
《Lesson 57 The Elephant and the Whale》歌词

所属专辑: 赖世雄初级美语(上)讲解 歌手: 赖世雄英语 时长: 28:00
Lesson 57 The Elephant and the Whale

[00:00:00] 本字幕由天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成

[00:00:02] 赖世雄美语从头学初级篇上册

[00:00:11] 各位听众大家好

[00:00:13] 我是赖世雄

[00:00:14] 现在请大家打开我们这套教材

[00:00:18] Lesson fifty seven

[00:00:21] Lesson fifty seven 第57 课的elephant and whale

[00:00:30] D elephant

[00:00:35] 大象与金鱼elephant 就是指的是大象elephant

[00:00:43] 再来一遍

[00:00:45] Elephant

[00:00:47] 因为这个a 它是原因

[00:00:50] 所以前面的定冠词the 就会念成d d elephant

[00:00:57] 当然这是一个比较好的念法

[00:01:00] 偶尔外国人也会变成管理后的是原因

[00:01:04] 或者是这个辅音一样炼成的

[00:01:07] The elephant 也有人家念的

[00:01:11] D elephant and the whale whale 有两个念法

[00:01:18] 可以念成whale

[00:01:20] 也可以念成Hu ale 2个练法的

[00:01:24] 对指的是鲸鱼


[00:01:27] 现在我们就一块儿来听由boos 所做的示范

[00:01:32] 朗读the biggest and strongest animal on land is d elephant

[00:01:41] The largest and heavy us to animal in Du c is de whale

[00:01:49] Its also the biggest eater in de world

[00:01:56] It eats a ton of food or de it looks like a fish but it is really a mammal although de elephant and a whale are both mammals they are indeed very different

