

所属专辑: 北京卫视2018环球跨年盛典晚会 歌手: CORE ONE 时长: 03:28

[00:00:00] 头马(现场版) - CORE ONE

[00:00:00] 词:TROY(CORE ONE)&顾嘉辉

[00:00:02] 曲:TROY(CORE ONE)&梦(CORE ONE)

[00:00:03] 编曲:TROY(CORE ONE)&C6

[00:00:04] 制作人:C6

[00:00:24] Yes sir we have confidence full speed and perfect balance

[00:00:28] Check and follow the famous cadence it's time to pay attention

[00:00:32] 54321

[00:00:34] 马蹄踏过万水千山

[00:00:36] 不断向前进

[00:00:37] 不忘记初心

[00:00:38] 使命的牵引奏起胜利福音

[00:00:40] 大步流星绝不在泥沼中停顿

[00:00:42] 桀骜不驯但拥有迷人的灵魂

[00:00:44] 铁马金戈为正义以战止战

[00:00:46] 硝烟消散最后的银色子弹

[00:00:48] 余晖洒下骄傲的仰起头

[00:00:49] 感受大地在呼吸感受自由

[00:00:51] 心有乾坤在铁蹄声嗒嗒

[00:00:53] 横刀立马伴君王打天下

[00:00:56] We're ready now you ready now you ready now you ready now

[00:01:00] Get ready now get ready now it's ready now

[00:01:04] 飞驰向前

[00:01:05] 骁勇矫健

[00:01:06] 踏着飞燕

[00:01:07] 越过龙雀

[00:01:08] 心中有草原哪怕沧海桑田

[00:01:10] Let the horse run here's another one till they're overrun and the war is won

[00:01:26] Let the horse run here's another one till they're overrun

[00:01:35] 我们愿意战斗吼往前走

[00:01:37] 吼所向披靡占领这片神州

[00:01:40] 我们的江山如画

[00:01:41] You can't do things with my squad

[00:01:46] Yeah we fight for it ride to the verse

[00:01:52] 一步一个脚印步步都坚定

[00:01:54] Keep running 是我的天性

[00:01:56] 让汗水肆无忌惮的流淌

[00:01:58] Breaking the limit that's what I want

[00:02:00] All we want is to fight for the honor

[00:02:02] All we want is to bear this armor

[00:02:04] All we do is to take this fame

[00:02:06] All we do is to win this game

[00:02:08] 即使步步维艰也不向命运低头

[00:02:10] 即使千难万险也绝不随波逐流

[00:02:12] 即使千军万马也陪在你的左右

[00:02:14] 跋山涉水也要战到最后

[00:02:16] Now I'm ready to fight war horse's ready to fight

[00:02:20] Yes general give me an order I will never escape never

[00:02:25] We're ready now you ready now you ready now you ready now

[00:02:29] Get ready now get ready now it's ready now

[00:02:32] 飞驰向前

[00:02:33] 骁勇矫健

[00:02:34] 踏着飞燕

[00:02:35] 越过龙雀

[00:02:36] 心中有草原哪怕沧海桑田

[00:02:38] Let the horse run here's another one till they're overrun and the war is won

[00:02:54] Let the horse run

[00:02:56] Run keep running never stop

[00:02:57] 让这狂野的欢呼席卷天下

[00:03:00] 把山河全部都踏破让英雄们

[00:03:02] 唱起胜利的歌

[00:03:04] 我们愿意战斗吼往前走

[00:03:05] 吼 所向披靡占领这片神州

[00:03:08] 我们的江山如画

[00:03:10] You can't do things with my squad

[00:03:14] Yeah we fight for it we own the war
