

所属专辑: 赖世雄中级美语(上)讲解 歌手: 赖世雄英语 时长: 27:09

[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成

[00:00:02] 赖世雄美语从头学中级篇上册

[00:00:11] 各位听众朋友很高兴能够又在空中跟大家见面

[00:00:15] 但是在这一次的博弈呢

[00:00:17] 跟我们以往不太一样的不光是由我来世雄在空中跟大家讲解

[00:00:23] 还有我的一位很好的朋友

[00:00:26] 那么由他来自我介绍来跟大家在空中见面

[00:00:31] 大家好

[00:00:32] 我是Bruce Bruce 呢

[00:00:34] 他是一位美籍的老师

[00:00:36] 他的发音非常的清晰

[00:00:38] 而且还有一点它非常的幽默

[00:00:41] 所以从这一刻起

[00:00:43] 我们在学英文的时候呢

[00:00:44] 家是充满着乐趣的lesson one

[00:00:48] 我们来看第一课

[00:00:50] 当然呢

[00:00:51] 我们就要请Bruce

[00:00:53] 我们把这个课文同时念一下

[00:00:57] Lesson one Rome was UN built in a day part one reading

[00:01:25] Here are some tips about learn English first dont be afraid to make mistakes you will learn from them second you must not be shy be thick skin and speak up

[00:01:43] Finally you must be patient remember Rome was not built in a day Rome was UN built in a day 刚好这篇文章结束的时候也是咱们第一课的课文标题是这么说的wrong was UN built in a day

[00:02:05] 为什么这里要用was and 而不说呢

[00:02:09] Wrong is UN built in a day 有关这一点

[00:02:13] 我们先请卜大哥告诉我们请用英文讲解

[00:02:19] Well Rome does not refer to de city of Rome loma only it refers to de Roman empire that is the great country that Rome built more than tue thousand years ago it was a great empire and of course you cannot build anything good or great in just a short time

[00:02:48] 所以是发生在过去

[00:02:50] 这种情况20 00多年前指的是罗马帝国的Roman empire and Dis word is spelled e m p r e again e m p 也就是讲的帝国now I have Dis question in what situation will you use this expression Rome was UN built and

[00:03:19] Day please give us an example well lets say that your friend wants to learn how to do something like typing or swimming and at first your friend feels a little Dis courage because its not easy to learn a new skill but you tell him hey come on Rome was not built in a day we want to encourage our friends with Dis se ing

[00:03:54] 所以通常用来鼓励咱们朋友的

[00:03:57] 假如朋友正在练习打字啦

[00:04:00] 所谓的

[00:04:00] typing your friend is learning how to type te sty PE 也就是打字或者是游泳

[00:04:10] 这个时候呢

[00:04:10] 可能学一学嗯

[00:04:13] 他就感到有一点呢

[00:04:14] 泄气了he is a little bit Dis courage 的

[00:04:18] 也就是

[00:04:19] 借气啊

[00:04:20] 这是一个很好的字的SCOURAGEDDISCOUREG

[00:04:33] 这个时候你就这样说

[00:04:34] A

[00:04:35] 小a come on

[00:04:37] 当然我们不会加小的

[00:04:38] 我们是朋友a 可不要这样子嘛

[00:04:41] 罗马可不是一天造成的

[00:04:44] 这个时候就可以说这句话wrong was UN built any day

[00:04:48] 所以我们可以用这句话呢

[00:04:51] 来鼓励我们的朋友we can encourage our friend 或者friends with the saying 就是这句谚语

[00:05:00] 我们讲的谚语就用saying 这个字SA 加个NJ 好啦

[00:05:08] 现在我们就一块儿来看这个part one reading 阅读部分补达哥准备好了没有啊

[00:05:15] 好了好了那我们现在就一块来再来看这个文章

[00:05:20] English is an international language 英语啊

[00:05:25] 是一个国际性的语言

[00:05:28] 我想这句话为什么这么说

[00:05:30] 请阿朴大哥用英文告诉我们主要的含义a 是什么意思啊

[00:05:37] Well we say that English is an international language because English is spoken around the world

[00:05:47] Of course there are more speakers of Mandarin than of English but English is spoken by more people in more countries than Mandarin is so when you travel or do business or studied overseas you can always find English speakers and English TV programs and English newspapers and now towards English as the universal language 也可以这样子说啊

[00:06:22] 哈哈

[00:06:22] Universal 也就是环球性的世界各地都在说这个英语所以我们讲说英语是一个国际语言

[00:06:32] 还有两个说法

[00:06:33] 第一个universal de English is a universal language 第二个

[00:06:42] English is an international language

[00:06:46] 哈哈

[00:06:46] 所以我们现在都可以这样讲

[00:06:48] 我们拼这个universal 好不好啊

[00:06:52] U n I v e r s a l again u n I v e r sl

[00:07:04] 所以我们通常就可以这样讲英文English is a universal language thats why we should learn it

[00:07:12] 我们就可以这样讲

[00:07:13] 但是刚才还有一个是讲中文普通话那个字叫Mandarin 是怎么说的先念一遍再拼这个字好吗

[00:07:23] Mandarin

[00:07:25] 大写的m a n d a r I n again capital m a n d a r I n we can say blues speaks beautiful Mandarin 他的普通话OK

[00:07:47] 说的真不错呢

[00:07:49] 好了他也会谦虚

[00:07:50] 这是少有的事啊

[00:07:52] 好接着我们来看一下therefore it is necessary for us to learn it 因此啊我们有必要来学英语

[00:08:02] 这个as necessary

[00:08:04] 如果你不想用这个字

[00:08:06] 我们可以用别的字

[00:08:08] 像这个it is important for us to learn it 当然第二个et 就是指的前面的English er 第一个it 呢

[00:08:19] 是虚主语是用来代替后头

[00:08:22] 真正的主语for us to learn it

[00:08:26] 这件事情

[00:08:27] 所以等于我们可以这么说

[00:08:29] To learn it is necessary for us 一样的用法好啦

[00:08:35] 接着我们再看it can be re war Ding or just a waste of time 这个et 也就是指的learn English 这个it 是一个代词指的就是我们一个动名词短语

[00:08:52] Learn English 学英文

[00:08:55] 这件事情呢

[00:08:57] Can be re war Ding 会是有所呢

[00:09:00] 回报的值得这样做的这是一个很好的形容词

[00:09:04] 呆会告诉大家怎么使用or just a waste of time 或者也只不过是一种时间的浪费这个just 其实也就等于only or only a waste of time

[00:09:20] 比如说黑你在这儿待只个只不过是浪费时间


[00:09:25] 快去做事情

[00:09:27] 别在那里呆着发傻your stay here is only a waste of time

[00:09:33] 我们可以这样说

[00:09:35] 但是re war Ding 这个字好我们造个句子sure exercise is very re war Ding for our health exercise 运动啊

[00:09:47] Is very re war Ding 事值得这么做的有所回报的对于谁来讲呢

[00:09:54] For our health 对咱们的健康来讲呢

[00:09:57] 可以这样说好

[00:09:59] 我们再把这个句子再说一遍

[00:10:01] Exercise is very re war Ding for our health

[00:10:06] 记住啊

[00:10:07] 这个句子也可以这样说啊

[00:10:10] 运动是值得的是有所回报的

[00:10:13] 这样做很棒的

[00:10:15] 也可以用a pace to exercise a

[00:10:20] 我们再说一遍a pace pay a 加个S 这个et 呢

[00:10:27] 是虚竹于代替厚德的to exercise 好再来一遍a pace to exercise 同样的it is re war Ding Chu exercise 你看这个字非常管用


[00:10:42] 好了

[00:10:43] 接着我们再来看its up to you 由你来决定啦

[00:10:48] 我们常常讲说呃做不做

[00:10:50] 要看你自己的想法了啊

[00:10:53] 随你的便啦

[00:10:54] Its up to you a 怎么样使用its up to you a ru 大哥

[00:10:59] 哼well if Peter

[00:11:02] Asks me do you want To Go to a restaurant first door see a movie first tonight I might say Sui be ne its up to you 啊

[00:11:15] 所以呢

[00:11:16] 通常有两个选择给朋友做建议的时候儿朋友居然说由你来决定好了

[00:11:22] 随你的便我们就这样说

[00:11:25] Its up to you 所谓我们去的

[00:11:28] 刚才这样说呢

[00:11:30] Do we goto de movies first or shall we go to de restaurant first 我们是不是先看电影呢

[00:11:38] 还是说呢


[00:11:39] 先去吃饭饭啊

[00:11:41] 这个时候呢卜大哥就这样说

[00:11:44] Its up to you but I know that dress or 但我知道真正的答案

[00:11:49] He enjoys eating

[00:11:51] 他喜欢吃东西

[00:11:52] More than anything 啊

[00:11:54] 所以超过任何的东西

[00:11:56] 所以呢

[00:11:57] Lets go to de restaurant first

[00:11:59] 咱们先到餐厅那边去

[00:12:02] In our studio we have a very small studio over here and we have only two people here and thats Bruce and me but Bruce is much too big

[00:12:13] 它太大了

[00:12:15] 所以呢we have little room left here

[00:12:18] 所以这儿的空间不够大

[00:12:20] 所以我们可以这样说

[00:12:21] Bruce 少吃一点

[00:12:23] 你刚才还造了个句子啊

[00:12:25] 我中文是这么说的运动呢

[00:12:28] 是值得这么做的这句话英文怎么讲well remember the exercise is very re war Ding for our health exercise is very re war Ding for our health 就这么说

[00:12:43] 卜大哥听了这句话的时候

[00:12:46] 呃有所感慨了说


[00:12:48] 下次要多做运动对不对啊

[00:12:50] 应该OK 好的

[00:12:53] 现在呢

[00:12:53] 我们接着往下看it depends on how you study

[00:12:58] 所以这完全要有赖于你

[00:13:02] 怎么样来学英文

[00:13:03] 是不是学一下子就不想学了那或者说呢

[00:13:07] 能够坚持下去

[00:13:09] 所以it depends on how you studied at 这个et 单指的是English

[00:13:17] 这个前面第一个et 是大至子的上面的情形呃

[00:13:22] 我们说了学英文是值得的祸

[00:13:25] 也许也只不过是一种浪费时间

[00:13:28] 这种情形是全依赖于你怎么样来学英文了

[00:13:34] If you learn English by 有个用法很棒

[00:13:38] By fits and starts 有个用法

[00:13:42] 那么玉这样的话呢

[00:13:44] 就是断断续续的来学you get nowhere 是不会有出息的


[00:13:50] 那个by fits and starts 那个fitz 是蛮不错的f ID Jia GE ass red fits 就是一阵脾气来

[00:14:00] 然后呢

[00:14:01] 不就不想

[00:14:02] 写五分钟热五分钟热度

[00:14:04] 哎不错

[00:14:05] 其实是三分钟热度

[00:14:07] 有的人呐或者starts 就是


[00:14:10] 觉得我们是重新再开始吧

[00:14:12] 所以by fits and starts

[00:14:15] 这两个字都要用呢

[00:14:17] 所谓的复数好了

[00:14:19] By fits and starts

[00:14:21] 咱们造个句子好了


[00:14:24] My brother studied accounting by fits and starts so he failed 啊

[00:14:34] 我的弟弟和我哥哥my brother 他原来他在学会计啊

[00:14:39] 但是呢

[00:14:40] 一会就学一会不学就断断续续的啊

[00:14:44] 这个时候呢

[00:14:45] 所以他一事无成

[00:14:47] 他没有学成现在这句话我们再说一遍my brother studied accounting by fits and starts so he failed to accounting

[00:15:02] 会计ACC o UN t uy I n g again a c c o u n t I n g 好的

[00:15:18] 接下来我们看下面这个句子here are some tips about learning English

[00:15:24] 接下来是有些呢

[00:15:27] 我们讲的秘诀或者一些方法tips

[00:15:31] 什么方法呢

[00:15:32] 有关学英文的后头这个about 这个介词啊

[00:15:37] 可以用on 来取代here are some tips on learning English do do on 也可以about 也可以不过我们再谈这个句子的结构之前

[00:15:51] 咱们先来谈发音那咱们很多中国人把这个OM 这个介词念成on 了

[00:16:02] OMG 有一个G 才会变成and 应该怎么念呢

[00:16:06] 嗯嗯

[00:16:08] 有点像安全的安对啊

[00:16:11] 有点像那个味道啊

[00:16:12] 不要念成

[00:16:13] 嗯嗯

[00:16:14] 喔喔

[00:16:15] 这是不对的好啦

[00:16:17] Here are some tips a Gina if you give me a tip isle give you some tips on how to learn English tip 太聪明的tip if you give me a tip 那个tips

[00:16:33] 消费if you are in a restaurant and you leave a little money for de waiter we say thats a tip but den Peter said isle give you some tips about learning English language tips Jenny some advice about learning English 既然谈到advice 这个自豪ad v ise

[00:17:02] C e again a Di VI si

[00:17:08] 所以我们用advice 这个字啊

[00:17:10] 特别记住哦

[00:17:11] 他是一个不可数的名词he gave me some advice on learning English 就不可以说he gave me some advice is 不对这是不对的then he gave me a tip tu tips on learning English

[00:17:29] 那就可以数啦

[00:17:31] 但是tip 也可以给小费的意思

[00:17:34] 但是tip 这个字啊

[00:17:35] 也可以当动词用哦

[00:17:37] 我们可以这样说

[00:17:39] Mr blues back no before leaving 在你离开之前dont forget to take me 可别忘了你要给我小费啊

[00:17:49] 是啊

[00:17:50] 当然我们做一个所谓waiter 或者是waitress 啊

[00:17:54] 不能这样说

[00:17:54] Aa 顾客啊

[00:17:56] 先生别忘了给小费啊这句话是不能说不好意思不好意思好啦

[00:18:02] 这边的这个tab 给他动词用那当然这个tip 如果给建议给某人建议

[00:18:08] 也可以当动词

[00:18:09] 用他的句型为tip somebody on some day 就哪方面呢

[00:18:15] 我们给一些建议

[00:18:17] 所以这句话可以这样说啊

[00:18:19] He text me on how to learn English

[00:18:23] 这样说法也蛮不错的

[00:18:24] 对不对还有tips

[00:18:26] 小心再加一个p ty p PE Des tr ipp ed

[00:18:34] 这个时候就成为所谓的过去时啊或者是过去分词都这么说的好

[00:18:41] 接下来我们看下面这一段了first dont be afraid to make mistakes 首先呢

[00:18:48] 你在学英文的时候

[00:18:50] 可不要害怕犯错

[00:18:52] You dont be afraid 后投放了to 再发呢

[00:18:57] 圆形我们这样的一个动词

[00:18:59] 在这边make mistakes

[00:19:02] 但是别忘了这个句子也可以这么说

[00:19:05] First dont be afraid of making mistakes 都是一样的

[00:19:11] 记住be afraid of 放动名词或者是不用动名词

[00:19:18] 我们把介词off 去掉

[00:19:20] 改用to 在放的动词的原形都可以的

[00:19:24] 所以呢

[00:19:25] 我很害怕跟他说话I must be afraid to talk to him or UN afraid of talking to him 2个都可以买都可以哈

[00:19:35] 但在这里啊

[00:19:36] 我觉得这个呢是一个非常好的this is a very good piece of advice

[00:19:42] 记住

[00:19:43] 不要说this is a good advice 要用a good piece off advice p cie

[00:19:52] 因为我们在学英文的时候

[00:19:54] 我们中国人最大的毛病就是害怕呢

[00:19:57] 犯错了

[00:19:58] 可能是呃

[00:19:59] 主语后都要放什么样的动词

[00:20:02] 只然后接着可能要不要放冰雨等等呢

[00:20:06] 会搞得糊里糊涂

[00:20:08] 其实说英文根本不要发怕犯错有关这一点我们请呢

[00:20:13] 不是用英文谈谈你的看法好不好

[00:20:16] Will you have to speak or write or language to really learn it if you make a mistake while speaking usually d listener will understand you anyway because usually your mistake is just a grammar mistake or maybe a vocabulary mistake but usually we understand you but if we dont understand you will ask to or what do you mean and den you can try again

[00:20:53] 所以我们在自己在学英文的时候

[00:20:56] 犯错是很正常的一件事情

[00:20:59] 对啊

[00:21:00] 通常犯的错都是一些文字

[00:21:02] 法错那这些文法呢

[00:21:04] 那我们呢

[00:21:05] 听的时候可以知道


[00:21:07] 你是犯了这个错没有什么关系

[00:21:09] 我们了解你的意思

[00:21:10] 即使有时候听不懂的时候


[00:21:13] 我们会问说


[00:21:14] 对不起

[00:21:14] 您刚刚说什么您再说一遍犯错是没有问题的

[00:21:20] 我们只有从错误中才能够学习only by making mistakes can we learn something 惠阳说的好了

[00:21:30] 接着我们再来看you learn from them

[00:21:33] 你看果然第二个句子

[00:21:35] 说了你会从这些错误中学到东西就等于you learn something from them from the mistakes that you make

[00:21:45] 接着我们看second

[00:21:47] 其次是you must not be shy

[00:21:50] 你千万不要害羞哦

[00:21:53] 晒这个字代表害羞咱们呢

[00:21:56] 造个句子用晒我们造个句子好了

[00:21:59] Children are often shine

[00:22:02] Around strangers

[00:22:04] 所以孩子闷呢

[00:22:06] 通常在陌生人在附近的时候呢

[00:22:09] 都是会感到非常的害羞

[00:22:12] 我们再把这个句子再说一遍children are often shy around strangers while Dis is often the case but there is some situation in which adults are shy for example each timed blues is with me he is shy

[00:22:33] 哈哈

[00:22:34] 你每次跟我在一起呢

[00:22:36] 你也是会害羞

[00:22:37] 怎么搞的阿thats not shy Peter thats embarrassed 啊

[00:22:42] 那不是害羞

[00:22:44] 那是可能很不好意思他这句话呢

[00:22:47] 就有一句话含义了Peter you stink

[00:22:51] 他说您呢

[00:22:51] 实在是好臭啊

[00:22:53] 所以跟你在一起

[00:22:54] 我觉得很不好意思embarrassed 这个字好我们拼一下

[00:23:00] RIGHT 1 M

[00:23:02] B a r r a s s ed okay be careful again e m b e a r r a s s ed m bear assist 好了


[00:23:21] 刚才我讲的stink 臭这个字是一个不及物动词

[00:23:26] 我们拼一下s te na n k s t I n k 好

[00:23:35] 接下来我们看呢

[00:23:36] 他就说了b six canned and speak up

[00:23:40] 然后他就说了B

[00:23:43] 这是一个B

[00:23:43] 动词放在形容词作呃

[00:23:47] 主语补足语而这个主语省略掉了

[00:23:50] 原来是等于说you should be you should 这两个字省略掉你应当要怎么样呢

[00:23:57] 要有厚脸皮的叫thick skin 的同时呢

[00:24:02] 勇敢的把话大声说


[00:24:05] 如果英文讲得不太怎么好没有关系

[00:24:07] Ms X I want to ask you a question

[00:24:12] 那么这样子讲话都还听得懂就好了

[00:24:15] 对没问题的

[00:24:16] 所以不要怕什么南江北调没有关系

[00:24:20] 大声说话a 这个相当好

[00:24:23] 觉得俺们说了finally you must be patient

[00:24:27] 最后你还必须要有所谓的耐心patient

[00:24:32] 这是一个很好的形容词

[00:24:34] 有耐心的我们常常以介词with 并用be patient with somebody 对某人要有耐心

[00:24:44] A 我们找个例子好了a good teacher must be patient with his students 啊

[00:24:52] 好的老师必须对他的学生要有耐心

[00:24:55] 再来一遍a good teacher like Peter must be patient with

[00:25:02] His students 哼哼

[00:25:03] 所以be patient with somebody 最后这一句话

[00:25:07] 我们已经不需要解释了remember 你要记住wrong Watson build and a day 罗马可不是一天造成的好

[00:25:17] 我们现在再把这篇课文呢

[00:25:20] 我们把它念一下

[00:25:22] Rome was not built in a day English is an international language therefore it is necessary for us to learn it it can be re war Ding or just a waste of time its up to you it depends on how you studying it here are some tips about learning English first dont be afraid to make mistakes you will learn from them

[00:25:52] Second you must not be shy be thick skin and and speak up finally you must be patient remember Rome was not built in a day

[00:26:05] 现在就看这里的substitute 代换咱们看第一个句子

[00:26:12] Number one it depends on how you studying it

[00:26:17] 跟着我们附送第二个句子

[00:26:20] It depends on when you do it

[00:26:24] 第三个句子

[00:26:26] It depends on where you go

[00:26:28] 我们看第二项句子第一个句子number tu dont be afraid to make mistakes

[00:26:37] 接下来dont be afraid to ask questions

[00:26:42] 接着dont be afraid to speak up

[00:26:46] 好到这儿

[00:26:48] 我们已经接近尾声

[00:26:49] 希望大家呢

[00:26:50] 不断的呢

[00:26:51] 跟着我们这样学习跟着这样护送

[00:26:54] 然后大声的把英文念出来

[00:26:56] 这样的话一定会学好英文的

[00:26:59] 我们下一次同一时间再会

[00:27:01] 谢谢各位的收听by everyone see you next time