[00:02:20] 这课主要告诉我们最高级这样的用法

[00:02:25] 现在我们就一块儿来看一下

[00:02:27] 这里呢

[00:02:27] 他说些什么

[00:02:29] 第一行

[00:02:30] 第一个句子这么讲的

[00:02:32] The biggest and strongest animal on land is d elephant

[00:02:41] 陆地上最大也最强壮的动物呢

[00:02:45] 就是大象了

[00:02:47] The biggest and strongest animal on land is d elephant

[00:02:56] Biggest

[00:02:58] 他的原籍是big big

[00:03:02] 庞大的

[00:03:04] 说那里有一棵大树

[00:03:07] There is a big tree there

[00:03:12] 我们就可以这么说

[00:03:13] There isa big tree there 跟我说一下

[00:03:21] There is a big tree there

[00:03:26] 那里有一棵大树

[00:03:28] 我们就用big

[00:03:30] 但比较大的呢

[00:03:32] 用bigger big er

[00:03:37] 它的块头比我大he is bigger than I

[00:03:43] 跟着我说she is bigger than I

[00:03:49] 我个子比她高

[00:03:51] 但是它的块头比我大

[00:03:53] 就这么说

[00:03:55] I am tall er than he he is bigger than I 跟着我再讲一遍

[00:04:03] M tall er than he

[00:04:07] But he is bigger than I

[00:04:11] 它有一对大眼睛

[00:04:14] She he has big size e y e 再加个S

[00:04:24] EYS

[00:04:26] 那天我们这么说

[00:04:27] She has a big AI

[00:04:30] 它有一个大眼睛

[00:04:32] 他眼睛只有一个

[00:04:34] 我们看到它是赶紧跑

[00:04:36] 他变妖怪了

[00:04:38] 好了

[00:04:39] The biggest and strongest animal strongest 是strong

[00:04:46] 的最高级strong

[00:04:48] 代表强壮的he is strong

[00:04:52] 他很壮

[00:04:53] S a m weak

[00:04:55] 我呢就比较柔弱

[00:04:58] W ek k v

[00:05:03] 柔弱的w ek k 跟这个礼拜星期week 发音完全一样

[00:05:11] 那星期呢

[00:05:12] 使用weak w ri k every week 他每个礼拜他都很忙

[00:05:24] 但wick wick 则是柔弱的

[00:05:29] 她很壮

[00:05:30] 而我则比较柔弱

[00:05:32] 一块说he is strong

[00:05:36] But iam weak strong 的比较级就用stronger stronger

[00:05:44] 后头加er stronger 他必有强壮

[00:05:49] He s stronger than I he does exercise everyday

[00:05:55] 他每天都做运动

[00:05:57] 咱们讲做运动呢就用p does

[00:06:02] Exercise everyday exercise 跟练习我们平常所看的这个作业练习

[00:06:11] 他的字是完全一样

[00:06:13] 但做不可数的时候是代表运动he does exercise everyday

[00:06:20] 而不是说如果加个n exercise 只能是一份习题

[00:06:29] 一个练习了

[00:06:31] Exercise e ee ex tr c I s e ee

[00:06:39] E X e r c I s e ee

[00:06:45] 现在还跟我说这个字

[00:06:47] Exercise

[00:06:49] 再来一遍

[00:06:50] Exercise


[00:06:54] 他很强壮

[00:06:56] 因为他每天做运动

[00:06:58] 跟着我念

[00:06:59] He is strong because he does exercise everyday

[00:07:07] 再来一遍

[00:07:08] He is strong because he does exercise everyday

[00:07:15] 每一天记住

[00:07:17] 那是一个副词

[00:07:19] 所以every 跟day 要分开写

[00:07:21] 不要连在一起哦

[00:07:24] Every 跟day 要分开的啊

[00:07:27] 再来一遍

[00:07:28] 他很强壮

[00:07:29] 因为他每天都做运动

[00:07:32] He is strong because he does exercise everyday

[00:07:40] 他比我强壮

[00:07:42] He is stronger than I


[00:07:46] 我们就这么说

[00:07:47] 现在再来看第一个句子

[00:07:51] And strongest animal on land is d elephant on land

[00:07:58] 就在陆地上

