
《Strike That, Reverse It》歌词

所属专辑: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 歌手: Company 时长: 05:28
Strike That, Reverse It

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: Goodness, is that the time?

[00:05:28] (sung) Our schedule has no room for intros

[00:05:28] Languid and rubato

[00:05:28] Accelerate right to the verse

[00:05:28] And play it molto presto and staccato!

[00:05:28] What zigzag roads and fickle fates have led you to my chocolate gates?

[00:05:28] I’m sure the stories would enthrall

[00:05:28] But time is racing by us all

[00:05:28] I’d love to rhyme a riddle or two,

[00:05:28] But there’s so much time, so little to do…

[00:05:28] “So much time, so little to do…”?

[00:05:28] Please, strike that! Reverse it!

[00:05:28] I meant the other way

[00:05:28] It doesn’t take a Sigmund Freud to see I’m charmed and overjoyed

[00:05:28] But pardon if I start to fret

[00:05:28] We’ve not begun our journey yet

[00:05:28] No time to borrow or delay

[00:05:28] What’s here tomorrow’s gone today…

[00:05:28] “What’s here tomorrow’s gone today…”?

[00:05:28] Whoops, strike that! Reverse it!

[00:05:28] My tongue has feet of clay

[00:05:28] You’ve bid the tasteless world adieu to chew the goo awaiting you

[00:05:28] But scurry for the Wonka clock keeps ticking

[00:05:28] Inside those doors the floors are sweet

[00:05:28] There’s rugs and carpets you can eat

[00:05:28] And best of all the wallpaper needs licking!

[00:05:28] This day of punctuality is scheduled to the nth degree

[00:05:28] I wish that there was time to share

[00:05:28] My thoughts on make-up, clothes and hair

[00:05:28] (spoken) Madam…

[00:05:28] MRS. TEAVEE, spoken: Yes?

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA: Sine qua non and entre nous

[00:05:28] Your foot is on the other shoe

[00:05:28] MRS. TEAVEE, spoken: Oh my god!

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA: Please, strike that! Reverse it!

[00:05:28] Let’s get on with our day

[00:05:28] (spoken) Frau Gloop!

[00:05:28] MRS. GLOOP, spoken: Oh, Mr. Vonka, Guten Tag!

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: Wilkommen. And you must be Augustus.

[00:05:28] Goodness, you look so faaaa…ntastically healthy.

[00:05:28] I could eat you up. Except I’m on a diet.

[00:05:28] Speaking of diets, I must confiscate your sausage.

[00:05:28] AUGUSTUS, spoken: But zat’s my lunch!

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: Not anymore…

[00:05:28] You may go first, but lose the wurst.

[00:05:28] AUGUSTUS: That’s sad because I love ‘em

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA: To lead our group, Augustus Gloop!

[00:05:28] For who could lose sight of ‘im?

[00:05:28] ALL: Yes, who could lose sight of ‘im?

[00:05:28] MR. SALT, spoken: Wonka! Sir Robert Salt! Salt’s Salty Nuts!

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: Pleased to meet you, Bob. Peanut business treating you well?

[00:05:28] MR. SALT, spoken: Well, actually…

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: How interesting. We could talk all day, except we won’t.

[00:05:28] No, I’m joking of course. I’m fascinated by nuts. I used to be one myself…

[00:05:28] And who’s this adorable tot in a tutu?

[00:05:28] VERUCA, spoken: Veruca.

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: Like the wart?

[00:05:28] VERUCA, spoken: The wart has two c’s. I’ve got one.

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: One wart?

[00:05:28] VERUCA, spoken: One c!

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: I see.

[00:05:28] VERUCA, spoken: U. C.!

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: U.C.! O.K. I see. I say, U.R. gotta be fun.

[00:05:28] (sung) It’s a pleasure dear to have you here

[00:05:28] Where did you get that mink?

[00:05:28] VERUCA: Are you for real?

[00:05:28] MR. SALT: It’s baby seal

[00:05:28] That’s clubbed then tickled pink

[00:05:28] ALL: It's clubbed then tickled

[00:05:28] Clubbed then tickled

[00:05:28] Clubbed then tickled pink

[00:05:28] MR. BEAUREGARDE, spoken: Eugene Beauregarde – please smile for the camera!

[00:05:28] And I guess you already know, The Double Bubble Duchess.

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: How delighted to meet you, Your Grace. And what is it exactly that you do?

[00:05:28] VIOLET, spoken: I chew.

[00:05:28] MR. BEAUREGARDE, spoken: Same gum for the last three years!

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: That’s quite an achievement.

[00:05:28] MR. BEAUREGARDE, spoken: It’s a jaw popping world record. She’s got her own TV show, line of perfume, and we are opening boutiques all over the world.

[00:05:28] Isn’t she something?

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: She’s certainly something, Mr. Beauregarde. I’m just not sure what.

