
《The Election of 1800》歌词

The Election of 1800

[00:00:00] The Election of 1800 (1800年大选) (《汉密尔顿》音乐剧插曲) - Leslie Odom, Jr./Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton/Lin-Manuel Miranda/Daveed Diggs

[00:00:00] //

[00:00:00] (《汉密尔顿》音乐剧插曲)

[00:00:01] //

[00:00:01] The election of 1800

[00:00:05] 1800年大选

[00:00:05] Can we get back to politics

[00:00:07] 我们能重回政坛吗

[00:00:07] Please

[00:00:07] 拜托

[00:00:07] Yo

[00:00:08] //

[00:00:08] Every action has an equal opposite

[00:00:10] 凡事有作用力也有

[00:00:10] Reaction

[00:00:11] 反作用力

[00:00:11] John Adams shat the bed I love the guy

[00:00:13] 约翰·亚当斯骂名远扬 虽然他人不错

[00:00:13] But he's in traction

[00:00:15] 但他现在举步维艰

[00:00:15] Poor Alexander Hamilton

[00:00:17] 可怜的亚历山大·汉密尔顿

[00:00:17] He is missing in action

[00:00:18] 他已经顾不上政坛了

[00:00:18] So now I'm facing

[00:00:19] 所以我面对的是

[00:00:19] Aaron Burr

[00:00:21] 亚伦·伯尔

[00:00:21] With his own faction

[00:00:22] 和他的帮手

[00:00:22] He's very attractive in the North New Yorkers

[00:00:24] 他在北方备受瞩目 纽约人觉得

[00:00:24] Like his chances

[00:00:25] 他能赢得大选

[00:00:25] He's not very forthcoming on any particular

[00:00:28] 对于所有政事他都

[00:00:28] Stances

[00:00:29] 远远观望

[00:00:29] Ask him a question it glances off he obfuscates he dances

[00:00:32] 如果你追问 他闪烁其词 似是而非 避开重点

[00:00:32] And they say I'm a Francophile

[00:00:34] 他们说我是亲法派

[00:00:34] At least they know I know where France is

[00:00:36] 至少他们知道我清楚法国在哪

[00:00:36] Thomas that's the problem see they see Burr

[00:00:38] 托马斯 这就是你的问题

[00:00:38] As a less extreme you

[00:00:40] 大家觉得你太激进而伯尔更温和

[00:00:40] Ha

[00:00:40] //

[00:00:40] You need to change course a key

[00:00:42] 你需要改变策略

[00:00:42] Endorsement might redeem you

[00:00:44] 找个有分量的人

[00:00:44] Who did you have in mind

[00:00:46] 你想到了谁

[00:00:46] Don't laugh

[00:00:47] 说出来你别笑

[00:00:47] Who is it

[00:00:48] 你们曾共事过

[00:00:48] You used to work on the same staff

[00:00:50] 什么

[00:00:50] What

[00:00:51] 得到汉密尔顿的支持

[00:00:51] It might be nice it might be nice

[00:00:55] 说不定是件好事儿

[00:00:55] To get Hamilton on your side

[00:00:58] 得到汉密尔顿的支持

[00:00:58] It might be nice it might be nice

[00:01:02] 说不定是件好事儿

[00:01:02] To get Hamilton on your side

[00:01:05] 三缄其口

[00:01:05] Talk less

[00:01:06] 伯尔

[00:01:06] Burr

[00:01:06] 笑面迎人

[00:01:06] Smile more

[00:01:07] 伯尔

[00:01:07] Burr

[00:01:08] 向他们隐瞒一切

[00:01:08] Don't let 'em know

[00:01:09] 不表立场

[00:01:09] What you're against

[00:01:10] 不露锋芒

[00:01:10] Or what you're for

[00:01:11] 伯尔

[00:01:11] Burr

[00:01:12] 与他握手寒暄

[00:01:12] Shake hands with him

[00:01:13] 伯尔

[00:01:13] Burr

[00:01:13] 对她献殷勤

[00:01:13] Charm her

[00:01:15] 伯尔

[00:01:15] Burr

[00:01:15] 1800年

[00:01:15] It's eighteen hundred

