


[00:00:00] Pulse

[00:00:22] 日月逝矣

[00:00:22] "The time has passed."

[00:00:24] 时不我待

[00:00:24] "And time is driving."

[00:00:27] 不…别走…

[00:00:27] "No... don't go..."

[00:00:32] 在我的耳膜深处

[00:00:32] Inside my eardrum

[00:00:35] 有着能使我倒下之物

[00:00:35] Something would bring me down

[00:00:37] 街灯渐灭,光景渐隐

[00:00:37] Street lights are washed out

[00:00:40] 而我曾见

[00:00:40] I saw

[00:00:43] 在天光无法照及之处

[00:00:43] Opposite of a dark light

[00:00:45] 她却步步为营

[00:00:45] She always move a pawn

[00:00:48] 而我则孑然一身

[00:00:48] I'm standing all alone

[00:00:50] 立于局外

[00:00:50] On the sidelines

[00:00:53] 群鸦在空中

[00:00:53] Slowly, ravens in the sky

[00:00:57] 缓缓翱翔

[00:00:57] Take a soar

[00:00:58] 我的脉搏

[00:00:58] My pulses

[00:00:59] 她的脉搏

[00:00:59] Her pulses

[00:01:00] 他们的脉搏

[00:01:00] Their pulses

[00:01:01] 我们的脉搏共迎终焉

[00:01:01] Our pulses to the death

[00:01:04] 然后我们都止步仰望天空

[00:01:04] And we stop to gaze the sky

[00:01:08] 而我们都

[00:01:08] And we all

[00:01:09] 我们都知道在某天

[00:01:09] We all know it will take us

[00:01:11] 它会带我们去某时某地

[00:01:11] Somewhere, sometime

[00:01:14] 观星人啊!

[00:01:14] Stargazer!

[00:01:18] 将你的空间与时间

[00:01:18] Gives me space and time

[00:01:21] 短暂地赐予我吧

[00:01:21] For a little while

[00:01:24] 观星人啊!

[00:01:24] Stargazer!

[00:01:29] 将你的空间与时间

[00:01:29] Gives me space and time

[00:01:32] 短暂地赐予我吧

[00:01:32] For a little while

[00:01:33] 日月逝矣

[00:01:33] "Time has passed."

[00:01:34] 观星人啊!

[00:01:34] Stargazer!

[00:01:39] 直到我们都回到各自的正确之地
