
《You’ll Be Back》歌词

You’ll Be Back

[00:00:02] You'll Be Back - Jonathan Groff&Original Broadway Cast Of Hamilton

[00:00:07] 你说

[00:00:07] You say,

[00:00:09] 我爱的代价

[00:00:09] the price of my love's not a price

[00:00:12] 你担负不起

[00:00:12] that you're willing to pay.

[00:00:15] 你哭泣

[00:00:15] You cry,

[00:00:17] 在你把茶叶倒入大海时

[00:00:17] in your tea which you hurl in the sea when you

[00:00:20] 看见我的时候

[00:00:20] see me go by.

[00:00:23] 为什么这么悲伤呢

[00:00:23] Why so sad?

[00:00:25] 当初我们不分开 你却要分开

[00:00:25] Remember we made an arrangement when you went away,

[00:00:30] 现在我可生气啦

[00:00:30] now you're making me mad.

[00:00:34] 记得我们疏远了

[00:00:34] Remember, despite our estrangement,

[00:00:37] 我还是你的男人哟

[00:00:37] I'm your man.

[00:00:41] 你会回来的很快你就会发现

[00:00:41] You'll be back. Soon you'll see.

[00:00:45] 你会想起你属于我

[00:00:45] You'll remember you belong to me.

[00:00:49] 你会回来的时间会告诉你

[00:00:49] You'll be back. Time will tell.

[00:00:53] 你会想起我所有对你的好

[00:00:53] You'll remember that I served you well.

[00:00:57] 潮起潮落月缺月圆朝代更迭日新月异

[00:00:57] Oceans rise, empires fall,

[00:01:01] 我们曾执手走过一切

[00:01:01] we have seen each other through it all,

[00:01:05] 不过若是你太过火从爱抚变成了推搡

[00:01:05] and when push comes to shove,

[00:01:09] 我会送你全副武装的一个连

[00:01:09] I will send a fully armed battalion

[00:01:13] 你就能想起我多爱你啦!

[00:01:13] to remind you of my love!

[00:01:14] 哒哒哒啦啦~啦啦哒哒哒~

[00:01:14] Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da

[00:01:19] 啦啦啦~呀啦啦啦啦~

[00:01:19] Da da dat dat da ya da!

[00:01:22] 哒哒哒啦啦~啦啦哒哒~

[00:01:22] Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da,

[00:01:27] 哒哒哒啦啦…

[00:01:27] Da da dat dat da…

[00:01:29] 现在你说我出卖你的爱背着你离开

[00:01:29] You say our love is draining and you can't go on.

[00:01:37] 可我走了你还不是让我把你哄回来

[00:01:37] You'll be the one complaining when I am gone .

[00:01:45] 还有,别转移话题

[00:01:45] And no, don't change the subject cuz

[00:01:49] 你可是我最喜欢的话题

[00:01:49] you're my favorite subject.

[00:01:53] 我甜蜜温顺的从属话题我最忠实的小宝贝儿

[00:01:53] My sweet,submissive subject,my loyal,royal subject,

[00:02:01] 生生世世永永远远

[00:02:01] forever and ever and ever and ever and ever.

[00:02:12] 你会回来的就和以前一样

[00:02:12] You'll be back, like before.

[00:02:15] 我打完这场仗就能回老家娶你啦为了你的芳心

[00:02:15] I will fight the fight and win the war for your love,

[00:02:21] 为了你的赞许我会执子之手与子偕老

[00:02:21] for your praise,and I'll love you till my dying days.

[00:02:27] 不过你要是要分开我可没心情把你好好哄回来哟

[00:02:27] When you're gone I'll go mad,

[00:02:30] 所以别说要分开 分开就分开

[00:02:30] so don't throw away this thing we had.

[00:02:35] 因为要是你做得太过火

[00:02:35] Cuz when push comes to shove,

[00:02:39] 我就会杀光你的亲朋好友

[00:02:39] I will kill your friends and family

[00:02:43] 你就能想起来我多爱你啦

[00:02:43] to remind you of my love.

[00:02:47] 哒哒哒啦啦~啦啦哒哒哒~

[00:02:47] Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da

[00:02:52] 啦啦啦~呀啦啦啦啦~

[00:02:52] Da da dat dat da ya da!

[00:02:55] 哒哒哒啦啦~啦啦哒哒~

[00:02:55] Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da

[00:03:00] 哒哒哒哒——

[00:03:00] Da da dat dat-

[00:03:01] 大家一起唱!

[00:03:01] Everybody!

[00:03:03] 哒哒哒啦啦~啦啦哒哒哒~

[00:03:03] Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da

[00:03:07] 啦啦啦~呀啦啦啦啦~

[00:03:07] Da da dat dat da ya da!

[00:03:10] 哒哒哒啦啦~啦啦哒哒~

[00:03:10] Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da da da da

[00:03:16] 哒哒哒呀啦~!

[00:03:16] dat dat da ya da!