[00:08:00] 不需要说昂

[00:08:03] 不需要冠词就好了

[00:08:06] 在陆地上animal 就指的是动物

[00:08:11] 好啦

[00:08:12] 现在这边告诉我们用了最高级的这种形容词

[00:08:17] 什么时候才会使用呢

[00:08:19] 他告诉我们

[00:08:20] 在三者三个东西或三个东西

[00:08:24] 以上这些东西出现的时候

[00:08:27] 我们就会有最高级的可能

[00:08:30] 我们可以这样讲

[00:08:32] 这三个女孩子中

[00:08:33] 马力是最漂亮的

[00:08:36] 咱们英文怎么讲呢

[00:08:38] 这三个女孩子之中要用off 开头

[00:08:42] Off 大家写起来很重要哦

[00:08:45] Off the three girls

[00:08:49] Off the three girls

[00:08:52] 加个逗号

[00:08:54] Mary is that most beautiful

[00:08:59] 赶紧写起来

[00:09:01] Mary is a beautiful girl 就不必写出来了

[00:09:10] 我们用的最高级的时候有一个基本概念

[00:09:14] 那就是它前面一定要有一个定冠词的

[00:09:19] 所以你看第一行课文里的the biggest animal

[00:09:24] 他就不能说同样的the girls Mary is the most beautiful

[00:09:36] 那是不对的

[00:09:36] 一定要说the most beautiful

[00:09:40] 这个most 主要是因为beautiful

[00:09:43] 它是三音节的字

[00:09:45] 所以我们前面用most 形成最高级

[00:09:49] 理论上我们看文章的第一行the biggest and strongest animal

[00:09:56] 理论上要说and strong animal

[00:10:02] 但是这个big strong 都是单音节的字

[00:10:07] 形成最高级是加ST 这样形成的

[00:10:11] 有关他的变化

[00:10:13] 就希望大家多看看我们书中的解释

[00:10:16] 会一清吧

[00:10:18] 处的还不是二处呢

[00:10:20] 好了

[00:10:21] 现在我们就一块来看第二行

[00:10:23] The largest and heavy an animal in Du c is de whale

[00:10:31] 而最大的同时

[00:10:33] 最重的动物呢

[00:10:35] 在哪儿

[00:10:36] 在海中

[00:10:38] And see 他是谁呢

[00:10:41] Is that a whale 则是鲸鱼了

[00:10:44] The largest

[00:10:46] 我们可以看到这个是largest 是从large 变过来的嘞

[00:10:54] Large 也是指的大的

[00:10:57] 相当于big big

[00:11:01] 尤其指的是体积庞大的

[00:11:03] 我们刚刚讲说那片有那有一棵大树

[00:11:07] There isa big tree there

[00:11:09] 我们也可以说there is a large tree there

[00:11:14] 不过一般讲的个子块头大

[00:11:17] 用big 来修饰人

[00:11:20] He is big is bigger than I

[00:11:23] 通常我们就不用large large 通常指的是东西用的时候比较多

[00:11:30] A large tree ah big tree big 呢

[00:11:35] 它可以指人

[00:11:36] 也可以指东西

[00:11:38] big box 好大的一只箱子

[00:11:41] 我们都用big so big 的用法

[00:11:45] 用的时机要比large 来得多

[00:11:48] the largest 最高级了

[00:11:52] 以及最重的animal 的动物呢

[00:11:57] 在哪儿呢

[00:11:58] An de c 在海中

[00:12:01] 这个时候不说nc er

[00:12:04] 用en 的C 这边就是习惯的用法

[00:12:07] 海中最大最重的动物呢就是谁呢S de whale 就是鲸鱼了

[00:12:15] 这个whale 我刚刚讲有两种念法

[00:12:19] 可是同学

[00:12:20] 我们听众朋友刚才听的时候啊

[00:12:23] 可以知道boos

[00:12:25] 他的习惯的念法念成well

[00:12:28] 其实两个都对

[00:12:31] 他为什么有这样区别呢

[00:12:33] 在美国啊东部的啊

[00:12:36] 这个东北部这一带的

[00:12:38] 包括纽约啦

[00:12:39] 那么等等new England 他们讲说新英格兰这些地区啊

[00:12:45] 这些人呢

[00:12:46] 他们还受到英式英语的这种影响

[00:12:48] 所以有些发音呢

[00:12:50] 还是习惯用像WH 加引导这些字啊

[00:12:55] 向where

[00:12:56] 你住哪儿

[00:12:58] 一般都是练成where do you re

[00:13:01] 在那儿的人还会习惯说呼儿都有啊

[00:13:06] 都有的

[00:13:08] 两个都对接着

[00:13:09] 我们看下边第第三行

[00:13:11] 后半段its also the biggest eager in de world

[00:13:18] 它也是世界上呢最大的时刻

