
《It’s Not Easy》歌词

所属专辑: House of Exile 歌手: Lucky Dube 时长: 05:35
It’s Not Easy

[00:00:00] It's Not Easy - Lucky Dube

[00:00:02] Oh yeah yea ha

[00:00:20] Lord have mercy

[00:00:49] 涓婂笣鎱堟偛涓烘��

[00:00:49] I remember the day I called mama on the telephone

[00:00:57] 杩樿寰楁垜鎵撶數璇濈粰鎴戝鐨勯偅澶�

[00:00:57] I told her mama I'm getting married

[00:01:04] 鎴戣窡濂硅鎴戣缁撳浜�

[00:01:04] I could hear her voice on the other side

[00:01:08] 浠庣數璇濈殑鍙︿竴澶存垜鍚緱鍑�

[00:01:08] Of the telephone she was smiling

[00:01:12] 濂逛細蹇冧竴绗�

[00:01:12] And she asked me a question

[00:01:15] 涔嬪悗濂归棶浜嗘垜涓�涓�

[00:01:15] That I proudly answered

[00:01:19] 鎴戝彲浠ュ緢楠勫偛鍥炵瓟鐨勯棶棰�

[00:01:19] She said son did you take time

[00:01:24] 濂硅鍎垮晩浣犳湁鑺辫冻澶熼暱鐨勬椂闂�

[00:01:24] To know her

[00:01:26] 鍘讳簡瑙eス鍚�

[00:01:26] I said mama she is the best

[00:01:34] 鎴戝洖绛旇濡堝ス鏄笘鐣屼笂鏈�妫掔殑

[00:01:34] But today it hurts me so to go back to

[00:01:39] 浣嗗浠婅繖浠界埍浼ら�忔垜蹇冧簬鏄垜鍙堟墦缁�

[00:01:39] Mama and say

[00:01:41] 鎴戝濡堣閬�

[00:01:41] Mama I'm getting divorced oh

[00:01:46] 濡堟垜瑕佺濠氫簡

[00:01:46] I'm getting divorced

[00:01:51] 鎴戣绂诲浜�

[00:01:51] The choice I made didn't work out the way

[00:01:56] 鎴戞墍鍋氱殑鍐冲畾骞朵笉鑳借鎴戣繃涓婂垢绂忕殑鐢熸椿

[00:01:56] I thought it would

[00:01:58] 鎴戣繕浠ヤ负鍙互鐨�

[00:01:58] This choice I made it hurts me so mama

[00:02:09] 鎴戞墍鍋氱殑鍐冲畾浼ゅ緱鎴戝お娣变簡濡堝

[00:02:09] This choice I made didn't work out the

[00:02:15] 鎴戞墍鍋氱殑鍐冲畾骞朵笉鑳借鎴戣繃涓婂垢绂忕殑鐢熸椿

[00:02:15] Way I thought it would

[00:02:17] 鎴戣繕浠ヤ负鍙互鐨�

[00:02:17] This choice of mine oh

[00:02:21] 杩欐槸鎴戝仛鐨勫喅瀹�

[00:02:21] Mama said to me

[00:02:23] 濡堝鍛婅瘔鎴戣

[00:02:23] It's not easy to understand it son

[00:02:30] 鍎垮晩鐖辨儏杩欑帺鎰忓効骞朵笉鏄撴噦

[00:02:30] But I hope you'll make it

[00:02:33] 浣嗘垜甯屾湜浣犺兘鏀惰幏鐖辨儏鐨勬灉瀹�

[00:02:33] You'll be happy again

[00:02:38] 浣犱細鍐嶆鑾峰緱骞哥鐨�

[00:02:38] It's not easy to understand it son

[00:02:44] 鍎垮晩鐖辨儏杩欑帺鎰忓効骞朵笉鏄撴噦

[00:02:44] But I hope you'll make it

[00:02:48] 浣嗘垜甯屾湜浣犺兘鏀惰幏鐖辨儏鐨勬灉瀹�

[00:02:48] You'll be happy again

