
《Act II, Scene 1: Recitative: ”Master, Are You Alone?” - Aria: ”In Youth the Panting Slave”》歌词

Act II, Scene 1: Recitative: ”Master, Are You Alone?” - Aria: ”In Youth the Panting Slave”

[00:04:46] Nick

[00:04:46] Master, are you alone?

[00:04:46] Tom

[00:04:46] And sick at heart.What is it?

[00:04:46] Nick

[00:04:46] (handing Tom the broadsheet)

[00:04:46] Do you know this lady?

[00:04:46] Tom

[00:04:46] Baba the Turk! I have not visited Saint Giles

[00:04:46] Fair as yet.They say that brave warriors who

[00:04:46] never flinched at the sound of musketry

[00:04:46] have swooned after a mere glimpse of her. Is

[00:04:46] such a thing possible in Nature?

[00:04:46] Nick

[00:04:46] Two noted physicians have sworn that she is

[00:04:46] no imposter.Would you go see her?

[00:04:46] Tom

[00:04:46] Nick, I know that manner of yours.You have

[00:04:46] some scheme afoot. Come,sir, out with it.

[00:04:46] Nick

[00:04:46] Consider her picture.

[00:04:46] Tom

[00:04:46] Would you see me turned to stone?

[00:04:46] Nick

[00:04:46] Do you desire her?

[00:04:46] Tom

[00:04:46] Like the gout or the falling sickness.

[00:04:46] Nick

[00:04:46] Are you obliged to her?

[00:04:46] [Aria (ripresa)

[00:04:46] Sempre la preda che inseguo

[00:04:46] svanisce o mi sfugge, ed io cammino

[00:04:46] lungo un vasto vestibolo zeppo di candelabri

[00:04:46] in una luce che acceca, in una luce che brucia,

[00:04:46] riflessa da un milione di sorrisi

[00:04:46] tutti vuoti, come spazi in campagna,

[00:04:46] di boschi e di parchi senza vita;

[00:04:46] solo nel mio cuore – il buio.

[00:04:46] (Si siede.)

[00:04:46] Vorrei essere felice.

[00:04:46] [Recitativo

[00:04:46] (Entra Nick con un manifesto in mano.)

[00:04:46] Nick

[00:04:46] Signore, siete solo?

[00:04:46] Tom

[00:04:46] Ed anche triste. Che cos’è?

[00:04:46] Nick

[00:04:46] (porgendo a Tom il manifesto)

[00:04:46] Conoscete questa donna?

[00:04:46] Tom

[00:04:46] Baba la Turca! No, non sono ancora andato

[00:04:46] alla fiera di Saint Giles. Dicono che soldati

[00:04:46] coraggiosi, che non sono mai arretrati di

[00:04:46] fronte al crepitio dei moschetti, sono svenuti

[00:04:46] dopo averle dato una sola occhiata. È possibile una cosa simile in Natura?

[00:04:46] Nick

[00:04:46] Due famosi dottori hanno giurato che non

[00:04:46] vi è inganno.Volete andarla a vedere?

[00:04:46] Tom

[00:04:46] Nick, so bene quali sono i tuoi modi. Tu stai

[00:04:46] tramando qualcosa. Suvvia,signore,fuori tutto.

[00:04:46] Nick

[00:04:46] Osservate il suo ritratto.

[00:04:46] Tom

[00:04:46] Vorresti vedermi tramutato in pietra?

[00:04:46] Nick

[00:04:46] Lo desiderate?

[00:04:46] Tom

[00:04:46] Come la gotta o il mal caduco.

[00:04:46] Nick

[00:04:46] Le dovete riconoscenza?

[00:04:46] 23

[00:04:46] Tom

[00:04:46] Heaven forbid.

[00:04:46] Nick

[00:04:46] Then marry her.

[00:04:46] Tom

[00:04:46] Have you taken leave of your senses?

[00:04:46] Nick

[00:04:46] I was never saner. Come, master, observe

[00:04:46] the host of mankind. How are they? Wretched.Why? Because they are not free.Why?

[00:04:46] Because the giddy multitude are driven by

[00:04:46] the unpredictable Must of their pleasures

[00:04:46] and the sober few are bound by the inflexible Ought of their duty, between which

[00:04:46] slaveries there is nothing to choose. Would

[00:04:46] you be happy? Then learn to act freely.

[00:04:46] Would you act freely? Then learn to ignore

[00:04:46] those twin tyrants of appetite and conscience. Therefore I counsel you, Master – Take

[00:04:46] Baba the Turk to wife. Consider her picture

[00:04:46] once more and as you do so reflect upon my

[00:04:46] words.