[00:13:22] 他食量惊人

[00:13:23] 一只儿就吃东西的人

[00:13:26] 这边指的是十个答案

[00:13:28] 指的就是whale 鲸鱼

[00:13:31] Its also the biggest eager in de world

[00:13:37] 这个it 是it is 的缩写

[00:13:40] 当然这个it 就是指的前面的whale the whale is also de biggest eager in de world


[00:13:50] 接着再来看it isa a ton of food a day

[00:13:57] 他每天呢一天要吃一顿的东西

[00:14:00] 一顿的食物

[00:14:03] Its a ton of food

[00:14:08] 这个碳就是炖的意思

[00:14:10] 念的时候是念成碳

[00:14:13] 就像那个倒V

[00:14:15] 那个原因呢

[00:14:16] 是倒V 字状的

[00:14:17] 念的

[00:14:18] 时候念成啊

[00:14:19] 灿儿变成汤

[00:14:21] 不要念成碳变成碳

[00:14:24] It eats a ton of food



[00:14:29] 我们这个food 就是指的食物或妈妈啦

[00:14:33] 或者到餐厅啦

[00:14:35] 谁弄的这些菜呢

[00:14:36] 我们都可以讲的

[00:14:37] Food food is very good

[00:14:42] 可这些菜呀

[00:14:44] 真是好吃

[00:14:45] I enjoy 的food

[00:14:47] 我很喜欢这些菜

[00:14:49] 我们就可以这样说

[00:14:51] 好了

[00:14:52] It eats a ton of food or a

[00:14:56] 您看后投放的这个

[00:14:58] 呃de 是什么东西啊

[00:15:00] 2 D 是一个日子

[00:15:02] 这做什么用啊

[00:15:04] 可在这里

[00:15:05] 不能不能翻成一个日子

[00:15:08] 这个a day 呢

[00:15:09] 却等于副词

[00:15:11] 等于everyday

[00:15:14] 所以整个句法也就等于at its a good everyday

[00:15:20] 记住every 跟day 要分开的啊

[00:15:23] 不要合在一起

[00:15:25] 接下来我们就可以看到做副词用

[00:15:28] 但是什么时候可以用

[00:15:31] 呃de 呢

[00:15:32] 什么时候可以用everyday 呢

[00:15:34] 比如说他每天都会到这儿来

[00:15:37] Comes here every day

[00:15:40] 大家写起来he comes here

[00:15:44] Everyday

[00:15:46] 他每天都到这儿来

[00:15:48] 这个时候我们就不可以说comes here

[00:15:53] 那什么是用用呃day 的概念呢

[00:15:57] 他告诉我们

[00:15:58] 如果用er de 的时候

[00:16:00] 前面都会有所谓表示数量的单位名词

[00:16:04] 你看这里a 啊一顿食物

[00:16:09] 一天吃一顿食物

[00:16:10] 我们就说it eats a ton

[00:16:15] 如果他一天吃两顿食物

[00:16:17] 也可以这么说

[00:16:18] At its two times of food

[00:16:22] 记住只要前面有表示这种数量的单位名词

[00:16:30] 一顿拉一桶啦

[00:16:32] 啊一香辣等等

[00:16:34] 后头就可以用啊

[00:16:35] De 取代everyday

[00:16:38] 其实不光是只用在AD 这样使用

[00:16:43] 呃后头可以放很多名词

[00:16:46] 都可以在使用这样的概念里头

[00:16:48] 比如说嗯

[00:16:51] 阿黄这个人呢

[00:16:53] 他一晚呢一顿饭呢

[00:16:55] 一顿吃八碗饭

[00:16:57] 这句话我们怎么英文呢

[00:16:59] 就可以这样说

[00:17:00] He eats a lot

[00:17:02] 他吃东西吃的好多哦

[00:17:04] 他一顿饭吃八碗饭

[00:17:08] 这句话怎么说呢

[00:17:09] He eats a bowl of rise our meal

[00:17:15] 你看就可以这么说

[00:17:17] A meal 就吃了一顿饭

[00:17:20] Mi el 再来一遍

[00:17:25] Meal a meal 1顿饭

[00:17:30] 这边我们前面放的单位名词

[00:17:33] H bose rise 吧

[00:17:37] 晚饭那个单位就是bowl 碗的意思

[00:17:46] WLBOWL

[00:17:47] Ah bolt of rice 1碗饭R

[00:17:53] 这个米饭呢rise

[00:17:57] 所以大家把它写起来嘿

[00:18:00] Its

[00:18:02] Eight bows of rice 我们就可以这样使用了

[00:18:09] 好了

[00:18:09] 这边告诉我们这个金鱼呢

[00:18:12] 一顿饭呢

[00:18:13] 就是一天要吃一顿的食物

[00:18:16] at its a good day

[00:18:21] 这边再说一遍

[00:18:22] 这个a de 就等于everyday

[00:18:26] It looks like a fish but it is really a mammal

