:14] 帆船到岸

[00:04:14] Pull the sailor into shore

[00:04:19] 那美丽富饶之地

[00:04:19] Land of beauty and abundance

[00:04:23] 毫无顾忌地大开房门

[00:04:23] Innocent you opened wide your door

[00:04:27] 流浪者找到远古宝藏

[00:04:27] Wanderers found the waiting treasure

[00:04:30] 有着远超预料的惊喜

[00:04:30] Full of gifts beyond their measure

[00:04:32] 牛奶和蜂蜜让我们的开心

[00:04:32] Milk and Honey for our pleasure

[00:04:39] 海的对岸来了一群人

[00:04:39] Across the sea there came a multitude

[00:04:44] 在海浪之上航行

[00:04:44] Sailing ships upon the wave

[00:04:49] 满怀乌托邦的幻想

[00:04:49] Filled with visions of Utopia

[00:04:54] 他们所渴求的自由

[00:04:54] And the freedom that they crave

[00:04:58] 无恶不作 毫无疑问

[00:04:58] Ravage plunder see no wonder

[00:05:00] 强暴 杀戮 肆意毁坏

[00:05:00] Rape and kill and tear asunder

[00:05:02] 砍掉森林 铺平道路

[00:05:02] Chop the forest plow it under

[00:08:36] 高速公路损坏着山腰

[00:08:36] Highways scar the mountainside

[00:08:37] 摩天大楼

[00:08:37] Buildings to the sky

[00:08:40] 人群遍布

[00:08:40] People all around

[00:08:43] 一排排的房屋

[00:08:43] Unsustaining in these roads

[00:08:45] 从海角到天边

[00:08:45] See an eternity

[00:08:47] 人群遍布

[00:08:47] People all around

[00:08:49] 然后我们统治了这片土地

[00:08:49] So we rule this land

[00:08:51] 我们站在

[00:08:51] And here we stand

[00:08:53] 这片天堂之上

[00:08:53] Upon our paradise

[00:08:56] 梦想着有一片土地

[00:08:56] Dreaming of a place

[00:08:58] 供我们这疲倦的种族

[00:08:58] Our weary race

[00:09:03] 去繁衍生息
