《20180428期 E-time》歌词

[00:00:00] 本字幕由腾讯音乐天琴实验室独家AI字幕技术生成
[00:00:08] 萦绕在机电上空的声音牵动着你我的思绪
[00:00:13] 游走在我们双耳的音律
[00:00:15] 诉说着情感的故事
[00:00:17] 在这里
[00:00:18] 我们记录青葱的岁月
[00:00:20] 分享你我的精彩
[00:00:22] 在偌大的校园
[00:00:24] 每天都有不同的精彩
[00:00:26] 在幽静的校闹
[00:00:28] 会有声音穿透你我的耳畔
[00:00:31] 广播台给你的天空画上一道绚丽的色彩
[00:00:35] 给你的青春留下一道美丽的风景
[00:00:58] You are listening to 的radio station of an tho mechanical and electrical college
[00:01:06] 您现在收听到的是广东机电职业技术学院广播台
[00:01:23] 这里有最地道的情景口语秀take it easy 光影流声带你玩转影音大世界美剧、英剧、电影一网打尽
[00:01:33] 世界地理万花筒带你领略打千风景要你好看
[00:01:38] 每周一下午05 :30 1 time 为您带来最新鲜的英语资讯I am si lina and bass us English to here to share English in every where are you hello
[00:01:53] 大家下午好
[00:01:54] 现在是2018年4月30日周一下午
[00:01:58] 05 :30
[00:01:59] 您现在收听到的是1 time 栏目
[00:02:02] 我是主播呗
[00:02:04] Apple for t two thousand and eighteen you are listening its I program in a here
[00:02:12] 我是你们的主播
[00:02:13] 一小段音乐过后一起来收听今天的节目速报
[00:02:17] 不要走开哦
[00:02:23] 下面是本期一探的节目速报
[00:02:27] 诗歌美文为大家带来爱我少一点
[00:02:30] 爱我久一点
[00:02:32] 世界地理万花筒
[00:02:33] 将给大家带来独立又迷人
[00:02:36] 73 岁背包客成为老年人新模范精彩解说英语广角给大家带来双语美文
[00:02:44] 失败才是真正的财富
[00:02:47] 一首
[00:02:47] 我在那一角落患过伤风之后
[00:02:50] 正式进入一胎program Li da
[00:02:58] 我们的爱至死不渝
[00:03:00] 爱我少一点
[00:03:02] 爱我久一点is d been done of my son love that is too hot in strong ber ne scent a ways till I would not have c code no To Back war no To Bow to love is old
[00:03:21] 我歌唱永恒的爱情
[00:03:23] 如果爱得太炙热
[00:03:25] 他将很快燃烧成灰烬
[00:03:27] 但也不要对我冰冷
[00:03:29] 不要爱得太羞怯
[00:03:31] 也不要爱得太狂热
[00:03:33] 不要让爱的花朵那么快就凋谢
[00:03:37] 非does not in hades love me little love me long its a burden of my song if you love me too much you will not power me as true as coach
[00:03:48] 我要你爱我一直到老
[00:03:50] 爱我少一点
[00:03:52] 爱我久一点
[00:03:53] 我歌唱永恒的爱情
[00:03:55] 如果爱我太多
[00:03:57] 他不可能像金石那样永恒
[00:04:00] Love me little more than such for I feel d nd I am with little well contained and a little from Li cent is enough with to en tend To Be stand fast free 爱我少一点我更愿意
[00:04:17] 只因我怕爱会失去一点儿
[00:04:20] 我就感到幸福一点儿
[00:04:22] 就会让我满意
[00:04:24] 只要你是真心真意
[00:04:26] 我们的爱至死不渝
[00:04:42] 不要让年龄限制了你的自由
[00:04:46] 独立又迷人
[00:04:47] 73 岁背包客成为老年人新模范an elderly woman who has chosen a line of back packing in her retirement has one million of fence on Chinese social media the seventy three year or retired teacher I dent if I buy power video as Mrs kill says Xi o tic for traveling over providing live in care to her descendants the short online video has the need online debate about that traditional idea that Chinese elderly should move in with their children and spend the rest of their lives taking care of grand children y do elderly Chinese people have to do house work and look after that children and grandchildren she tel steal video we should have our own lines mis te says in de window that she has been traveling all her life