[00:05:28] VIOLET: Hey, just let me in, I’m here to win

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA: You like to beat your drum

[00:05:28] Your confidence is quite intense

[00:05:28] But just don’t jump the gum

[00:05:28] ALL: Don’t jump

[00:05:28] Don’t jump

[00:05:28] Just don’t jump the gum

[00:05:28] MIKE, spoken: POW POW! Bye bye, blubberboy.

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: Good heavens!

[00:05:28] MIKE, spoken: Outta my way, old man.

[00:05:28] MRS. TEAVEE, spoken: Michael, play nice now!

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: Mike Teavee, aren’t you the boy who got your golden ticket by hacking into my computers?

[00:05:28] MRS. TEAVEE, spoken: Now Mr. Wonka, those are just allegations.

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA: So, Mike, the brain, you must explain

[00:05:28] Just how you cracked my system

[00:05:28] MIKE: Shut up, old coot, I’m tryin’ to shoot the fat kid… Shoot, I missed him

[00:05:28] ALL: Fat, shoot, missed him!

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA: It seems that I’ve left someone out

[00:05:28] Who else is here, now give a shout

[00:05:28] CHARLIE: Uh, Mr. Wonka, I’m the last

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA: Is least the last to join our cast

[00:05:28] (spoken) Well, who are you?

[00:05:28] CHARLIE, spoken: Charlie Bucket, sir.

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: Oh, yes.

[00:05:28] Aren’t you the boy who got his ticket at the very last moment?

[00:05:28] Don’t leave it so late next time! And you must be his Grandpa Joe?

[00:05:28] GRANDPA JOE, spoken: At your service, sah!

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: Enraptured. Enchanted. Overjoyed. Is something wrong?

[00:05:28] CHARLIE, spoken: It’s nothing, sir.

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: Nothing’s always something, Charlie.

[00:05:28] Except when a person makes something out of nothing. Now which is it with you?

[00:05:28] CHARLIE, spoken: I don’t know.

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: Are you the sort of boy who makes something out of nothing?

[00:05:28] CHARLIE, spoken: No, sir, it’s just… You’re not what I expected.

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA, spoken: That’s a coincidence… I’m not what I expected either.

[00:05:28] (sung) Now, Messers Bucket, Salt and Beauregarde

[00:05:28] Madame Teavee and Shatzi Gloop

[00:05:28] You’re visitors in my backyard

[00:05:28] When shepherding this tiny troupe

[00:05:28] And so I look for you to lead your future generations

[00:05:28] I must insist you hear and heed my rules and regulations

[00:05:28] Outside my doors you’re free to do the charming things that make you you

[00:05:28] The traits that make you each a kid

[00:05:28] A mirror of your parents' id

[00:05:28] But once inside you must obey

[00:05:28] “Do as I do, not as I say…”

[00:05:28] Damn, strike that! Reverse it!

[00:05:28] Oh, the games the mind can play

[00:05:28] AUGUSTUS: Which way to the buffet?

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA: I’d love to lounge and lollygag

[00:05:28] And give each tongue the chance to wag

[00:05:28] But I must get you all to sign this contract on the dotted line

[00:05:28] There’s no reprise, the way time flies

[00:05:28] To “dot the Ts and cross the Is…”

[00:05:28] No, strike that! Reverse it!

[00:05:28] Please ink without delay

[00:05:28] MR. SALT: May I see the dossier?

[00:05:28] MR. BEAUREGARDE: And negotiate her pay

[00:05:28] ADULTS: Sir, what does this contract say?!

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA: Well…

[00:05:28] The undersigned herein to fore cite frippery or force majeure

[00:05:28] No property be touched or chewed or peddled


[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA: De facto habeas corpus laws for you a new grandfather’s clause

[00:05:28] Sign there, there, there, there, there

[00:05:28] Thank god that’s settled!

[00:05:28] MRS. GLOOP, spoken: What does he expect us to do?

[00:05:28] MRS. TEAVEE, spoken: I’m confused.

[00:05:28] MR. SALT, spoken: This tempo is preposterous!


[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA: So now the time has come at last to put the present in the past

[00:05:28] It’s time to take the golden tour and taste the tempting treats du jour

[00:05:28] The day is young, the sun is high and so it’s time to say “goodbye”

[00:05:28] ALL VISITERS: Goodbye?!?

[00:05:28] WILLY WONKA: No, strike that! Reverse it!

[00:05:28] The next time I’ll rehearse it

[00:05:28] Get ready, set and on your marks, let’s go!

[00:05:28] AUGUSTUS: You’re stupid!

[00:05:28] MIKE: You stink!

[00:05:28] VERUCA: I’m winning!

[00:05:28] VIOLET: You think?

[00:05:28] CHARLIE: Let’s go!

[00:05:28] ALL: On with the show!
