
[00:00:15] Yeah! Ladies and gentleman
[00:00:18] Broadcastin live to you and yours
[00:00:20] 是啊!女士们,先生们
[00:00:20] It's Mr. X to the Z, Xzibit
[00:00:22] 广播现场给你和你的
[00:00:22] Yeah, bouncin, c'mon
[00:00:24] 这是X先生,Z,Xzibit
[00:00:25] The first day of the rest of my life
[00:00:28] 是的,来吧
[00:00:28] X stand behind the mic like Walker Cronkite
[00:00:30] 我的余生的第一天
[00:00:30] Y'all keep the spotlight, I'm keepin my rhymes tight
[00:00:33] X像沃尔特·克朗凯特一样站在麦克风后面
[00:00:33] Lose sight of what you believe and call it a night
[00:00:35] 你们都保持聚光灯,我紧紧地押着我的押韵
[00:00:35] This ain't the light-weight, cake mix shit that you're used to
[00:00:38] 失去你所相信的东西,并称之为一个夜晚
[00:00:38] Teflon territory you just can't shoot through
[00:00:40] 这不是你习惯的轻重量,蛋糕混合狗屎
[00:00:40] You gon shoot who? (Who?) Not even on your best day
[00:00:43] 铁氟龙领土,你不能通过
[00:00:43] Rollin the Wild West way, givin it up
[00:00:45] 你会拍谁? (谁?)甚至没有你最好的一天
[00:00:45] Leavin the whole world stuck not givin a fuck
[00:00:47] 狂野西部的方式,安慰它
[00:00:47] Laid in the cut, now we break through in the rut
[00:00:50] 整个世界都离不开他妈的了
[00:00:50] Hennesey and orange juice baby fill up a cup
[00:00:52] 放下切口,现在我们在车辙中突围
[00:00:52] Quick to grab Mary Jane by the butt and squeeze
[00:00:55] 轩尼诗和橙汁宝贝填满了一杯
[00:00:55] Loosen up, let your hair down, and join the festivities
[00:00:57] 马上用屁股抓住玛丽·简,然后挤
[00:00:57] Overcrowd the house like lockdown facilities
[00:01:00] 放松,放下你的头发,参加庆祝活动
[00:01:00] Bitches be, quick to give me brains while the pistol range
[00:01:03] 像锁定设施一样拥挤的房子
[00:01:03] Goin up and down my dick like the stock exchange
[00:01:03] 母狗,快速地给我大脑,而手枪范围
[00:01:05] (X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound
[00:01:07] 像股票交易所上下我的鸡巴
[00:01:07] (X) Won't even say your own name when I come around
[00:01:10] (X)用坚固的声音重新整理整个游戏
[00:01:10] (X) Stay on top but remain from the underground
[00:01:12] (X)当我来时,甚至不会说出你自己的名字
[00:01:12] (X) to the Z and we all in the family
[00:01:15] (十)留在上面,但离开地下
[00:01:15] (X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound
[00:01:18] (X)到Z,我们都在家庭
[00:01:18] (X) Won't even say your own name when I come around
[00:01:20] (X)用坚固的声音重新整理整个游戏
[00:01:20] (X) Stay on top but remain from the underground
[00:01:22] (X)当我来时,甚至不会说出你自己的名字
[00:01:22] (X) to the Z and we all in the family
[00:01:25] (十)留在上面,但离开地下
[00:01:25] Ever since Xzibit could spit, been on some pimp shit
[00:01:27] (X)到Z,我们都在家庭
[00:01:27] Approach every woman like a - potential mistress
[00:01:30] 自从Xzibit吐口水,一直在一些皮条客狗屎
[00:01:30] Shine bright, make sure that X stay tight
[00:01:32] 接近每个女人都像一个潜在的情妇
[00:01:32] Cause tonight I might meet my next ex-wife
[00:01:35] 发光亮,确保X保持紧张
[00:01:35] Mr. Big Chief Reefer, Xzibit use his dick like a Visa
[00:01:38] 因为今晚我可能会遇见我的下一个前妻
[00:01:38] I run it through and money come out
[00:01:39] 大酋长Reefer先生,Xzibit使用他的鸡巴像签证