[00:05:43] Visiting countries in Europe and North American and Asia her mother is still alive and mis te says Xi video caused an I te stu u at all day Li to let her know Hao Xi es and frequently poses pictures on social media to for her children and grandchildren I have a public account she says and I have had it for about five months I write everything
[00:06:10] My memories my inspiration a diary of memories for my children and grandchildren the three minute video featuring Ms is te has been view more than eleven million times on video website mail pi it has received tens of thousands of comments on Chinese social media
[00:06:32] Including on de si ne web Michael a with many users are speaking with a my reservation for her ass a free spirit a woman
[00:06:43] An independent and Chan ting women once is he age is not an issue
[00:06:55] 失败也许是你需要的
[00:06:58] 他的成功一样有价值
[00:07:00] Have you ever felt if you have and I suggest you try some I have failed many times and some of these fair is even painful but I cherish them modern I checked my success
[00:07:18] Success sometimes makes you number that failure failure are clean the feeling is not necessary losing NY de da the fairy makes you a Lu si fer ing is just a name we give the states use de in until you succeed
[00:07:42] F l a is a pressure opportunity to learn new things and trust me you always remember what you learn in failure are better than those you learn in success filing does mean you lost something for ever
[00:07:57] It only means that you did not get yet and you have to find an other way To Get it and e son that are treasure a new direction to think dont play way for e z succeed dats a course re for hard fill er as long as it doesnt kill you it will definitely make you stronger
[00:08:21] Does the problem is to say goodbye to everyone welcome to de next peel or time to listen I hope you are a good mood everyday
[00:08:31] 由于时间的关系
[00:08:33] 今天的e time 就到这里啦
[00:08:35] 感谢广播台的播音员、技术员、编辑员、以及策划员们
[00:08:40] 下星期见c next week
[00:09:54] 入夜渐微凉
[00:09:56] 繁华落地成双
[00:09:59] 你在远方眺望
[00:10:01] 耗尽所有暮光不思量
[00:10:09] 自难相忘
[00:10:16] 瑶瑶桃花2000时
[00:10:18] 你怎舍下这引海情茫茫
[00:10:23] 还故作不痛不痒不坚强
[00:10:30] 都是假相
[00:10:37] 凉凉月色为你思念成城
[00:10:42] 化作春泥
[00:10:44] 防护着浅浅岁月
[00:10:49] 拂满爱人袖
[00:10:52] 片片芳菲入水流
[00:10:59] 与你一身花色落入凡尘
[00:11:05] 伤心着莫介意
[00:11:10] 堵情劫难了
[00:11:12] 折旧的心还有几分
[00:11:16] 前生的恨还有几分前生的
[00:11:46] 嗯
[00:11:49] 也曾鬓微霜
[00:11:51] 也曾因你回光
[00:11:53] 悠悠岁月漫长
[00:11:56] 怎能浪费时光去流浪
[00:12:04] 虚幻成长