[00:18:32] 它看起来像一条鱼

[00:18:35] 但实际上他却是一个哺乳动物

[00:18:39] It looks like a fish but it is really a mammal

[00:18:45] 这个Le 后头加like

[00:18:48] 我们说看起来像什么

[00:18:51] 有这个赖克出现的时候

[00:18:54] 后头就要放名词

[00:18:58] 这个赖克在语法里头我们叫做介词

[00:19:02] 真有点怪

[00:19:03] 对不对

[00:19:04] 但实际上他的确是介词

[00:19:07] 我们探讨一下like 它的两个用法

[00:19:11] 一般使用likes 作动词

[00:19:12] 用的时候就在主语后头

[00:19:15] 有like 出现的话

[00:19:16] 它一定是动词

[00:19:18] 代表喜欢

[00:19:21] I like

[00:19:23] 我喜欢这个东西

[00:19:25] I like to work with you

[00:19:27] 我喜欢跟你一块共事

[00:19:30] 可是

[00:19:30] Like 在be 动词后头

[00:19:33] 这个时候

[00:19:34] Like 只代表向的意思

[00:19:37] Life 不再是动词啦

[00:19:39] 因为前面有动词

[00:19:40] Is is like a monkey

[00:19:44] 它看起来像猴子一样

[00:19:47] Mon ki

[00:19:50] 在这里可以看到

[00:19:51] 像like 之前就有一个动词

[00:19:54] Is is like 就不要当像了

[00:19:57] 这边就说he is like a monkey

[00:20:01] 当然

[00:20:02] 赖克当相的时候

[00:20:04] 除了在be 动词后头以外

[00:20:07] 也可以在所谓的感官动词Le

[00:20:11] 看起来这个look

[00:20:13] 当看起来后头加个life 的时候合在一起

[00:20:17] 就是说看起来像

[00:20:19] 看起来像个猴子

[00:20:21] He looks like a monkey

[00:20:24] 我们就可以这么说

[00:20:25] He looks like a monkey 这样的使用

[00:20:29] 所以这里边大家可以看到it looks like a fish

[00:20:33] 它看起来像只鱼

[00:20:36] It is really a mammal mammal 就是哺乳类动物

[00:20:43] Although de elephant and the whale are both mammals they are indeed very different

[00:20:52] 虽然呢

[00:20:53] 大象跟金鱼啊

[00:20:55] 他们两个都是浦乳类动物

[00:20:57] 可是的确他们非常的不同

[00:21:01] 这里用了个连词although

[00:21:04] 我们再念一遍

[00:21:05] Although although de elephant and whale

[00:21:10] 虽然

[00:21:12] 大象跟金鱼are mammals 都是哺乳类动物

[00:21:18] 前面加个boos 只是代表两个都是

[00:21:22] 这边可不要用all

[00:21:24] 用all 的话是三个以上都的意思

[00:21:27] 我们说Peter and 詹彼得保罗跟约翰

[00:21:34] er all my friends

[00:21:36] 他们都是我的朋友

[00:21:38] 三个以上的时候我们用all

[00:21:41] 如果说Peter and John 他们两个都是我朋友呢

[00:21:45] 就要用both Peter and John are both my friends

[00:21:51] 这边是两个

[00:21:52] 所以我们就用boss


[00:21:55] 接着看although de elephant and the whale are both mammals

[00:22:02] 虽然他们两个都是普瑞动物

[00:22:04] Lei are indeed very different

[00:22:07] 中间的indeed 是一个插入的副词

[00:22:11] 就是的确

[00:22:12] 的确怎么样

[00:22:14] They are really very different 相当于really

[00:22:17] 真的是的确非常的不同

[00:22:21] 这个句子结构特别记住用although 开头

[00:22:25] 咱们中国人呢

[00:22:26] 后头就习惯加个but

[00:22:28] 虽然但是

[00:22:30] 比如说although he is nice 啊

[00:22:35] 但如此一来啊

[00:22:36] 在英语里头啊

[00:22:38] 就犯了一个为语法上的毛病

[00:22:41] 因为造成双重的连接

[00:22:43] 不能两个句子有两个连词

[00:22:47] 所以自尊有一个廉字

[00:22:48] 所以有although 的时候后头不能用but

[00:22:51] 如果用but 的话

[00:22:53] 前面的都要去掉

[00:22:55] 所以这个句子也可以这么说

[00:22:58] D elephant and de wale are both mammals that they are indeed very different


[00:23:07] 这个用法要特别的记住

[00:23:10] 现在我们一块再来听由Bruce 所做的示范朗读

[00:23:15] 请大家跟折讷附送

[00:23:17] 跟着练习发音

[00:23:19] The biggest and strongest animal on land is d elephant

[00:23:27] The largest and heavy us to animal in Du c is de whale

[00:23:35] Its also the biggest eater in de world it eats a ton of food or de

[00:23:47] It looks like a fish but it is really a mammal although de elephant and the whale are both mammals day are indeed very different

[00:24:05] 现在我们来看part for 替换练习看第一个

[00:24:11] The biggest animal on land is d elephant

[00:24:16] 陆地上最大的动物就是大象了

[00:24:20] February 2月february is the shortest month of the year 11年最短的这个月份都是最高级

[00:24:32] The shortest 最短的

[00:24:35] The Sears build ing in the United States is that tall us buildings in the world

[00:24:45] 这是美国呢

[00:24:46] CS 很有名的一个百货公司的一个连锁群

[00:24:50] 一个连锁店

[00:24:51] 他们盖了个大楼

[00:24:53] 是美国最高的这么一个大楼


[00:24:56] 接着我们看第2 the happiest animal and a c is a whale

[00:25:03] 海中最重的

[00:25:07] 最重的动物就是鲸鱼

[00:25:10] 接着我们看下边of all these animals in Du c the whale is that of 加三个以上的这种东西

[00:25:24] 这边用奥表现就是所有的在所有的动物中

[00:25:29] All d animals c

[00:25:32] 海中所有的动物中

[00:25:34] The whale is the biggest

[00:25:38] 鲸鱼是最大的

[00:25:40] 记住用of all 出现的时候表示三者以上了

[00:25:44] 比如说所有的这些学生中呢

[00:25:48] 依然是最棒的of de students

[00:25:53] 在班上所有的学生中

[00:25:55] John is de best 就这样的模仿

[00:25:59] 接着我们看off the five continents Asia is de largest

[00:26:06] 大家可以看到

[00:26:08] F ike a continent 这边用了five

[00:26:11] 超过三个以上

[00:26:13] 所以后头也是一样的

[00:26:15] 用最高级的five continents 就指的是大陆

[00:26:22] 在所有五个大陆中

[00:26:24] Asia 就是亚洲

[00:26:27] Asia Asia Asia is the largest

[00:26:33] 现在我们就一块来听you j 跟blues 2位美籍老师所做的示范朗读

[00:26:41] 同时也跟着大家跟着这样模仿

[00:26:44] 跟着这样练

[00:26:45] 慢慢改正我们的发音以及语调

[00:26:48] substitute one

[00:26:51] Number own

[00:26:53] The biggest animal on land is the elephant

[00:27:01] February is Du shortest month of the year

[00:27:08] Does ears build ing

[00:27:11] In d United States

[00:27:15] Is the tall EST buildings in de world

[00:27:21] Number tu

[00:27:23] The heavy an animal in d c is de whale

[00:27:31] Of all de an animals in Du c the whale is de biggest

[00:27:40] Over the five continents

[00:27:44] Asia is the largest

[00:27:48] 我们的复习

[00:27:50] 我们的讲解就到这儿结束

[00:27:52] 谢谢各位的收听

[00:27:53] 我们下次再会