[00:01:16] 女士们

[00:01:16] Ladies tell your

[00:01:17] 叫你们的丈夫投票给

[00:01:17] Husbands vote for

[00:01:18] 伯尔

[00:01:18] Burr

[00:01:19] 我不喜欢亚当斯

[00:01:19] I don't like Adams

[00:01:20] 他输定了 不过是个失败者

[00:01:20] Well he's gonna lose that's just defeatist

[00:01:22] 杰弗逊呢

[00:01:22] And Jefferson

[00:01:23] 与法国打得火热

[00:01:23] In love with France

[00:01:24] 没错 他高高在上

[00:01:24] Yeah he's so elitist

[00:01:26] 我喜欢那个亚伦·伯尔

[00:01:26] I like that Aaron Burr

[00:01:27] 我简直不敢相信他就在我们身边

[00:01:27] I can't believe we're here with him

[00:01:30] 他看起来平易近人

[00:01:30] He seems approachable

[00:01:31] 好像你能邀他喝一杯

[00:01:31] Like you could grab a beer with him

[00:01:33] 亲爱的汉密尔顿先生

[00:01:33] Dear Mr. Hamilton your fellow Fed'ralists

[00:01:36] 你的联邦党同僚想知道你会投票给谁

[00:01:36] Would like to know how you'll be voting

[00:01:39] 住宅区真是寂静

[00:01:39] It's quiet uptown

[00:01:40] 亲爱的汉密尔顿先生

[00:01:40] Dear Mr. Hamilton John Adams doesn't stand

[00:01:43] 既然亚当斯毫无胜算 你会支持谁

[00:01:43] A chance so who are you promoting

[00:01:46] 住宅区真是寂静

[00:01:46] It's quiet uptown

[00:01:47] 杰弗逊还是伯尔

[00:01:47] Jefferson or Burr

[00:01:48] 杰弗逊还是伯尔

[00:01:48] Jefferson or Burr

[00:01:49] 我们知道

[00:01:49] We know it's

[00:01:50] 无论怎么选都是输

[00:01:50] Lose-lose

[00:01:51] 杰弗逊还是伯尔

[00:01:51] Jefferson or Burr

[00:01:51] 杰弗逊还是伯尔

[00:01:51] Jefferson or Burr

[00:01:52] 但如果你必须

[00:01:52] But if you had to

[00:01:54] 选择

[00:01:54] Choose

[00:01:54] 亲爱的

[00:01:54] Dear Mr

[00:01:55] 汉密尔顿先生

[00:01:55] Hamilton

[00:01:55] 杰弗逊还是

[00:01:55] Jefferson or

[00:01:56] 伯尔

[00:01:56] Burr

[00:01:56] 约翰·亚当斯

[00:01:56] John Adams

[00:01:57] 毫无胜算

[00:01:57] Doesn't stand a

[00:01:58] 杰弗逊还是伯尔

[00:01:58] Jefferson or Burr

[00:01:59] 你会支持谁

[00:01:59] Who are you promoting

[00:02:00] 但如果你必须

[00:02:00] But if you had

[00:02:01] 选择

[00:02:01] To choose

[00:02:01] 是亚伦·伯尔先生吗

[00:02:01] Well if it isn't Aaron Burr sir

[00:02:04] 亚历山大

[00:02:04] Alexander

[00:02:05] 阁下动静挺大呀

[00:02:05] You've created quite a stir sir

[00:02:07] 我在挨家挨户拉票

[00:02:07] I'm going door to door

[00:02:08] 搞公开竞选吗

[00:02:08] You're openly campaigning

[00:02:10] 当然

[00:02:10] Sure

[00:02:10] 这倒新鲜

[00:02:10] That's new

[00:02:11] 说实话 这挺磨人的

[00:02:11] Honestly it's kind of draining

[00:02:13] 伯尔

[00:02:13] Burr

[00:02:13] 先生

[00:02:13] Sir

[00:02:14] 您真是无所不用其极啊

[00:02:14] Is there anything you wouldn't do

[00:02:16] 我只是尽力追求我想要的

[00:02:16] No

[00:02:16] 还有 你知道吗

[00:02:16] I'm chasing what I want

[00:02:18] 什么

[00:02:18] And you know what

[00:02:19] 这是跟你学的

[00:02:19] What

[00:02:19] 如果你必须选择

[00:02:19] I learned that from you

[00:02:23] 如果你必须选择

[00:02:23] If you had to choose

[00:02:24] 这是平局

[00:02:24] If you had to choose