[00:12:10] 灼灼桃花凉
[00:12:12] 今生愈渐滚烫
[00:12:15] 一朵已放心上
[00:12:18] 足够三生三世背影成双
[00:12:22] 墨影成双在水方
[00:12:31] 凉凉夜色
[00:12:33] 为我思念成河化做书
[00:12:38] 你还护着浅浅岁月
[00:12:44] 拂满爱人袖
[00:12:47] 片片芳菲入水流
[00:12:54] 雨淋的一身花
[00:12:56] Ce 落入凡尘
[00:13:00] 伤情者
[00:13:01] 我借一堵情
[00:13:05] 劫难了折旧的心
[00:13:08] 还有一番前身的恨
[00:13:22] 辽阳三生三世
[00:13:24] 恍然如梦
[00:13:27] 许多年风干泪痕
[00:13:32] 若是回忆
[00:13:34] 不能再强忍
[00:13:37] 就让情分落纠缠和弱视和谁还会伤
[00:13:49] 又见树下一盏风
[00:13:52] 存落花有意
[00:13:56] 流水无情
[00:13:57] 别人爱怨爱恨
[00:13:59] 两头呢花的船
[00:14:07] 无人冤愆
[00:14:22] 哦
[00:15:00] 我有一个梦
[00:15:02] 像雨后彩虹
[00:15:05] 用所有泪水换来笑容
[00:15:09] 还有一种爱
[00:15:12] 穿越了人海
[00:15:14] 拾起那颗迷失的尘埃
[00:15:19] 你的呼吸越靠越近
[00:15:24] 将我抱紧
[00:15:27] 嗯
[00:15:29] 我睁开双眼
[00:15:31] 想你在身边
[00:15:33] 无所谓永远还是一瞬间
[00:15:39] 遇上了叶
[00:15:41] 你却又浮现
[00:15:43] 带我远离寂寞的边缘
[00:15:48] 忘了是非
[00:15:50] 没有伤悲
[00:15:52] 无怨无悔
[00:15:57] 我拥抱着爱
[00:16:00] 当从梦中醒来
[00:16:02] 你执着的等待
[00:16:05] 却不曾离开
[00:16:07] 舍不得分开
[00:16:09] 在每一次醒来
[00:16:12] 不用再徘徊
[00:16:14] 你就是我最美的期待
[00:16:33] 啊
[00:16:40] 我睁开双眼
[00:16:43] 想你在身边
[00:16:45] 无所谓永远还是瞬间
[00:16:50] 静闭上了眼
[00:16:53] 你却又浮现
[00:16:55] 带我远离寂寞的边缘
[00:17:00] 王乐是非
[00:17:02] 没有伤悲
[00:17:05] 无怨无悔
[00:17:09] 我拥抱着爱
[00:17:12] 当从梦中醒来
[00:17:14] 你执着的等待
[00:17:17] 却不曾离开
[00:17:19] 舍不得分开
[00:17:21] 在每一次醒来
[00:17:24] 不用再徘徊
[00:17:26] 你就是我最美的拥抱折爱
[00:17:31] 当从梦中醒来
[00:17:33] 你执着的等待
[00:17:36] 却不曾离开
[00:17:38] 舍不得分开
[00:17:41] 每一次醒来
[00:17:43] 不用再徘徊
[00:17:45] 你就是我最美的期待
[00:18:17] 嗯
[00:18:35] 别堆砌怀念
[00:18:37] 让剧情变得狗血
[00:18:46] 深爱了多年
[00:18:48] 又何必毁了今天
[00:18:55] 都已成年
[00:18:57] 不拖不欠
[00:19:00] 浪费时间是我情愿
[00:19:06] 像谢幕的演员
[00:19:10] 眼看着灯光熄灭
[00:19:17] 来不及再轰轰烈烈
[00:19:23] 就保留告别的尊严
[00:19:28] 我爱你
[00:19:30] 不后悔
[00:19:32] 也尊重故事结尾
[00:19:40] 分手应该体面
[00:19:43] 谁都不要说抱歉
[00:19:47] 何来亏欠
[00:19:49] 我刚给就办心碎
[00:19:53] 镜头前面是从前的我们在和彩
[00:19:58] 流着泪
[00:20:00] 声嘶力竭离开眼
[00:20:05] 体面在美
[00:20:06] 辜负这些年爱得热烈认真付出的画面
[00:20:15] 别让执念毁掉了昨天
[00:20:20] 我爱过你
[00:20:21] 利落干脆
[00:20:47] 最熟悉的街
[00:20:49] 主角却换了人焉
[00:20:58] 我哭到狂野
[00:21:01] 心再痛
[00:21:02] 就当过千
[00:21:07] 来不及再轰轰烈烈
[00:21:13] 就怕留告别的尊严
[00:21:19] 我爱你
[00:21:20] 不后悔
[00:21:22] 也尊重故事结尾
[00:21:30] 分手应该体面
[00:21:33] 谁都不要说抱歉
[00:21:37] 何来亏欠
[00:21:39] 我敢给
[00:21:41] 就盼星星尽头
[00:21:43] 见面是从前的我们在和在
[00:21:48] 流着泪声嘶力竭离开也一年在没辜负这些年爱如类
[00:22:01] 认真付出的画面跃然之年毁掉了昨天
[00:22:10] 我爱过你
[00:22:12] 篱落干脆
[00:22:16] 再见
[00:22:17] 不负
[00:22:21] 遇见
[00:22:27] 嗯
[00:22:57] 嗯
[00:23:10] 嗯
[00:23:20] 再见了
[00:23:20] 相互嫌弃的老同学
[00:23:23] 再见了
[00:23:24] 来不及说出的谢谢
[00:23:27] 再见了
[00:23:28] 不会再有的流淌
[00:23:30] 昨夜再见了
[00:23:31] 我留给你毕业册的最后一页
[00:23:38] 一页一页
[00:23:42] 留在抽屉的纸条
[00:23:45] 是你约过谁和谁的画面偷偷传阅的小说
[00:23:52] 背着老师家照顾好几遍
[00:23:57] 没谈过几场恋爱
[00:23:59] 却相约伴娘伴郎的腼腆
