

所属专辑: To Be Continued 歌手: Elton John 时长: 05:22

[00:00:01] Levon

[00:00:02] //

[00:00:02] Music by elton john

[00:00:06] //

[00:00:06] Available on the album madman across the water

[00:00:15] 莱翁将他的战伤视如皇冠

[00:00:15] Levon wears his war wound like a crown

[00:00:21] 他将他的孩子取名为耶稣

[00:00:21] He calls his child jesus

[00:00:31] 因为他喜欢这个名字

[00:00:31] `cause he likes the name

[00:00:35] 他将孩子送去城镇里最好的学校

[00:00:35] And he sends him to the finest school in town

[00:00:43] 莱翁很爱钱

[00:00:43] Levon levon likes his money

[00:00:51] 人们说 他赚了很多钱

[00:00:51] He makes a lot they say

[00:00:57] 他整天都在数钱

[00:00:57] Spend his days counting

[00:01:03] 就在高速公路旁的一个车库里

[00:01:03] In a garage by the motorway

[00:01:11] 他出生在穷人家庭 那时正当圣诞节

[00:01:11] He was born a pauper to a pawn on a christmas day

[00:01:15] 当纽约时报报道上帝已不复存在时

[00:01:15] When the new york times said god is dead

[00:01:18] 战争爆发了

[00:01:18] And the war's begun

[00:01:21] 阿尔文托斯蒂格有个儿子

[00:01:21] Alvin tostig has a son today

[00:01:29] 他将成为今天的莱翁

[00:01:29] And he shall be levon

[00:01:33] 他将会做个好人

[00:01:33] And he shall be a good man

[00:01:36] 他将成为今天的莱翁

[00:01:36] And he shall be levon

[00:01:39] 延续家族传统

[00:01:39] In tradition with the family plan

[00:01:43] 他将成为今天的莱翁

[00:01:43] And he shall be levon

[00:01:46] 他将会做个好人

[00:01:46] And he shall be a good man

[00:01:51] 他将成为今天的莱翁

[00:01:51] He shall be levon

[00:02:11] 莱翁在小镇卖卡通气球

[00:02:11] Levon sells cartoon balloons in town

[00:02:17] 他的家族生意如此兴隆

[00:02:17] His family business thrives

[00:02:24] 耶稣整天吹着气球

[00:02:24] Jesus blows up balloons all day

[00:02:30] 坐在门廊秋千上 看着它们飞向天空

[00:02:30] Sits on the porch swing watching them fly

[00:02:37] 耶稣 他想去金星

[00:02:37] And jesus he wants to go to venus

[00:02:44] 离开莱翁

[00:02:44] Leaving levon far behind

[00:02:51] 带上气球 扬帆远航

[00:02:51] Take a balloon and go sailing

[00:02:57] 而莱翁却渐渐衰老 走到人生尽头

[00:02:57] While levon levon slowly dies

[00:03:04] 他出生在穷人家庭 那时正当圣诞节

[00:03:04] He was born a pauper to a pawn on a christmas day

[00:03:08] 当纽约时报报道上帝已不复存在时

[00:03:08] When the new york times said god is dead

[00:03:11] 战争爆发了

[00:03:11] And the war's begun

[00:03:14] 阿尔文托斯蒂格有个儿子

[00:03:14] Alvin tostig has a son today

[00:03:22] 他将成为今天的莱翁

[00:03:22] And he shall be levon

[00:03:26] 他将会做个好人

[00:03:26] And he shall be a good man

[00:03:29] 他将成为今天的莱翁

[00:03:29] And he shall be levon

[00:03:32] 延续家族传统

[00:03:32] In tradition with the family plan

[00:03:35] 他将成为今天的莱翁

[00:03:35] And he shall be levon

[00:03:38] 他将会做个好人

[00:03:38] And he shall be a good man

[00:03:42] 他将成为今天的莱翁

[00:03:42] He shall be levon

[00:03:49] 他将成为今天的莱翁

[00:03:49] And he shall be levon

[00:03:52] 他将会做个好人

[00:03:52] And he shall be a good man

[00:03:55] 他将成为今天的莱翁

[00:03:55] And he shall be levon

[00:03:58] 延续家族传统

[00:03:58] In tradition with the family plan

[00:04:02] 他将成为今天的莱翁

[00:04:02] And he shall be levon

[00:04:05] 他将会做个好人

[00:04:05] And he shall be a good man

[00:04:10] 他将成为今天的莱翁