[00:02:55] 浣犱細鍐嶆鑾峰緱骞哥鐨�

[00:02:55] I remember in church when the preacherman

[00:02:59] 鎴戣繕璁板緱閭f椂鍦ㄦ暀鍫傞噷

[00:02:59] Read the scriptures

[00:03:01] 鐗у笀蹇电潃缁忔枃

[00:03:01] You looked so beautiful so beautiful

[00:03:04] 浣犵湅涓婂幓鏄偅涔堢編涓�

[00:03:04] And so innocent

[00:03:09] 閭d箞澶╃湡鏃犻偑

[00:03:09] I did not know that behind that beauty

[00:03:14] 褰撴椂鎴戜笉鐭ラ亾鍦ㄩ偅缇庝附鐨勫琛ㄤ笅

[00:03:14] Lies the true colours that will destroy me

[00:03:18] 闅愯棌鐫�鍙互鍦ㄨ繎鏈�

[00:03:18] In the near future

[00:03:24] 鎽ф瘉鎴戠殑鐪熼潰鐩�

[00:03:24] This choice I made didn't work out to be

[00:03:30] 鎴戞墍鍋氱殑鍐冲畾骞朵笉鑳借鎴戣繃涓婂垢绂忕殑鐢熸椿

[00:03:30] What I thought it would be

[00:03:37] 鎴戣繕浠ヤ负鍙互鐨�

[00:03:37] Oh mama this choice I made

[00:03:46] 鎴戞墍鍋氱殑鍐冲畾骞朵笉鑳�

[00:03:46] Didn't work out the way I thought it would

[00:03:49] 璁╂垜杩囦笂骞哥鐨勭敓娲绘垜杩樹互涓哄彲浠ョ殑

[00:03:49] Now I'm hurting

[00:04:12] 鐜板湪鎴戝緢鍙椾激

[00:04:12] I remember when I held you by the hand

[00:04:16] 鎴戣繕璁板緱鎴戠壍鐫�浣犵殑鎵�

[00:04:16] Preacherman read the scriptures

[00:04:18] 鐗у笀蹇电潃缁忔枃

[00:04:18] Putting words in your mouth

[00:04:25] 璁╂垜瀵逛綘浜х敓璇В

[00:04:25] Maybe what the preacherman said

[00:04:30] 鎴栬鐗у笀璇寸殑璇�

[00:04:30] Was not something that was within you

[00:04:34] 骞堕潪鏄唴蹇冪湡姝g殑浣�

[00:04:34] Now I know what they mean when

[00:04:36] 鐜板湪鎴戠粓浜庢槑鐧戒簡涓轰綍

[00:04:36] They say

[00:04:40] 浜轰滑甯歌

[00:04:40] Beautiful woman

[00:04:43] 缇庝附鐨勫コ浜�

[00:04:43] Is another man's plaything

[00:04:47] 閮芥槸鐢蜂汉鐨勭帺鐗�

[00:04:47] Oh lord I'm hurting now

[00:04:56] 涓婂笣鍟婃垜鐜板湪寰堝彈浼�

[00:04:56] This choice I made didn't work out the way

[00:05:01] 鎴戞墍鍋氱殑鍐冲畾骞朵笉鑳借鎴戣繃涓婂垢绂忕殑鐢熸椿

[00:05:01] I thought it would

[00:05:03] 鎴戣繕浠ヤ负鍙互鐨�

[00:05:03] This choice of mine oh

[00:05:08] 杩欐槸鎴戝仛鐨勫喅瀹�

[00:05:08] Mama said to me

[00:05:09] 濡堝鍛婅瘔鎴戣

[00:05:09] It's not easy to understand it son

[00:05:16] 鍎垮晩鐖辨儏杩欑帺鎰忓効骞朵笉鏄撴噦

[00:05:16] But I hope you'll make it

[00:05:20] 浣嗘垜甯屾湜浣犺兘鏀惰幏鐖辨儏鐨勬灉瀹�

[00:05:20] You'll be happy again

[00:05:23] 浣犱細鍐嶆鑾峰緱骞哥鐨�
