《20180423期 E-time》歌词

[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成
[00:00:08] 萦绕在机电上空的声音牵动着你我的思绪
[00:00:13] 游走在我们双耳的音律
[00:00:15] 诉说着情感的故事
[00:00:17] 在这里
[00:00:18] 我们记录青葱的岁月
[00:00:20] 分享你我的精彩
[00:00:22] 在偌大的校园
[00:00:24] 每天都有不同的精彩
[00:00:26] 在幽静的校道
[00:00:28] 会有声音穿透你我的耳畔
[00:00:31] 广播台给你的天空画上一道绚丽的色彩
[00:00:35] 给你的青春留下一道美丽的风景
[00:00:58] You are listening to 的radio station of ground a mechanical and electrical college
[00:01:06] 您现在收听到的是广东机电职业技术学院广播台
[00:01:25] 这里有最地道的情景口语秀光影留声带你玩转影音大世界美剧、英剧电影一网打尽
[00:01:35] 世界地理万花筒带你领略大千风景要你好看
[00:01:40] 每周一下午05 :30 一趟为你带来最新鲜的英语资讯I am bass and join us to here to share English in every where let gou hello
[00:01:54] 大家下午好
[00:01:55] 现在是2018年4月23日周一下午
[00:01:59] 05 :30
[00:02:00] 您现在收听到的是一探栏目
[00:02:03] 我是主播c en is april twenty third two thousand and eighteen you are listening it um program next year
[00:02:12] 我是你们的主播
[00:02:14] 一小段音乐过后一起来收听今天的节目速报啊
[00:02:18] 不要走开哦
[00:02:25] 下面是本期一看的节目速报诗歌美文
[00:02:29] 为大家带来我记得初遇你时那美妙的一瞬间
[00:02:34] 世界地理万花筒
[00:02:35] 将给大家带来欧洲最活跃
[00:02:38] 火山正滑向大海精彩解说英语光脚给大家带来时间不等于结果
[00:02:44] 做对了才有价值
[00:02:46] 预售destiny 之后正式进入一滩program
[00:02:51] 哒哒哒哒哒哒哒哒
[00:02:59] 从遇见你那一刻起
[00:03:01] 我便开始相信一眼万年
[00:03:05] 我记得初遇你时那美妙的一瞬间
[00:03:09] I remembered that is wonderful at Xu at ti CA a period you in my phone
[00:03:21] Sunlight or a fantasy has like that is to Americans angel
[00:03:31] 我记得那美妙的一瞬
[00:03:34] 在我的面前出现了你
[00:03:38] 犹如昙花一现的幻想
[00:03:40] 犹如纯洁至美的精灵indeed homeless and suffering mass noise in debt in Austin texas has lived puzzle nearby my ear for a long time is making a sound your gentle sound I also c u Le 在那无望的忧愁的折磨中
[00:04:05] 在那喧闹的浮华生活的困扰中
[00:04:08] 我的耳边长久地响着你温柔的声音
[00:04:12] 我还在睡梦中见到你可爱的倩影
[00:04:16] Many years have passed by smell the scattered the former de stream their point I have put behind your gentle se
[00:04:33] Also help you that angel is m bubbles the beautiful features
[00:04:40] 许多年过去了
[00:04:42] 暴风骤雨般的激情驱散了往日的梦想
[00:04:47] 于是我忘却了你温柔的声音
[00:04:51] 还有你那天仙似的倩影
[00:04:54] In de remote place in a gloomy love which in space an si Mei de such coming Dis up ate the in sincere person does not help to point their inspiration without that ill er does not have their life also de 在穷乡僻壤
[00:05:16] 在穷尽的阴暗生活中
[00:05:18] 我的日子就那样静静地消逝
[00:05:22] 没有倾心的人
[00:05:24] 没有诗的灵感
[00:05:25] 没有眼泪
[00:05:27] 没有生命
[00:05:28] 也没有爱情
[00:05:30] NAO the mind starts to again the zenith but now has repaired in front of mi Yue has ill is a Li imagine that he likes the pear is re fu Le si es lie that s to Americans angel
[00:05:53] 如今心里又开始苏醒
[00:05:57] 在我面前又重新出现了你犹如昙花一现的幻影
[00:06:03] 有如纯洁至美的天仙卖heart in is wide with John jumped in heart Oregon conscious nothing had a sincere person had their point inspiration had re paid a tear or so hard I love
[00:06:24] 我的心在狂喜中跳跃
[00:06:27] 心中的一切又重新苏醒
[00:06:30] 有了倾心的人
[00:06:32] 有了诗的灵感
[00:06:34] 有了生命
[00:06:35] 有了眼泪
[00:06:37] 也有了爱情
[00:06:47] 一半火焰
[00:06:48] 一半汪洋是平淡日子里可欺而不可遇的光景
[00:06:53] 欧洲最活跃火山正滑向大海
[00:06:56] Europe si most active volcano Montana is lining towards the sea scientists have established that the whole structure on the Italian island of sicily is adding in de direction of the Mediterranean at the rate of forty nine millimeters per year the u club team says the situation will need careful monitoring because it may lead to increased hard or e addy or in the future I would say there is currently no calls for an er but it is something we need to keep an eyes on specially to see if there is an acceleration in Dis motion Dr jo ma he told BBC news the open university g alla g si has spent almost half a century starting your upset me a volcano
[00:07:48] In that time he has placed a network of Hai precision p gas stations around a mountain to monitor is behavior does instrumentation is sensitive to mid metric changes in Du shape of the volcano home and with eleven years of data it is now obvious that de mountain is moving in an east southeast direction essential e at ina is setting down a very gentle slope of one to three degrees does is possible because it is sitting on an under lying principle of week possible settlement die ter min is team has conducted lab experience to l ur Hao these works the group believe it is the first time that basement sliding off an inter active volcano has been directly absurd Dr Marie and colleagues dress such behavior
[00:08:48] Very rare and can take many centuries even thousands of years to develop a critical stage he certainly there is absolutely no evidence that does is about to happen at an or local residents should not be allowed the open university scientists said
[00:09:15] 有效率的付出才能获得最佳回报
[00:09:18] 时间不等于结果
[00:09:20] 做对了才有价值
[00:09:23] Putting a times ta to make no sense for professional their contribution is not de tai de spend on their work but de value dec re ate fruit their knowledge no your priority many sings that you do at work are probably not the best use of your time for instance many professionals often spend much more time than necessary profit ing relative low priority tasks understand what really matters to you your boss and your organization and en be willing To Be less than perfect on your lower priority tasks
[00:10:03] To avoid meat ing like a page in de same spring most professional would agree that many business meetings are incredibly waste for de typically last too long day usually fail to produce concrete results and there are sometimes completely unnecessary yet just as a mistake focus on ours allows professional ISM to proceed in de workplace it also allows employees to keep scheduling redundant pull e ro meetings
[00:10:39] Dont forget to recharge on d other side of the code and organization the place too much emphasis on time spent at the office probably nicolet is the importance of time spent away from d office in order To Be productive at work professionals need To Be able to recharge physically and mentally the size every day and get enough sleep and a physical dimension sleep and exercise are often de first to professional activities to face that o king block when professional have to increase their hours spent in the office
[00:11:21] Avoid burnout long hours at work where people down mentally or too often I c professionals work to eight nine or ten every night and going to 的office every day every weekend even if there is no real crisis while these professionals might be increasing their output over de short term Dis type of over work in ev a t Ali leads To Burnout so you should us s a to protect your personal time that means being from with your boss about times when you are not available e family dinners or your child shock or games perhaps
[00:12:07] Dont be afraid to speak up obviously asking for more flexibility at work is easier said than done but while I certainly cant guarantee that every request will be successful I Kan si de with confident that there is little harm in asking polite Li believe it or not most box understand your designer to spend sometime with your children or enjoy a romantic dinner with your spouse or your boss can address your needs unless he or she knows what they are
[00:12:44] Dis program is to say goodbye to everyone welcome to the next period or ty to listen I hope you will have a good mood everyday
[00:12:54] 由于时间的关系
[00:12:55] 今天的e tam 就到这里啦
[00:12:58] 感谢广播台的播音员、技术员、编辑员、以及策划员们
[00:13:03] 下星期见see you next week
[00:13:55] 嗯
[00:13:56] 嗯
[00:13:58] 嗯
[00:14:00] 嗯
[00:14:00] 嗯
[00:14:13] 啊啊啊
[00:14:19] 额
[00:14:21] 啊
[00:14:26] 嗯
[00:14:30] 呃
[00:14:47] Re e
[00:14:57] 额
[00:14:58] 啊
[00:15:57] 当你老了
[00:16:01] 头发白了
[00:16:06] 谁
[00:16:09] 昏沉
[00:16:13] 当你老了
[00:16:16] 走不动了
[00:16:20] 炉火旁取暖
[00:16:24] 回忆青春
[00:16:29] 多少人曾爱你青春欢畅的时辰
[00:16:36] 爱慕你的美丽
[00:16:39] 假意或真心
[00:16:44] 只有一个人还爱你
[00:16:48] 虔诚的灵魂爱你苍老的淋湿
[00:16:55] 皱纹
[00:16:58] 当你老了
[00:17:02] 也没的区
[00:17:06] 灯火昏黄不定
[00:17:14] 风吹过来
[00:17:17] 你的消息
[00:17:22] 这就是我心里的歌
[00:18:00] 多少人曾爱你青春欢畅的时辰
[00:18:07] 爱慕你的美丽
[00:18:11] 假意或真心
[00:18:15] 只有一个人还爱你虔诚的灵魂
[00:18:23] 爱你苍老的铃声的皱纹
[00:18:31] 我留不住所有的岁月
[00:18:38] 岁月却留住
[00:18:46] 无所谓我停留的芬芳却是我的春天
[00:19:01] 多少人曾爱你青春经历的时辰
[00:19:08] 爱慕你的美丽
[00:19:12] 假意或真心
[00:19:16] 只有一个人还爱你虔诚的灵魂
[00:19:24] 爱你苍老的脸上的皱纹
[00:19:35] 当你老了
[00:19:38] 掩埋的锤
[00:19:43] 灯火昏黄
[00:19:47] 不笛
[00:19:50] 风吹过来
[00:19:54] 你的消息
[00:19:59] 这就是我心里的歌
[00:20:06] 当我老了
[00:20:10] 我要为你
[00:20:14] 唱起这首心里的歌
[00:20:22] 唱起这首
[00:20:27] 心里的
[00:20:31] 嗯
[00:21:26] 在我的怀里
[00:21:30] 在你的眼里
[00:21:34] 那里春风沉醉
[00:21:37] 那里绿草如茵
[00:21:42] 月光把爱恋
[00:21:46] 洒满了呼云
[00:21:49] 两个人的篝火照亮整个夜晚
[00:21:55] 多少年以后
[00:21:59] 有云般游走
[00:22:03] 那悲欢的脚步
[00:22:06] 让我们能牵手
[00:22:11] 这一生一线有多少
[00:22:16] 你我被吞没在月光入水
[00:22:23] 大约夜里
[00:22:31] 多想某一天
[00:22:35] 往日又重新
[00:22:39] 我们流离往返
[00:22:42] 在贝加尔呼唤
[00:23:17] 多少年以后
[00:23:21] 我是随云走那纷飞的冰雪
[00:23:28] 留下的温柔
[00:23:33] 10 、这世界太少
[00:23:40] 不够正义
[00:23:41] 荣浩冰雪的圣经啊
[00:23:57] 啊
[00:24:00] 啊
[00:24:04] 啊
[00:24:12] 啊啊
[00:24:18] 与风
[00:24:21] 我是随云走
[00:24:25] 那纷飞的冰雪容不下温柔
[00:24:33] 这一世
[00:24:37] 这世界太傻
[00:24:40] 雨后郑颖融化冰雪的深情啊
[00:24:58] 就在某一天
[00:25:02] 你忽然出现
[00:25:06] 你清澈又神秘
[00:25:09] 在贝加尔湖畔
[00:25:14] 你清澈有神一
[00:25:18] 向北加er
[00:25:23] 呼盼
[00:25:47] 啊
[00:25:52] 啊
- 难得是今晚 [叶蒨文]
- 阿妈的眼神 [泽尔丹]
- 人若然忘记了爱 [郑中基]
- Swim [Onyan]
- Kiddie Boy [The Nazz]
- Vira Vira [Ivete Sangalo]
- 小小烛光 [徐小凤]
- 想西藏 [张师羽]
- 今夜不醉不归 [阿毛]
- 你的心太狠 [六哲]
- Minuit dans la glace [Les X-men]
- Waiting for Apocalypse [X-Fusion]
- Hair [The Cowsills]
- 辉く海 [井手綾香]
- Baby Workout [The Dovells]
- DON’T YOU WANT ME BABE(Hard Version) [Killer Shadows]
- What Do You Mean? [Charts 2016]
- Granada [Trini Lopez]
- 傈僳酒歌(Live) [斯琴格日乐]
- Scenic Railway [Serge Gainsbourg]
- Do you mind [Total Touch]
- Eh! Maravilha(Acústico Em Trancoso / Ao Vivo) [Ivete Sangalo]
- Will You Love Me Tomorrow?(Rerecorded Version) [The Shirelles]
- Boom Boom [Cham&Rihanna]
- The Faithful Hussar(Live) [Louis Armstrong]
- Breaking up Is Hard to Do [Shelley Fabares]
- Enter Enter MISSION! (Herbst Musikfest 2015 Ver.) [浜口史郎]
- 美丽之路 (伴奏) [陈思思]
- 再见了,最爱的人(Live) [钟立风]
- Lass From The Low Country [Ted Alevizos]
- Time Changes Everything [Johnny Cash]
- 雨の香り [Younha ()]
- Summer ’97 [Systems In Blue]
- Ring My Bell [Cos-Tanza]
- Fado da Sina [Maria Mendes&Jaime Mendes]
- Rock N’ Roll Train [High Voltage Heroes]
- Reach out, I’ll Be There (In the Style of Four Tops)(Karaoke Version) [ProSource Karaoke]
- Big Girls Don`t Cry [The Backing Track A-Team]
- Stay Together For The Kids [Blink-182]
- Romagna mia [Enzo e Terry]
- Let Them Talk [James Brown]