[00:02:25] 如果你必须选择

[00:02:25] It's a tie

[00:02:26] 如果你必须选择

[00:02:26] If you had to choose

[00:02:27] 胜负取决于代表们

[00:02:27] If you had to choose

[00:02:29] 如果你必须选择

[00:02:29] It's up to the delegates

[00:02:30] 如果你必须选择

[00:02:30] If you had to choose

[00:02:31] 胜负取决于汉密尔顿

[00:02:31] If you had to choose

[00:02:32] 如果你必须选择

[00:02:32] It's up to Hamilton

[00:02:33] 杰弗逊还是伯尔

[00:02:33] If you had to choose

[00:02:35] 选择

[00:02:35] Jefferson or Burr

[00:02:37] 选择

[00:02:37] Choose

[00:02:37] //

[00:02:37] Choose

[00:02:38] //

[00:02:38] Yo

[00:02:39] 人们征询我的意见

[00:02:39] Oh

[00:02:40] //

[00:02:40] The people are asking to hear my voice

[00:02:43] 因为国家正面临艰难的选择

[00:02:43] Oh

[00:02:43] //

[00:02:43] For the country is facing a difficult choice

[00:02:46] 如果你问我 我支持谁

[00:02:46] Oh

[00:02:47] //

[00:02:47] And if you were to ask me who I'd promote

[00:02:50] 我投票给杰弗逊

[00:02:50] Oh

[00:02:51] //

[00:02:51] Jefferson has my vote

[00:02:53] 我从未赞同过杰弗逊

[00:02:53] Oh

[00:02:54] //

[00:02:54] I have never agreed with Jefferson once

[00:02:57] 我们总是针锋相对

[00:02:57] Oh

[00:02:57] //

[00:02:57] We have fought on like seventy-five different fronts

[00:03:00] 但是归根结底

[00:03:00] Oh

[00:03:01] 杰弗逊有信仰 而伯尔却没有底线

[00:03:01] But when all is said and all is done

[00:03:03] //

[00:03:03] Jefferson has beliefs Burr has none

[00:03:07] 真是没想到

[00:03:07] Ooh

[00:03:07] 真是没想到

[00:03:07] Well I'll be damned

[00:03:09] 汉密尔顿支持你

[00:03:09] Well I'll be damned

[00:03:12] 真是没想到

[00:03:12] Hamilton's on your side

[00:03:14] 真是没想到

[00:03:14] Well I'll be damned

[00:03:16] 于是

[00:03:16] Well I'll be damned

[00:03:19] 你获得了压倒性胜利

[00:03:19] And

[00:03:19] 恭喜你 干得漂亮

[00:03:19] You won in a landslide

[00:03:22] 我以前的确与你不和

[00:03:22] Congrats on a race well-run

[00:03:25] //

[00:03:25] I did give you a fight

[00:03:27] 我期待我们的合作

[00:03:27] Uh-huh

[00:03:28] 合作?

[00:03:28] I look forward to our partnership

[00:03:31] 作为副总统

[00:03:31] Our partnership

[00:03:32] //

[00:03:32] As your Vice President

[00:03:33] 没错

[00:03:33] Ha

[00:03:34] 你听到这家伙说什么了吗

[00:03:34] Yeah right

[00:03:36] 一个公开和我叫板的人

[00:03:36] You hear this guy

[00:03:38] 腆着脸说 期待我们的合作

[00:03:38] Man openly campaigns against me

[00:03:40] 让得票第二多的人当副总统

[00:03:40] Talkin' bout I look forward to our partnership

[00:03:42] 真是太疯狂了

[00:03:42] It's crazy that the guy who comes in second

[00:03:44] 没错 你知道吗

[00:03:44] Becomes Vice. President

[00:03:45] 我们可以改变规则啊

[00:03:45] Yeah you know what

[00:03:47] 你知道为什么吗

[00:03:47] We can change that

[00:03:47] 为什么

[00:03:47] You know why

[00:03:48] 因为我就是总统

[00:03:48] Why

[00:03:49] 伯尔 你看到汉密尔顿的时候

[00:03:49] 'Cuz I'm the President

[00:03:54] 替我说声谢谢 谢谢他的支持