[00:01:39] Runnin your mouth, I'll have somebody run in your house
[00:01:42] 我运行它,钱出来了
[00:01:42] Ravel your spouse and have a little fun on the couch
[00:01:44] 跑到你的嘴边,我会有人在你家里跑
[00:01:44] Now you know that it was bound to happen
[00:01:46] 拉扯你的配偶,在沙发上有一点乐趣
[00:01:46] I came to give you what you lackin
[00:01:48] 现在你知道这一定会发生
[00:01:48] whenever you hear them other niggaz rappin
[00:01:49] 我来给你什么你没有
[00:01:49] Rockin chains, stadiums, paladiums, cracked craniums
[00:01:52] 每当你听到他们其他的兄弟们说唱
[00:01:52] My whole skeleton is dipped in titanium
[00:01:54] 摇滚链,体育场馆,钯,头颅骨裂
[00:01:54] Drop-top tinted on twenties
[00:01:56] 我的整个骨架是浸在钛
[00:01:56] Usin rappers like crash test dummies, stackin real estate and money
[00:01:59] 二十几岁的落下式色彩
[00:01:59] It's funny how things change overnight when you thinkin right
[00:02:02] 说唱歌手喜欢碰撞测试假人,房地产和金钱
[00:02:02] I beat the odds like Ike beat on his first wife
[00:02:04] 当你认为正确的时候,事情如何在一夜之间改变很有趣
[00:02:04] (X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound
[00:02:07] 我打败了艾克击败他的第一任妻子的可能性
[00:02:07] (X) Won't even say your own name when I come around
[00:02:09] (X)用坚固的声音重新整理整个游戏
[00:02:09] (X) Stay on top but remain from the underground
[00:02:12] (X)当我来时,甚至不会说出你自己的名字
[00:02:12] (X) to the Z and we all in the family
[00:02:14] (十)留在上面,但离开地下
[00:02:14] (X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound
[00:02:17] (X)到Z,我们都在家庭
[00:02:17] (X) Won't even say your own name when I come around
[00:02:19] (X)用坚固的声音重新整理整个游戏
[00:02:19] (X) Stay on top but remain from the underground
[00:02:21] (X)当我来时,甚至不会说出你自己的名字
[00:02:21] (X) to the Z and we all in the family
[00:02:24] What an event, we hardcore a hundred percent
[00:02:24] (十)留在上面,但离开地下
[00:02:26] (X)到Z,我们都在家庭
[00:02:26] Makin it stick, Los Angeles proudly presents
[00:02:29] 什么事情,我们硬百分百的
[00:02:29] The real deal, how does it feel? No special effects
[00:02:31] 它坚持,洛杉矶自豪地呈现
[00:02:31] Yank the chain off of your neck, demand the respect
[00:02:34] 真实的交易,感觉如何?没有特殊效果
[00:02:34] Now all your conversations sound strange to me
[00:02:36] 从你的脖子上扯下链条,要求尊重
[00:02:36] Seem like everybody around me done changed but me
[00:02:38] 现在你们所有的谈话听起来都很陌生
[00:02:38] I stand alone on my own two feet
[00:02:41] 看起来像我周围的人做了改变,但我
[00:02:41] Stab a track, strangle the beat - Restless, no time for sleep
[00:02:44] 我独自站在自己的双脚上
[00:02:44] Niggas be weak, I'm concrete like Benjamin Grimm
[00:02:46] 刺了一条铁轨,扼杀了这个节奏 - 不安分,没时间睡觉
[00:02:46] It's a very thin line between a foe and a friend
[00:02:48] 黑鬼是软弱的,我具体像本杰明格林
[00:02:48] Straight to the chin (Not these niggas again)
[00:02:51] 敌人和朋友之间的距离非常狭窄
[00:02:51] Call Doc, bounce to the spot, and slide right in
[00:02:54] 直下巴(不是这些黑鬼们)
[00:02:54] I ain't tryin to see nothing but progress, regardless
[00:02:56] 拨打电话,跳到现场,然后向右滑动
[00:02:56] Home of the heartless, move right, remain cautious
[00:02:59] 无论如何,我都不想只看到进步
[00:02:59] Represent nothing but the hustle and struggle
[00:03:01] 无情的家园,向右移动,保持谨慎
[00:03:01] Hennesy, rock plenty of ice, making a double, now SCREAM
[00:03:04] 只代表喧嚣和斗争
[00:03:04] (X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound
[00:03:06] Hennesy,摇滚大量的冰,做了一个双,现在的尖叫
[00:03:06] (X) Won't even say your own name when I come around
[00:03:06] (X)当我来时,甚至不会说出你自己的名字
[00:03:08] [Snoop Dogg
[00:03:09] (X)用坚固的声音重新整理整个游戏
[00:03:09] (X) Stay on top but remain from the underground
[00:03:11] (X)当我来时,甚至不会说出你自己的名字
[00:03:11] (X) to the Z and we all in the family
[00:03:13] [史努比狗狗
[00:03:13] (X) Rearrange the whole game with my rugged sound
[00:03:16] (十)留在上面,但离开地下
[00:03:16] (X) Won't even say your own name when I come around
[00:03:18] (X)到Z,我们都在家庭
[00:03:18] (X) Stay on top but remain from the underground
[00:03:21] (X)用坚固的声音重新整理整个游戏
[00:03:21] (X) to the Z and we all in the family
[00:03:24] (十)留在上面,但离开地下
[00:03:24] So there you have it; A-B-C, D-P-G-C
[00:03:28] (X)到Z,我们都在家庭
[00:03:28] X to the motherfuckin Z
[00:03:31] 所以你有它; A-B-C,D-P-G-C
[00:03:31] Mr. Xuberant, Xtravagant, Xtrordinary, Xciting, X-a-lotta
[00:03:38] X给他妈的Z
[00:03:38] X-O with a little bit of Xtisy
[00:03:40] Xuberant先生,Xtravagant,Xtrordinary,Xciting,X-lotta
[00:03:40] X-ing your bitch-ass out if you tryin to test the G
[00:03:44] 带有一点Xtisy的X-O
[00:03:44] And what's the recipe? Xcalibur weaponry
[00:03:47] 如果你试着去测试G,那就把你的母狗屁出来
[00:03:47] And we shoot Xceptionally
[00:03:49] 什么是配方? Xcalibur武器
[00:03:49] That there is hot- X marks the spot?
[00:03:52] 我们拍摄X
[00:03:52] Fuck naw, X spots the marks
[00:03:56] 有热点X标志着现货?
[00:03:56] Xclamation point, niggaz!
[00:03:56] 他妈的,X点标记
- 精彩年代 [郑希怡]
- 不不歌 [纯音乐]
- 君と羊と青 [RADWIMPS]
- 园游会(38秒铃声版) [周杰伦]
- 死了心 [阿龙正罡]
- Don’t Treat Me Bad [Firehouse]
- 风云 [郑伊健]
- Trash [Roxy Music]
- Cheek to Cheek [Fred Astaire]
- Vryytt!!1! [Apulanta]
- 开始 [野仔]
- La Vie En Rose (Version Anglaise) [Edith Piaf]
- Let’s Fall In Love [Anita O’Day]
- Sabras Que Te Quiero [Carmela Y Rafael]
- Un Cuadro de Colores [Medina Azahara]
- Marathon [Puhdys]
- Y Hoy Como Ayer [Benny Moré]
- Working For The Weekend [AXEL FORCE]
- 彩虹糖 [朱昊楠]
- 最美的逆行 [吴文璟]
- Felix Navidad(Xmas Medley) [Magdaleine]
- All You Had To Do Was Stay [Pure Hitstars]
- May Every Day Be a Christmas [Louis Jordan]
- Gee Baby Ain’t I Good To You [Jimmy Witherspoon]
- The Bluest Blues [Dizzy Gillespie]
- Cabea dinossauro [Tits]
- Sweet Lorraine [Nat King Cole Trio]
- Vivre Pour Le Meilleur(Live au Parc des Princes / 2003) [Johnny Hallyday]
- EGO [Ernia]
- Ain’t Misbehavin’ [Billie Holiday]
- 难舍弃 [徐镇东]
- 他们专属的爱人方法 [Lee RURI]
- Minnie from Trinidad [So What!&Allan Jones]
- Make Me A Present Of You [Dinah Washington]
- Chain Gang [Sam Cooke]
- Lucie [Charles Aznavour]
- Long Lonely Nights [Bobby Vee]
- 会哥哥 [石占明]
- 小姑娘卖西瓜 [邓丽君]
- 花手紙 [千葉紗子]
- 普通的日子(Original Ver.) [God]
- 起风的日子 [刘蓝溪]