[00:24:04] 青春发育那几年
[00:24:06] 还随着小孩干爹干妈的诺言
[00:24:11] 入世时想着毕业
[00:24:14] 毕业却因离开了你十年
[00:24:18] 那是几首流行歌成了聚会
[00:24:22] 给你为例的类别
[00:24:26] 校服藏在衣柜里
[00:24:28] 很丑
[00:24:29] 却再没机会趁着赏雪
[00:24:33] 运动会的进行曲
[00:24:35] 偶尔却比老情歌还让人怀念
[00:24:41] 再见了
[00:24:42] 相互嫌弃的老同学
[00:24:45] 再见了
[00:24:46] 来不及说出的谢谢
[00:24:49] 再见了
[00:24:49] 不会再有的流淌
[00:24:52] 昨夜再见了
[00:24:53] 我留给你毕业册的最后一页一页
[00:25:03] 我相信我们还会再见
[00:25:07] 我相信我会一直想念
[00:25:10] 我相信我们都会很好
[00:25:14] 我相信我相信的一切变成火焰照耀彼此的脸
[00:25:23] 茫茫人海
[00:25:25] 相互干什
[00:25:40] GE 做成的都是答案、考试题和喜欢谁的答案
[00:25:47] 我们相互接一些
[00:25:49] 扎一顿午饭
[00:25:51] 火两根火腿肠
[00:25:55] 为了拥抱那一个人
[00:25:58] 笑着哭着拥抱了整个
[00:26:02] 毕业照总有些难堪
[00:26:05] 每次看到却觉得特别温暖
[00:26:10] 再见了
[00:26:11] 相互嫌弃的老同学
[00:26:14] 再见了
[00:26:15] 来不及说出的谢谢
[00:26:18] 再见了
[00:26:19] 不会再有的流淌
[00:26:21] 昨夜再见了
[00:26:22] 我留给你毕业册的最后一页
[00:26:29] 爷爷
[00:26:32] 再见了
[00:26:33] 相互嫌弃的老同学
[00:26:36] 再见了
[00:26:37] 来不及说出的谢谢
[00:26:40] 再见了
[00:26:40] 不会再有的流淌
[00:26:42] 昨夜再见了
[00:26:44] 我留给你毕业册的最后一页
[00:26:51] 有1 II
[00:26:54] 我相信我们还会再见
[00:26:58] 我相信我会一直想念
[00:27:01] 我相信我们都会很好
[00:27:05] 我相信我相信的一切变成火源
[00:27:12] 照耀彼此的脸
[00:27:14] 茫茫人海
[00:27:16] 相互看见
[00:27:20] 课桌上刻的我爱你还在
[00:27:23] 多少澎湃如海
[00:27:24] 如今成了感慨
[00:27:27] 谁的青春不迷茫
[00:27:31] 其实我们
[00:27:34] 都一样
- 问天 [郑少秋&汪明荃]
- Peligroso [Carlos Baute]
- Break My Mind [Linda Ronstadt]
- Blue Yodel No. 9 [Jimmie Rodgers]
- 爱すること (大黑摩季 featuring 米仓利纪) [米倉利紀]
- 如果伤心可以无所谓 [MC小月]
- Want Ad Blues [John Lee Hooker]
- Voltar A Sorrir [DUCK]
- Summertime Sadness (Behmer Bootleg) [Lana Del Rey&Behmer]
- Walk Between the Raindrops [Tom Gaebel]
- Yeh Jo Ishq Hai [Mitali Mahant]
- Makita Kang Muli [Ebe Dancel&Regine Velasqu]
- 爱在昨天 [沈丹丹]
- Do I Worry [Kay Starr]
- La Tercera Carta [Hermanas Lima]
- Wet [Ultimate Party Jams]
- Am I Right (Made Famous by Erasure) [New Wave Kings]
- The Letter [70s Chartstarz&70s Music ]
- The Witch Queen of New Orleans [Halloween Fright Night]
- 1,2, Buckle My Shoe [MFLP Band]
- J’ai mal [Jérémie Kisling]
- Sent By The Devil [Rage]
- Nimm Mich Mit, Kapit盲n, Auf Die Reise(Remastered) [Hans Albers]
- Desafinado [Joao Gilberto]
- Baubles, Bangles And Beads [Lena Horne]
- Trust Me(J.seph & Jiwoo ver.) [J.seph&]
- Karma [Kangen Band]
- 思念是一把刀 [莫轩]
- going down!(Explicit) [XXXTENTACION]
- Uncloudy Day [Willie Nelson]
- Wonderful Land [The Shadows]
- Because [Bakerstreet]
- Hukilau [Kaipo’s Happy Hawaiians]
- The Horizon Has Been Defeated)(In the Style of Jack Johnson Karaoke Version Teaching Vocal) [ProTracks Karaoke]
- We’ve Got Tonight [Studio Union]
- Lullaby Yodel(Remastered) [Jimmie Rodgers]
- Deux Enfants [Sylvie Vartan]
- 想你的夜(Live) [邓川]
- 火了火了火 [王蓉]
- No Other Way [Ray LaMontagne]