
《Canned Heat》歌词

Canned Heat

[00:00:00] Canned Heat - The Karaoke Channel (卡拉OK频道)

[00:00:10] //

[00:00:10] You know this boogie is for real

[00:00:18] 你知道这布吉音乐是真实的

[00:00:18] I used to put my faith in worship

[00:00:22] 我曾忠于我的信仰

[00:00:22] But then my chance to get to heaven slipped

[00:00:26] 但我永远失去了去往天堂的机会

[00:00:26] I used to worry about the future

[00:00:29] 我曾担忧我的未来

[00:00:29] But then I throw my caution into the wind

[00:00:33] 我的顾虑都烟消云散

[00:00:33] I had no reason to be care free

[00:00:36] 我没理由高枕无忧

[00:00:36] No no no

[00:00:37] 直到我到了城市的另一头

[00:00:37] Until I took a trip to the other side of town

[00:00:39] //

[00:00:39] Yeah yeah yeah

[00:00:40] 你看 我听到了这布吉节奏

[00:00:40] You know I heard that boogie rhythm

[00:00:43] 我没有机会了

[00:00:43] Hey- I had no choice but to

[00:00:46] 只能失落不已

[00:00:46] Get down down down down

[00:00:48] 跳舞吧 我一无所有 只能跳舞

[00:00:48] Dance nothing left for me to do but dance

[00:00:53] 处于低谷时 我也只能跳舞度过

[00:00:53] Off these bad times I'm going through just dance

[00:00:57] 宝贝 今夜在这狂热的氛围里 我得到了安慰

[00:00:57] Got canned heat in my heals tonight baby

[00:01:03] 我感受着电闪雷鸣

[00:01:03] I feel the thunder see the lightning

[00:01:07] 我知道这是天堂传递的愤怒

[00:01:07] I know this angers heaven sent

[00:01:10] 我必须抛开所有的烦恼

[00:01:10] So I've got to hang out all my hang-ups

[00:01:14] 只因这布吉音乐太过疯狂

[00:01:14] Because of the boogie I feel so hell bent

[00:01:18] 这只是我一瞬间的本能反应

[00:01:18] Its just an instant gut reaction that I got

[00:01:22] 我知道我从未有过这种感觉

[00:01:22] I know I never ever felt like this before

[00:01:25] 我不知道该做些什么

[00:01:25] I don't know what to do

[00:01:27] 但是却一切如旧

[00:01:27] But then thats nothing new

[00:01:29] 陷入困境

[00:01:29] Stuck between hell and high water

[00:01:30] 需要一种能渡过难关的方法

[00:01:30] Need a cure to make it through

[00:01:32] 跳舞吧 我已一无所有 只能跳舞

[00:01:32] Hey- dancing nothing left for me to do but dance

[00:01:38] 低谷时我也只能跳舞度日

[00:01:38] Off these bad times I'm going through just dance

[00:01:41] 宝贝 今夜在这狂热的氛围里 我得到了安慰

[00:01:41] Hey got canned heat in my heals tonight baby

[00:01:48] 你知道这布吉音乐是真实的

[00:01:48] You now this boogie is for real

[00:01:52] 此刻的我很兴奋

[00:01:52] Got so much canned heat in my heels yeh

[00:01:57] 跳舞吧 今晚我要将我的忧郁全部赶走

[00:01:57] Gonna dance gonna dance my blues away tonight

[00:02:00] 我要将我的忧郁全部赶走

[00:02:00] You know I'm gonna dance my blue away

[00:02:03] 你知道这布吉音乐是真实的

[00:02:03] You know this boogie is for real

[00:02:07] 在这狂热的氛围里我得到了安慰

[00:02:07] Got so much canned heat in my heals yeh

[00:02:12] 跳舞吧 今晚我要将我的忧郁全部赶走

[00:02:12] Gonna dance gonna dance my blues away tonight

[00:02:18] 跳舞吧 我一无所有只能跳舞

[00:02:18] Dance nothing left for me to do but dance

[00:02:23] 在低谷时我只能跳舞

[00:02:23] Off these bad times I'm going through just dance

[00:02:27] 宝贝 今夜在这狂热的氛围里 我得到了安慰

[00:02:27] Got canned heat in my heals tonight baby

[00:02:33] 跳舞吧 这就是人们常讲的

[00:02:33] Dance there and that's the thing people say

[00:02:36] 跳舞吧 我要这样做

[00:02:36] Dance there I'm gonna make anyway

[00:02:40] 跳舞吧

[00:02:40] Dance there

[00:02:42] 此刻的我很兴奋

[00:02:42] Got canned heat in my heels tonight baby

[00:02:50] 你知道这布吉音乐是真实的

[00:02:50] You know that this boogie is for real

[00:02:53] 此刻的我很兴奋

[00:02:53] I Got so much canned heat in my heels

[00:02:57] 跳舞吧 今晚我要将我的忧郁全部赶走

[00:02:57] Gonna dance gonna dance my blues away tonight

[00:03:03] 你知道这布吉音乐是真实的

[00:03:03] You you know this boogie this boogie is for real

[00:03:08] 这气氛很热烈

[00:03:08] Got so much canned heat canned heat

[00:03:10] 我很兴奋 你知道

[00:03:10] In my heels you know you know

[00:03:15] 我要将我的忧郁全部赶走